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MADE EASY Incite Best Insticute tor 1S, GATE & PSUs MADE EASY ‘offers high quality courses for ESE and GATE ta coy pecan peace et iemcoy ape treetnapocuea st ‘naire nanny *eutneuq oreo ‘here reson | Civil Engineering Na Design of Steel Structures Comprehensive Theory with Solved Examples and Practice Questions MADE EASY MADEEASYPubleatons Copa er: UA als Sees Haas San Ne Oat DS at roneparaceenyn Conc ornate, e707 ' Veter ar wmumadomepistoe 29 ‘Design of Soe Stucares (© Copright, by MADE EASY Pubtcaons. _Abighs are esered Ne pro hie pean maybe repiodsced sxedinaiedueoe ‘nz realest, oases nay fom by any ears (waco, mechan, ‘Bhpe-conying, ecard etter. we ner’ writen permission af he above ‘mentored pubssher fs book ation 2018 “Ag cre Ae488 MUONS Napa ci vackmayn pie Contents Chapter Introduction nen M 1s “ uw telat Mae Fetes Setans_—_—__ Loalbuding — Caton! Cosecion 6 Nodes ofan Bea, lots clon Duet ftonsonSuvewe Detalles Saxe Degn. Chapter2 fivetted Bolted & Pinned Connections «13 23 a as uw ao an an Five Connon 13 oct Casecn. _— Fae ofSted eins Secon Ste ont — ening Tipe Connectin Tenesuenghol Mate ‘enh and tenet. Combined non ndsbese——___—__38 stpcitieonnetin —. Pra ncannaians beeen eet ——————— 8 eon! eee QnateN Chapter 3 Welded Connections vn 21 oto —. 212 Typed ims 0 33 wolsymto. 2a weisodes. 25 Inpeconetets— 26 Asuntonsinth Rat ede ms——53 37 ator roo ele ——. 3a rae 39 PiWeld when dolinso Eden, 1110 eeeen Pet Weld——_—_____6t a ana 203 weldFoe— 214 Adages or Bu ed — 3S Computanbewee Velde it anda Fhe ets ‘Obese Bin foe Cements ete Queion,—————74 Chapter 4 Tension Members 4 ein met 412 Various Types enion ember 43 Nesatostmexelemlon Mente. 4 Notice eel eon Memb) AS Dice TperaFtaeln Teen Member A2 6 Desig Sunt aesion Men — Senders Roe Teen Menies #5 See = 49 SplengiatetonMemter______8 420 ug Ags a 411 GonePiae ar Obkeive tees 02 Covent Pate Qusons 104 Chapter 5 Compression Members. $2 Dileent oes Conpresion Meer 53. besgn apes ConpresionMember 5A HexiveLengh_———— 5S Seademesehao 36 ypeolsectonsferConpesion ens ——-108 £2 Vorous Types Bc. We SB Eosicandingaskcfudinge Colones ——— 111 $9 CokwnFomis________ne 5.10 OsignSergol ey Lde Compson bee 51 Pred ein Lode Cenpeson ember S12 alco. ne 508 acy —— 21 51 extent SNS enaeed Colma ™ 516 Column sis Obpeive eh oon ComentorePrcte Qoeenr— Chapter 6 Beams (sje onsceonlndesnDeign 62 Yposltean sees © Pisienoren anja Coetyet Sein, 64 miaanefonton seco 65. tee pest oneal aConaeion © tsi Cite one 58 sengmatsers intending 62 Rent snenholiey Sipps {690 Shoo lla Saprted Been is 21 Unk on Dtcnet Bad — = 164 6.12 fochngSrenghat _ (612 Wb rpgng 4614 Peed fhe Dey efBeans 66 615 eset utp seo 1 616 Desget te Uippre eam ——. 617 ftv Lengh ott prone Beams (618 Delotta Umuppre eam: N68 61 Onin of testy Upp feo: Gatogebenng 629 Oespottubtup beamed eam ___170 Oe Bn ess. ConenontPcteeQsatens——— 8 Chapter 7 Column Bases and Foundations xwu189 a 2 75 Momereding Boe Piteandts Des. 75 Feurdsiontls 5 Obese bei enn — Gooner ee Qa Chapters Plate Girder 1 rvotictn 2 encase Pie ——— 83 Saletan. Dephotweb Tees a es 87 * Rowa Svngth_—_— 188 sar Socagih feb. 59 Doignet¥blorstesr fuking. {10 Design ofnd Pats EI spe. 12 seamp tenes 144 ioral sone 15 Tn sen a {16 Torso Siew. _ bp tne a0 overtone Pete Quen as Chapter9 91 Gong and ne, 92 Laos Ganry Gide. 93, Spear egies 258 94 Poco oesfel ey echoes 28 Common Qte 25 Chapter 10 Members Carrying Combined Axial Load and Moments nnn 264 a 122 Odeottonens 14 103 baamcolumnGehoron——————8 104 Suengtol et Comn————— 2 105 Chee al Sein Gipsy —————70 106 Chel Ove Seoghatenbe,————27 17 Peed he Desf eam Cones 273 108 Pecelae othe Oeslgnofeen Menbs Siete Berg Moma. mm defen Fase 20 Content te Quaint Chapter 11 Eccentric & Moment Connections .. 