Castlevania Lord of Shadows Gamer Guides

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows

Strategy Guide
Author(s): Andrew Mills
First Published: 08-08-2013 / 00:00 GMT
Last Updated: 01-11-2019 / 16:06 GMT
Version: 1.0 (????) 01-11-2019 / 23:40 GMT

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© 2019 Gamer Guides Ltd
Table of Contents
• Main Walkthrough........................................................................................................................5
◦ Introduction .....................................................................................................................5
▪ Combat Cross Combat 101 - The Basics..........................................................5
▪ Combat Cross Combat 101 - The Essentials....................................................8
▪ Paladin Difficulty Tips...................................................................................... 11
▪ Full Castlevania Discography.......................................................................... 13
◦ Chapter 1 - Off to see the Guardian............................................................................. 19
▪ Stage 1 - Besieged Village............................................................................... 19
▪ Stage 2 - Hunting Path .................................................................................... 22
▪ Stage 3 - The Dead Bog................................................................................... 24
▪ Stage 4 - Pans Temple .................................................................................... 29
▪ Stage 5 - Oblivion Lake.................................................................................... 32
◦ Chapter 2 - The Forest Girl and Some Magic.............................................................. 34
▪ Stage 1 - Enchanted Forest ............................................................................. 34
▪ Stage 2 - Underground Caves ......................................................................... 36
▪ Stage 3 - Labyrinth Entrance ........................................................................... 39
▪ Stage 4 - Waterfalls of Agharta ...................................................................... 41
▪ Stage 5 - Agharta ............................................................................................. 44
▪ Stage 6 - Dark Dungeon................................................................................... 46
▪ Stage 7 - Sanctuary Entrance.......................................................................... 48
▪ Stage 8 - Sanctuary of Titans.......................................................................... 51
▪ Stage 9 - The Black Knight .............................................................................. 53
◦ Chapter 3 - Lord of the Lycans..................................................................................... 55
▪ Stage 1 - The Three Towers ............................................................................ 55
▪ Stage 2 - The Dark Lord of the Lycans ........................................................... 59
◦ Chapter 4 - Witch Way to Vampires............................................................................. 63
▪ Stage 1 - Mountain Fortress ........................................................................... 63
▪ Stage 2 - The Crow Witch................................................................................ 67
◦ Chapter 5 - Killin With Zobek ....................................................................................... 70
▪ Stage 1 - Veres Woods .................................................................................... 70
▪ Stage 2 - Wygol Village.................................................................................... 72
▪ Stage 3 - Abbey Catacombs............................................................................ 75
▪ Stage 4 - Abbey Library ................................................................................... 78
▪ Stage 5 - Abbey Towers................................................................................... 81
▪ Stage 6 - Brauner ............................................................................................. 83
▪ Stage 7 - Castle Sewers .................................................................................. 86
◦ Chapter 6 - Enter the Castle......................................................................................... 89
▪ Stage 1 - Castle Courtyard .............................................................................. 89
▪ Stage 2 - Maze Gardens .................................................................................. 91
▪ Stage 3 - Castle Hall ........................................................................................ 93
▪ Stage 4 - Refectory .......................................................................................... 97
◦ Chapter 7 - Breaking and Entering............................................................................. 100
▪ Stage 1 - Balcony ........................................................................................... 100
▪ Stage 2 - Electric Library ............................................................................... 102
▪ Stage 3 - Chromatic Observatory.................................................................. 105
◦ Chapter 8 - How Many People Actually Live Here.................................................... 109
▪ Stage 1 - Outer Wall ....................................................................................... 109
▪ Stage 2 - The Clockwork Tower .................................................................... 111
▪ Stage 3 - Olrox................................................................................................ 114
▪ Stage 4 - The Throne Room .......................................................................... 117
◦ Chapter 9 - More Witches .......................................................................................... 120
▪ Stage 1 - Bones Forest .................................................................................. 120
▪ Stage 2 - Woes Moor ..................................................................................... 123
▪ Stage 3 - The Music Box................................................................................ 125
◦ Chapter 10 - Dead Dead They are all Dead ............................................................... 127
▪ Stage 1 - Titan Graveyard .............................................................................. 127
▪ Stage 2 - Fire Pinnacle................................................................................... 130
▪ Stage 3 - Fire Cemetery ................................................................................. 132
▪ Stage 4 - Crematory Oven ............................................................................. 134
◦ Chapter 11 - Lords of the Underworld....................................................................... 136
▪ Stage 1 - Necromancers Abyss .................................................................... 136
▪ Stage 2 - The Dracolich ................................................................................. 141
◦ Chapter 12 - The End.................................................................................................. 143
▪ Stage 1 - Final Fight ....................................................................................... 143
• Extras ....................................................................................................................................... 145
◦ Unlocks and Secrets .................................................................................................. 145
▪ Unlockables ................................................................................................... 145
▪ Easter Eggs .................................................................................................... 147


Combat Cross Combat 101 - The Basics

Welcome to your crash course in mythical beast slaying with the regulation ‘combat
cross’, issued to select brotherhood members if embarking on a particularly important

Direct Attacks

The direct attack is your primary choice of attack, located on the left face button these
high damage whip cracks fly straight forward of Gabriel but can easily hit multiple
targets if you can nudge them in that direction.

Area Attacks
Whip swings that cover a large area, these swings are found by pressing the top face
button. Their best application is against lesser enemies that attack in large numbers
and tend to surround Gabriel. Due to its lower attack power, area attacks don’t tend to
stun enemies as much as direct attacks, reducing their effectiveness against groups of
tougher enemies.

Blocking & Parrying

Using the left trigger you can block and parry the vast majority of attacks in the game,

landing a parry is simply a case of hitting the block at the moment of an attack.

It’s vital that you lean on this move, especially when surrounded by enemies, as a parry
opens up enemies for a flurry of attacks. In many respects the most effective way to
parry is to mash the trigger quickly when you know an attack is on the way, this will often

When blocking with the left trigger you can roll in any direction using the left stick.
Unlike recent action games however, dodging is not an all purpose avoidance, rolling
backwards if an enemy uses a straight tremor will still damage Gabriel for instance. As a
general rule of thumb, always dodge to the side.

Using the right trigger you can grab any enemy. This said if an enemy is taller than
Gabriel’s waist then you will not be able to grab an enemy until they glow white. Smaller
enemies, on the other hand, are often most effectively dispatched by a quick grab.

Quick Time Events or QTEs

All action games have them, but Castlevania only has two varieties, the Circle QTE and
the Button QTE. The Circle QTE has a static circle, and one that starts large and shrinks

into the small one, the aim here is to press any face button when the large circle is inside
the small one.

DO NOT try and predict it, aim to press it after the big circle is inside. Button QTEs are
simply a case of mashing the appropriate face button, it’s pretty hard to fail these and
you’re not penalized for pressing the wrong button at first.


Combat Cross Combat 101 - The Essentials

Fight at Whip’s Length

Keeping an enemy at the extent of your whip is often the most effective way to ensure
you’re at a safe distance to avoid attacks and to see them coming, getting close to an
enemy means you’re more susceptible to being hit.

DO NOT Attack Blocking Enemies!

If there is one thing to learn about Castlevania: Lords of Shadow’s combat, it is this. If an
enemy is blocking, leave him be. Wailing on one will do no damage, and will send them
into an unblockable attack that can sometimes be a devastating charge.

Light and Swoosh Means Move

If an enemies weapon or limb starts glowing white, and you hear a swooshing sound
effect, it means an unblockable move is coming your way so get out of there.

White Glow Means Grab

If you ever see an enemy, or an object, glowing white then (assuming it’s not a ledge) it
means Gabriel can grab it using the right trigger. If you’re grabbing an enemy then you’ll
often need to hit a form of QTE during the grab, but this will always be the most effective
way of killing an enemy.

Roll Hop
You’ll likely start dodging any sort of attack with reckless abandon within a few hours
of playing, and while this is sound many attacks cause a shockwave. But never fear, you
can easily hop out of a roll, and you’ll often find doing this out of safety can avoid getting
hit with attacks that you may think yourself safe from, when you actually aren’t.

Quick Drop
Jumping can help avoid attacks but it’s often a hindrance in boss fights and the like to
put Gabriel into the air. If you do this, hold the left trigger and press jump to have Gabriel
instantly shoot down to the ground. This can also help with landing on moving platforms.

Subweapons - Knives
The first sub weapon you find, throwing knives are incredibly effective against
Lycanthropes but not a lot else. Feel free to use them for chip damage, and if you
purchase their upgrade the wave is pretty effective, but you’ll likely ignore them in the
later game.

Subweapons - Crystal
Collect four shards and you can annihilate entire screens of baddies, ‘nuff said. Don’t fear
using it, you sometimes find four shards incredibly quickly.

Subweapons - Fairies
The best sub weapon available, the fairy can distract almost all types of enemies and
leave them completely open to being destroyed. The exploding light upgrade is pretty

Subweapons - Holy Water

Used on large masses of vampires Holy Water is more effective at causing damage than
a beer bomb at an alcoholic’s anonymous party. In fact any large group of enemies will
fear the righteous grenade. The light magic shield is alright, but far too weak for repetitive

What Upgrades?
The following upgrades are essential, and should be your first XP expenses:

• **Guillotine** – For damaging returns to earth, its upgrade is devastating

as well.
• **Heavy combo** – Get in a corner and aim this at enemies to absolutely
destroy them.
• **Air Grab** – While you can’t grab many enemies as standard, the air
grab actually works on all sorts of enemies such as Lycanthropes and
Vampires, letting you pull them up for easy hits.
• **Somersault Strike** – The boots will let Gabriel leap over enemies, but

it’s not terrible effective until you get this upgrade which allows you to
instantly take advantage of your deft leap and lay into them.

The two types of magic, light and shadow, are fairly easy to understand but here are
some tips to using them to their full potential:

Light Magic – Light magic is activated with LB/L1, and causes Gabriel to glow blue.

When you strike enemies with this magic active you will regenerate health.

The Holy Cross upgrade, while appealing, is limited in its application. It is essentially a
large forward attack, however it only really affects lesser enemies.

It’s recommended to simply keep a supply of Holy Magic in case your health dips.
Considering its only application is health regeneration, then that is its best application.

Shadow Magic – Shadow Magic is activated with RB/R1, and causes Gabriel to glow

This type of magic simply deals huge damage, upping Gabriel’s aggressive stats
significantly. However Shadow Magic also turns Gabriel’s punches into instant, powerful
hits that can knock most enemies off their feet, and can be used to great effect as a mid
combo drop.

Unlike the Holy Cross the Shadow equivalent, Shadow Flames is actually a brilliant move
capable of dealing huge damage even to bosses. Use Shadow Magic to get through
tough fights with less hassle, don’t avoid using it simply because you might need it later,
if a tough enemy jumps out then wail on him with a beefed up whip, they wanted to kill
you first.


Paladin Difficulty Tips

You’ve cleared the game and unlocked the Paladin difficulty eh? Good news is, it’s not
as hard as you may perhaps think… Regardless of this, the following tips should ensure
anyone have an easy enough time clearing the game’s final challenge and secure their
110% on every level.

• Collect all the gems before starting - It goes without saying that if you
don’t grab all the gems on your play through, and start on Paladin anyway,
then you’re only robbing yourself of the assistance gained from more
health and magic.
• Collect all the weapon upgrades - Return to the previous levels and mop
up the upgrades. Playing with 25 daggers, ten fairies, and 10 Holy Water
vials will see you in a far better position than without.
• Upgrade - Make sure you grab some of the ultimate upgrades; the
ultimate light attack can devastate most bosses and ensure you gain a
lot of life back, while the Shadow Flames are a must for anyone as it can
quickly wipe out a substantial chunk of most bosses health.
• Learn attack patterns - Sure it’s a simply tip, but fighting bosses a few
times will easily highlight weaknesses and elements you can exploit, as
outlined in their respective guides.
• Don’t try for trials - Sure, you can do Trials at Paladin if you want, but some
will just cause you a headache. Focus on finishing the level.
• Remember your training - Fight at whip’s length, move quickly.
• Use aerials - Playing Paladin means you are fully upgraded from the
offset, use this to your advantage by using Gabriel’s double uppercuts and
pulling enemies into the air, using juggles for easy kills.
• Use Fairies - The most valuable sub weapon, fairies ability to distract will
see you effortlessly through numerous encounters.

• Be Patient - Some sections may take a while but focus, and try, try, try
again. Areas will come with a little time if you let them.


Full Castlevania Discography

Castlevania has a long and established heritage behind it spanning an amazing number
of different consoles/games systems across the world. Here’s a list of what has - and
hasn’t - been released in the franchise.

Released Games

Original year of release – 1986

Format – NES, Commodore, PC, PS1, PS2, GBA, Wii VC, PSN

AKA – Vampire Killer (original Japanese release) Haunted Castle (Arcade release)
Akumaj? Dracula (further remake of the classic game)

Featured in: Castlevania Chronicles

Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest

Original year of release – 1987

Format – NES, PC, Wii VC

Castlevania: The Adventure

Original year of release – 1989

Format – GB, GBC

Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse

Original year of release – 1989

Format – NES, PC, Wii VC

Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge

Original year of release – 1991

Format – GB, GBC

Kid Dracula

Original year of release – 1991

Format – NES, GB

Super Castlevania IV

Original year of release – 1991

Format – SNES, Wii VC

Castlevania Rondo of Blood

Original year of release – 1993

Format – PC Engine, PSP, Wii VC

AKA: Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles

Castlevania: Bloodlines

Original year of release – 1994

Format – Megadrive/Genesis

Also known as: Vampire Killer (JPN) Castlevania: The New Generation (EU)

Castlevania: Dracula X

Original year of release – 1995

Format – SNES

Also known as: Castlevania: Vampire’s Kiss (EU)

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Original year of release – 1997

Format – PS1, SEGA Saturn, XBLA, PSN

Included in: Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles

Castlevania Legends

Original year of release – 1997

Format – GB


Original year of release – 1999

Format – N64

Also known as: Castlevania 64 (Fan name)

Castlevania Legacy of Darkness

Original year of release – 1999

Format – N64

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon

Original year of release – 2001

Format – GBA

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance

Original year of release – 2002

Format – GBA

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

Original year of release – 2003

Format – GBA

Castlevania: Lament of Innocence

Original year of release – 2003

Format – PS2

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

Original year of release – 2005

Format – DS

Castlevania: Curse of Darkness

Original year of release – 2005

Format – PS2, Xbox

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

Original year of release – 2006

Format – DS

Castlevania: Order of Shadows

Original year of release – 2007

Format – Mobile

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Original year of release – 2008

Format – DS

Castlevania Judgment

Original year of release – 2008

Format – Wii

Akumaj? Dracula The Medal

Original year of release – 2008

Format – Arcade (slot machine

Pachislot Akumaj? Dracula

Original year of release – 2008

Format – Arcade (Pachinko)

Castlevania The Arcade

Original year of release – 2008

Format – Arcade

Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth

Original year of release – 2009

Format – WiiWare

Castlevania Puzzle: Encore of the Night

Original year of release – 2010

Format – iPhone

Castlevania: Harmony of Despair

Original year of release – 2010

Format – XBLA

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Original year of release – 2010

Format – Xbox 360, PS3

Cancelled Games
Castlevania: The Bloodletting (SEGA 32X)

In development for the SEGA 32X, this game was supposed to feature Richter Belmont,
Maria Renard, and a third character seen in the single remaining image below:

It is presumed that the game would follow a traditional level-by-level structure, however
development was cancelled soon after it was announced, with news of Symphony of the
Night being developed for the Playstation following soon thereafter.

Castlevania: Resurrection (Dreamcast)

A game that worryingly featured a female Dracula sprite, this adventure was focused
around a cowardly Belmont and an ancestor dragged through time. Quite.

From screenshots and information the game seemed to owe a lot to classic, and
Nintendo 64 Castlevanias. Featuring a HUD of incredible similarity, as well as a focus on
enemies and bosses, the developers also spoke of a heavy combat and puzzle focus,
somewhat similar to Lords of Shadow then.

However due to the death of the Dreamcast, and reported ‘differences’ between the
Japanese and American Konami offices, Resurrection never quite kept to its namesake,
instead disappearing into obscurity.

Castlevania (PS3/360)

This project, led by long running series producer Iga Igarashi, was shown in trailer form
at the 2008 Tokyo Game Show. It showed Alucard and the words ‘Embracing darkness
with a cursed bloodline. He betrayed his kind & destroyed his father. A bloodstained fate’.

Clearly set after the events of Symphony of the Night, it is presumed that this Castlevania
was dropped in favor of the franchise reboot, Lords of Shadow.

Chapter 1 - Off to see the Guardian

Stage 1 - Besieged Village

 Welcome to Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. Typically for a Gothic adventure,

it’s raining, but this is no time to worry about your hair. There’s evil afoot…

Current Mission: Slay the Attackers.

This level is simple; you’re guided by the hand for the most part as the game gives you
the lay of Gabriel’s basic abilities.

 NEW ENEMY – Lesser Lycanthrope

The Lesser Lycanthrope, (or Werewolf as it’s more commonly known); is a

basic enemy. They will attempt to slash at Gabriel and block occasionally.
If you attack their block they will retaliate with an unblockable attack. Easily
stunned with both direct and area attacks.

It’s now time to get used to Gabriel’s attacks. The direct attack is best for dealing
damage to a single target, or attacking enemies that find themselves lined up in front of
you, whilst the area attack is best when you find Gabriel surrounded on all sides.

Deal with the four Lycanthrope’s that appear by using a mix of your two attack types,
direct works best. If you can’t see where a Lycanthrope has gone follow the villagers and
don’t worry, you can’t harm them.

The game will prompt you to top up on health, do so. Fight off the one Lycanthrope that
appears and the game will ask you to grab the dagger, pick it up and you’ll be set upon
by seven more Lycanthrope’s.

Use your new silver daggers to dispatch the Lycanthrope’s with one hit each and now the
game will teach you about xp. While this Castlevania lacks a true leveling system, you
still accrue XP for killing enemies and solving puzzles, and this is used as currency to
purchase skills and artwork.

Kill five more Lycanthrope’s and the game will tell you about buying abilities. Pick

whatever you want; a good bet is the Guillotine as it’s a powerful way to land after a rising
slash or jump. Fend off against four more Lycanthrope’s and then enjoy the cutscene.

 NEW ENEMY – Great Warg

That’s a big Wolf! The Great Warg is a ferocious beast and comes with two
key attacks, a quick double swipe and an unblockable dash that must be
avoided with a sideways dodge. Fight at whips length and you should avoid
any nasty surprises.

As soon as the cut-scene finishes you’ll need to hammer on a face button, it could be
any of the four but this is hard to fail.

