KEY - Test 10

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KEY - PRACTICE TEST (A - 2015) - 11


I. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.
1. D (be a roaring success: rất thành công)
2. A (sửa đáp án A thành completely cho cô nhé)
3. B (quench one's thirst: làm hết cơn khát)
4. D
5. D (adopt: làm theo; adorn: tô điểm, trang hoàng)
6. A (elude: tránh, né)
7. B (a flying visit = a very short visit)
8. B
9. C (make a stab at sth: cố gắng làm gì dù ko có kinh nghiệm)
10. A (be caught short: bị đặt vào tình huống bất lợi)
11. A (exert oneself: cố gắng, hết mình)
12. C (deputize: thay thế, đại diện)
13. D
14. B
15. A
16. C (inhibited: rụt rè, gượng gạo)
17. A
18. C (pose a problem: gây vấn đề, rắc rối - fit: cơn đau)
19. B (rise to the occasion: có khả năng đương đầu, đối phó với tình hình)
20. D (at variance with sb: mâu thuẫn với ai)

II. Use the correct form of the word given to fill in each blank.
1. confidential
2. findings
3. incorrigible (ko thể sửa được)
4. infuriated (làm tức điên)
5. valuables
6. slavery
7. misconception
8. resources
9. disillusioned (bị vỡ mộng)
10. insight
11. presumably (có thể đoán được, có lẽ)
12. uncontrollable (ko kiểm soát được - mob: đám đông; loot: cướp bóc)
13. irresistible
14. descendant(s)
15. attachment

1. ridiculous 2. portrayal 3. mimetic 4. numerous 5. facial

6. accompanied 7. indispensible 8. symbolism 9. incomprehensible 10. ennobled
III. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions
1. in
2. on (on the nod: ko cần bàn cãi)
3. at
4. in (in rough: viết nháp)
5. on (on balance: sau khi cân nhắc)
6. from/ by
7. at (at a pinch: nếu thật sự cần thiết)
8. by (by courtesy of sb: được sự cho phép của ai)
9. off (slow off the mark: phản ứng chậm)
10. on (on one's toes: sẵn sàng hành động, cảnh giác)
11. into (get into one's stride: vào nền nếp, ổn định công việc)
12. up (be/ get dressed up to the nines: diện đẹp)
13. under
14. into
15. at (at one's wits' end: vô phương kế, tuyệt vọng)


I. Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A
11. C 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. B
II. Fill in each of the blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word.
1. do/ cause 2. far 3. when/ if 4. of 5. as 6. above
7. what 8. those 9. by 10. more/ most 11. from 12. with
13. or 14. is 15. sure
III. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow
1. iv 2. vii 3. iii 4. v 5. vi
6. B/ F 7. F/B 8. YES 9. NO 10. NOT GIVEN 11. YES
12. D
IV. Read the passage and do the following tasks
1. False 2. False 3. False 4. NOT GIVEN 5. TRUE 6. TRUE
Rewrite each sentence in such away that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use
the word in brackets.
1. is (always) the life and soul of
2. did not share my opinion about
3. retraining programme met with failure/ no success
4. does not come up for renewal until (come up for: đến hạn/ tới hạn)
5. can't tell the difference between
6. desire for success outweighs
7. are in a/ the minority
8. home until the small hours/ early hours (small hours: early hours after midnight)
9. has a tendency to be bad-tempered
10. to postpone their visit in view of
11. how his private life came under scrutiny
12. champion has suffered a defeat
13. has undergone a complete change
14. hasn't made use of his potential
15. may be subject to delay

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