112 ie ype Comectogs eam olan Cometh conection Subjects to Ect S01 4 Famed Connection Sed, 112 etd Baca Comecton—__L_ 25? tecteBon ener 312 omertona atc Gesns 13 Chapter 12 Plastic Analysis and Desigh wan 314 1 taditen 122 Suenghe ere enber 123 Stenghelcompesiensenber—____316 124 Steaghetfenrlteniee 6 125 Theay of Pastebin, 36 126 Pasi ge. 319 127 tinct omens eet Seg 32 128 ecole 3 128 Ue Load Ay furdonenas 24 120Fundomenal ands a Pas ras ——— 24 an Teeth vaso mi 1213 ems rnin ete taurine 121s ap nd iadomagf Pek Deon ont Dip 1216S ipo pn Pic nan eq ihe be Comte Orsi 6 Chapter 13 Industrial ROOF TUS 338 121 tdci. a 22 Pari, a 123 Campenni Sid 15 fethis ——————t0 othe tei »s eet Pct Qn — - 1 Introduction Steel as a Structural Material ‘Advactagos of soo as @strvtural matria: (a) As compared io cer sructcl mae ste! has high stergh o weight aio, Knpis, ta! possess very highavenghandresutsinsmaler sectons as compasednatherstctra mates ‘Tu tet parla ust ar earying heavy loads wt elaely smal sectons. (0) Being hts ean be handed converiomy ands ters ease in ranspertion. (©) Another poten property ol sielistnatiis tte. Ovo foi very uel propery itdoes tal abrupiy but gives apie warning by yelcing before actual colons al Be stuct, (2) See posse veryigh stengh als cuoto wich does et underg face duetolage delornaton fang racion sees (0) Sieoihas avwrylng He when msinsined propery (0) Rewotaing ose sructuresis quite easy as compared tocher meters he RCO. dimbet, mortar (a) The cele valu see ato wey tigh amongst al bulekng materi. Meeover, sel can be reused ao, Disadvantages of sos a a sructura materla: (@). Stelunenplacedia exposed condions prone to crrsion. Ths sea swuctros aie nope tection measvies lobe adopted right or ts anulactsng (0) Sali prona fo fe andi streagh reduces consceraby Gusta high emporaures and Uwe see! suelues ree soparate Wo pra! Woaimest which utimaely odds othe cast ole suewre (6) Site! srucures whan subjected to cyeloading (ike lu'bo generators ol poner plant ee.) and reveteaolsvestas undergo aie. Tis aigue resus in eduction the svergih lhe teat (Under cata conlons partstaty allocatonso! sess coneentaens, see may lose ts ucty when getzevrancad at ow lamparalxes and under aig oacing, (6) Inseal consbucien the designe it ra havng loo many opis as in AOC a as za othe soot concerned. Te cosigno's competed uso he svalabe standard elo sections BIS clasies arucsal steal on the bass o its ulna srengih or hey stengt, Tho chorea composition ong mehode heal esimen and ses sory ee. sie ceteminas its mocrancal roves insor Sea” * “Tica acked Bones 2 | cloitengincering MAE EASY = mADE ENS Design of Sel Stractores | 3 Some o ho mocharicalpropertias of stole (0) Hotrod soo ats Fla. 1.10) () Hetrod ie pte Fi. 1.10) (3) Modul of ey or Yung mods (2) 2 10° = 208i? (0 Hotroted tcl sheets ‘0 Holrated sea sine . (©) Posons aot) Baiommes 08 12.1. Designation of Some indian Standard olled Stel Sections (©) Shame (6) ee 7 WENA? «77 int © se ina Stand rier Beam ~ (2) Nass cory () Tes0\gn? oe ‘nan Sancard Ugh Beam (©) Coliiertclemetexsarsion() exo" © 1su8 Jnsan Stratum Beam (a 1948 + Inn Standard Heat Bea (nosy used as column secon) 1.2. Rolled Steel Sections (150. g, edonSundors Wide Pange Beam ‘The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) publishes IS Handbook Not: Ina tabuales weight par unit © 1s *. tnctan StendardJuniorCrannel | tein geome inensons and oer cans orvarau pes! sel econs. @) 1510 Vagit eters chene : swe Inn Stent Mactum Charred ssc 1 Indian Standord Special Cher i ost Tae 4 NT Indian Sard Normal Ter 4 ' 0 Hr ‘ncanSiensardWoe Farge TBer L 1 (0 ss indian Legged Bar : i mS . sr dren SanaardUghtT Ber orraicons umn eaten GA Indan StanseraAngl (bth ial and unequal eoged) t) 1884 fndanSiancard Bu Ale —_—— (@ 180 incan SancordRevnd Be 7 T qT 1880 IncanSsrcardSqBar ° . f A Indo Sande Li oer mo to 9 3H IndanSandara Set Saw en Recanpiriow Chorio son 9 18st IndonStanssidSvi Snes er on co B 2 [seen] Remember: Aistandia and channel setons havea slope o— bh sma 1.22 Sign Convention forMember Axes esa 5 1x © Longin! ai ns along the member . aoe won rio yy sinha plane otha crse section whch is: Fig. 1 Refedsnetlueeetanashopes (a) mallet tanges [Fig 1.209) an (®) omaoie smaterig mangle soxions Comerniy used sectors are (rp 2) (@) Hot roted seo! -sction Fig. 1.1 (a) (e) Hotroledsteetchannet een ig. 1.118) “22 Axisinfe plane ofthe ross section whic i ny (©) Hotrolles sect angie soctonFig.1.1(e) (a) Hetvted steel) secton Fig. 1.1(6) (a) poral tothe anges (Fp. (1.218) (0) Hotiotec stecttubo secion ig. .1(e) (Hotrod stecl ts Fg. 1.1) (©) paatcho nesmalereginange soctons IFig. 1.200) MADE ERS — mnpe ERS Design of Stee Suuctures | 5 we itnnews 20) ribet nese wv Minor axis in case i does nol coincide with the y-y axis [Fig. 1.2(b))* ” a ‘Clats of Section Local awe. |S ciaag + |. cinaa 2 lass 3 1.3. Local