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Đề thi số 707

Preparation for university entrance exam 2 (Vocabulary)

(Môn: Anh, Thời gian làm bài: 65 Phút)
Bài 1 In the end, I just lost my ________ and started gabbling incoherently
A. head B. mind C. brain D. intelligence
Bài 2
He has been ________ for gross misconduct.
A. impressed B. impounded C. impeached D. impelled
Bài 3
I parked in a restricted area and the police _________ my car.
A. imprisoned B. impounded C. impaled D. interned
Bài 4 In the event, we found your advice absolutely ___________ .
A. unworthy B. valuable C. invaluable D. impecunious
Bài 5 Even the best medicines are not __________ .
A. infallible B. unfailing C. fail-proof D. falsified
Bài 6 Ann played a _______ role in the planning of the millenium exhibition.
A. consultation B. consulting C. consultative D. consulted
Bài 7 Eventually the list of candidates for the job was ________ down to three.
A. narrowed B. lowered C. wound D. dropped
Bài 8 Simon _________ in me on the understanding that I wouldn't tell anyone else.
A. intimated B. confessed C. confided D. disclosed
Bài 9 I was told yesterday that the car had been fixed but it's broken down __________ again!
A. even B. still C. yet D. right
Bài 10 It __________ during our conversation that Anita was extremely unhappy.
A. emanated B. revealed C. divulged D. emerged
Bài 11 I often miss the bus because my watch is ___________ .
A. overdue B. late C. slow D. behind
Bài 12 Come and see me when you ________ your report.
A. finish B. will finish C. had finished D. having finished
Bài 13 He will only pass the examination if there is a(n) _________ in his class work.
A. progress B. increase C. rise D. improvement
Bài 14 You shouldn't have criticised him in front of his friends. It was extremely ________ of you.
A. unfortunate B. insensitive C. insensible D. unconscious

Bài 15 Please leave this space ________ on the enrolment form.
A. absent B. blank C. missing D. undone
Bài 16 ___________ is a complete mystery how they ever got there in that car.
A. There B. That C. It D. This
Bài 17 It's too early in the ________ to expect many visitors to the town.
A. term B. season C. time D. calendar
Bài 18 I don't feel well but I don't know what's the matter _________ me.
A. of B. for C. to D. with
Bài 19 Can you tell me the ________ of these shoes?
A. charge B. price C. amount D. expense
Bài 20 My attempts to solve the problem only __________ to make it worse.
A. contributed B. functioned C. served D. attained
Bài 21 I was reluctant to ________ the subject because I thought he wouldn't want to discuss it.
A. raise B. originate C. advance D. provoke
Bài 22 We might have to change our plans for the weekend and, ________ , we'll let you know
A. in case B. if so C. providing D. supposing
Bài 23 She had made a firm decision and wasn't ___________ by anything I said against it.
A. detracted B. prevailed C. induced D. swayed
Bài 24 Of all the paintings in the gallery, it was this one that really ________ my eye.
A. grasped B. snatched C. caught D. seized
Bài 25 The actor was so nervous that he could only remember small ________ of dialogue.
A. shreds B. pieces C. patches D. snatches
Bài 26 Cut flowers may ________ through lack of water.
A. faint B. collapse
C. wilt D. drop
Bài 27 More and more people are having satellite dishes ________ on their roofs.
A. installed B. introduced C. implanted D. inserted
Bài 28 The girl's large, heavy earrings had __________ her earlobes permanently.
A. displaced B. dismayed C. disfigured D. diseased
Bài 29 Her hands were swollen and wrinkle, but she still had her nails ___________ regularly.
A. manufactured B. manicured C. maintained D. managed

Bài 30 You must pay import ________ on certain goods brought into this country.
A. fees B. surcharges C. supplement D. duties
Bài 31 I'm afraid I'm rather _________ about the existence of ghosts.
A. sceptical B. partial C. adaptable D. incapable
Bài 32 There was a ________ of brakes as the car took the corner too quickly.
A. squawk B. squelch C. screech D. scream
Bài 33 My husband's continual ________ keeps me awake at night.
A. sneering B. snoozing C. snarling D. snoring
Bài 34 There is no doubt about the outcome of the trial. The man is a ________ criminal.
A. self-conscious B. self-contained C. self-confessed D. self-centred
Bài 35 _________ to the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were horse-drawn.
A. Akin B. Prior C. In addition D. With reference
Bài 36 Of course he can lift that! He's as _________ as a horse.
A. tough B. big C. heavy D. strong
Bài 37 The _________ of two houses prove such a financial burden that they were forced to sell one.
A. upkeep B. upshot C. upsurge D. uproar
Bài 38 What he did was the height of bad ___________ .
A. manner B. conduct C. actions D. behaviour
Bài 39 The truant was __________ from school for unbecoming behaviour.
A. dispelled B. repelled C. expelled D. compelled
Bài 40 You will have to give ________ to the manager for your actions.
A. report B. account C. narrative D. explanation
Bài 41 When Mr. Spendthrift ran out of money, he ________ his mother for help.
A. fell in with B. fell upon C. fell behind D. fell back on
Bài 42 As she is so heavily overworked, there is a __________ possibility that she will have a nervous
A. distinctive B. distinct C. little D. manifest
Bài 43 The strikers agreed to stick _________ a substantial pay rise.
A. up for B. out for C. together D. up to
Bài 44 Why don't the police take __________ measures against crime?
A. affective B. ineffective C. effective D. efficient
Bài 45 Although it was ________ jewellery, it looked real enough.

A. untrue B. imitative C. imitation D. invented

Đáp án 1a 2c 3b 4c 5a 6c 7a 8c 9c 10d 11c 12a 13d 14b 15b 16c 17b 18d 19b 20c 21a 22b 23d 24c
25d 26c 27a 28c 29b 30d 31a 32c 33d 34c 35b 36d 37a 38a 39c 40b 41d 42b 43b 44c 45c

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