For this fight the game will teach you about blocking and avoiding, these are crucial skills
to doing well in your future combat. Familiarize yourself with the white glow and ‘swoosh’
sound effect, these always signify and unblockable attack that means you must dodge.

Simply keep your distance from the Warg and lay into it, use direct attacks, as you want
to deal the damage quickly and efficiently.

After you deal enough damage to the Warg he will leap up to a nearby rock and regain
health by howling at the moon. Get your finger ready over the use button, RT/R2 (see the
way the pole glows? That signifies something Gabriel can use or investigate). When you
regain control wait till the Warg’s eyes flash red, it doesn’t take long, then squeeze the
use button and watch as the Warg impales himself.


Objective: Finish the Level, defeating the Great Warg with at least one civilian still

Simply replaying the level will mean enjoying it without the badgering tool tips, and it’s an
incredibly easy challenge in and of itself. Simply use daggers and direct attacks to see
off the Lycanthropes easily, and once the Great Warg appears keep whipping it to keep

its attention. It’s unlikely any villagers will die, let alone you be left with one.

Chapter 1 - Off to see the Guardian

Stage 2 - Hunting Path

 As Gabriel heads into the woods, a mysterious glowing horse greets him. Not
everyone would trust a mysterious glowing horse, but Gabriel does, and the
Lycanthrope’s don’t take too kindly to it…

Current Mission: Traverse the Hunting Path

You’ll start this level on the horse from the cutscene, and you may want to ignore most
the controls in the book. All you need to know is that analogue stick + direct attack will
slap a Warg, and if you get shunted off to hit any face button when the big circle moves
within the little circle.

A Warg will move up on your right, slap it four or five times with your whip and it will glow
white so hit the use trigger to leap over and dispense of the creature. As soon as you get
back another Warg rider will move up on your left, repeat the process of slapping then
hopping over.

Cutscene time, Gabriel forgets rule one of driving and gets dismounted by a tree trunk,
silly Gabriel. You’ll find yourself in an arena, Lycanthropes will attack, so fend off with
daggers, and a mix of direct and area attacks as necessary.

You’ll start this level on the horse from the cutscene, and you may want to ignore most
the controls in the book. All you need to know is that analogue stick + direct attack will
slap a Warg, and if you get shunted off to hit any face button when the big circle moves
within the little circle.

A Warg will move up on your right, slap it four or five times with your whip and it will glow
white so hit the use trigger to leap over and dispense of the creature. As soon as you get
back another Warg rider will move up on your left, repeat the process of slapping then
hopping over.

Cutscene time, Gabriel forgets rule one of driving and gets dismounted by a tree trunk,
silly Gabriel. You’ll find yourself in an arena, Lycanthropes will attack, so fend off with
daggers, and a mix of direct and area attacks as necessary.

Fend off the Lycanthrope attack and Gabriel will mount his horse once more. This attack
is the same as the first, Warg rider to right, slap then hit the trigger when it glows white,
then repeat to the left. Gabriel will be knocked from his steed once more, this arena
features a health top up so use if necessary.

You’ll be attacked by a few lycanthropes and a Warg, deal with the lycanthropes while
keeping your distance from the Warg, use daggers for quick kills. Once all the
Lycanthropes are dead focus on the Warg. As with chapter 1, keep your distance and
watch out for the unblockable dash, remember to dodge sideways. No need for a pole
here, Gabriel will finish off the Warg in standard combat. Once all the enemies are down
enjoy the following cutscene.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level without being healed by any means

Learn the level, it’s possible to beat the Warg’s from horseback without taking any
damage fairly easily. In the initial onslaught use your salvo of daggers to make short
work of them, and in the second encounter use fairies if you’ve got ‘em to distract the
Great Warg, or simply avoid his attacks and retaliate.

Do not grab the hidden life gem, use the health font, or fight with light magic. These are
the three things that will void the challenge.

Chapter 1 - Off to see the Guardian

Stage 3 - The Dead Bog

 Gabriel continues his sulky trek into the woods and comes across a
particularly smelly bog.

Current Mission: Navigate The Dead Bog and Locate the

Temple of the Guardian of the Lake.
Only one way to go right now, straight forward.

Once the path opens into a clearing, there will be a dead brotherhood corpse with a scroll
in the center; you’ll find plenty of these scrolls in the game. Some of them are simply
story elements & entertaining asides, while others contain valuable puzzle hints.

Jump up to the left; you’ll spot a glowing ledge, which you can grab by simply jumping
towards it. Use the left stick to make Gabriel shimmy to the right, around the corner, jump
the gap by holding right and pressing jump. Drop down here and watch the cutscene.

 NEW ENEMY – Goblin

Goblins are pathetic little creatures, with a small array of stabs that can be
easily blocked or parried. The real danger when dealing with goblins are the
bombs they throw from time to time, and that they often attack in large
numbers. Use area attacks and dodge to avoid incoming bombs.

You will be attacked by two waves of Goblins, use area attacks to deal with them, as well
as jump/upward slash to guillotine (perform an attack and then press jump & direct to
perform a rising slash), the Goblin’s small height means they cannot touch an airborne

After dealing with these Goblins you’ll see a short cutscene, which sees a Goblin come
to a rather unfortunate end in the bog.

 NEW ENEMY – Naiad

Less an enemy and more an obstacle. The Naiad are shown by ripples in the
bog, the key is to wait for them to dissipate before moving where they were.
Bubbles indicate an incoming Naiad, but only ripples will cause Gabriel harm.
If a Naiad grabs you, hit the circle QTE or you will find a watery grave awaits…

You need to cross the bog, jumping in will cover more ground quickly while you’ll need to
stick to the darker green as the fog can deal a lot of damage quickly if you deviate from
the path. Head forward, minding the Naiad, and you’ll find yourself with a path to the left,
and one to the right.

Nip to the left for a health top up if required, and while heading left is a viable route, the
right is easier. Head right, up the stairs, drop down, leap the bog, and drop down again.

Head forward, over the bog (mind the naiad) and up the lip.

Run forward and you’ll have to fight off some Goblins, they shouldn’t put up too much
resistance so dispatch them and continue forward. Here we’ll learn to grab enemies with
the trigger, in this case it’s handy for producing bombs from Goblins but in the future
grabbing will be a handy technique for dispatching lesser enemies.

To grab the bomb the Goblin drops simply stand over it and press use, Gabriel will chuck
it at the tree and it will become damaged.

Once you use the first bomb Gabriel will be onset by a small attack of Goblins, grab them
or dodge the bombs they throw and grab one, Gabriel will automatically aim it at the
tree. Once the tree is down you can head forward or dispatch the goblins, it’s up to your

Over this tree you need to navigate another Naiad filled bog. To your left is a corpse with
a scroll on it, but we’re interested in heading forward. Once over the bog follow this path,
fight off the few goblins and you’ll find yourself with stairs to the left and a path to the

The right path leads to a health font and a small Goblin fight, be forewarned that you will
need health so a quick nip to the font may be a wise decision. Otherwise take the left
path, you’ll find a dilapidated cathedral. Head up the left of the cathedral and you’ll find
some grips, climb up these grips. Once inside head forward and grab the Combat Cross

 NEW ITEM – Hook

Your combat cross has been upgraded with a hooked tip.

• **Out of combat:** You can now use hook points to rappel

and swing.
• **In combat:** The Hook allows you to grab smaller
enemies from afar.

With the hook upgrade in your possession the game will highlight a blue sparkle ahead,
this is a hook point, something you’ll need to become very familiar with very quickly. Run
underneath the point, pull the use trigger and Gabriel will hook onto it.

Push the stick up to have Gabriel climb, and then press direct attack at the window
to have Gabriel kick through. And say hello to our stalker! Been wondering what was
stealthily slipping through the bushes? It was this charming fellow…

BOSS - Swamp Troll

The Swamp troll isn’t too hard and has a few key attacks-

• A double swipe that can be blocked/parried

• A ground pound that creates a shockwave, cannot be blocked or parried,
shockwave must be jumped.

He will occasionally uproot some of the cemetery, don’t fear because this
simply powers up his swipes and the attacks can still be blocked or parried.
Fight at your whips length using direct attacks, this avoids finding yourself

directly under the swamp trolls overhead when he unleashes it.
Avoid jumping; the Troll will take great pleasure in swatting you from the air. If you do
accidentally jump, use LT/L2 and jump or guillotine to quickly return to ground. After you
deal a large amount of damage to the Troll he will be stunned and glow white, run up to
him and hit the use button. Land the circle QTEs using any face button to finish him off.

 Boss - Swamp Troll

Head to the top of the screen and you’ll see a hook point, pull the right trigger and Gabriel
will hoist himself over. Run forward and you’ll be treated to a beautiful view over your
upcoming platforming excursion. Leap to the first stack; now drop down to the ledge you
can see at the bottom of the screen. Drop down then move right and shimmy round.

Use the hook and rappel downward, drop off at the bottom and then jump over to the
next stack, climb up then use the grapple to hoist yourself all the way up till Gabriel grabs
a ledge, shimmy left and drop onto the stack.

Use the hook on the same point but from this new angle, Gabriel will use it as a swing
point. Time your jump to land on the next stack. Jump to the next stack, and again, now
use the hook on the wall ahead. Hoist Gabriel up and run toward the ominous temple
type structure ahead!

 Stage Complete!

Finish the level after killing at least 50 Goblins.

Play through the level as normal until you come to the tree you must bomb to create
a bridge. Ignore grabbing bombs and simply focus on attacking the infinite numbers of
Goblins that spawn here. Once you hit 50, go on and complete the level as normal.

Chapter 1 - Off to see the Guardian

Stage 4 - Pans Temple

 Welcome to the lush natural habitat of Pan and his woodland friends. No time
to tally, we’ve got a world to save!

Current Mission - Gain Entry to Pan’s Temple.

A magical door that requires five magical runes to open guards Pan’s temple. These
runes are found in the level ahead and don’t worry, even though it looks daunting this is
an easy level to navigate.

• **Rune 1:** Run straight forward and you’ll see a circle glowing on the
wall, hit the trigger to absorb the rune.
• **Rune 2:** Follow the path around the corner, the camera will change so
you’re running into it, keep an eye for the rune to the right of the screen.
It’s a stone circle as before.
• **Rune 3:** Keep following the road, down here on the right is a
brotherhood corpse with a scroll. Ignore the route forward and keep going
right, jump up at the end. The camera will change and the run will be here
to the right.

• **Rune 4:** Head back the way you came slightly, and run forward toward
the lake area. The rune is on the wall to the right before you enter the area
in earnest.
• **Rune 5:** Run forward and splash your way over, a Brotherhood corpse
with a scroll is here just before you enter the temple area. Run in.

Run over to the right and you’ll find the rune on the wall in this little side area. With all five
Runes in your possession, head toward the glowing green door ahead and use the stone

circle to the left.

Puzzle - Rune Key

The idea here is that you want the runes to read left to right as yours do top to bottom.
Simply point at the runes each in turn and change them until they match, the puzzle will
solve the moment they read correctly. Puzzle solved!

Now run forward through the door and up the spiral staircase (wood case?) until you
trigger the cut-scene. Meet Pan and prepare to do another puzzle!

Puzzle - Prove Your Worth

Gabriel must prove his love for Marie by aligning the bridge before the guillotine lowers
too far and slices her in two. Moving a ring will also move its adjacent ring or rings in
the opposite direction, so moving the outer clockwise moves the middle anticlockwise,
moving the inner one way moves the middle the other, and moving the middle one way
sends both the inner and outer the opposite direction.

The solution is as follows:

• Move the Outer Ring Clockwise twice.

• Move the Inner Ring Clockwise twice.
• Move the Middle Ring Clockwise once.
Puzzle solved! Enjoy the confusing cutscene, shake Pan’s hoof, and head on
to the concluding level of Chapter 1!

 Stage Complete!

Finish the level after beating Pan’s trial in 5 movements.

See the puzzle walkthrough in the level description above. For the lazy the solution to the
puzzle is as follows:

• Move the Outer Ring Clockwise twice.

• Move the Inner Ring Clockwise twice.
• Move the Middle Ring Clockwise once.

Chapter 1 - Off to see the Guardian

Stage 5 - Oblivion Lake

 Oblivion Lake is where Gabriel will be able to commune with the dead, but
something here isn’t too happy to have company…

Current Mission - Defeat the Lake Guardian

Nothing much here, simply run forward and follow the path until you see the vast lake
before you.

Head out on to the lake and keep running until the cutscene kicks in.

TITAN - Ice Titan

Welcome to your first Titan fight. These encounters are large platforming challenges on
gigantic beasts, you’ll be looking to climb onto it and smash the relics that are powering
this walking behemoth.

Run towards the titan, he will open the fight with a chop that sends a wave of ice hurtling
towards you, dodge this at the last second and keep running forward. If the titan starts
to create a circle under you, simply keep moving and rolling out of it.

Get close enough and the Titan will try to punch you. Avoid the punch by running to the
side, and jump when it lands to avoid the shockwave damage. On the second punch the
titan’s hand will become stuck, run towards it and use the hook when close enough to
grapple onto the titan’s hand.

Important note, whenever the Titan starts to shake, or you see the ‘Hold RT/R2 to grip’
prompt, do it, else you’ll be flung clear and have to get on the titan again. Shimmy right,
climb up, shimmy left, climb up again, and then shimmy all the way round till you find the
glowing run on the titan’s wrist. Use the attack button to slam your cross into the rune,
remembering to grip when necessary.

After about ten seconds of hitting the Titan will raise its arm, wait a second then use
the left stick and jump to dodge to the left as he brings his right arm down to hit you.

Immediately face the hand and hook onto it. As he brings you in front of him, hook to his
chest and then shimmy left, not forgetting to hold on.

Start slamming the rune here; gripping when the titan shakes. If the camera pulls out and
points right it means the titan’s hand is coming in to brush you off, push the left stick
right and hit jump to quickly shimmy away, then get back to the smashing.

Once the rune is gone use the hook immediately to swing round to the Titan’s back,
shimmy down and to the right and begin smashing this rune. After a shake the titan will
try and brush you off again, push the left stick left and press A to avoid this and get back
to smashing ASAP.

Once this rune shatters start climbing up and around the left. Once you can see the
glowing spot on the back of the titan’s head, use the hook to grab on. Shimmy right,
down, and then right again to find a rune where you’d expect the titan’s ear to be.

Once more, grip when he shakes; jump shimmy left when he raises his hand. Deal
enough damage and a cut-scene will start, introducing you to the intriguing Zobek and
letting Gabriel have a chinwag with his deceased wife.

 Titan - Ice Titan

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level and defeat the Ice Titan in less than 1:30 minutes.

(You will need a full crystal to make this trial possible). Run toward the Titan and use your
crystal, this will weaken all the bosses rune’s to take only one hit. From here on simply
scale the titan, use sideways jumps to get around the ledges faster, and you should just
be able to squeeze it into the available time.

Chapter 2 - The Forest Girl and Some Magic

Stage 1 - Enchanted Forest

 After that epic battle it’s time to tone things down a bit, Gabriel is off to the
land of the Lycan’s to deal with the first Lord of Shadow, but he’s got a big trek
ahead of him.

Current Mission - Navigate the enchanted forest.

Run forward; drop off this ledge and down to the platform. Drop again and use your hook
to let Gabriel rappel down three steps. You should see a hook point to the left, press the
hook button again and Gabriel will grab it and wing over. Drop on to this ledge, there is a
Brotherhood corpse with a scroll here. Head right, drop a ledge down and then jump to
the right ledge, run down here and follow the path.

New Item - Light-Magic Medallion

 This is your first magic type, pressing LB/L1 will turn it on and off, when on
it will drain the bar to the left which you can refill by absorbing the energy
balls left by enemies when you click the left stick. Fighting with Light Magic
activated gives you access to additional moves and gives Gabriel health back
for every successful strike dealt to enemies.

Follow the path forward and you’ll come to a large flight of stairs leading up to some
ruins. You’ll get mobbed by some Lycanthropes on the stairs, keep them in front of you
and use direct attacks to deal with them, use some light magic attacks if you’re low on
health and once they are down head up to the next area.

When you reach the top of the stairs you’ll notice you can go left or right, running right
has a scroll but is less beneficial, and harder to navigate, so head right. Follow this path
round and you’ll eventually come to a glowing tree.

Hit the use button and Gabriel will use his whip to pull the tree into a makeshift bridge,

cross this and keep heading forward. You’ll see a smashable window in the distance, run
towards this. Use the grapple and pull yourself up to the window; hit the attack button
to smash through. Ahead you’ll find a corpse with a scroll that lets Gabriel use the focus

New Item - Focus Scroll

 Focus is Lords of Shadow’s variation of a combo meter, fighting well and

avoiding damage will build the focus meter, if you manage to top it up and
continue fighting well then enemies will drop elemental orbs on every hit,
ensuring you can top up your magic meters more quickly.

Fight off the Great Warg that appears using the usual method, and then Goblins will
attack. Use their bombs as you did on the tree but this time to destroy the door ahead,
don’t worry where you grab the bombs as Gabriel is a natural pitcher.

Run through the destroyed door and fight off the lycanthropes, to the right is a
brotherhood corpse holding a scroll, but to get up we need to head around to the left.

There is a climb ledge ahead, grab it and hoist yourself up with the hook point and then
shimmy to the right. Use the hook again to swing to the ledge, then spin around and use
this hook point to swing into the tree trunk.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after killing 30 Goblins with their own grenades.

Play through the level until reaching a door that requires Goblin bombs to destroy.
Goblins will spawn infinitely in this area, so whenever one rears its ugly face grab it, hold
the control stick in any direction, and land the Circle QTE to light his bomb and kill him
with it. Repeat for 30 of the poor little beggars and be done with it.

Chapter 2 - The Forest Girl and Some Magic

Stage 2 - Underground Caves

 Gabriel’s going deeper underground…

Current Mission - Navigate the Underground Caves

Go straightforward into the cave, follow it round and drop to the ledge, then shimmy to
the left and make your way to the area to your left and jump down.

New Enemy - Giant Spider

 The Giant Spider is a similar enemy to the Giant Warg. It has an un-blockable
pincer attack as well as a slash you can block or parry.

If you fight at too large a distance the spider will attempt to trap you with
web, so keep avoiding sideways when you see the spider going for an attack
to ensure you stay active. If the spider goes into a block, it scrunches back
and your attacks start to clang, stop attacking else you’ll send it into an un-
blockable attack.

You’ll start in a scrap with some lycanthropes, however a spider will quickly get involved
in the melee. As you may have noticed from previous fights, large enemies can cause
collateral damage to smaller foes so when the spider arrives it’s best to focus on that
while avoiding any remaining lycanthropes. The last thing you need is to be poisoned or
webbed from behind.

