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Effects of Social Media

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Effects of Social Media

Good evening everyone. My name is Younes, and thank you for having me. Today I will

talk about the negative effects of social media.

Think about the time that you spend on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social

media application that you have. Now Stop! Think about the content that you have shared on

Facebook, Twitter, and Facebook. This information and the time you spend on social media are

sufficient to cause you harm. Research shows that children as young as 5 years now know how to

use smart-phones and access social media. Social media affects society negatively, and thus

access to it should be controlled. I have been a social media user for many years.

Additionally, I have been researching the effects of social media on society. Having

interacted with numerous research studies, I have unraveled a lot of information regarding how

social media affects us. In this presentation, I will focus on the negative effects of social media,

solutions to the negative influence of social media, and the benefits of controlled or minimal

utilization of social media.

Over the last two decades, social media utilization has been on the rise. The utilization of

the internet, radio, television, newspapers, and magazines has risen over the period. But the

biggest problem is that as the utilization rises, so are the issues associated with the same. The

number of hours spent on time has increased tremendously. According to Siddiqui and Singh in

their 2016 research, an average of 7 hours per day are spent on social media by employees. This

implies that the time spent on constructive activities in the enterprise world is less than that of

social media. This conduct is causing huge losses to businesses.

On children, the effects are even dire. According to Ehmke, in his 2016 research, social

media content is not controlled. As a result, young children have access to adult content. Access

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to adult content and pornographic materials is affecting the cognitive, social behavior of children

introducing them to sexual behavior before time. Access to this content also affects the cognitive

development of the children impacting their lives negatively.

Statistics show that domestic and general violence cases are on the rise. Due to

unlimited and uncontrolled access to violent movies and contents, cases of violence have

increased in the community. 34.6% of family members using social media are involved in cases

of violence and excessive use of force. Another 16.7% annually lose their lives due to their

connections on social media. This is according to research conducted by Simpson in 2017 on

morals and law.

The self-esteem and self-worth of some social media users have been on the

decline. Instances of cyberbullying have resulted in massive suicide cases. According to Cale in

her research in 2018, a 2014 study revealed that 40% of the participating students received mean

comments on social media, 37% received abusive replies published on their social media pages,

while another 26% saw their embarrassing photos shared without permission. Knowing the

adverse effects, it is possible to solve these problems.

There are numerous ways of ensuring that this situation is reversed. Governments

across the world should legislate properly to regulate content aired on televisions at a specific

time. This move will ensure that content reaches the right audience at the right time.

Additionally, parental control is essential. Parents should be at the front line of controlling when

and what their children access on social media. Parents should regulate the time when their

children can be on social media or even the right age for them.

To avoid cases of cyberbullying, social media users need to minimize information and

content shared on social media. Additionally, to avoid instances of suicide, people should avoid

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engaging in demeaning discussions or discussions that lower their level of self-esteem. While

this is taken into account, it is essential to note that cyberbullying is not only children’s problem

but an entire society’s problem. When these steps are followed, there are associated benefits.

Amongst the benefits is that instances of violence in the society will decrease. According

to Calvert, controlling the media and access to negative content can lower cases of violence by

over 200,000 annually in the United States alone. According to Weinstein in his 2018 research,

regulation of access to adult content will reduce the cases of sexual violation rights by 23% both

for children and adults. Proper legislation will equally keep the government on the watch,

ensuring that all existing loopholes in the legal procedure and sealed.

In this presentation, I have focused on the negative effects of social media, how to solve

them, and the potential benefits of solving these problems. We can control what we access and

what our children access. Take the lead and control what your child accessed, when they access

and where they access.

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Cale, L. (2018). Young people, social media, physical activity, and health. Young People, Social

Media and Health, 212-224.

Calvert, S. (2001). Media effects on children. International Encyclopedia of the Social &

Behavioral Sciences, 9479-9483.

Ehmke, R. (2016, March 2). How using social media affects teenagers. Child Mind


Siddiqui, S., & Singh, T. (2016). Social media its impact with positive and negative

aspects. International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research, 5(2),


Simpson, B. (2017). Moral panics, young people, social media and the law. Young People,

Social Media and the Law, 3-28.

Weinstein, E. (2018). The social media see-saw: Positive and negative influences on

adolescents’ affective well-being. New Media & Society, 20(10), 3597-


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