Buckling fits [Sa | | someSipn + Mostlbe sical econ nr ol oc all led we made tomes ok ae ‘channl section, angle section, section, I-seciion and soon. ‘ |atcomprersion ange ty ame ne ‘tere . + Thaeindiun pate domes sons eat ler este econ. a i } ‘+ When any of nese sections is subjeced te compressive syesses (oteel compressive sess, lntomat samen ot | Sono: otonendng | oi aaae] ase | i ‘enural compressive ress etc) ren slabilyo! is compohe pate elements mua be ensued, a aa m7 Te appeabia a . + Tretia elonets mayb aly eu he ga ral ane wen sods Neste emia at [me | se ie acura Maton tart] cto] ay |e | Hl + Local bucking adversely fides te load caryng capaciy ofthe section. Buckling alec the lSeaen z Tey | Ts seghnotesiena efoto way Jomeanfesiemmie| wy | meses | ee | re {9} Bucking may lead to overall iilure cl tho structure rendering tho plate element tobe ineliocive. eae baste 1 Besng ay hea svn caer ant alees head eaingeapatye aa ss sack ee “Wad of channel at te The ete! of es! icing ieee on a crngh on wl svc depencto the é a 5 tacaten tee soma sulin an pol bctng charters asst ype el setremonte misma er EH Se "+ For uniform compression and pure bending, the critical stress is given by. L—-. ~ jk id oe Binge cage, or double order wih the | at | 187 (ee os erent tp, a crmstin [ar] ntapenie te ee tt) (otomactire stousbosatstes)_ oar eg bg STan ea StS teint soja mentor ee | oa [2 ages ‘+ For pure shaar, the critical stess is given by, [oustanding 12g of an angie with ts bac | * mt Sere Sh aa | ate eat wc il ett or z =] — oa | Seigagemtowoee a era ior tad woe oe Seda re = Bucking consti depen one support cease andiaoctngtowie fein on | ae | ow wee weptae Pimisesn ar laa = bbs Won ep, (= Tcness cf be le charter] Span & 10) oe | ar | ae = = Modul easily osteo Le. Yours: modus, «Mason's ratia senna one From Eq, (1.1}and(1.2)i canbe daduced that anda tally hore sha ditérence batween tha bucking Meciadrenair | Eman: cororesion vox | ase ca ‘Phoromena as represented by these wo equations. Incase cl pure shear, bucking ekes place duevo incined gaming are ott eee ‘2380 Compress resetichenocnde ageralcampresvewaveine pale meawhoneny "|S leancasealsenn | swan 121 Preventonof oat Bucking wesc Jawan | oa: . The fecal cing canbe ova by adoping age nes won lr ete mar. 1S $0007 put anata ions aa compare sel pes slo sectors genial «= : Phacapaatod ) aE me 7 6 | ci Ensoweing ENTE] «|| RDE EASY Ape ERS esgn ose Sears: | 7 em STAT pects MUG UTT TSG baton «VN! BaslsofSectlon Classification Hone "158000007 speciosa ra cn rrinunbigkossroquremerofecelsoclonsbahonver . Caacmtipiacaten manner coon eran atest (a) Triso emer cos satan beng nay buekctysbuthe weskanls pty \wsodin steal design ard consiruction. Tis minimum thickness ls requitad forbelter performance er emanates aretha sein arccianctn, Nisirimm ies brs tebe prance Trg wi toticiess fo ofeach elanent al te ce ecen cijecad ocomorescre _and those subjected to allernate walling and drying, an additional thickness of 1.5m should ‘oad, moment and shes, ~ Seprone () When pes or)lause, manbers mat caplet ong easing hair rlten capaci. doy we oa bog nae ba ebon eben marek : + ital amon: Tse tana wnat send songboieonghudateseato caulecbatr talent fshae nectoem, j ce eons nga sitar omelet deg ena Varese ey | Sillenrs ag, wobo!Feeclon and Wanges ard wab box sect eee ae tome calneee | + OustEonas: These caledasousn arta acho nono erga! sed ones lurlsssol secon manned nab 1.2 tcooslomnagacen soma and te ober eelsbong ie ogedesacedon dsp es i ceeircln ee anae aac Tete 2G contain nd coats Ss ' im eae — 1.4 Classification of Crost-section | ce Netenmuerclbsstengepstsalnitteoretiouicheodrecotensionn | | By | * Bxeseauegecnsempamnen ents teenie wo | seamen + Ronteamstennianoraunhonctnbgpcodironetaon a _ + Roumennantrsonsanamecgan : Se | See eR a fi xs Sian i aioe iy «Tego ntoamayena pte om tuner ni l _ ob Daca one «Ramon tae i ened at else {poze rhs ou tanga gronn ae escent Pg. 130aelemmettatocane ee ee + Tre cesar of ots eectan i cane oe tao monet olsen caectenics as sages | > Go econ a teen tn ea ES omiv.3ssamigina eegeor we pe oe rel cea Sma | * coments cor crease + Beytnen aoe nse oem oe ig =F + Nereeeaactesshasttylelesinsedsttaten, sieeve | 1 Riper nate en en br che | Boer 7] Bags] + eo eg a apn a mae SET MTEE ery Seheeceatamesaee. oss ‘ sa etme