Once these enemies are dispatched, head to the right of the room and follow this route.
There is a scroll on the brotherhood corpse here, but continue over the web bridges, use
RT/R2 to balance if you start slipping, and head straight.

You’ll encounter another spider before too long, either deal with him or carry on left,
taking the furthest web bridge when you see two. Jump up, use your hook, and grab key
1 of 2. Head back the way you came, and where you fought/avoided the spider, corner
sharply from the web bridge and take the bridge pointing to the bottom left of the screen.

Follow this route forward, ignore the glowing ‘totem’ and carry on forward until you see
a glowing door, inspect it with your use button and Goblins will appear. Grab/avoid the
bombs and use them to break the door, head through and grab key 2 of 2.

Exit this room and head to the left, following the path and eventual rope bridges that lead
this way. Heading this way you’ll eventually find a building with two circles either side of
its door, insert your keys here and step in to find another Combat Cross upgrade.

New Item - Spiked Chain

 You Combat Cross’ chain whip has been barbed.

Out of Combat: Gabriel can use the Spiked Chain to saw through totems and
other objects.

In Combat: Allows Gabriel to tame larger beasts and use them to aid him.

Hop past the crucifix and run up the path, a totem awaits you so saw it down by pressing
use and moving the left stick as the prompts dictate. Run past and hook up.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after killing at least 10 enemies while poisoned by Spider

Enter the level and get to the first spider fight. Stand in front of it, blocking, until it hits
you with its unblockable attack. This should poison you, so kill the spider while under its

Quickly continue into the level, dropping into the next fight with some lycanthropes and
a spider, let the spider here poison you as you did before and once it has, dish out silver
dagger justice to the werewolves before turning on the spider and killing it whilst still

If you still need one more kill there is another spider if you follow the right path (and
remember to play on easy so the Spiders attacks are less damaging).

Chapter 2 - The Forest Girl and Some Magic

Stage 3 - Labyrinth Entrance

 As with the rest f these levels, Gabriel is simply heading through here to reach
the Lycan lord.

Current Mission - Navigate the Labyrinth

Run forward and drop down, go to glowing door and check it, seems you need something
more than Goblin bombs for this…

New Enemy - Warthog

 These fast, fat cousins of Pumba are capable of charging into Gabriel, but if a
Goblin is not riding them they are notably less aggressive.

Deal enough damage to the Warthog and it will glow white, hook onto the beast and hit
the circle QTE to tame it. Use the Warthog to lumber around and mop up the remaining
goblins, run the hog into the door twice to break it down.

Strangle the Warthog by pulling both triggers and head through; a brotherhood corpse
with a scroll is laying to the right here. Run to the left, you’ll see a ledge so grab this and
start climbing up. Up the top run left and use the balance beams to head over the thorns.

There is a corpse holding a scroll straight ahead, grab it and jump to the ledge on the
left. Continue to shimmy round until you can go no further, drop down and run to the left.
Drop onto this ledge, use you hook and lower Gabriel. Use the attack button to kick off
the wall, and then jump at the apex of the swing to launch Gabriel to safety.

Head forward and there is a crank mechanism here. Start to use it but stop when
you hear the roars, you’ll be onset by Lycanthropes. Deal with them and then use the
mechanism for real. In the next area you’ll find a corpse clutching a scroll to your right
and a building up ahead, enter here.

Run forward, leap the gap, and drop down into the arena here, there are a group of
Goblins, one of which has the pole you need to use the crank to open the gate.

Fight off the goblins; the thieving one will do his best to avoid your whip so leave him
till you can focus your attention on him. When he’s down grab the pole, but don’t get too

New Enemy - Greater Lycanthrope

 This burly chap is an upgraded form of the basic Lycanthrope, complete

with more aggressive attacks and a block. As with all enemies, attacking the
greater lycanthrope while he blocks will only anger him into an un-blockable
attack, so if your whip starts to clang stop attacking him.

He will close distance quickly and launch into an attack that you can block or
parry if you’re aggressive. This also makes him predictable for dodges, simply
move when he gets close and keep some distance.

Beat this new foe, grab the pole and put it in the crank. Use it and, oops; that was

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after killing at least 5 warthogs.

Easy trial this, in the very first area you jump down to Warthogs will spawn infinitely until
you use one to destroy the door ahead. Simply keep killing them outright until the Trial is
ticked off. Return with, and use, fairies if you’re finding them difficult foes to tackle

Chapter 2 - The Forest Girl and Some Magic

Stage 4 - Waterfalls of Agharta

 Fortunately, Gabriel is made of sturdy stuff. Or there were a lot of leaves, one
of the two.

Current Mission - Proceed to Agharta

From here there is a scroll on the corpse on your immediate left, otherwise run forward
and the level will naturally move to the right. Jump this gap and the camera will show a
glowing tree, and a spider will say hi.

Fight the Giant Spider until you can tame it, hop on and then head over to the tree. Use
the spider to pull it down slightly, and then terminate the big beastie.

Hook over using the repositioned tree and run up. Leap two gaps, and when you hit a
stone roadblock drop down to the ledge toward the screen. Drop down then shimmy left,
head round the corner then let go and press jump, Gabriel should land on the opposite

Continue round and hook up to the next ledge where you’ll be onset by a Greater
Lycanthrope, take it out and continue climbing up using ledges and hooks as required,
following the linear path.

You’ll soon come to a fight involving Great and normal Lycan’s, focus on the great Lycan
as he is most likely to make a sneaky hit, but hurl some daggers into the other enemies
faces for easy kills. Focus on the parries, as these enemies are less unpredictable than
some you will be facing.

There is a scroll to the left of this area, otherwise head right and use your hook to pull
the statue down. Hook up and pull Gabriel up, run to the right and hook over to a fight

New Enemy - Small Troll

 These things are absolute fodder, similar to Goblins but even less aggressive.
They serve to prove a nuisance more than anything, a big nosed nuisance.

New Enemy - Troll

 Remember the Swamp Troll Boss from Chapter 1? These enemies are
effectively the same, complete with swipes and overhead shockwave attack.
They won’t use weapons however, and are tamable.

Break free of the Troll’s grip with a face button QTE and then fight. Focus your damage
on the big troll and avoid his attacks; however some area attacks will help deal with the
small Trolls trying to get some chip damage on you.

Once you deal enough damage to the Troll run in and tame it. Use the Troll’s power to
smash the rock ahead and strangle the Troll. Use your hook to cross the gap.

Head right for a health fountain, otherwise use the left route. Saw down the totem in your
way and deal with the Greater Lycanthrope and normal Lycanthrope as you did the earlier
ones (don’t forget to use daggers to dispatch the normal Lycan’s effortlessly).

Exit to the left, shimmy around and use the hook to reach the next area. Tame the spider
here and use it to make you a bridge, follow this path to reach a building. Run in and tear
down the statue on the right with your hook. Head in and inspect the corpse.

New Item - Shadow Amulet

 Magic type two - shadow magic. As with Light magic this opens up new
combo options, but activating shadow magic in combat increases your
damage output instead of giving you health back. You can refill shadow
magic by clicking the right stick to absorb elemental energy, instead of the

Exit the building and head to the right, use the magic refill to top up your shadow magic
meter and head back in to the building. Go forward, activate shadow magic, and use the
glowing rune to open the way forward.

Run forward and fight the Lycanthrope’s here, finish them off and start climbing the wall.
Keep climbing and at the very top grip ledge hit RT to use a hook point that is hard to see.

 Stage Complete!

Objective - Finish the level after killing at least 20 Small Trolls while you are mounted
on a big Troll

Work through the level until you reach the fight against the Troll who is surrounded by
his little friends. Whip him until he lets you take him for a ride now ignore the smashable
rock and focus on the smashable Trolls until you hit that magical 20.

Chapter 2 - The Forest Girl and Some Magic

Stage 5 - Agharta

 After another fall, Gabriel is saved by a strange girl and a naked demon.

Current Mission - Follow the Girl

After the cut-scene, head right. You’ll need to jump and use the hook mid leap here,
before searching the corpse for a scroll and then go forward. There is a second corpse
with a scroll to the left, but we want to head right. You’ll be attacked by small trolls, so
punch their big noses into the stones before continuing.

Take the right path and keep hugging the right wall, running into the screen all the way.
You’ll soon come to a gap with hook point, use it and you’ll find yourself in a blocked off
area. Inspect the gap and you’ll discover it’s a rather big jump, at which point a Warg will
attack. Fight it until it glows white, at which point tame it.

On your Warg, point it towards the gap, double tap the control stick forward to dash and
leap the gap.

Riding the Warg, take it forward and hang a left, jump this gap as you did the other.
Kill the Warg and continue on foot. Jump over the gap and you’ll find yourself amongst

Fight the Trolls and tame the big fella, head forward and left where you’ll drop down into
an arena with the troll. Numerous Lycan’s will swamp you, ride the Troll to the gate ahead
and use him to punch through it, then dispatch the Lycan’s and get off the Troll.

Head through the gate and take a right, jump up here using the ledges and prepare to
fight a Warg. After a short while several Lycans will join the Warg, focus your attention on
the Warg and tame him as soon as he starts glowing. Ride the Warg and use it to jump
the gap the lies ahead, follow the path around.

Continue to leap the gaps, if you need another Warg there are hook points at the first
jump, after two more jumps use the Warg to climb the vines. Up here kill the Warg, grab
the ledge, and Rappel down.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level without using Shadow Magic energy.

Just play the level without resorting to the demonic, damage increasing powers of
shadow magic. It really isn’t all that difficult.

Chapter 2 - The Forest Girl and Some Magic

Stage 6 - Dark Dungeon

 And things get darker as Gabriel follows the curious girl into a deep, ominous

Current Mission - Follow the Girl

You’ll start on a ledge; work your way down this linear path. After the two Tarzan points,
on next rappel point use a wall kick to leap to the ledge. Jump over and shimmy to the
left, use the hook point and rappel down.

Run into the tunnel ahead and meet the girl again. The bridge is out so we’ll need the
keys, take the tunnel on the left and follow the path round toward the area with torches

New Enemy - Gremlin

 These flying pests are annoying. They will dive scratch and throw fireballs, the
most effective response is to use upward slashes and guillotines, as well as
grabs to silence them quickly.

Dispatch the Gremlins and search the corpse for key number one.

Return to the bridge and insert your key, the bridge will extend half way. Run up this half
a bridge and then drop off, take this bridge into an adjacent room to the right and inspect
the glowing door.

On cue a Giant Spider will appear, tame the beast and then use it to tear a hole in the
door. Hop off, run through the hole and heal up is necessary, and then grab key number
two. Head back to the bridge and insert the key, the bridge will now extend all the way so
power across it and into this new room, grab the ledges in front and use the hook to haul
Gabriel up.

Continue up and around here to the top of the shaft where you can refill on magic, and a
huge swarm of gremlins!

This attack is brutal; the best way to tackle it is with upward slashes and guillotines,
activating light magic if you take hits, there are so many gremlins that you’ll regain the
health incredibly quickly. Once you fend off for a while a cut-scene will start and you get
to meet the girl properly.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level without using a grip attack against a single Gremlin

Gremlins are a pain, but you’ll have to ignore the right trigger for now. Upwards slashes
to guillotine are an effective way to deal with gaggles of the little beggars, as are Daggers
and Holy Water. But more importantly, play on easy to avoid intense frustration.

Chapter 2 - The Forest Girl and Some Magic

Stage 7 - Sanctuary Entrance

 To reach the Lycan’s it seems Gabriel needs to pass through the Titan
Sanctuary, to which his new friend Claudia knows the way!

Current Mission - Gain access to the Titan Sanctuary

You will be informed by your new friend Claudia that you need to construct a crystal if
you are to gain access to the Sanctuary ahead, fortunately this area is fertile with shards
and all you need do is find them.

Shard 1
Run into the screen, hang a left at the top of the stairs and follow this route. You’ll
encounter some Lycanthropes here, so deal with them or run past into the next area.

The shard is to the bottom of this area, with the entrance to the left. More Lycanthrope’s
spawn here so deal with them before, or after, you grab the shard.

Shard 2
Run forward, and take the route right. Ahead of you is some debris; hook up to the ledge.

After collecting the Life Gem, run back to the debris and hang a right. Drop down here
for a corpse holding a Scroll; once you have it, walk along the wooden beams and drop
down to find the next shard in the top right corner of this area.

Shard 3
Shimmy back over and head back the way you came. After rounding the corner spot the
grab ledges and climb up, following the linear route round above the area.

In the next area you have a hard fight against three Great Lycanthrope’s, dodge frequently

and try to use area swings to distribute your damage, alongside shadow and light magic
to maximize your combat prowess. If you have parry timing down then it will help in this
fight, however focusing full attention on one opponent is asking to get damaged from

Head to the top right of the room, hop up and follow the walkway right. Climb up at the
end and shimmy left, hoist Gabriel up and run into the camera, shard 3 is on the right.

Shard 4
Simply run forward and into the arena, the shard awaits in the top right corner of the

new Item - Dark Crystal

 The Dark Crystal is a new sub-weapon and when selected; hold B to release
a devastating area of effect attack that will decimate most enemies in the

With crystal in hand, don’t use it; inspect the glowing statue to the left. A Troll will handily
emerge, fight and tame this troll, break the statue, and strangle it. Jump through the new
hole and insert the crystal into the glowing statue. After the door opens, retrieve your
crystal and head through.

Puzzle - Light the Way

 There is a hint scroll on the corpse in this room, but we don’t need that. Take
the crystal to the top left statue that is glowing, insert it. Rotate this statue
180 degrees so it points a beam of light at the statue opposite.

Run to this statue and rotate it so the light focuses diagonally on the statue
in the center of the room. Head to this statue and rotate it so that the light
shines straight forward at the door to open it and solve the puzzle. Simply run
through the newly opened door to finish the level.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after absorbing 20 Neutral Elemental Orbs simultaneously.

Encounter with three Greater Lycanthropes, now do battle! But do it well. Use quick pokes
and area attacks to build up the meter, and continue to fight well, using regular dodges
and trying to concentrate the conflict in one area of the map.

After the fight is up move in amongst all your summoned orbs, cross your fingers, and
click a stick. This may take a few attempts…

Chapter 2 - The Forest Girl and Some Magic

Stage 8 - Sanctuary of Titans

 And with that Gabriel, Claudia, and the Dark Guardian enter the sanctuary of
the Titan’s, and come face to face with the last remaining Titan in existence…

Current Mission - Defeat the Titan

Boss - Stone Idol Titan
Do not run towards the Stone Idol Titan (unless you still need the Shadow Gem
collectable), unlike the previous fight you need to prepare this one for mounting. Running
towards it will simply make it rain fireballs on you.

Instead, stay back. The Titan will hurl a rock at you, hook this when it glows and spin the
left stick anti-clockwise, once the rock is hurling back to sender start running towards it.

Get close enough and hook up onto the Titan’s left leg and work your way up, remember
to grip if it shakes, once you get high enough the camera will prompt a grip on the Titan’s
right leg, hook over and climb down this leg.

You’ll find the first rune a little way down so smash it and remember to grip if the Titan
shakes! Once it smashes drop three notches down to avoid the Titan’s hand. Once his
attack fluffs use your hook to latch on to his hand. If at any point you find yourself flung
off, repeat the rock slingshot phase.

On the Titan’s hand you need to shimmy up. You’ll soon find rune 2, once it breaks drop
down two notches to avoid the Titan’s attack, and again hook onto its hand. Climb up
this side and deal with Rune 3.

When it smashes quickly climb upwards and hook onto the floating platform, the Titan
will bring you round to have a look so hook to his mug, climb upward, and smash the
final Rune.

A cut-scene will start in which your friend will throw a shard, Gabriel will swing out to
grab it and you must hit a circle QTE at this moment else all your work will be for naught.

Once you hit the QTE, the Titan will crash to the ground.

Boss Battle - Video (With Audio Commentary)

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level and defeat the Stone Idol Titan in less than 2 minutes

As with Mr. Ice Titan, you’ll need a crystal to do this. Run toward the Titan and smash
it, weakening all its runes, now just play the level as normal ensuring you avoid all its
attempts to swat you off, and using jumps to sidle sideways much quicker than normal.

Chapter 2 - The Forest Girl and Some Magic

Stage 9 - The Black Knight

 Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel… What have you done? Regardless of why he did it,
he did it, and now you have to fight a big golem because he did. Yay!

Current Mission - Defeat the Black Golem

Phase 1
The Black Knight is a beast; only his sideways swing is actually blockable so you’re
recommended to keep your distance in this fight.

His attacks are numerous, an un-blockable overhead slice, an un-blockable shockwave

(must be jumped), an un-blockable forward ‘blast’ which must be avoided to the side.

Simply put; he’s a strong piece of work. So keep distance and keep moving away and
around which going for a few direct attacks when the Knight is in between attacks which,
to be honest, is fairly often.

Damage the Knight enough and you can grab on and wrench part of his armor off with
a button QTE, repeat this phase again to move on to phase 2. As with any enemy, don’t
attack if he blocks, the Knight’s un-blockable retaliation is swift.

Phase 2
This phase plays out similar to before, except the Knight may summon black slime that
can stun Gabriel for a short time by stabbing his sword into to ground.

There are three ways to deal with this, either run far away, let the slime grab you, and hit
the circle QTE (twice will destroy the slime), simply avoid it and poke the boss, or use a
well placed guillotine or heavy direct combo to splatter it.

You can time this when the knight slams the sword into the ground. There can only
be two slimes on-screen at any one time. Damage till you can grab again, and perform
another button QTE to rip more armor off.

Phase 3
Just like phase 2, but everything speeds up, and as long as you’ve got a rhythm down
then this phase plays exactly the same as the prior phases so take off the last chunk of
health, grab the boss, and conclude the fight.

 Stage Complete!

 Boss - The Black Knight

Objective: Finish the level and defeat the Black Knight Golem without using Light
Magic energy

Simply learn the Black Knights moves and you should be able to avoid taking damage,
and therefore not need to use the leech like powers of light magic, allowing you to easily
dispatch this challenge.

Chapter 3 - Lord of the Lycans

Stage 1 - The Three Towers

 The final hurdle, to the Lycan’s lair at least. Gabriel has one more challenge
before him, but it is a tough cookie…

Current Mission - Solve the Puzzle of the Three Towers

New Item - Dark Gauntlet

 The Golem’s dark gauntlet now belongs to Gabriel.

Out of combat: The Gauntlet allows Gabriel to punch statues around and
pound buttons on the floor.

In combat: The Gauntlet opens up powerful new abilities for Gabriel that are
accessed by holding the block button and pressing an attack button. When
combined with shadow magic these punches make for good stuns.

