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Nama : Anggelina Natalia Deramika

NIM : P1337420921196
Asal Institusi : Poltekkes Kemenkes Palangka Raya
Tugas : Essay Bahasa Inggris

Healthy Lifestyles

A healthy lifestyle is a necessity that cannot be abandoned by all people. And this
lifestyle is becoming a trend at this time. This is because at this time more and more new
diseases arise. Healthy in a basic sense is everything we do that gives good results/impacts
for our bodies. A healthy lifestyle is a very appropriate choice to carry out our lives, while a
healthy lifestyle is a path that must be followed to obtain a healthy body, both physically and
spiritually. So actually the main thing from health is a healthy lifestyle that supports our
current health, because with a healthy lifestyle it will create a healthy lifestyle that we
automatically do.
Therefore, it is very important for us to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For example,
managing a physical lifestyle, namely regulating a good diet, namely breakfast every morning
(it is recommended that breakfast should not eat instant food, a lot of oily and contains
excessive flour), because it can cause obesity. Lunch is recommended with the addition of
fruit, as well as dinner that does not exceed the dinner time limit. The second is exercising
every morning, so that we can breathe the fresh morning air that is still not polluted with
pollutants in the surrounding environment. The third is to drink enough water (8 glasses or 2
liters) per day. The fourth is to avoid the use of harmful substances. such as smoking,
alcoholic beverages, and other types of drugs. The fifth is cleaning the entire surrounding
environment (such as garbage that has piled up in landfills, bathtubs that have started to get
dirty in the drain, etc.). And the last one is getting enough rest. (approximately 8 hours per
A spiritually healthy lifestyle is always grateful and happy for the blessings he
receives, feeling sufficient, patient, sincere and calm, being happy or not jealous when other
people get happiness, and trying to be the best for others. Having no heart disease or grudges
is considered a spiritually healthy person.
The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are as a form of the process of human growth and
development. Humans need a healthy lifestyle to improve their quality in order to live longer
in a healthy and independent manner. A better life will also be obtained if humans are able to
meet their body's needs with healthy food sources and are not contaminated with chemical
foods that can damage the organs of the body. Examples of detailed benefits that can be
obtained when we do and apply a healthy lifestyle in everyday life:
- Can sleep better
- Can learn better
- Feel peaceful and calm
- Can think healthy
- Live and interact socially well
- Avoid various diseases
- Definitely happier and look fitter

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