ames myn ‘cyte me ‘eetrerseat tad tahoe some ; pmemes Retreat espe maine 1.5 Modes of Failure in Beam « Fi. Lasonenrcesonchontits eller deste (01 Bending: he grey ong ge re to bodng ol beam. eave ann sesso te ceveopd a he bea A the beng omen ease, eee eal evetes nase +s ssn ocaesy scons on he bak ee endorey ae ely be vet eects ea eee ‘ure hey reach yield ses. At certain ponte the see yas in tonson andor yields Ene MADE Easy | Chit Engineering aoe Postal StudyPackage ERLE] ‘compression. this stage ol oacing, the beasr cecton becomes plat, ais by fematon of @ plasictinge atthe eatin ol maximum meen’ bringinducesiby Ieoading Fg. 1.5 showsthe ‘atbus stages in beam boring fue as Ss ee RLS ig. 1svaroussopesofbecbendngfous (2) Lect nacking: Dring te bending pins, ‘ampression fang or apache web sujectes ‘a compessicn oo hero ako 2 apprecitio ‘ave clconpressan he he lal may 0 twbueking opel) evn before et pase rremeatareache {6) Shar: Genera in pcos neato be uppers ‘rye shar ox, nt ate ha beam ry {ain sheer he web i ot ot sulcion towns Formation of plastic hinges accompanies this processes shewninPg. 170). (6) Shear bucklog: Ding te shaing proces. he we ston hen tone gt aly beck (a png) a5 shown nF, 1.7) & (2), Pscrges Design of Stee Suucturet | 9 ee {0} Wob crushing and bucking: Bacauco vary high veil stesees acon supports an alecaen of paid, tha beam rb may get by crushing cr bucking as showin Fig. 18. be Sen sone o ° ° ig. 1.8 Webbucingcndebbeoig foes (0 Lateral torsional buckling: Tos type af lake ‘ceursuhen ihe beamashigh tonvalsilnessin tho verieal plane (anne arecton ef gray) ae ‘comparedo to helena plan, The baam as 8 tencencyo date soway. + Focexampl, a loaded canilever as shown In Fig 4.3 wildlact and wen te sideways drecten ‘nen this beam is proventes fram detecting sideays by Woda corsructon, te beams ‘orsionaly eevained. 6 essenial to check the stasity of beam in he Intel crecion alsa. A nominal amount of sonal osu is assure to ‘it whon wob ole bear is connected tough ‘lel angiesend plates ec. 2s shown in Fig 1.10 Fig.49 totratonanaibuking oct = Lif erie eens rman Fig. t0Neovotesonlesointatbeomppativeniedty fobwebcleatiendpotefapote (@) Detection: is quite practic! naa bes may na get all due 9 excessive detection bul onthe ‘he: hand to much delecten can aa wo escort a oceans aang wih stisping fo! Nacing, ies or. 1.6 Loads + Thasearetho forces ar actona suet. * + Loci are infact actin ena suc‘ due whieh svelue resnends i, “mROE EASE Hoe gst 10 | Cli Engineering Postal Study Package EXIF) ‘+ This ton aetng onthe ervtsre may eer be cect action or ndreet ection. 16.1 irectActlon + Thoso loads act cect on te uci and include dea oats, ve loss, snow oa, wind load ee “+ Thelen ofthese doc! aeons has been described by varus cadestetandars tein ii, vwehave S275 part 0 Vor dead oa, ive loa, win eas snow nad andvarous posse loss ‘ombinabane erpecivey and 1693 lo earthquako load 1462. Indirect Action 1 Many a es cass act on he siulue Incl ike due o tampeaiue change, sllament, elomaors oe + Theseintect leads asorsed to be takenirio acount in the design process 1.7, Reactions Due to Actions on Structure 1+ As perSmislalemalnado design th ucla israquteda sty litsiatect soviceabity ‘25 we as Emi state of eoapse 1+ Aste neds be astoczed lr the elec of design lads (alos) ielusing is init ‘embers andeonnactons 4+ Tis analysis done ele’ by wsng elastic otha plastic methodol anh 1.8 In of Steel Structures + rors and unceniies geinvelved in precigly asseesing te probable leads tha wil atone sirlreanahe sctralberaverolthe mates. ‘+ Trevarous src design roquieent ela relate to corospaning Hi sales and hus he sign osetia to comply wih al Ue essonsl roquements moy be cabed as lit stale ot ein, + There reiwo dasgn eters vz the engin design cera andthe silinoss design eters, 18.1 Strength Design Criteria + These ae lateio possible maces ol laure ot ashucture due overloading ane unersrangh concn. + Twese design erie ar concerned wih ylalding, bucking, aigue, biti ractueconosin, + Themaerdesin phlocoties unde nese cai are he working stress method, uilimats oad mathod ana olin state method 182 Stifiness Design Criteria ‘+ These design crea ar wed wo senicoabity of te sure under working loads and aie prominaiy concerned wih ersurng Wat stucture hae suse stleass hal may chensce leas