Run forward and use your new fangled gauntlet powers to punch the statue ahead, hold
block and press the direct attack button. This will open up a ledge, if you need some
shadow magic then head over and run into the screen and down here, top up, and head
back over.

When you have shadow magic, activate it and hit the statue with a punch again; and
then once more into place. The Shadow Charge Punch is simply more powerful, and
occasionally required. Use your hook on the new grapple point to swing over; keep
following the linear path, there is a scroll along here.

At the point you need to rappel down, you will need to use a wall kick jump to hook to
clear the gap. After a little more you’ll find yourself in front of the first tower.

There is a Brotherhood corpse with a scroll to the right, but more importantly there are
Lycanthropes trying to nibble on your knees. Keep fighting and eventually some fairies
will fly in and start stunning Lycan’s, making your job much easier. At the conclusion of

this fight you will earn the Fairy container.

New Item - Fairies

 A new sub-weapon, fairies can be used to distract and stun opponents.

Head into the Building and in here is a magic refill to the right, and a corpse if you run

Head into the large, open area. Use the crank that is positioned dead ahead, and run into
the building you just opened a door into.

You need to find three fairies in order to continue, and they are positioned on top of these
three towers. The level isn’t called 'The Three Towers' for the sake of it you know.

Running left from this room, across the walkway, you’ll find a Warg in the room over here.
Tame it, run to the other entrance on the right, take a left to the walkway and then when
you reach the vines, use the Warg to scale this (and then murder it once you’re up the

Run forward and ignore the hook point to your left, head right instead, across the
walkway. There are enemies in the next area so fight them off and use the crank in this

There is also a puzzle here; but leave it for a minute just in case you need a magic refill.
Move forward and you’ll see a hook point, swing out and then hit the hook again and pull
Gabriel to the top of the tower. Up here grab your first fairy, as well as the scroll. Move
toward the screen and you’ll be able to drop down, head back in to the room and perform
the puzzle.

Puzzle - Light the Masks

Easy one this, use light magic and activate the left mask to make it blue, and then use
shadow magic to make the middle and right masks red. Puzzle solved!

Walk into the screen out on to the balcony again and use your new hook point to swing
to the second tower. Run through the next building and to the left, you’ll find a discarded
pole so pick it up and start walking back to the building with it, ignore the glowing plate
here for the time being.

Before long you’ll have to drop the pole and fight a lycanthrope, dispatch his furry face
and continue taking the pole into the building.

Use it on the plate here to open access to the outside of the tower, climb up to the top
and grab the second fairy from up here. Drop back down and retrieve the pole from the
plate, take it toward where you picked it up and use it in the plate here to open the gate.
Head through and climb up.

Head forward and leap up the lip, fairy three awaits your collection here. Move to the right
of the platform to find a ledge and hook point that will take you down the tower.

Continue down the tower and you’ll eventually drop onto the corpse that held, or may still
hold a shadow gem. Move into the building. Run to the top left corner of the room and
use the hook point to move down and find yourself in an earlier part of the level.

Once on the ground, head forward toward the crank that opens the doors into the
building with the fairy door. Start to turn the crank but before long three Greater
Lycanthropes will jump you and mess with your machinery. Deal with them as you have
done before and head over to the right of the room.

Use the wood as a hook point and hoist Gabriel into the room. Activate the door, and
head through toward the lord of the Lycans.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after killing 15 enemies whilst they are dazed by fairies

If you come back with all the weapon upgrades then you’ll have plenty of fairies to help

you here. Simply play the level, but make sure to send fairies at all enemies you meet.
And make sure they have green sparkles above their heads before you finish them off,
else they are not properly ‘dazed’.

In the area where you are introduced to fairies, they will spawn helpfully for you for all the
Lycan’s you are fighting, ensuring you need even less fairies on your actual person.

Chapter 3 - Lord of the Lycans

Stage 2 - The Dark Lord of the Lycans

 It’s taken a while, and a few unfortunate events, but Gabriel now finds himself
on the doorstep of the first Lord of Shadow…

Current Mission - Defeat Cornell, the First Lord of Shadow

Jog down this path and top up your health, light, and dark magic meters with the fonts
provided and once set, leap into the arena to view the cut-scene and get some proper
context as to who the Lords of Shadow exactly are. Turns out your founding fathers
aren’t all that holy!

Boss - Cornell

 [ Retro-vania ]

The only other recorded appearance of a Cornell in the franchise was in the
slightly improved re-release of the N64 Castlevania, Castlevania: Legacy of
Darkness, in which Cornell was a playable character that could harness a
werewolf form when the mood took him.

For a so-called ‘Lord of Shadow’ Cornell isn’t all that, sporting two main attacks and the,
hopefully now obvious, un-blockable attack from block if you attack him too much. His
key attacks are a lunge, signified be lowering his mace to his left side, which can be
dodged, blocked, or parried as you see fit, and a pound which is un-blockable and causes
shockwaves that must be jumped.

Fight Cornell at whip’s length, this avoids taking a mace to the top of the head, and forces
him to rely on the more fallible lunge attack. Simply get into a rhythm of parry, attack,
dodge away, and jumping the waves if Cornell tries a ground pound. Keep this up and
Cornell will go down in no time. Or will he…

Oh so this is his true form!

 Boss - Cornell

Boss - Dark Lord of the Lycans

Phase 1
The Lycan Lord is a lot of flash, he has numerous different punches that all amount to
parry fodder. The best tact here is simply to get close enough to smell his lunch and
pound his face with direct attacks, whenever you see him go for a punch (the transition
from wind up to swipe is quick) hammer your block, you should land a parry.

If you stay right up to Cornell and land the parries he should find it hard to get a break.
Use shadow magic after counters as this will knock the large Lycan onto his arse, so
flicking shadow magic on to drop him, then off to land some free hits, will maximize
counter potential.

You do need to keep your head screwed on mind, as there is the possibility that Cornell
will use an un-blockable swipe and, as rare as these are, if you hear a swoosh effect then
dodge backward immediately.

If you do leave too much space Cornell may go for a charge attack, which is
devastatingly quick, and as per usual don’t attack his block. Also, if you have an available
pool of shadow magic and knives, then exploding daggers deal a lot of damage to the
Lycan lord.

Phase 2
After a short while the pillars around the arena will glow, you need to smash them quickly
as these are the roots of Cornell’s power. The first one you target will drop in one direct
hit, the second two, the third three and so on.

When on the later pillars you need to focus on avoiding Cornell’s attacks then dealing
damage to the pillar using area attacks to hit Cornell as well, or using direct attacks with
Cornell positioned in between you and the pillar as your whip will damage both.

Once all the pillars are down hit all the circle QTE’s in the following cut-scene to finish off
Cornell. Give yourself a pat on the back and grab a celebratory Jammy Dodger (or other
preferred snack).

 Boss - Dark Lord of the


New Item - Cyclone Boots

 The boots gifted to the warrior Cornell, they have seen heavy modifications
since he became a Lord of Shadow.

Out of Combat: These boots allow Gabriel to dash, and as an effect jump
further. They also grant access to the Shadow Dash, which can be used to
break down weak walls.

In combat: As well as being able to move around quicker, these boots allow
Gabriel to somersault clean over enemies heads.

Use your new boots to dash forward and leap the gap. Head forward and grab the wall,
hike up, shimmy left, and then up once more to meet… An eagle?

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level and defeat the Dark Lord without using Light Magic energy

As with the Black Knight, a couple of plays and some memorization will go a long way
with this (as will knocking the difficulty down a notch or three).

Chapter 4 - Witch Way to Vampires

Stage 1 - Mountain Fortress

 After a short flight, Gabriel is dropped on his way to rendezvous with Zobek at
the territory of the vampires.

Current Mission - Navigate the Witch’s Domain

Follow this path; it’s impossible to get lost so just roll with it.

You’ll soon spot a scroll corpse to your left, some bats will try and scare you, and the
door ahead appears to need dusting. Head towards the door and use a Shadow Dash,
activate shadow magic, block till Gabriel pulses, then push the left stick in direction you
want to dash, this will destroy the door so just keep running forward.

Follow the path to the left, use the ledge here and shimmy round. You’ll be onset by a
group of small trolls in this area so deal with them before following the path and leaping
over the next gap.

Over this gap a couple more Small Trolls will attack. Once they are goners head to the
left and you’ll find a hook point that you can use to swing to the next area.

Head left and follow the linear path around the cliff, you’ll find a scroll on the way but
your destination is a ledge at the end of the natural path. Jump up then use a hook point
to pull Gabriel to a new ledge where you’ll be onset by even more Little Trolls.

Before long an Ogre will unsubtly appear in the building behind, continue to tackle the
Small Trolls but stay to the right of the platform.

The Ogre will soon cause the left part of the platform to crumble, and soon after the
debris to the right will drop as well giving you a route over. Jump the gap and use the
hook point, now you have to fight the big guy for real…

Boss - Ogre
Phase 1
To start with you only have to attack the Ogre’s hand. It’s easy to lose a lot of health in
this encounter, as the Ogre’s grabs seem cheap and unfair; however, this section is easily
dealt with without much harm coming to Gabriel.

Simply chill to the left of the platform, the Ogre will feel around, slam his fist, and then
move more left. You need to hit the Ogre’s arm three times without moving too close to
scare him off, either use basic direct attacks and roll away if Gabriel moves too close, or
use a heavy combo.

The Ogre’s hand should move away after a few hits without making a grasp for Gabriel.
Rinse and repeat until he withdraws his arm and you’re able to pass.

Phase 2
It’s now time to fight the Ogre properly. Stay to the outer rim of the arena and keep
moving in advance of the Ogre’s attacks, don’t try and time maneuvers at the last minute
as the Ogre’s attacks have a wide range.

After a few hits the Ogre will make small roars, when he clearly makes a larger roar he is
going for the kill with a shockwave punch, keep moving and jump as his fist lands. Hook
on to the fist and time the circle QTE to take out one of the Ogre’s eyes.

Phase 3
This phase plays effectively the same except the Ogre has a habit of grabbing chunks
of the scenery. If he goes for this new attack it’s a shockwave slam so move away and
jump to avoid it.

Keep dealing the damage and you’ll eventually see the tell tale roar, dodge the punch and
hook on, hit the two circle QTE’s and blind the poor lug.

Phase 4
The Ogre is blind, but that’s no reason to stay still. Keep moving, as his flurry attack is
hugely unpredictable. After four hits however, you need to be near the middle of the semi
circle, where you can clearly see a strut of rock pointing up rather menacingly.
After the Flurry the Ogre will lean in, now is your chance. Assuming you’re positioned
correctly Gabriel will slam the Ogre on the strut, killing him in a rather grisly manner.

Boss Video - Ogre

 Boss - Ogre

Once the Ogre has been dealt with; head to the right of the arena and jump up. Start
following this linear route around.

Simply continue to follow the linear route and before long you’ll come to a fight with
some Small Trolls who now have the ability to throw rocks, how rude! This doesn’t
change much, and before long daddy Troll will appear to investigate who’s slaughtering
his kids. Rough him up, tame him, and break down the door to the north.

Raise an eyebrow at the cut-scene and carry on forward along the path. Before long you’ll
encounter your first…

New Enemy - Chupacabras

 Not necessarily an enemy, the Chupacabras is simply attracted to magical

artifacts, which it will steal and then enjoy a game of hide and seek with the
unfortunate victim. AKA – annoying nuisance

Without abilities you’re back to basic Gabriel, drop back the way you came and notice
a grab ledge to the right of the path (a new camera angle should point you towards

it). Head up here and to the left, follow the simple grip ledges and you’ll soon find the
Chupacabras cowering on a ledge. Grab him and he’ll return your stuff before you smash
his face in .

Seriously, did you see what Gabriel did to that Ogre? I would not mess with him! Head
back the way you were going and follow the path up, run up to the door in front of you
and use a Shadow Dash to break through it and…

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level and defeat the Ogre without being hit by his attacks

Many of the elements to this are noted in the level guide above, such as the poke method
to pass his searching hand phase. Fortunately this level is crammed with checkpoints
meaning a 'Trial Failed!' message is often greeted by a quick restart. Undoubtedly the
most infuriating phase is the last, in which case dashing away is probably the best way
to avoid his unpredictable barrage of hand slams.

Chapter 4 - Witch Way to Vampires

Stage 2 - The Crow Witch

 After felling a huge menacing Ogre, Gabriel sets his murderous eyes on a poor
old witch.

Current Mission - Find the Crow Witch

Run up the left staircase. About half way up the window doesn’t exist, so run through
here to the outside.

Head to the right and you’ll be able to use ledges and hook points to haul Gabriel up the
tower. Eventually you’ll get to a window, so smash through into the room beyond.

New Enemy - Sword Master

 The Sword master is a truly devious opponent, capable of swift dodges and
powering up their weapon, dashing at you from off screen will be one of the
cheapest tactics you encounter in the game.

Shadow masters are best dealt with by deploying fairies to distract their
ethereal selves, rendering them useless and susceptible to attack. If you lack
fairies, then attack and dodge as they dodge.

Deal with the Sword Master and two more will appear, use fairies to ease the pressure
and end their cheap existence. Move to where you smashed in and climb the staircase
to the right, at the top of the case use your hook to access the next area.

Here you’ll have to fight three Sword Masters. Again, fairies will reduce the pressure on
you. In this encounter the enemies can use the water as a conductor for their electric
attack, so deal with the quickly or try and stick to the dry rock.


Move to the left of the room to find a hook point, use it and haul Gabriel up to the top
of the room. Run around to the right and you’ll be able to get out into the fresh air once

To the left you’ll be able to climb up to the top of the tower ( note: there’s a Scroll on a
body you can collect - and easily miss - at the far-end of the arena during the boss battle).

Boss - Crow Witch Malphas

After the Ogre, Malphas is comparably easy. The fight will start with Malphas launching
her young at you, waste no time and the moment an egg comes close use your hook and
spin the left stick counter clockwise to return the favour.

You’ll have to fight off two of Malphas’ sons, but they don’t pose too much of a threat.
After dispatching them keep your distance from Malphas, she may launch crows at you
but these are easily avoided. Once the next eggs start coming, start throwing them back.
You should be able to get two back at Malphas if you’re quite a distance away and this
will stun the witch for a grapple.

Run forward and hook on to the big bird, now just wait for the button QTE and once she
is out for the count, run in and dispense some whip justice. Repeat this over again, she
should only take one egg to the face next time, and after laying in to her Malphas will
flash for the final grapple and button QTE.

 Boss - Crow Witch Malpha

That mysterious steed will save you once more as the tower crumbles behind you.
Gabriel isn’t terribly subtle really…

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level and defeat the Malphas without killing more than 2 of her

Get to the boss fight, and run to the very edge of the area, the extreme opposite to
Malphas. When the egg is coming be sure to throw it back, you’ll need to grab the third
egg in this first volley as well. Even if the camera zooms, be sure to hit grab and spin that

Now avoid the child that is currently pestering you and wait for another volley, return the
first egg from fairly close and then hop on. Play out the rest of the fight as normal and
you should net the trial.

Chapter 5 - Killin With Zobek

Stage 1 - Veres Woods

 Thanks to the mysterious horse, Gabriel survived his encounter with the
Witch. That said he’s still not out of the woods yet…

Current Mission - Find the Wygol Village and Seek Help

No time to stand around so simply follow this path directly forward, kill the enemies that
appear (and there’s also a bag of fairies via the left-hand path).

You’ll soon be accosted by a Chupacabras, which means no fancy stuff for the next few
fights. Follow the midget forward, you can fight the goblins here or ignore them and
follow the little chap to the right. Keep following him down this path (you might want to
note this path, there are two gems down here that you can’t access right now).

You’ll eventually drop down into a small selection of huts. Investigate the door and some
Goblins will appear and soon a Warthog. Beat them up and tame the Warthog, use it to
smash the door down by running straight in to it and head through.

To the right through the door is a corpse holding a scroll, and straight ahead is a climb
ledge. Grab it and shimmy to the left, round the corner, and hoist Gabriel to the top.
Before jumping left send out a fairy, if you jump before distracting him the Chupacabras
will shock you off.

Jump over while the little fella is distracted and then shake him about like a playground
bully until he drops your toys. There is a magic refill and a scroll in the cave behind him.
Drop back down and head left, you’ll soon fall off a lip.

Where you have fallen down run forward, there is a weak wall here so smash through
it with a Shadow Dash. There is a corpse slumped on your right clutching a scroll, but
otherwise just follow this path and appreciate the stunning view.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level, recovering your relics from the Chupacabras in less than 3
minutes since stolen.

Play the level once to get the path down in your head, play on a low difficulty, and be
sure to tame the very first warthog and not kill it. Oh and remember to distract the little
annoyance with a fairy and not get shocked off like a fool.

Chapter 5 - Killin With Zobek

Stage 2 - Wygol Village

 Not the hottest tourist spot it the world, welcome to the decrepit Wygol

Current Mission - Investigate What has the Villagers so


 Retro-vania - Wygol Village was actually the name of the hub area of the most
recent Nintendo DS Castlevania game, Order of Ecclesia. The denizens were
a lot less frightened, and a lot more trapped in strange yellow ice however.

Run in to the village and you’ll see the villagers locking themselves in their houses at the
very sight of you, what could have them so spooked? You’ll meet up with Zobek soon
who tells you of a secret weapon the Abbot of the nearby cathedral is using to keep
himself safe; time to take it from him. Of course it’s not that easy, you’ll find yourself
suddenly onset by…

New Enemy - Ghoul

 The ghoul is fodder, comparatively strong fodder but still fodder nonetheless
so just batter them until they die or grab them.

Well, they are fodder unless they take a bite out of a downed friend, in which
case they will glow and have access to a vomit attack that can poison Gabriel!
If this occurs use light magic to fight through it, and then batter the ghoul as

Fight off the initial onslaught of ghouls; you’ve got a big arena so make use of the space.
After the fight you’ll be told to plug the hole, so position yourself over the hole and use
your hook on the statue, use the button prompt to tell Zobek to help, and yank the statue
into the hole.
More Ghouls will attack from a second hole, fight them off again and now run back
toward the start of the graveyard, you’ll see the statue on the left and you’ll need to use
Charge Punches to get it ready to be pulled over in the same fashion as before. Take too
long and you’ll have to fight more Ghouls.

The third set of Ghouls will attack from the end of the level, fight them off. Head to the
left and you’ll notice the building ahead has a weak wall, Shadow Charge through and
you’ll find your plug inside.

Punch the statue in to place, head back out and round and pull it down on the hole.
Pulling this statue down has damaged the gate ahead so smash through it. You’ll find
a scroll corpse on your right, but simply head forward and you’ll find another one of
Gandolfi’s upgrades.

New Item - Stake

 The stake upgrade is perfect for killing vampires, and gives the Combat Cross
its true name – The Vampire Killer.

