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Job Aid

Manage Inventory
Perform Cycle Counting

Exercise 07: Create Cycle Count


This page is the first landing page when the user comes to the Cycle Count Area. This page contains
information about the Count Sequences to approve and Count Sequences to record. The user will be able
to drill down to the Approve or Record Count Sequences using the links provided in the corresponding

Warehouse / Inventory Manager uses this non-sequential horizontal train page to create or edit a cycle
count. The user will enter the setup details in the following tabs: Enter Primary Details, Define Classes
and Items, Define Schedules and Approvals, Define Parameters and Review.

Step Action
1. Click in the User ID field.

2. Enter your User ID

3. Click in the Password field.

4. Enter the Password assigned to the environment.

5. Press Sign In.
6. You must create your own Subinventory in order to create the cycle count. The
Subinventory created will be used in subsequent steps in this exercise.

Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Click the All Tasks tab.

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Job Aid

Step Action
Enter ‘Manage Subinventories’ in the Name field and Click

Click the Go to Task icon.
10. Select Create from the Action list or click the Create icon on the menu bar.

11. Enter the following in the Summary section of the Create Subinventory Page.

Subinventory: Your Sub

Description: Your Test Sub

Accept all other default entries. Click Save and Close

Navigation takes you back to Manage Subinventories page with Your Sub
displayed in the search results.
12. Click the Navigator Icon.

13. Select Inventory.

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Job Aid

Step Action
14. Enter a quantity of Your Item into Your Subinventory using a Miscellaneous
Receipt in Inventory.

Click Create Miscellaneous Transaction link under the Task list in the regional area.

15. Enter transaction details as follows:

Date: Current Date
Type: Miscellaneous Receipt
Account: Select from LOV
Click the Add Icon

16. Enter Transaction Line details as follows:

Item: Your Item
Subinventory: Your Subinventory
UOM: Default
Quantity: 10
Click Submit

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Job Aid

Step Action
17. Verify this message is received:

18. Click the Navigator Icon.


19. Select Counts

20. If the Change Organization pop-up does not display, click the Change
Organization button and click the LOV to see a list of Inventory Organizations

21. Select, Search or Enter your organization

22. Click the Create Cycle Count link.

23. Enter the desired information into the Count Name field. Enter "Your Initials _CYCLE1".

24. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Your Initials _Cycle
Count 1 ".

25. Select the Subinventory you created in the Create subinventory exercise.
26. Click the Include in Count button to include all selected subinventories in the Cycle Count

27. Click the Next button.

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Job Aid

Step Action
Click the “Add Row” icon on the ABC Classes table
29. Select “Class A” from the ABC Class dropdown list.

Click the “Add Row” icon on the Class A: Items table.
31. Enter your item (i.e. AS65001) in the item field and hit TAB.
32. Select the row for “Class A” on the ABC Classes table
33. Click in the Counts per Year field.

34. Enter the desired information into the Counts per Year field. Enter "48".
35. Click the Next button.

36. Click the Automatically schedule option.

37. Select Daily from the list on the Frequency (required) field to indicate the frequency of the
38. Select Hourly 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM from the list on the Workday Schedule field
39. Click the Approval required option.

40. Click the Always option.

Click the Next button.

42. Enter a number into the * Starting Count Sequence field. Enter "10000".
43. Enter a number into the * Maximum Days Before Late field. Enter "1".
44. Enter a number into the * Maximum Recounts. Enter "1".
45. Click the Manual Counts Allowed option.

46. Accept the default settings under the Serial Number Options sub-header
47. When all Count Parameters are entered,
Click the Next button.

48. Review all Cycle Count settings in the Create Cycle Count: Review page. If all settings are
correct, click on Save and Close.

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Job Aid

Step Action
49. The Cycle Count is now visible on the Manage Cycle Counts Page where additional cycle
count related tasks are performed.
50. End of Procedure.

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