Toexcestve delormatonsnlading detections. dtorton. sagan ele 1.9 Limit State Design 4+ nthotrt sate aignotshuctres, al caneionsaeaken ino secount halmakes he sructte noe se - wpa ens ESET) {Tes lt so metodo dean coer an rivet consions perso nk sao ot _ seen ence «| Trewerghi ses busedenaccanyng capacity ote suckevrichindusestuctirg. {sigue tectce de Soncesty tse oa bseGonpertomarcecl sive de Be ‘evs opicla tse bad and eles declan vrakn coroson pardig +, Meteosat voting condo arate bye ect pal se ac aden Inseredoadiergnoacs + Thenoralsrenghol te teil exe ast ural capsly nde contprcng sign devotee meus cused by dvcng he vate capac whe atl xy tc, ‘Thus tie mertber so designed mus! meet the basic criteria as Nol Oetoncizn soesgn stents “een Th seolonGelgnad mustaaiay bo sanicaably cork oer and above DoCrengH ores 194 Advantages of Limit State Design {3}, Thiemathod recognizes ht design paranetes are vans {@) Tie mets ogieatly deat wih he tacthat here exes hvaysa poss of vaaonsnloads snd materapropertes. {6}, Thimotned gives ilerent woighages to oiferent ads and materss 19.2. Disadvantages of imitState Design ‘| Thee is 2 thathood of design ears because of mere complex Shar which are nats in the working sess mood f design. + Lin stale method of signi ar beter than eter design piosophios. "WOTE 1S G00: 2007 ithe canign cos oro sb einres which a baad on isa method of dong ower li air he working sva88 603i approach 193. Design Load +The designed nL SM esinis bane by muting ie wating oa (caed as characterise Jad) wha paral factor of salty anc he resulting oad is caled as taciored Toad othe design: Jd. Oilerent design lacs (i ead ead oad, win load, eatiquake oad el.) are Hon combined unde themes! severe bur ease conditions. 194. Design Strength + Thecesignsvangh othe materials obisined by diving the characte svenginol hemateral bya sulable para lator salty. + Te cosign aren of each melt and hs eonnactions) mut be auch a the mae severe combina of daign loads musinat eause ‘ale, + mt lobo ensured iat he suctve ie lable against ovenuring, sway ee. GG Boies eps REDE ERS emir ) 12 | Gilt Engineeting Pola Study Paka MADE EASY ERED csr Fst0 soo, ceasty the telgwing sections (@) ISLB 3500 472.Nin (b) 1548 400 @ 606 xm Crewe coor (3 eamatnse ome —— comet , ——— (2 ins 04m ai rom 289m Hedi | P50 | feo ' f EB if @ ‘Thas lange is plastic, ph ‘Thus web is pst, tence (©) ISH 400 @ 806 Nin j= 260m, = 127 rm, = 2401 mn, hy 108 em BE 2 sy c10se Thus lange compact, 7 ar a > 94e Ts wed ie plas “Thus seconis cripatsince rang paste tnd compact secon, compact section icra (e) 188 4800 710 Km . patron ge tae 8m, h = 79.20 ‘hostages st, True pie why Rivetted, Bolted and Pinned Connections Connections ‘+ Conecionsarethe weakest pont laure in astuciue and us needtobe prope anayzed anc esis. + Thevaous ypesctsianers avaiable making onnoctons a ats, ls pi andthe weld ‘Seting has became sormueh popula thigh ona tats has almost eptocad ves rom Fried conection hs Sih tera ban tea sous Dehaviland ts design is ‘tenor asst stn ta end oer erabtton of tastes + Ansipis nd detiprlriveies conte abrast same os abled comectn ‘+ Ariel's mace up atari auctn steal ba of mila Figh tense see! whichis eae as shark wih head a af of ands, Thishead éanbe of dite‘ siapes some om areas shoei Fig. 2.1 en 4 Neto [ TET ete (ose) sR vale, tne Fig. 21 peso thee grpondlnth erate + G1.17-4.ofts 600:2007saes hat ines shouted be heated worl anc hat toa vcughout tne length wie busing or excesso sesing al sal be of senda lengh o provide ahead ot sundaacinarsen * “+ When vets recive than hese shal le et Noes comple. 14 | cluil Engineering + Grp: The grip ofthe rivet sie distance belwaon he undersdescthe woheadeie, shank iength inode ne connectonas shownla Fg. 2.10). caso gpl be val becomes loge: hanwhats ‘requir ten rivet wl be suojecied to eualsveseesn adeno shee ana beating sreszes. NOTE Tie ip long claret mustnai bo ore than ow mas ho vel damete: The darilerof f ‘ho shanks retetred fo as nominal ameter ofthe rivet. hole eighty grain than the ‘orinal diamolersciled troughthe pans obo cannecte, arivatis inserted andi e {omed at heer endothe shank, This whoa process ecaled aerating. = Se mchenpiantemonsian omeionarnonrons warms Q HESS “Rivets when atecbotore avg ar cates ast driven fad vas (when placed fi or hot ‘ven shop vets (ahenpacedinwerkshop) ‘+The lamer chet vets equa to rivet le camer ands called es gross ime + Hotivetispasi, expand: ands the hole completly whe orning heed at he otner enc one fire hark. Buon cooing, reve shirk both in ameter and length Ove 1 is vinkaga a sivetiengh ne connected pot ge srased esting nreicual ension el unknown armen ine shark are seme comprossionin he plates tobe connected. *+ Cold civ vats. ves von at oom empsralure requ high presi fer hea trmation a ‘eomtenpeature an hue its ute ne, mADE ERS EM Design of Stee Seuctres | 15 223. Patterns Used In Riveted Joint ‘Th common usd rivet pltros av chain rvting (Fg. 22 (a), clamond vieting (Fig. 22 ()- staggred ving (Fg. 2.2) and (2), a (6) Soageedchan Fig. 22Petemsusedlniveedlet “Femember | Trostergholcad ave vallomore han ot den ive Buta Gaping ee eases the ead ven vet carol sive ket oven inl et Reds os ros g cone lames mary winancrdnay hammer eno leediooshand va iva 222 Materialofthe Rivet ‘As par Cl, 23.2o1§€00:2007, sivas shouts nonlonn oS 1929:1082 and IS 2185-1982, 18 660.2007 sates hat high ens stecl wots haus be mage tam steal contoning O18 114o:1983, “WOVE As pe OL 17-44 1S BOOZ0O7, al lose, bunl dnd Uelecve ala musi be Ga out 6d Gal replacadwal blo the sruckae cade. 222 SymbolsforRivets Teble21 Rretsynbot oR) race @ | @ | @® (Gy they Sve tsim MABE Eris eerpeon ‘Ths dosgn ol vated cormocton & anal samo as Wal of baled connection wih he ony in riveled connection. tne iamater lobo usedincalestonss ie carter at ‘NOTE citeencet ‘ivothole wheres in botes comecton, tis the raminal ame lhe ba. Apart ko ra ‘horequiremanis fo pch and edge dslancesavethe sane as hal beled comecons. 2.3 Bolted Connection 1 Abotisa sarct headed pa withead ar oe end andtveads onder andthe shankto receive ruta shown Fig 23 (3, + Bot Lergth: The tt engin is the isance rom the botlom ef bot head the end bat + Grp Leng: Grip thebat is hecistace tom bttam ol he bot nead the backal he washer + Stool wachsors:Thestoo! washers ee provided below Nebo esd unde Iho no cstbAS the clamping prassue on th boted member and to prevent Bveades pon e the bat rm Deming ening connecting pas. “+ Treo recive placing he bolts or making consecon may eine: be dilled or punched. Punching prelaed by cormerial absicaters since ts smpa, me saving and ecanac bul ‘Ns odcoe tha ductyané toyghnassodetng fe mateal suscepibeto bite hace. 234 Usesof Bolts (@) Comnacioncl torsion ani comprestion momver, (©) Febicniont compound anstbuil-upseciens consisting wor mor sections, Teen nino ea ED 16 | Cit Engineeting Ertan PT (@) Ashatd doontbats told the cctunn bases in psi‘, ning column caps wih shoe plas ol trusses i 232 Advantages and Disadvantages of Polted Connections over Hiveted Connections Advamages: (@) Boted connections tacit lsier econ ct sructe. (©) Nottco much sited labou's are rec..c0d for makiry the boltedcornections. (@) Bate conection i mere ecromnica! han rated esnnecton becavse cost skilled labour fs reduced as wel as equipment eas: 080 vey oes, "i Disadvantages: (2) The cost of materi ishigh almost vice that ras (©) Bocause ol edvced area athe roc re tvead, the ensa srg of he boli reduced and also stress concenrafen accu. (©) Botsara viaty low it excep no ui sn (2) nove of ian hee vant Se wi Aga of eho longs bot ot loosened. 233 Classification of Bolted Connections (0 Concer senncon:r le atts alan ns tS onasaion og. Aaty ‘nadedtehivonr compression mab. (W) Eceenc etinéctin: Here the cad Snel vay rh he CG ol he convection... Bracket cennecon, rome reisngcomesten et eannesion i: (©) Cisseeaton batod onthe typo ef force: sag! {Torsion carinecton: Here tn cad ois ldraar Wai erslon on bol. eg. Hanger ‘conmoetn 5 {l) Shear connection: Hore heloas gals Wanserd ough soa, 2. Lap si, bln ee {Wt Combined sherand tension coniocion: This tip cerned isrequted wren anincined ‘members abe connecied io acoumn tough Blake! €, Corneston bracing (©) Ciassication based on the type a oree machanism (@ Bearing connection: Here tre bats bear aguine ne hols to waneler the ea 9. Sip ype IW) Friction connection: Heretralcedis vanslertedby con du toto ” Gens Spohn cores miter ° 234 TypesofBolts {) Unteishes bots ‘+ Thesetypesot bots ae ato cated a orinary commen tough black balls. These are corronly sed nig structures subjected primary lo state loads and lr eeconcarymerrbe's ike