Out of Combat: Gabriel may now use the half circle cranks.

In Combat: The Steak means Gabriel can effectively kill Vampires in a


Come back down the stairs and use the Stake Crank, because you can, and head through
the now open doorway.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level without allowing Zobek to kill a single ghoul

This is easily done by shadowing Zobek and stealing all his kills like an annoying thirteen
year old on Halo. Use heavy direct attacks and combos and you should easily rob the old

codger of chalking up any points on the board.

Chapter 5 - Killin With Zobek

Stage 3 - Abbey Catacombs

 With Steak in hand Gabriel is now more than a match for those fanged
beasts. Just in the nick of time too…

Current Mission - Infiltrate the Abbey to Obtain the Abbot’s

Run forward and the poop will hit the fan as soon as you start…

New Enemy - Vampire Warrior

 While the vampire may get you in a fluster they aren’t too hard, as long as you
keep tabs on them. Fighting similarly to the Sword Masters, Vampires can
dodge quite a lot, and attack with an un-blockable dash from time to time.

They also block regularly, so don’t fall for this, and can grab on to Gabriel,
which will prompt a button QTE to push them off. The quickest way to deal
with the warriors is to damage until stun, at which point Gabriel can drive his
Steak in to their heart.

Fight off the Vampire warriors and grab the pole that is lying on the ground. Take it to the
device in the center of the room and put it in, turn the crank and ask Zobek to hold it for

Run ahead through the door and it will close behind you as Zobek is attacked by another
group of vamps, head in to the room and Charge Punch the center statue towards the
door and it will crash through. Run back in and help your ally.

Once the fanged freaks are down take the crank out the device and lug it through to the
next room, you need to find the two keys to open the next door.

Key 1
Take the pole to the right Crank, use it to open the door and head through. The wall here

will try to squish you, argh! You need to keep moving when Zobek holds a slab and then
hold a slab so he can move, using button QTEs to hold the slabs up. Survive this trap and
you’ll find the key at the end of this corridor, grab it and head back to the main room.

Key 2
Head back to the room with the locked door, remove the crank and take it to the left side
of the room, use it in this device to open the door. Take the crank with you this time, as
there is another device in this room that requires it.

Put the pole in and use the device, ask Zobek to hold it once you’ve turned it all the way
and a platform will start to move across the top of the screen. Hop on and ride it across.

There is a broken staircase to the left in the middle of this side, run up it and jump to the
key’s platform. Hop back down and return to the locked door, place the keys in and roll
up the stairs. There is a corpse clutching a scroll if you head all the way forward, but you
want to find yourself in the courtyard.

Puzzle - Abbot Magic

The solution scroll to this puzzle is sitting in the middle of the courtyard (and it’ll cost you
the XP you can earn if you want it auto-solved for you).

Head to the right into the covered area, use a Shadow Dash to break the weak wall here
and grab the pole from within. Take the pole into the courtyard and place it in the crank.
Turning the sun-dial will change the placement of the exit teleport and the entrance
teleport can always be found at the South-side of the screen via the right-hand corridor
(the one with the fountain behind the gate).

Be warned that plenty of Vampires will come up from all corners of the room if you take
too long, so speed is of the essence!

Turn the Sun dial 180 degrees and take the teleport to find a scroll, and turn it 270
degrees to set the teleporter at the exit, do this and take the trip. Puzzle solved! Now
simply run up the steps and through the door to finish the level!

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level without allowing Zobek to fall in combat a single time

As long as you don’t dawdle in the second room, or stand around like a lemon in combat,
there is absolutely no reason Zobek should come close to falling. If you’re that worried
about things, use Holy Water to dispense with the Vamps quickly and easily.

Chapter 5 - Killin With Zobek

Stage 4 - Abbey Library

 As Gabriel and Zobek continue their search for the sulking Abbot, we find the
duo in a library with more books than any sane person could fathom reading.

Current Mission - Continue Searching for the Abbot

There’s only one way to go for now; so head around the corridor that snakes ahead of

Head into the main hall and a cut-scene will start. Zobek has locked us out! Don’t worry,
he’s trying to find us a way through, but this is no time to dawdle…

New Enemy - Animated Armour

 The animated armor likes to hit hard, and block often. I doesn’t move much;
but due to its formidable size it’s got quite a reach on its chopping arm, try
and keep some distance.

After dealing a set amount of damage to an Animated Armour you’ll be able

to yoink its shield away, once this is done lay into the armor as it will no longer
be able to block. Oh and because of their magical nature, you can’t distract an
animated armor with a fairy. Sorry.

 Retro-vania - The Animated Armour appears to be the latest iteration of

the series stalwart enemy, the Knight. This said it’s often been speculated
just what drove the Knight, whether it was a poltergeist or indeed a zombie
wearing the armor, LoS makes its opinion on the matter quite clear with its
obvious name, it’s clearly work of the spiritual kind.

You’ll be attacked by two animated armors, your sub weapons (crystal aside) are fairly
useless so it’s whip, whip, whip, all the way home here. Defeat the armours and Zobek

will activate a secret passageway, which Gabriel will use automatically in the cut-scene.
You’ll see a corpse straight away with a hint scroll, and you know what that means!

Puzzle - Ze beams!
Time for a good old-fashioned light beam puzzle then…

Room 1

Move into the screen and charge punch the mirror forward, rotate it so that it shines light
into the door in front of you, head on through two rooms to reach the second section.

Room 2

You’ll see a beam of light shooting to the right, follow it into the bookcases.

Follow the light till it hits the wall and take the right path till you find a mirror, charge
punch it upward as far as it will go.

Return to the main part of the room the way you came and punch the first mirror of this
room back into the light, now angle it to point the light beam at the mirror you punched
forward before.

Head through the newly opened door onto a narrow staircase where you’ll have to fight
off a few gremlins before heading upward.

Room 3

Follow this balcony around and soon you’ll see a mirror, punch it forward and then right,
angle the light 90 degrees left so it is shooting the way you were running when you found
the mirror.

Follow the light and find another mirror, punch this to the right and angle it so the light
is reflected 90 degrees aimed forward. Now follow the lights path using the bridge to its

Where the light is focused on this wall, use the Charge Dash to bring it down, kill the
Animated Armor inside this room and move Gabriel to the bottom of the room, punch the

mirror forward so that it meets the light, now aim it so the light beam is pointing forward.

Head back into the prior corridor, where you slammed through the weak wall, and walk
into the screen. Another mirror sits here, you need to punch this mirror all the way along
the length of this balcony into the next room, and then toward the screen once it gets
into the next corridor.

When it reaches its limit there will be a weak wall to its right, Charge Dash to smash
this wall and then return to the mirror you just punched in to place, angle the light beam
towards the door at the end of this corridor. Puzzle solved! Follow the light beam through
the door and that’s that.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level and beat the mirror and lights puzzle in less than 2:30

As long as you know exactly where mirrors are going and what you’re doing them this
challenge isn’t too bad. You’ll also need to use the Holy Water Shield to stand a chance.

Play as normal, well, fast but as normal, and don’t fight anything. When you get to the
gremlins see them off with Holy Water, and when you reach the room with the animated
armor use a shield to absorb any blows whilst turning the mirror.

Chapter 5 - Killin With Zobek

Stage 5 - Abbey Towers

 So Gabriel and Zobek are separated. Not for long as you’ll soon find out, just
a quick jaunt to find the Abbot now.

Current Mission - Reach the Abbot and Claim his Weapon for
Your Own
Run forward to exit the tunnel, hang a left to find a scroll, but prepare to fight a mix of
Ghoul’s and Gremlins, grab is your friend. After the fight, run forward and right. Hop into
a covered area.

Run forward and hang a left, straight-ahead is another lovely scroll you can read if you
feel so inclined. Head left and use your hook to pull down the drawbridge, cross over and
deal with the gremlins that swamp you here.

Continue the way you were going and use the Stake Crank here then head through. Jump
over and work your way up the tower’s linear grips and hook points.

Where you went left to get the gem, if you did, move right instead to continue up the
tower and you’ll eventually reach the end of the level.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after finding and destroying 100 breakable objects before
the allotted time runs out

Holy Water Shield is your friend here, it will grant victory in this tough challenge. As will
area attacks, they will destroy a lot around you in a short time. From the start exit and
hit the objects to the left, run right and whack on a shield, taking out the wooden objects
here before leaping into the covered archway (ignore the baddies).

Destroy the objects into the camera before moving forward and taking out the huge
amount of wooden constructions here. Exit and take out the few here before leaping the
gap, get a shield up if yours is down and yank the bridge down.

Run over, more wide attacks in here before renewing your shield and using the Stake
Crank. The final few items are few here. Timing is tight, and a failure will likely require a
full restart from the world map screen.

Chapter 5 - Killin With Zobek

Stage 6 - Brauner

 ‘It’s a trap!’ Cries Zobek. ‘I know’, remarks Gabriel, the cocky devil.

Current Mission - Stop the Vampire Attack on the Village

New Item - Holy Water

 This is the fourth and final sub weapon, a water bomb with devastating
effects. Use it to clear rooms of lesser and medium enemies, or to knock
larger foes clean off their feet.

Top up using the magic refill and health fonts here, and when you’re ready use the hook
point to get this party started.

When you first arrive you’ll have to contend with common Vampire Warriors, armed with
holy water you can seriously damage them in no time. Jump and use the sub weapon for
a brutal AOE attack, which leaves Vampires stunned and ready for a Stake to their fragile
hearts. Fend off enough of the starters, and the main course will arrive in no time.

Boss - Lieutenant Brauner

One of the big Vamps, Brauner was actually a demon before he was turned into a
bloodsucker, which makes him one tough cookie.

 Retro-vania - Brauner previously appeared in the DS release Portrait of Ruin

as the game’s main villain, a vampire obsessed with painting.

Brauner has a lot of quick attacks, and even when you make space he is quick to close it.
Don’t stay close to Brauner as while his claw swipe is blockable, he has an equally quick
un-blockable slash with his blade.

That said, the claw attack normally comes in pairs so as a rule, dodge his initial attack
and if he went for the blockable claw with his left, get ready to parry attack number two.

If the camera pulls out Brauner is going for a charge attack, roll to the side quickly to
avoid him. If Brauner splits up into a flock of bats, move to the side of block. They will
attack where you stand the moment he turns.

Brauner’s final attack is to throw his blade at you, this attack can be avoided (dart
backwards or to the side) but it can also be returned, hit the use trigger (RT/R2) as soon
as the blade’s circumference effect gets close enough to touch Gabriel, you have quite a
good opportunity to hit this. This opens Brauner up for some free hits, and deals damage
in itself.

After a slab of damage you’ll be able to grab the Vampire lieutenant and hit some circle
QTE’s to de-wing him. This doesn’t change the fight a whole lot, just keep whipping away
and returning his blade and you’ll be able to grab him for the glorious coup-de-gras in no

 Boss - Lieutenant Brauner

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after attacking the Elite Vampire 4 consecutive times with
his own blade

The best way to do this is to fight Brauner until you rip his wings off, this will give him
less attacks to play with. Now you have to return his blade, as detailed above, four times
without attacking the fanged beast in between. Simply keep your distance and avoid his
attacks, staying away will increase the chances of him going for a Frisbee toss. Doing it

in the second phase also means he is much closer to death upon completing the trial.

Chapter 5 - Killin With Zobek

Stage 7 - Castle Sewers

 A secret entrance through the sewers eh? Why can’t it ever be a secret
entrance through the girl’s bathroom?

Current Mission - Take the Secret Passageway Into the Castle

Head forward and into the Sewers. There is a corpse with a scroll on it in the gunk, but
we don’t really want to go down there.

Instead, head up the stairs onto a walkway around the pit and you’ll find a lever. This
temporarily stops the flow from the pipe in front of it, and the one around the corner. You
need to dash past both in this short space of time, so get to it.

Remember to double tap the control stick to dash! Once through head forward into the
open area and you’ll note a steak device, start using it and enjoy the amusing cut-scene
that ensues involving a…

New Skeleton - Skeleton Warrior

 The Skeleton Warrior is an absolute beast; capable of pulling an un-blockable

dash out of nowhere these tooled up fighters are responsible for many a
cheap death. Keep moving and keep attacking, even when they block.

Their un-blockable retaliation is short range, and dealing damage on their

shield will actually lead to breaking it, making them easier to contend with.
Worth noting is that these guys have a chance to come back. Upon dealing
enough damage they will shatter, but if you leave these bones alone they will
reassemble and come right back at you.

Use any attack that slams your whip into the ground to avoid this, a heavy
combo or guillotine will do the trick, just make sure they don’t trouble you
more than need be.

You’ll need to fight three warriors, which is a tall order considering this is your first
encounter. Fight like a man (keep moving, that’s the main tip) or be a girl and use a
crystal, seriously, no one will know, just get rid of their bony features.

Once the undead are re-dead get back to using the Steak Device. Once done head back
round to the sewage pipes. You’ll get shot off so head left, climb up, and use the lever
to pass the first pipe, but this time use the lever in between the pipes to open the door
beneath you.

Drop down and head through, then use a dash jump to reach the safety of the next
platform and head into the next room.

Puzzle - Deception Spikes

Button on the wall causes spikes to run and gate to open, but no matter how fast you
run you just can’t get through the door. Solution? Don’t touch the button and run over the
grate to the door. Spin around, activate Shadow Magic, and throw an Explosive Dagger
at the button from here. It’ll activate, and you can pass through no trouble.Ta da! Now
waltz through the doorway, grapple up, and you’re done.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after killing 3 Skeleton Warriors without destroying their

This Trial isn’t too hard, as you’ll clearly see when a Skeleton Warrior is on the defense,
and as such when you shouldn’t attack. Use Fairy distractions to make this challenge
easier, and a lower difficulty. And don’t forget to scatter their bones to avoid a
resurrection spoiling your day.

Chapter 6 - Enter the Castle

Stage 1 - Castle Courtyard

 With Holy Water in hand, and the attack on Wygol dispersed, Gabriel heads to
the castle to tackle the second Lord of Shadow.

Current Mission - Find an Entrance to the Castle

You’ll begin at a cliff, work your way up using the linear path provided. At the top you will
see the castle looming here, head right if you need some more holy water but otherwise
head forward towards the fence. At this fence look to your left, you’ll notice a grip ledge
you can use to pull Gabriel up and then over the fence.

But of course, the door is shut. But no worries, there is a handy Stake device if you run
towards the screen. Start to use this but don’t get too comfortable because the animated
armor burglary system will activate and try and stop you. Deal with them as usual, and
return to the Stake Crank.

Use the Crank and immediately, as quickly as possible, dash and fall down the hole in
front of you. Dilly-dally about and it will close, meaning you’ll have to use the Crank again.
You’ll fall into some dungeons where the bones of some long deceased warriors will rise
and fight you, deal with these and a Warg will appear who is ripe for the taming.

Tame the Warg and use it to climb the glowing pillar on the right. Deal with the vampires
whilst riding the Warg to make things easier and then hop off the beast. You can follow
the balance beam to the left for a scroll, a heal font, and a crystal shard if you so wish
but if not head to the top right of this right side and drop down the hole.

Follow this linear sewer and you’ll soon come to a narrow fight with three Skeleton
Warriors, either fight like a man or use a crystal to speed things up. Once they’re down,
head forward and up the spiral staircase.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level and kill 3 Skeleton Warriors while you are mounted on a

When you drop into the dungeon, ignore the Skeleton warriors. Distract them with fairies,
avoid them, and whatever you do don’t kill them. Before too long a Great Warg will be let
loose, so rough it up and tame it, and now you can kill off the Skeleton Warriors. The third
will appear after you deal with the initial two.

Chapter 6 - Enter the Castle

Stage 2 - Maze Gardens

 A maze garden eh? Well if you’re an immortal race of bloodsuckers then you
must have the time to create something like this to drive would be heroes

 Retro-vania - Hedge mazes. They could never quite work in two dimensions
but the franchise has grown rather fond of them since its baby steps into
3D with the universally panned Castlevania 64 featuring a hedge maze with
skeletons that rode motorcycles… There’s a reason that game wasn’t highly

Current Mission - Navigate the Hedge Maze

Being a maze there are naturally gems and what not hidden a good distance from the
actual route (which is incredibly simple once you know it). For now run forward and you’ll
be introduced to…

New Enemy - Mandrogora

Remember those screaming plants in Harry Potter? Yeah, those things. They are
incredibly weak, that’s the plus side, but they have a tendency to leech life from Gabriel
as you saunter past, that’s the bad thing.

Use direct attacks from a range or simply leg it past them, it seems that once a large
number sprout then they will stop sprouting for a while, whereas if you fight them they
seem to appear indefinitely.

Where we are now, this is the ‘entrance’.

Take the first path on Gabriel’s right; head down into the screen, right again and then stop
once you see a statue forward from Gabriel. Punch the statue as hard as Gabriel can into

the hedge in front of it, climb up, shimmy round, and drop off into the next area of the

Head into the screen, run right and hug the maze until you meet a spider, tame it. Run
the spider to the left, to the area you entered after hopping the hedge, and use it to place
a web bridge over the gap here. Head over.

Puzzle - Statue Riddle

You simply need to make all three statues face into the center to solve this puzzle, an
easy one (hit RT/R2 on the middle statue twice). Head back out of the area and tame
another spider, ride it to the right of the bridge you already placed and north, take the first
right and rip a hole in the door here.

Jump off the spider and mind your head as you pass the gates. Use the Vampire Key on
the door here and you’ll find yourself at the Holy Magic refill from the start of the previous
stage. Move left and then forward, using the left ledges to get over the fence in the same
way as before.

Once in the courtyard where you previously fell down, run forward to the Castle’s
entrance and whack the key into the lock on the right of the door and head in…

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after defeating 15 Mandragoras in less than 15 seconds

A lot of Mandragora’s seem to spawn in the right and left most areas, try and get a big
group to sprout and then circle them in an attempt to chorale the into one area. Now use
direct heavy attacks or a barrage of Holy Water to dispatch them in quick succession.

Chapter 6 - Enter the Castle

Stage 3 - Castle Hall

 With the maze traversed Gabriel enters the Castle in earnest, but of course its
denizens aren’t too happy to see a vampire hunter…

Current Mission - Start the Long Climb to the Throne Room

No time to relax, there are vampires to kill. That said these vampires aren’t going to stop
coming unless you can get some light on the situation. First things first; run forward
past the hole, past the first curtained window on your left, and move toward the second
window and use your hook to pull the curtain back.

Now fight off most the vampires, jump and use holy water to stun them and while they
are dead or stunned, run toward the window to the left of the hole and use your hook and
hit the button QTE to yank the wood off.

Do this three times; open the window, and then you’re done for this hole. Run forward and
use the Stake Crank to open the door and head on through. This room acts the same,
there is a boarded window to the right of the vamp hole that needs opening, but you need
to deal with an Animated Armor at the same time.

Either kill the Animated Armor, or lure him to the right and then move to the left and pull
(he moves quite slowly), either way get that window open! Once you’re done here head
to the right and use the Stake Crank to open the door.

Before going through however head back in to the first room and run as far into the
screen as possible, open the window to the left and then head to the right and Charge
Punch the mirror to the left before turning it to angle a light beam into the next room
where you fought the Animated Armor. Now run through into the third room.

To the right of this room is a mirror, punch it left and then back into the second room so
it is in line with the light coming from room 1. Now turn the mirror so it is sending light at
a right angle into the third room, this will open the door in this room.

Puzzle - Compass Runes
In the third room to the left and right of the far gate, and inside the area you’ve just
opened, there are five runes that need activating with the correct colours. (There’s 5 in
total and 2 are blue. 2 at west are the same colour, 2 at north are both red)

The sun is setting, and shining in from the way you came, so that’s the west. Doing a bit
of logic that means the left wall of the room is the north. The runes outside the room are
both red, so activate them with Shadow Magic.

Inside the three runes are as follows, the left Rune is Red, and the middle and right runes
are Blue. Activate with Shadow and Light magic as appropriate.

The door at the top of the second room will now start opening. But of course that would
be too easy, night falls and with it the vampires arise! Run back to room two and get
ready to fend off against the fanged beasts. They are limited, but there are many of them
but as long as you keep fighting to the top of the room then you can duck through the
door the moment it opens… Meet Laura.

Puzzle - Vampire Wargame

And now for something completely different…

The Vampire Wargame is a take on chess which sees your six pieces matched up
against an opponent’s six pieces in a bloody (bricky?) fight to the death.

The player spins a dial which dictates the piece they are allowed to use, the player is
allowed one spin to begin with but as their number of active pieces drops, they are
granted more spins to help them claw back in to the fight.

The pieces are as follows:

 • **Lycanthrope** - A basic unit the Lycanthrope is fast, able
to move two spaces in a turn they make the best foot
• **Vampire Warrior** - The Vampire Warrior is able to move
one space at a time and attack an adjacent piece, but also
has the ability to regain health with an attack that deals
half normal damage for the sake of regeneration.
• **Necromancer** - The most versatile piece, the
Necromancer is capable of attacking a piece up to two
squares away but can also summon a zombie anywhere
on the board.
• **Zombie** - summoned via a Necromancer the Zombie is
weak and can only move one space and attack an adjacent
enemy, however they do not count towards your piece
count if they die.

When you spin the dial it will dictate the type of piece you use, you’re free to use any
version of that piece and in the case of zombies, you can use them by cycling from
landing a necromancer turn. Due to the random nature of the spinner it’s impossible to
give a watertight guide to this mini-game however follow these tips and you should have
no trouble winning.

Wargame Tips
• Stay back, moving forward may accidentally put you in range of a
necromancer or a two-move Lycanthrope
• Defend the Necromancers, if nothing else move your own vampires in
front of them.
• Summon a Zombie at every opportunity, unless an enemy piece is in

range of your necromancer’s attack then summon a zombie, or use a
zombie to attack. The CPU will focus on zombies so they work as perfect
• The Vampire’s health restore isn’t particularly useful, and focus attacking
an opponent down is a better way to play that piece.
• There is seemingly a rhythm to the spinner, an instant click will likely give
a Lycanthrope move, waiting a second seems to be the necromancer
• Always attack if possible, you only need to win and not particularly
stylishly and if pieces fall, you’ll just get more turns.

With these tips you should be able to win with no problems.

Once done, run toward the top left of the room and through the door.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level and win the Vampire Wargame without losing more than 3

A little luck based, using the tips given in the level guide and crossing your fingers is the
best way to go about it. Simply remember to spawn zombies (their death doesn’t count
towards pieces lost), and stay back on the whole, let Laura come to you.

Chapter 6 - Enter the Castle

Stage 4 - Refectory

 After a jolly game of chess, Gabriel is going to find himself faced with a
markedly different tone of level in the kitchen of a cook who certainly would
not pass a sanitary inspection.

Current Mission - Open the Locked Door

Run forward, ignore the hallway to your left and run until you get a cut-scene of the
upcoming boss. Charming chap. Run to the right and drop down the stairs, head in to the
room and deal with the Ghouls here. A Scroll rests on the obvious corpse.

Head to the end of the room and take a left, you’ll find a pot full of delicious looking cuts
of meat, grab one, take it into the dining hall, and place it on the plate where the Ghoul’s
were feasting.

Run over to the bell on the right and give it a chime. This will summon more Ghouls but
ignore them, hop over the tables to the right and use the hook point before the shutters
close to get in to the crawl space. Navigate this linear passageway.

Soon you’ll see the kitchen, and the Butcher. Move forward and drop down.

Boss - Evil Butcher

Phase 1
The Butcher has a salvo of basic attacks. His normal swipes can be blocked just fine, but
his overhead is un-blockable so do your best to avoid it. Fight at a distance, if you want
to deal some unhindered damage then a Shadow Punch will knock the cook to his arse,
giving you time to administer some whipping justice.

The Cook’s key trick is that he can use things around his kitchen. If he grabs a gourd he
will take swigs from it and attack with flame before throwing it at you in rage. It’s easy
to somersault this attack at the last minute and, assuming you have the upgrade, launch
into a flurry of attacks.

If he grabs a chunk of meat he will chomp on it to restore health, before throwing it at
you. Simply lay into the cook and he’ll give up on it sooner.

Phase 2
Eventually the Butcher will decide his noggin needs protecting, at which point he will grab
a pot from the stove and wear it. This phase is actually incredibly easy, attacking the
cook as normal now does nothing and he will fight as normal.

Simply jump and attack, hitting the Butcher’s metallic helmet and stunning him with the
vibrations. Now just run in, hook him with the use trigger, and circle QTE your way to

Grab the key and take the door to the left. You’ll immediately have to deal with those
Ghoul’s you summoned but this shouldn’t take long.

Run into the screen and take the stairs back up to the Magic Refill font. Come toward the
screen a little more and take the hallway to the left, use the key and head through. Fight
the Animated Armor and Skeleton Warriors in this room; use a crystal if you want it over
with quickly.

You’ll find a corpse on the right with a scroll and a hook point by heading forward from
here at some damaged stairs. Climbing up and following the path will lead to a hint scroll
and Magic Refill Font. Head back down via the hook point; if you jump you’ll die.

Puzzle - Two Trios of Runes
This puzzle is simple, The answer is split between the left and right sides of the door. 3
of each colour, from the left counting right, third and sixth are the same colour, the rune
closest to a red is always a blue, the leftmost rune is blue.

• Left side goes (from left to right), blue, blue, and red.
• Right side goes (from left to right), red, blue, and red.

Light them up with the relevant magic. Head through the open door to finish
the level.
 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level and defeat the Evil Butcher after he uses at least 15 objects
in the kitchen

Simply avoid the Butcher’s attacks and let him move about his kitchen, grabbing
everything his huge slabs can get a hold of. Do not damage him to Phase 2; else he will
stop using items. Keep an eye on the count in the top right, and wait for it to tick off.

Chapter 7 - Breaking and Entering

Stage 1 - Balcony

 With Laura pacified for now Gabriel continues his trek to the castle’s throne

Current Mission - Navigate the Castle Balcony

No time to enjoy the scenery, run forward and deal with the three vampires that spawn
here to try and grab a drink. Once out into the open-air head to the side and drop off.
Navigate the balance beams here, only one way to go, and you’ll soon find your feet back
on solid ground.

Run forward and to the left, following the path round and dropping to a scrap with a few
Shadow Masters, use fairies and air attacks to destroy them.

On the wall to the left is a grip point so grab up and follow the ledges until you find
yourself on another shelf. Jump up to the next area, down the right of the middle roofing
is a scroll but to proceed we need a key from the left.

Drop down here, shimmy right, hook and rappel down then use a wall kick jump to reach
the opposite ledge. Shimmy around, drop down, and jump into the window.

You’ll need to deal with two Skeleton Warriors here, but you should have some fairies to
help make quick work of their anorexic forms. Once the second one falls grab the key it
drops and return out the window and around the way you came, back up onto the roof
and head forward where you’ll find a key slot. Put it in and jump into the room ahead.

Head to the top right of the room and you’ll find…

Puzzle - Pachinko
The idea here is to make every paddle turn green by passing balls over them to swap
colours using the three available drop points, left, middle, and right. To solve the puzzle

as quickly as possible follow this order: Right, Left, Middle, Middle, Middle, Middle,
Middle . Now just make your way through the door to finish the level.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after beating the logic gates puzzle in 7 movements

As detailed in the stage guide above the solution to the puzzle is as follows; Left, Right,
Middle, Middle, Middle, Middle, and Middle.

Chapter 7 - Breaking and Entering

Stage 2 - Electric Library

 Gabriel is getting much higher into the castle now, but he needs to navigate
the remains of Dr. Frankenstein’s twisted laboratory.

 Retro-vania - Dr Frankenstein is noted as the creator of the lab, and was

allegedly tortured to death by Carmilla over a long period of time.
Frankenstein’s monster is never seen in LoS but is a staple enemy of the
franchise dating back to the very first game.

So with Frankenstein’s dad being highlighted here it would be safe to get

down the betting shop and put a tenner on the monster appearing in the next

Current Mission - Navigate Dr. Frankenstein’s Fiendish Puzzles

First thing first, there is a scroll to your right which is also the solution to the majority of
this level because, shock (snigger) horror, it’s one great big puzzle.

Puzzle - Switches and Conductors

This puzzle asks you to activate floor buttons; lots of floor buttons, and to do this you
need to use Gabriel’s ground punch that is found by holding block and pressing the wide
attack button. Got that? Good.

Room 1
• This room is simple, head to the left and you’ll find the first button, punch
• Move into the room and to the right and punch the button here.
• Now go forward and left, punch the third button and head on through to…

Room 2
Slightly more complicated is room 2, first thing is to punch the initial button you see.

From the button head left and into the room, you’ll find a battery; it was highlighted in the
camera pan of this room. Punch the battery back towards the room entrance and follow
it. Hit the first button again and then keep punching the battery this way until it clicks into

From here head forward and to the right, use a straight punch to activate the button on
the wall. Head back to the room entrance and punch the first button again, run left and
into the room past where you found the battery.

Now grab some daggers and magic if necessary, then throw an explosive dagger
(shadow mode + dagger) at the button you straight punched not two minutes before.
Move into the space in front of the exit and throw another explosive dagger at the button,
you can now head through to…

Room 3
Head in to the room and ignore the central Mechanism for now. Run up to it and then
hang a left all the way toward the wall. This is a weak wall so Shadow Dash through it
and you’ll find a button on the floor inside, punch it! Leave this area and head north of the
central walkway and grab the red lens…

Boss - Mechanical Monstrosity

That is genuinely the name of this rather straightforward boss encounter. This boss
doesn’t have too many tricks, although that’s not to say he doesn’t have a few surprises…

Its main attack is a pincer slash, which is blockable. Its second attack is a dual pincer
attack, which is charged up with an obvious white glow so roll to the side to avoid it. The
boss also has an electrical attack that has an obvious telltale electrical charge; it shoots
it out in a straight cone from its pincers so dodge to the side as soon as you catch a hint
of it starting up.

After a bit of damage the boss will scuttle and recharge its batteries, you’ll also be

prompted to a button on the floor. From here on in the fight you’ll need to focus on giving
the scorpion thing a nasty surprise if it ever tries to get some juice.

You can try for a lucky shock as its scuttling around or otherwise just damage it enough
to make it require a boost and then shock it. Keep this up and it will be deceased in no

 Boss - Mechanical
Monstrosity (Fight 1)

Back to the puzzle… Head to the center mechanism and rotate it a full 180 degrees
around. Now run upward, and wait. There is a moving platforming going in an L motion
around the top right of the room, wait for it and hop on when it arrives.

Ride the platform for its full L motion and hop off on the right side of the room. Hit the
switch in the bottom right of the room and you’ll open the exit. Head through and…

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level and deactivate the Mechanical Monstrosity using only the
tesla coil in the lab after it is activated

Reach the boss, and damage him until the coil activates. From here on you can’t use
normal attacks on the creature, only lucky shocks. A good tactic is to lure the fight over
to the coil and wait for the monster to start charging an electricity attack, this is your
queue to summersault over (press jump whilst blocking), run, and hit the button. A little
luck and some patience and you’ll get there in no time.

Chapter 7 - Breaking and Entering

Stage 3 - Chromatic Observatory

 What was that red gem for? It was for this puzzle! Huzzah!

Current Mission - Solve the Mystery of the Magical Lens

This level is split in to numerous rooms and events that are triggered by using the
coloured lenses you have and will find and tinkering with the large device in the center of
the main room. As such this stage guide will separate itself into explaining each room in
turn. Head forward and use the device, slide the red lens into the light…

Red Room
The corpse in the middle of this room contains the hint scroll but for now contend with
the vampire warriors that spawn. Once they’re done for…

Puzzle - Dashing Secrets

The floor tiles are the puzzle here, you need to light up the corners but they go out if you
take too long. Ergo stand on one corner and activate shadow magic, now use a dash
to move to the next corner, then dash to the next, and dash to the final corner. Puzzle

Return to the room’s entrance and run up either the right or left staircase and follow
this round to the room the puzzle opened. Head in, grab the green lens, and fight off the
solitary Sword Master. Head back to the main room.

Yellow Room
Insert the Green lens and place both the red and Green lenses into the light to enter the
yellow room. You’ll find more vampires and a diamond version of the puzzle from the red

Kill them, solve puzzle, and enter the room to grab the blue lens. You’ll need to fend
off the Sword Masters that spawn, but this is easily done using fairies to distract them.
Return to the main room.

 NOTE: If you are merely interested in finishing the stage, skip to the Purple
Door instructions (all other rooms and beams are optional).

Green Room
Remove the red lens from the light so that only the green lens is in the light. You’ll find
three Sword Master’s here so either use fairy distractions, a crystal instant kill, or good
luck if you choose to tackle them in genuine combat. Once they fall use a Dash Jump to
Hook to pull Gabriel over.

The Dash puzzle here is a few diagonal dashes away from the screen, you’ll need to start
from the tile furthest south. In a pleasant twist, you can grab the white key here without
having to prove your worth.

• **Blue Beam:** Just using the blue lens starts an un-required armor fight.
For masochists only.
• **Turquoise Beam:** By placing Blue and Green into the light you will
activate the Turquoise beam…

White Door
Inserting all three lenses, green, blue, and red, will open the white door. This is a linear
path, found by heading left and hooking up then following balance beams over the room.
By following the path all the way to the other side, and using the white key to unlock the
door, you will grab…

Purple Door
Heading through the purple door will take you to the final event of the level…

Boss - Deadly Toys

This is a tough fight if you don’t keep moving, as the deadly toys have a number of

lighting fast attacks that can genuinely catch you off guard.

First thing’s first, you cannot win this fight with a crystal. It unfortunately kills the doll
outright and the only way to ‘kill’ the toy is to damage it enough for a grab finish, in which
Gabriel will destroy the doll’s heart.

The key attacks you’ll see from the dolls are a lumbering punch, a quick needle jab, and
a leap with added shockwave that must be jumped or avoided.

The best way to fight the dolls is to keep moving around the room, going in for a short
flurry of attacks before moving again. The less time you stand in front of them the less
time you risk being struck by needles.

Damage the dolls until they flash then use the grab trigger to initiate the QTE sequence to
finish them off. When there is only one doll left they will start spawning the same Black
Goo as the Black Knight fight. It is dealt with in the same way as before, use an attack
that strikes the ground. Polish off the last doll and you’re done.

 Boss - Deadly Toys

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level, destroying 10 Deadly Toys using normal hits before
completely killing any of them with a grip

Lower the difficulty for an easier time here, as you’ll be fighting more than three times the
number of toys you normally would. If you use a crystal, then you’ll be three marks up

by hardly doing anything, now simply follow the tips outlined above but when the things
flash for a grab, ignore it and wail away on them as normal.

It’s a good idea to come back to this when upgraded, especially with the ultimate
light attack, as any advantage you can get is a serious help in this mighty challenging

Chapter 8 - How Many People Actually Live Here

Stage 1 - Outer Wall

 With Laura subdued once and for all, it’s on to dealing with mummy…

Current Mission - Scale the Outer Wall, Which Leads to the

Clock Tower
Immediately at the start there’s a corpse on your left clutching a scroll. Otherwise move
right and drop to the ledge. Follow the linear route to the right, hooking up when required.
You’ll come out onto a ledge with a health refill, use as required and then jump up.

Move into the courtyard and you’ll notice a Magic Refill Font in the top left corner and
a puzzle in front of the door but no time to linger, as there are vampires and skeletal
warriors to kill! A crystal will deal with this instantly, or plenty of Holy Water and fairies
will do the trick just as well.

Puzzle - Semantic Rune Challenge

Six in total, three of each colour. 2 blue on the left, the next clue hardly makes any sense
– the runes closest and furthers away match the run opposite is an easier clue. At least
one of the runes furthest away is blue.

• On the left side, reading upward, the first and second runes are blue and
the third is red.
• On the right side, reading upwards, the first rune is Blue and the second
and third are red.

With the puzzle solved, run through the gate and drop down onto the chain, following
it alllllll the way down to a circular area with a Crank in the middle. Ignore the crank for
now because there are gremlins to deal with. Silver daggers make short work of them or
some simply whipping.

Once all the gremlins have had their wings clipped its time for a mini puzzle. Use the
crank by pushing it around, now you need to run down and roll through the door as it

automatically moves back round to its original position.

The easiest way is to run down then block, and then just roll as the door comes near.
Land down and then run into the downward stairs into the building you were just on
top of. Take the Tower Key from the corpse down here and then fight the two Shadow
Masters that appear. Remember those fairy distractions!

Once they are down use the crank and exit, follow the path up and then run aaallllll the
way up the chain till you get inside the building at the very top.

Simply run toward the door and use the key inside the lock to the right.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after killing 10 Gremlins using only your Silver Daggers

Simple. Make sure you grab some upgrades as the Gremlins can take a few daggers
before exploding in a flash of claret. Now play the level as normal and after crossing the
first chain, let the knives fly!

Chapter 8 - How Many People Actually Live Here

Stage 2 - The Clockwork Tower

 Tick Tock go the platforming gears of the clockwork tower. Unfortunately it’s
the only way up…

Current Mission - Navigate the Clockwork Tower to Reach the

Throne Room

 Retro-vania - Castlevania loves clocktowers, and LoS is no different. Always

ballsey tests of platforming skill, thank your dark gods that Mercury Stream
left out the Medusa heads that often made these levels such a pain to

This level is quite hard to get lost in, but some parts of it do require a little extra thought,
some luck, and one or two leaps of faith… The first floor is simple. Wait for the balance
beam to extend and run all the way across to the other side of the room.