prs, bracngsete. + Theyarerct state and also not recommended connectors stietedtoimpact lcs, sins andlaigue Fines mane ERS [ese 2079) 1+ Tresebots remeron low carvon see ceeds) by lrging process. ecidnaty siveta bot ae tatvicated vem mi steel oc ih ett a square or ahexogona head, + Seuare headed cose ess but hexagonal ewdes bl gives alle aos, re easier tol Dbyamenches endvequtes es wing space, 1+ Theserypesot lle ae availabe in lametere ranging rom Seam to 36mmand are designed MS (ONE + Mierecommended ty I 20 aha natn areaobot 9 be considereds oaea of he reot ‘of he ead ans ven in Tal 2.2, Sometimes his ara is alo ced as stoss area or he rot area, Destgn of Stee Sructues | 17 cote Ns {Leclair eters eo TED oem aS" FL coasiaen (e)toteenaneiy (0)Shepefbt teat Fig. 23Uninsreterordnary bots ble 22Fenesvesteserel bats aia ae) + Trebotscanbe placed in standard sian, oversize shot soled or tholengscied holes as shawn inFig, 24. Table 19 o 5 800:2007 gies clesraness forthe bal hoes. "NOTE: Who wind nad and warquako loads ave consaned, parmissble sresvesin anclialswdland = conrecions (Le, rez or wos) ee increased by 38.83% ana 25% respectively Grrwemedeetypubiaontorg Theor ith Seed xaioles LE) RAE eAse F MADE EASY 18 | cWil Engineering ieee E25] MADE EASY (ET) ‘+ Thess pes of bali may beightene to very high tense sesses, abou ice or more tires he i ‘rdnary bol, This lows led abe wanker ough ticton and nt by shear + Tho conact surtaces must be fee of paint, ease, rel othe mil scales which wl oterse ) ferme ‘revo’ the So cose between he suaces and thereby lowering the lip fact. ci 4 f + De 10 Hiton between the cantcl suas, the possi pinhole which s preset with ‘dna bots ene elinate. This hictionis developed ty appng ancrmaltoa tothe int by igttoning these bols to pret eed. Thus these bots a lz relered io aston type bli. igyteziee 8, *+ Joins using high strength ction grip bots are caled as nonslip connection cr lip ertleat ts ‘conection etn ype connection 1+ Seo where hard carburized te! are usedo unity catnute he clamping presse on hs ‘ote reg anc to prevent the ead peton of he bel ram beating on te comnecing pols, i. 24hepreseratenotanypeltatileeIbmmcometerbot + Thenus onbots are tgtvered wit spud wrenches producing te tension and are elered to a8 sung ight bots. Sometimes a eles eile tvough Inaba and a cote pinwthcstelated ais able 2 TpleaMeon Vtusler Coen Fong) ‘Coat tion (3) am | “reste tSo ‘ed0prevek ihe nut tom uring ou ome bos team is Fg 2:3 (0). + Ratsol grade (orcas) 360 Tear reason sang fe heros commen use ones re 2 oe thogradea6andradoee 69 | Sutras eto anonyesentonnteH os 0) | swetontanaetertinehtappsanin aw Bam iw) | etn sent ge py lin whe rss os Bots te lssed as gradex.y whore represents VI0O" ol roils strengthen Som Yrepresets ho oli sesso ual ess. (0) | stan ae wnat re pat ne at ct ts For example: A bot of grade 46 inlies hate timate tense sen of te bt is comma, 400 i? andy 20ng 1806x400 «20 Hh 10 | Sminsencemios niin on Tete reso (| Stace ae stat wp re ne ox 23 ersePoprioltot = te ‘wee, | 90. | sate ton he did ih lest os eneucis | a | °° | eam, = |. tr | sce ws th ont eon py med wn os 2 | | mei Stan 2 09 | canta ox ‘ster Ba | 0 | sand ete ou | ome 6 _| ests a enestinn |e . tke> tem | fo (2) Hon sveng ats = + High song bots aetabcated tomba-solmeiom arbovheneated tea kom ey nae re onavrenno + Ther nighskengh tobi tamthe quenching proces llonédby he tenpaing process orby Te high skengis obtacec tom te uerchingprecesslalonesby he empating by esens the alg ste yw Rideans awe ena Fig 258cedcornectonofighsvengebols MADE EASY ERS ronses | MADE Tr Ase EET Desig ofstet Suutwes | 21 (0. Forsanosireng, ess number ofbots arrequkes as compared othorumberotvetzarorsinary ball requited roby oering eonony i consition @) Trscost turner getsredscod a less nba a prsons ara recuved or raking the connection, 235. Typesof Bolted Joints ‘1 teadtineis assum0 pas tueugh the CS othe bl group tan hor are two ype of bated mere by hand wrenches the ha washers req requced “his atiod fs woo ikiig sp ye i lapjlnt snd battjoint. Theater case. whan th dine doesn pase through tne CG af ha bot bowing ype conection whwreboisaerecuredtopr coenoughlaisotioina ceric. et conemecomecions surfaces so et they bear cn each etary or@ue eon! asthed, a pvc dparted ora (otis ‘hand wrench s used to