Head right. It’s hard to lose your way here, just remember to time jumps where required
(the cog). Once you climb up to the Crank use it. Make sure you tap the use trigger, in
some strange glitch this level bugs out if you hold the trigger on the cranks.

Use the balance beams once you raise them. Once across you need to use your hook
and kick off twice then pull up. You genuinely need the power of two wall kicks else you
will not clear the electricity. Time your wall run past the second and then shimmy right at
the top.

Carry on as you read the level, its all quite simple. After the wall shimmy over a cog you’ll
drop onto a ledge and then jump to an identical one, the next jump is a dash leap to the
hang ledge. Now shimmy right and drop down, trust me there’s a grip ledge down here.

Head round as you read the level now and you’ll soon come to a wall climb with
electricity, the lowest charge buzzes twice and after the second you want to move
upward and then avoid the third after its second quick buzz as well. Once up the top head

left and drop.

Now run to the left and use your hook to get to a large area. You’ll find a crank so start
using it.

Boss - Mechanical Monstrosity (Fight 2)

It’s a rare case of boss déjà vu! The boss is the same, same pincer and electricity attacks,
except it no longer needs to be shocked and as such can no longer regain health. It
does have a few new tricks mind; it can now create a shockwave of electricity around
itself that is best jumped, if you hear an electrical charge do a rolling jump to cover both

It can also perform a bit of telekinesis with items around the room. Just keep moving to
avoid them. Otherwise just lay into the boss using your magic as required to top yourself
up or speed the fight up. Land the grab and series of QTEs when the prompt appears and
you’ll take it down in no time.

 Boss - Mechanical
Monstrosity (Fight 2)

Use the crank properly (rude bosses) and then walk along the balance beam. The
platform will soon rise.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level and get to the top corridor in less than 5 minutes

Learn the level. You don’t want to be falling down stupid holes or getting confused, and
make sure not to fall for the silly crank glitch. Once you reach the monstrosity absolutely
lay into it. Shadow magic, ultimate light technique, Crystals if you’ve got ‘em, destroy it
as fast as possible, no holds barred. And then get to the end. It’s a tight one again, but
easily doable

Chapter 8 - How Many People Actually Live Here

Stage 3 - Olrox

 Before we get to tackle the Lord of Shadow she has another minion for us to
hack and slash…

Current Mission - Defeat Olrox

 Retro-vania - Olrox has previously appeared in Castlevania as a boss, in the

legendary Symphony of the Night no less.

Boss - Commander Olrox

Remember Brauner? Meet Mk. II. Olrox does fight very similarly to Brauner; including the
un-blockable or blockable switch-a-roo so the same deal applies. Dodge the first and
then react. Olrox follows his un-blockable with a second unblockable though so keep

Olrox will also throw his dual blades, foreshadowed by a line such as ‘The Dark Lady
will be pleased…’ Unfortunately you can’t return these so dodge to the side and lay in to
the brute. Olrox will also go into a flurry of teleports, this will end up in front of you and
either culminates in a blockable swipe, or un-blockable, so the usual tactics of dodge
then decide is relevant here.

The crucial thing in this fight is to move; this guy can close a gap and slice your face with
formidable speed so go for a few hits then dodge, few hits then dodge, and of course
stop attacking if he blocks.

When his health gets low the vampire Commander will start regaining his health from
poor victims of iron maiden deaths around the arena. Bat the boss away and then
destroy the cadaver inside, eventually Mr. Fangs will run out of sources to recharge and
you’re free to finish him off.

 Boss - Commander Olrox

Puzzle - The Bloody Key

Thankfully Olrox died right where we needed some blood to trail between some cups!
This puzzle can be a bit tricky as some of the timing is incredibly tight.

The diagram above shows the route you need to take through the maze, remember to
push the stick into the corners as you get to the corner, almost as if you were playing
Pac Man, as this is quicker than waiting to be at the corner before moving round. With
the puzzle solved, run through the exit to end the level.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after keeping the focus meter at its maximum value for 60

Lower the difficulty. Now, attack Olrox with some varied attacks to raise the focus meter,
once it’s up you need to keep it up so focus on keeping away from Olrox, avoiding
anything he tries to throw at you.

To keep the bar up you’ll also need to poke him every now and again but most
importantly, avoid. Oh and don’t die afterwards else it will all be for naught, that’s why we
brought the difficulty down…

Chapter 8 - How Many People Actually Live Here

Stage 4 - The Throne Room

 The Second Lord of Shadow, Carmilla, awaits you in her throne room…

Current Mission - Defeat the Second Lord of Shadow

 Retro-vania - In true Castlevania style the throne room level begins with an
outdoor staircase that is sure to make any fan giddy with misty eyes. The trek
to a castle’s final room is always, always, an outdoor staircase.

Head on in to meet Carmilla…

 Retro-vania - Carmilla is, in the traditional lore, a vampire who struck up a

deal with Dracula to ensure she would reincarnate when he does. As such she
has appeared in numerous games, Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest, Rondo of
Blood, Circle of the Moon, and she was playable in the meh-tastic Wii fighter
Castlevania Judgment.

Boss - Carmilla
This is simple; Carmilla will rise into the center of the room and summon her minions to
attack you. She will occasionally drop down to attack you with a tracking beam attack so
dash in a circle to make sure you avoid it. Simply kill all her bodyguards and you’re done…

 Boss - Carmilla

Boss - Dark Lord Carmilla

Phase 1
Fight Carmilla as if she were a normal enemy, watch out for the un-blockable attacks,
foreshadowed as usual by a white glow and whoosh, and just keep laying into her until
prompted to grab her.

Phase 2
Continue to tackle Carmilla as you were but watch out for her new moves… If the camera
zooms in on Carmilla and she flies into the air then she is about to cause an area of
effect blast below her so move back.

If the camera zooms and shows the Vampire queen charging an attack on the ground
then you’re about to get bats all up in your face, so dodge and block.

Once her health gets low the game will go into an automatic circle QTE, hit this and then
once you regain control run up to her bubble and use a charge punch to break it. Be
warned, the following cutscene is long with many QTEs spread out through its duration
so be ready at all times.

The seductive wench will soon meet her demise, and with that the second Lord of
Shadow is no more…

 Boss - Dark Lord Carmilla

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level and defeat the Dark Lord after she kills at least 10 of her
own Vampire Warriors

You need to do this in the first phase when Carmilla is attacking you with the lightning
beam, and you aren’t allowed to kill any vampires yourself. Simply let Carmilla attack you
and force the beam to pass over the vampires.

Chapter 9 - More Witches

Stage 1 - Bones Forest

 Only one Lord of Shadow remains, the Necromancer… Pan grants Gabriel
passage as close as he can.

Current Mission - Locate the Witch

New Item - Seraph Shoulders

 These wings grant Gabriel the ability to jump again in the air, and also marks
the point in which you can return and collect all of the brotherhood arks

Out of combat: Gabriel can perform a double jump to scale high walls and
longer distances.

In combat: Gabriel has access to a new range of upward attacks, allowing

him to reach new heights in combat.

From where you start drop down to the left and head forward and climb up. At the top
you’ll come to a gap that requires you to Dash Double Jump over. If you fall there is
a corpse holding a scroll and some Small Trolls to deal with. Over the gap you will be
introduced to…

New Enemy - Headless Burrower

 Annoying is an apt word for the Headless Burrower. Essentially they will leave
their heads above ground while their corpses appear every now and again
to grab you. Simply use area attacks to damage the heads and move if their
appearance is signaled at your feet by a red glow. Setting enemy health bars
to show will also let you see underground corpses.

Damage the heads enough and the bodies will appear to launch another bust,
beat them up to make ‘em glow white, move in and grab for the kill. If you are
grabbed yourself you need only hit a circle QTE to shove the corpse off.

Once the scrap is over, head to the left, you’ll see a gap. The right path simply leads to a
large gap that can be leapt and contains a corpse with a Scroll on top of it.

When you’re ready to proceed; aim for the cave over this gap, easily done with a Dash
Jump and then activating your second jump late. To get over the chasm you’ll need to
utilize double jumps to reach the hook points. Once over a rather rude Chupacabras’ll
accost you. Look right and you’ll find grip point.

Climb all the way up and you’ll enter a cave with a Troll inside. Tame it and then use it
to smash the rock in this cave. Once through smash the rock to the right and then kill
the Small Trolls before jumping off your big Troll and heading to grab the little mischief
maker who was hiding behind the rock.

Head back the way you came, all the way to where you met the thieving scamp. Run
forward and use a Dash Double Jump over the chasm, make sure to hit the hook point
as you fall. Run through the next cave, use a double Dash Jump to the hook point and
leave it to the grip ledge.

Clamber up, there is a scroll corpse on your right, but otherwise simply run forward
towards the ominously quirky house in a cornfield.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after killing 10 Headless Corpses, without being grabbed by
them a single time

Avoid and use lots of wide attacks. An unburrowing corpse is foreshadowed by a visual
flair under Gabriel so any hint of a touchy feely should be instantly avoided. You’ll need
to deal with the initial encounter and the group of corpses by the gem to the left of the
first fight as well.

Chapter 9 - More Witches

Stage 2 - Woes Moor

 Gabriel meets the slightly off kilter Baba Yaga who can take him to the
Necromancer’s abyss; however she has a task for him first…

Current Mission - Locate the Keys for Baba in the Farmland

Follow the path forward, there is a hint scroll on your left but otherwise you’re aiming for
the crows you can see perched on the pole up ahead. You can use the wheel on the pole
to shake the crows off; they will fly to another pole so head toward that and shake them

Kill the Scarecrow and take the key it drops. The crows are back, shake this murder away
and the game will show you another lot landing up above you, Gabriel needs to disrupt
their lounging.

Run forward following the path, you’ll see Scarecrow two waiting to be disturbed but
ignore him for now, follow the path round to the right and you’ll find a barricade that
needs to be introduced to the cutting edge of your Combat Cross. Destroy the barricade
and run on through; shake the perch here and the birds will fly downward.

 Sub Boss - The Scarecrow

Head back to where you got key number one and run right all the way into the corner

where you’ll need to shake the crows that flew down. Shake the original set of birds back
the way they came, then shake set 2 in the same direction, and then shake set 2 again
until they give up and fly to the Scarecrow.

Fight the scarecrow in the same fashion as you did before and again, it will drop a key
for you. Run towards where the first key was dropped again, you’ll be treated to the birds
fluttering away down the right passage.

Follow the crows and shake them good, you’ll find a scroll on your way past if you are
feeling literate. After a little shaking you’ll be prompted to find one more set of crows so
head into the screen and you’ll see a blockage you can pull down, yank it and head over.

Head inside the new area and you’ll find the third set of crows, shake them once and
follow them to the next perch. Shake them again and get ready for a fight. The third and
final scarecrow doesn’t bring anything new to the field so just make him into firewood in
much the way you have been doing. Grab the key once it’s down.

Head to the left and then run into the screen until you see Baba’s lift glowing to the right.
Use it.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level and get the three keys, scaring the crows only 13 times

Simply follow the method detailed in the level guide, making sure you only move the
crows when essential, this is a simple trial.

Chapter 9 - More Witches

Stage 3 - The Music Box

 Time to go miniature! The Witch wants her rose before she’ll agree to send
Gabriel to the land of the necromancers.

Current Mission - Locate the Blue Rose in the Music Box

Puzzle - Play it Again
Immediately grab the Green cylinder that is sitting in front of you and place it in the
machine glowing nearby. Press the right most button to play the music. In this level every
cylinder you find is attributed to a variety of trap, the trap will only open when you play its
relevant cylinder. The Green cylinder opens the trap to the left, a simple spike trap you’ll
need to time a dash through.

Once past the trap grab the Red cylinder and step into the teleport flames to be whisked
back to the first area. Insert the red cylinder and then swap its place with green so the
order reads red then green before hitting play.

Head right, the red cylinder activates the platforms here so jump across them as they
appear. Once over hang a left and dash through another green spike puzzle, past this
grab the magenta cylinder and teleport back.

Insert the Magenta cylinder and swap it with green so the order reads red, magenta,
green, and then play the song. Go right again but once you get over the platforms head
right and time a roll through the magenta saw blade trap. Grab the Yellow Cylinder and
teleport back.

Insert the yellow cylinder and swap it with the magenta so the order reads red, yellow,
green, and magenta. Play the song.

Take the third route that leads forward, over the platforms and hang a left to the yellow
flame trap. Wait for the flames to die down and then dash or roll to the middle. Wait for
the second lot to die down and then immediately dash past, the timing here is tight.

Grab the Blue Cylinder and teleport back. Insert the Blue cylinder. Swap the cylinders so
the order reads as follows; Red, Blue, Magenta, Green, Yellow, then hit play.

 Retro-vania - Once you’ve assembled the full score play it in its entirety.
The jingly piece is actually an arrangement of the classic Castlevania track,
Vampire Killer.

Head forward over the platforms and now forward past the blue electricity puzzle, simply
a case of waiting and following the shocks in the gaps. Once past this simply continue
forward avoiding the traps, hang a right past the saw trap, and you’ll soon find the rose.
Puzzle Complete!

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level and get the blue rose without falling in any of the Music Box

This requires practice on all the traps, and knowledge of exactly how the cylinders should
be set at any time. For the cylinders simply follow the guide, the level guide also details
avoiding each trap. If you do die however, simply hit a return to checkpoint and the game
won’t know any the wiser, just as long as you don’t fall and still ‘survive’. Practice and

Chapter 10 - Dead Dead They are all Dead

Stage 1 - Titan Graveyard

 Wondering where those Titans got to? Answer, they are all taking a nap right

Current Mission - Navigate the Titan’s Graveyard

Ignore that this area is purple and funky, just leap forward and start the linear climb into
the nether using the ledges and hook points provided. You’ll soon come out onto a sandy
area, walk forward and follow the linear path once more

After dropping down check right for a scroll, but otherwise head forward into the area.
You’ll notice a Titan arm in the background; this is the path forward but…

To move into the level, jump over to the titan arm in the background of the ‘intersection’
and follow it up. At the top use a Dashing Double Jump to clear the gap and land on a
rock to meet.

New Enemy - Creeping Coffin

 While it might not look like much, the creeping coffin is an incredibly
formidable foe with a lot of annoying attacks. It has a lightning quick close
attack, a shockwave creating coffin slam, and the simple ability to crawl really
creepily fast.

The best trick for the coffin is to keep moving under it and watch out for the
slam, fairies do not distract it and most sub weapons are ineffective. Once
it glows white take the opportunity immediately, grab the Creeping Corpse
out and beat it to kingdom come with direct attacks for being inside such an
irritating monster.

Once the coffin is dead take the rune it drops

Insert the Rune Key into the slot at the top of this island and the nearby dormant arm will
activate and handily (hah!) create a bridge to the next area.

Follow the arm, hop to the island, and then Dash Double Jump to the next island. Here
you’ll want to jump right, jumping right again will secure you a scroll and some Holy
Water but otherwise head forward as far as possible and then run right to enter a cave…

Fight the two coffins here, try using Holy Water as an effective damage dealer and try
and keep away from the coffins front tendrils, they’ll do a lot of harm. Once you take the
coffins out grab the titan run segment and leave the way you came, jump back to the
island on the left and then jump left again, and left once more.

Move round to the left and you’ll soon come to a couple more rune key slots, slap your
recent acquisition in place and use the arm that move by heading right and leaping up.
Finally; Dash Double Jump to reach a new island.

In this next area you’ll have to fight three coffins in a narrow space, not a happy state of
affairs rest assured. If you possess a crystal then use it, if not then you are granted all
the luck in the world. Lead the coffins on a fine dance between one side and the other,
always moving away as soon as one coffin gets in range.

Once the coffins are down jump up to the rear of the island, the Rune Key rests up here.
Run to the right and you’ll find an arm you can follow to leap back to the island that plays
home to the Rune Key slots. Insert your third key of the level into the last remaining slot.

Head back around the island anti clockwise, before long you’ll have to fight off a Skeletal
Warrior and some corpses. Due to the crawling nature of the creeping corpses your area
attacks are not the most effective method of attack, so you’re best off using a fairy to
distract the skeleton whilst you focus direct power on the corpses.

Polish them all off and then continue to the right, follow the arm and leap off at the end…

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after receiving at least 100 points of poison damage from
the deadly mist

You’re best off gathering all the life gems before this and then play the level as normal
until you get out into the real level, and are able to drop into the fog. Simply walk off a
ledge and just an inch into the gas let the timer tick up until you get that sweet green tick
and then leave the gas and continue as normal.

Chapter 10 - Dead Dead They are all Dead

Stage 2 - Fire Pinnacle

 Pan meets with Gabriel one last time, a sacrifice must be made to open the
way to the Land of the Dead, but Gabriel must be tested…

Current Mission - Defeat the Silver Warrior to Prove Your Power

Boss - The Silver Warrior
The Silver Warrior is an absolute irritation in boss form. As with all action games this is
the mirror fight, a battle with an opponent using similar or the same powers as you.

Phase 1
In the first phase of this fight you get no magic of any kind, so get in the Warrior’s face
and deal the damage. He has numerous attacks but the, vast majority, are blockable (and
easily parried). So deal damage and then get defensive before retaliating in the Warrior’s
moments of being stunned.

He has one un-blockable uppercut that is foreshadowed by a generous white pulse and
whoosh sound; this is your cue to dodge to the side. Soon enough you’ll be able to grab
the boss and move onto…

Phase 2
You’re given your light magic back in this phase but don’t go using it randomly. The Silver
Warrior will also turn on some light magic, if you use your own powers whilst the Warrior
is glowing blue you will do next to no damage so switch on and off as required.

As for attacks it’s the same as before. Get into the warriors face but watch out for the
uppercut. After dealing quite a chunk of damage you’ll be able to QTE him to…

Phase 3
You’ll regain your shadow magic for this phase however your opponent will turn on light
or shadow magic now so try and attack him with the opposite active for maximum
damage (light against shadow and shadow against light).

The warrior will also use some new attacks, both of which are linear projectiles and are
foreshadowed by a camera swoop. Simply roll and dodge to the side to avoid them.
Once you get his health down far enough a cut-scene will trigger, hit the QTE to throw his
projectile back and the Silver Warrior is defeated…

 Boss - The Silver Warrior

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level without allowing Pan to recover any health during the fight

Pan can only regain health in the second and third phase of the fight whilst you use an
opposing magical element. As such the easiest way to clear the challenge is to knock
the difficulty down and just fight without activating magic. Simple.

Chapter 10 - Dead Dead They are all Dead

Stage 3 - Fire Cemetery

 Pan’s sacrifice ensures Gabriel passage to the lair of the final Lord of Shadow,
the fiendish Necromancer.

Current Mission - Navigate the Fire Cemetery

Run forward, Dash Double Jump over the gap and grab the ledge, shimmy around and
haul Gabriel up onto the ledge.

New Enemy - Zombies

 The shambling undead, they are no more than fodder. Simply attack them in
whatever way preferred, but don’t get surrounded! Kill the zombies easily, they
really don’t take much and there aren’t many here to tackle.

Head to the left of the area and drop off onto the ledge follow it round and you’ll soon pull
back up on top. Look forward; time to do an epic Dashing Double Jump to hook point,
this just feels great doing it. Get ready and… GO GO GO!

Awesome wasn’t it? Well get ready to curse because a Chupacabras has got its tiny eyes
on your prizes and it’s set up a puzzle to test you getting them back…

Puzzle - Chupacabras Cage

The idea here is to power and angle lights at the creature’s cage, all the while battling off
the undead. Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as it first seems. You need at least one crystal
shard; if you are missing one they are all over this area.

Follow the path right; note the see the glowing pylon? There is a glowing wall nearby,
insert the crystal shard into this and you’ll see the ground glow. We’ll call this track 1. Use
Gabriel’s whip to move the pylon up as far as it will go and then round to the left to the
end of the track. Now rotate it to blast the light into the cage.

Whip the pylon back down as far as it will go to the other end of the track. Move to the
left and you’ll find another conductor pylon. The power here is fried to instead whip the
pylon all the way right, then rotate pylon 1 so it is aimed at pylon 2, and then rotate pylon
2 to aim light at the cage.

Now retrieve the crystal shard, run to the left and up and you’ll find track 3. Insert the
crystal into the glowing slot here, and whip the pylon to the bottom of its track, make
sure you whip pylon 2 to the left as well, now aim the light from pylon 3 at pylon 2, then
rotate pylon 2 so it is aimed at the cage.

Run in, grab the Chupacabras, and take your powers back. Puzzle Solved!

Run forward and up the stairs. You’ll be ambushed by a lot of zombies, and to open the
door you need to punch the two gongs in quick succession.

Leap over the zombies to the magic refill and top up, let the horde amble towards you
and once they are all a fair distance from the gongs, leap over of dash through them,
punch the right, shadow dash to the left and punch this gong. Head through the open
door ahead.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after killing 20 Zombies in a single aerial sequence

At the very end of the level, at the gong puzzle, there are loads of zombies that spawn.
Lure them towards the back of the stage as before, but rather than avoiding them use a
rising attack, and another, then wail on the zombies you’ve picked up with midair direct

Once these are dead use a mid-air block + wide punch to draw more zombies up to you
and then destroy these as well. If you don’t find the zombies dying quick enough, use
shadow magic to speed up their expiry.

Chapter 10 - Dead Dead They are all Dead

Stage 4 - Crematory Oven

 The numerous corpses of the damned simply don’t rot fast enough; meet the
guy in charge of getting rid of all the evidence of death in the world.

Current Mission - Defeat the Gravedigger

Run forward and kill one of the corpses, let the other corpse take a coffin. Kill the coffin,
but let the corpse work its way around the coffins. If you kill the first two enemies outright
then loads will enter and you’ll have to tackle several coffins at once! Head through the
gate that opens and use the health font and magic refills and then proceed…

Boss - Gravedigger
The Gravedigger isn’t too hard, but he has quite a varied arsenal of attacks. Fortunately
they are all easily dodged when you know what’s coming…

He has a Stabbing overhead, which sends a tremor in a straight line from the point of
impact, move to the side to avoid. A flat overhead slam will create a shock wave you will
need to avoid or jump.

If he grossly opens his mask to reveal his unflattering mouth tendrils then they are about
to shoot forward, move to the side to avoid them. Wouldn’t want a French kiss from this

If he lowers the shovel to his side then he’s likely going for an unblockable swing, roll
back to avoid it. Later in the fight the digger will start to, surprise surprise, dig up some
corpses. Use grabs to deal with them no hassle.

Simply lay into the Gravedigger as you would any normal enemy, once you understand
his moves he’ll be on his knees in no time. When the Gravedigger is flashing white for the
grab finale, leave him be and run right. Use the Stake crank before grabbing the boss to
open the menacing looking furnace.

Once open grab the boss and follow the QTE’s for the coup-de-gras.

 Boss - Gravedigger

The boss has a final surge though; grabbing Gabriel and pulling him into the furnace, time
to climb! Shimmy right and follow the linear path. The camera makes it fairly obvious
where you are going here, so just roll with it. You’ll soon come to a section where you’re
climbing upward on the outside of the furnace, recognizable by it being curved and
looking metallic.

Go left slightly and keep on pulling Gabriel up. A grab ledge is just to the right side of the
screen; just keep following the linear path and you’ll soon find yourself at the end.

Objective: Finish the level and kill at least 15 summoned Creeping Corpses during the
fight against the Gravedigger

A simple but long trial this. As you will know from the fight, every so often the digger will
pull three corpses from the ground; simply use grabs to see them off when they appear.
Just continue to avoid attacks and wait till all 15 are gone before killing the digger off.

Chapter 11 - Lords of the Underworld

Stage 1 - Necromancers Abyss

 Here stands Gabriel, at the doorway of the Necromancer’s abyss…

Current Mission - Gain Entry to the Necromancer’s Abyss

Run forward, there is a puzzle hint scroll to the right but otherwise we need to focus on
what’s in front of us.

Puzzle - Zodiac Riddle

A tough one, the puzzle talks about virgins and months but all it means is the end of
the month of Virgo, you’re creating a solar eclipse to open the way to the Necromancer’s
abyss. Use the dial and you’ll have three rows to turn, you need to ensure it reads as the
screenshot above.

Run to the right, the bridge will build under Gabriel’s feet so swallow hard and believe in
the magic. You’ll soon come to…

Puzzle - Match Up
Far simpler than the Zodiac puzzle, you need to ground punch the tiles to create a path
that matches that displayed in front of you on the wall.

You’re standing on a cone of tiles, each ‘row’ of coloured tiles corresponds to a direction
and the order you punch them tells the light how to travel. The inner band is for down,
the green for left, red for right, and outer brown band for up.

The order you need to punch the tiles is as follows: Brown, red, brown, brown, green,
inner, green, brown, brown, red, brown. Enter this then hit the middle circle. Puzzle Solved
The wall in front of you will open, Double Jump over and head through the portal to the

New Enemy - Reaper

 Looking like a mini version of Death, the reaper is easy to kill however one
touch from its icy digits and Gabriel will be ten feet under. Keep your distance
and eliminate quickly to avoid hassle, a couple of direct attacks should do it.

Enter the portal you see and jump as soon as you exit in midair, holding right to get to
the ledge. Leap to the mirror and enter it.

Take your time here, these platforms are slow moving but a hasty approach to
platforming will likely send you falling and returning to checkpoints. At the Reaper fight
you need to Dash Double Jump to the ledge twinkling in the distance. Before long you’ll
pass through another mirror and find yourself faced with…

New Enemy - Necromancer

 The Necromancer acts as a mini boss in this stage, sporting some truly
annoying attacks and a bevy of cheap shots. Watch out for his overhead
attack, it causes a linear tremor so dodge to the side.

His uppercut is also un-blockable, and is forewarned by a whooshing sound

effect and the Necromancer holding the blade to the side this is often always
followed up by a direct tremor so keep dodging.

If the Necromancer waves green blobs into the arena he is summoning

zombies, focus on wiping the zombies out, it costs the undead magician life
to summon them but he gains life upon drawing them back in, killing Zombies
means permanent damage. When dealing with zombies, watch the ‘mancer
however, he will sometimes try a cheeky tremor attack.

Whilst attacking the Necromancer, as with a Shadow Master, watch out as he

dips and evades as the speedy counters come thick, fast, and cheaply.

In response to this it’s recommended to use pokes and then sit in block,
avoiding sideways as you see an attack coming and then retaliating for two
or three hits before returning to your stoic block.

After a tough, drawn out encounter you’ll be able to move in for the final, life-ending
blow… enjoy it. Time for more platforming so take the right mirror first.

Right Mirror
Go through the teleporter you can see to the right, jump immediately and take this mirror.
Wait for the platform to come around and drop to it by taking the teleporter. Let it carry
you around to the left and then jump, shimmy up the wall, and head towards the next

Jump forward here and then use a Ground Punch on the button before hitting the mirror
to take you back to the necromancer encounter.

Left Mirror 1
Jump to the left and shimmy round then drop into the portal here, hit the hook point as
you fall and yoink Gabriel over to a ledge. Drop to the right, shimmy round the ledge to
the left, head upwards and then slam the button here before taking the mirror.

Left Mirror 2
Head right this time, Dash Jump to the teleporter, then use the second jump on exit and
use the hook point, which takes you to the next mirror. The button is right here so punch
it and return to the Necromancer arena. With all that done head forward into the mirror
that used to be behind the gate.

You’ll meet another Necromancer here, same deal as before except he has a new AOE,
all the more reason to stay back, and can summon reapers as well as zombies, although
this often only happens at the start of the encounter.

The rest of the fight plays out exactly the same as before, in other words – very
awkwardly. Once Necromancer number 2 has felt the steely justice of Gabriel’s whip
head through the exit to the top of the screen.

In this new area make a Dash Double Jump to the left and follow the platforms around
the left and up. Considering how far you are, it should be more than simple enough to
follow the shimmy ledges and hook points, just know that through the portals are hook

Before long you’ll find a mirror over a Dash Double Jump gap, take it.

You’ll be teleported to a Health Font. Grab a refill and then hop the gap to the right,
continue to climb up and before long you’ll reach the summit.

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level after destroying 60 Reapers

You’ll need to hang around in every Reaper spawn in the level to ensure you reach the
total. In the right mirror, kill the reapers before hitting the switch. When you take the left
mirror, take the right teleport and drop to find three more reapers.

You should have nailed 56 reapers before getting to the second necromancer, once here
wait for him to spawn the remaining reapers to complete your total.

Chapter 11 - Lords of the Underworld

Stage 2 - The Dracolich

 The third Lord of Shadow stands over Gabriel, and with his almighty power
summons a gigantic skeletal dragon to squash you! Ah!

Current Mission - Defeat the Third Lord of Shadow - Death

 Retro-vania - Death has appeared in every Castlevania game to date, and here
is no different. However this is the first Castlevania in which you don’t fight
Death directly.

Titan - The Dracolich

Wait for the Dracolich to fly round and start heading towards you. It will fire a burst of
green fire, avoid this by rolling to the side of jumping and the camera will pivot to follow
the creature. Start hammering the hook trigger and you’ll soon latch on.

Rune 1
Shimmy left and then pull Gabriel up. From here head right jumping between the bones,
when you can no longer jump pull up, run right, then drop down, move one more bone
right then drop onto the bone and run into the screen, grabbing on to the end of the bone.

You need to jump left to the next few bones, but time these jumps when the bones are
close as it’s possible to fall. When the next bone left is brown you should be able to hook
to the beast’s underbelly. Do so, shimmy around to the other side and haul up again.

Head left and up until you find the next white outward bone, run into the screen and head
right on the bone tips. At the next white bone climb up, run forward, climb up onto the
platforms and run right. You’ll soon need to drop to another bone, run into the screen, do
a little bone tip jumping right and then hook to the underbelly again.

Shimmy all the way round left then up, along the bones to the left and onto another tip.
Hook under, shimmy round right then up, onto the top, right, and then smash rune 1 to

Rune 2
Run forward and now follow the path left, moving along the obvious white bones, as you
have to get this far. You’ll find rune 2 in no time. Once Rune 2 smashes hold the trigger.
Thing’s are about to get vertical. Shimmy left and then follow the white bone, it’s obvious,
and you’ll find yourself in front of rune 3 fairly shortly. Smash it!

Rune 3
Gabriel will fall; hit the Circle QTE to secure safety and land back on the titan. Shimmy
right, then down, around, up, the right and you’ll find rune 4. Destroy it and enjoy Gabriel’s

Rune 4
Now, run immediately forward and use the hook. If you wait you’ll have to avoid a straight
fire breath attack. Once in its mouth, run forward and give Rune 4 some good hard
smacks to finish the boss off.

 Titan - The Dracolich

 Stage Complete!

Objective: Finish the level and defeat the Dracolich in less than 5 minutes

As with previous titans, you’ll need to use a crystal at the start to weaken his runes and
then perform a perfect run with no drops to manage it in time. Good luck.

Chapter 12 - The End

Stage 1 - Final Fight

 So it was Zobek all along. But wait! It wasn’t Zobek, it was Satan! Haha, a
double feint plot twist finale extravaganza!

Current Mission - Defeat Satan

Boss - Satan
This is it, Mr. Big bad himself, the horned goat, the red devil, the naked guy floating
around in black smoke? Well at least Jason Isaacs (Lucias Malfoy) adds some awesome
voice work…

First things first; you have infinite magic power in this fight and Satan’s rod will glow
either red or blue, swapping between them during the fight. Fight using the opposite
colour to his weapon for maximum damage. Jump Satan’s initial shockwave, this attack
may show up later but let’s focus on the here and now.

The lord of hell has a devastating array of close quarters attacks, in response to this
it’s recommended to attack from afar and poke whilst moving around him constantly.
Rolling sideways ensures you’ll avoid his straight tremor attack.

If Satan decides to rain fireballs on the arena, it’s rare but it happens, then try and
run between the shadows, and jump after a few seconds as some fireballs make a
shockwave. Every now and then he will throw out several dots, which land on the ground
to create runes, here’s where you can coax the boss to take some proper damage.

Run into one of the runes, then quickly turn on the corresponding magic (light for blue,
shadow for red) and dodge away, laying into the boss with some whip cracks after his
attack whiffs.

You’ll soon damage Satan enough to stun him. You’ll see several runes emanating from
him in circles; use the correct colour to pass through the correct circle. Red for red, blue
for blue. Run in and grab him in the face. There are some QTE’s in this cut-scene, but
they occur late.

The remainder of this fight is effectively the same, except the runes in the rune attack
move and when you deal enough damage, you need to navigate through moving magical
walls to run in and grab the lord of the underworld.

Land the final QTE’s and enjoy the final cut-scene!

 Boss - Satan

 ***** Game Finished! *****

(Oh and remember to stick around after the credits.)

Objective: Finish the level and defeat Satan without being hit by any attack with the
opposite magic color

It’s possible to battle Satan using no magic at all, this is the easiest way to complete the
trial so do it.

 Retro-vania - In the final, post credits cut-scene you will see a corpse of a
bird like creature holding a pike. This is known as Slogra, and was a boss in
Symphony of the Night and has seen numerous roles as an in game enemy
in games since.

Unlocks and Secrets


Numerous pieces of artwork are unlocked simply from playing each level. Additional
pieces can be purchased with XP from the Extras - Artwork menu.

Vampire Wargame
Complete Chapter 6 Stage 4 to unlock the Vampire Wargame in the Extras menu. This
interesting take on chess can be played solo against AI or with two human players.

Complete the game. Watch the credits at any time from the Extras Menu.

Snake 'Outfit'

Complete the game on any difficulty and you’ll be able to play as Gabriel wearing a
bandana or Old Snake’s ‘Solid Eye’. This does not change Gabriel’s character model to
look like Snake, only adds the defined pieces of apparel.

Paladin Difficulty
Complete the game to unlock Paladin Difficulty. You may change the difficulty at any
time from the configuration – difficulty option. Paladin difficulty makes enemies tougher
and Gabriel weaker.

Unlocks and Secrets

Easter Eggs
There’s loads of sly (or more obvious) references to Castlevania games of the past. Let’s
check out the ones we know of…

• At the end of the Enchanted Forest stage is a scroll that describes the
background for the stump, referring to it as the great Dekub Tree. This is
a reference to the Deku Tree in the classic Nintendo game, The Legend of
Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
• Another knight scroll mentions starving and hoping to find food. At the
end of the note it reads "The 'Cake' is not a lie". This is a none too subtle
nod to the Valve game Portal, in which it is later revealed that the cake is
indeed a lie. We can only presume the knight came to a similar end.
• The original Lords of the Vampires castle was the Bernhard family. This is
a nod to Walter Bernhard of *Lament of Innocence* .
• It is rumored that Gabriel Belmont is the son of one of the nobles of the
Cronqvist family. This is a nod to a character in *Lament of Innocence* ,
Mathias Cronqvist.
• Rinaldo Gandolfi is the creator of the Combat Cross. This is a nod to the
character of the same name in *Lament of Innocence* who had much the
same role of weapon smith.
• The Combat Cross is later referred to as the ‘Vampire Killer’, this is a clear
nod to the franchises classic armament of the same name that was first
given to Leon Belmont in Lament of Innocence.
• The Lord of the Lycans is named Cornell, this is a nod to the character
from Legacy of Darkness & Judgment, the beastman Cornell (Blue
Crescent Moon).
• The name of one of the dead knights' girlfriend is Iris. The name of one of
the characters in *Rondo of Blood* .

• The name of one of the villages is called Wygol, which is the main village
from *Order of Ecclesia* .
• The name of the Abbot is Vincent Dorin, which is the seller/monk's name
of *Portrait of Ruin* .
• The name of one of the vampire commanders is Brauner. This is the name
of the vampire lord in *Portrait of Ruin* .
• The name of the other vampire commander is Olrox. This is the name of
a boss in *Symphony of the Night* , whose character is based on Count
• Carmilla and Laura are common boss characters or enemies seen
throughout the original series.
• The Evil Butcher was originally an enemy in *Aria of Sorrow* .
• Malphas is a new take on a classic Castlevania boss/enemy that has
been a staple of the series since Symphony of the Knight.
• Veros Woods in chapter 5 is also the name of a location in *Castlevania II:
Simon's Quest* .
• Numerous parts of the Vampire castle are direct references to previous
Castlevania locations. Frankenstein’s Laboratory, The Clocktower, and the
staircase leading to Carmilla’s final room are all nods to recurring
• The Headless burrower’s Head is a 3D rendition of the flying head
opponents featured in many ‘vania games, even if the addition of a buried
body may try to hide this fact.
• The Music box in chapter 9 plays the theme Vampire Killer from the
original *Castlevania* .
• A deceased Slogra from *Super Castlevania IV* and Symphony of the
Night can be seen in the background during the post-credits scene.
• A fallen knight scroll mentions a legend that the Bernhard family made a

pact with a demon to construct their castle, and because of its chaotic
nature, it's constantly changing. This is similiar to what Alucard said about
Dracula's Castle in Symphony of the Night.


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