appiy a spscted trqveto ten. slo indleaing Washer ype ‘conection he washer are prcjected as show inFg 28) wien enahes damn athe bl ‘sUhvanes. Fig, 2 (b) and (c) show hs bed ont eutsco bole and air ghaning ha ‘alespecivey ‘coladtarste petvdbsivebisanardnay bated. o Tho corect har ones et opt uring mae ete cone ‘hed employoglacileating wach. incac ls aa Uganedy patming meio aso eal a um of rut eto tr palin sup and ghd aha um ere he wo menbers tobe conected are overlapped and sinzed as shown in Fig 2.7 (8) + Fg. 2.7 (© ande) showsrespebivey the single boted pj ar the dovble betes ap jin. The load lines inthe wo members of ap joint do no csincide and hence lp jn has an eccentric leasing tot fomnaienol an undosiatle coupe hare by inducing enon in batt my eagto wero tau jit a shown in Fig. 2.7 (2. + + Duetotiseccontctyeny, he svesses ro csvbted uneven acest contac wea beiwoon EE, ro thebots and manbssio becomes = 4 + 61 195..2c18 60.207 sts mic enh otap shal not be fess than our ras % theless of nen pas being ado 40. whichever imo. a, Bute waver Herts womenbas tobe comracid paced ndioendthereybingngihelasner nine !woienbesinene nar ecg exces oaros 27 (itanenr te | punawnsarng + (ase apts + Adsionaloret plate) eer side or bol sis con be proved ocennecl Metra pies 3s Fig. 26Fsingolbokivithledintcaingwestes 1+ Hignsuenginbots are avalabcinsizesol 16m la 98mm and a0 dosignatedas M16.MoQ, M24 and 0. + These bots are ideitod as 8S, 8.88, 108 or 10.65 mario on fhe bok head where the leer $ shoanin Fig. 2.7 (and. ‘+ _Thebutintiscaedas single cover but ont the pats provdedeny on one side ofthe main plate (Fig. 27 (0, tarp) ands alec as double coves but ont He pats are provided on bathe ses ne main pile (Fig. 27 (h. 276) qereeds ah erarger unt coray endietn ont pee toe '+ Fg. 2:7 (and) enows tho wantero forces ia ip sn art doubt ever bint especie ‘+ 183757:1905 anc 4000:1852 lay conn te epeciieatos fr righ akengin os, ‘Advantoget of righ sengin bolts (@) There sno sip betvean bis remborsi.e, SFG bots provide igidconnecton. (©) Lage tense suesses ae cevelopedin the ball arch nt provice age lamping force tthe ‘comecing members ad due to wrich high fesonalreslanceie developed ere providing 8 igh strength othe or. rf {6) Because o the cian action, oad is tarsleed ough sion Sty and no shes er being _stesss gel developed an ha bat See (0) Astictnal resistances elective cutse abo ale and bus lesser loads vanemites ough Ihonelsectonvitich reduces the cuscemtily ee flue at el secon. (0) Teves no stress concenraion nha hols and mus aga songs me, (9) Thereisuncemtensioninthe bots andar over Loteareensaned up othe proof loadand ns this prevents e nuts tomlecserng (a) Becauroo! ne absence ol hamming (kein ives), noise nisance i tow (07 Rolters easy aerators ee wig Sepa apes” (Sneed {Boba td ap n Co eecniety tsp : ‘io Es epblatooey —_—_~ ADE BREW 22 | ui engineering EMMETT] «MADE ens (osm corrtun et (9 Sirona tsa (o)Salncomrdote ood bot f se i (ool cove seg eat rt WLP ink ners shear atm bon dotostner a. 2. 7b Ey recs with Served Ear pace eae ‘wmadeeasypeblleationsorg ) ' mane ens besgot t sts | 28 Advanlagos of but ont ove lapel: (a) Asshovn nig. 27 (he toa shear hat gee vances ough double cover buts kat ral at of op oi (Fg 2.7 (8). (©) Incase of double cover but im, there dove not ext the Gecetiiy of fad tne and hance enc ie ninated, Bu ths Bening exists nip jit. Ta ay Wi wathers ere provided in ota connecions? 22D netstenepiedvitoate vines amadte ote gee te Sse ppd no na mnt eucon tcc ooo poet reed ‘stent noueionsrshepusteogebr es esune cto ceed “iain ggg ©. olson ci 2.4 Mechanism of Load Transfer Through Bolts + Thevarstoroftoes rom ene mene eanohec depands on he ype ol bo being used, “+ Theale ol oco mochanis mayo ether boarng ype whare ed enslr occurs by shearing andbeang or p-ertleal/sip-rosistonwhereleadvansler occurs by hicton. “+ Insp recitt connections, he erie foe is vensmited wough trcion end ha jos are nok ‘aby subjecod to shear ex bearing. The bals efit brought a ung tight canal ar then tigtned tab Jon wi so ighiensd bos ae rlered 10 as pre-tnsionad jens. ut when ‘fe ac excoeds be felons res'sance thn sippege occurs and consequent the bos willbe ‘uryjected to shes and bearing and witechave hea bearing type i + Wer high strangthbols are eo ighloned ulicienty so as to signlicaty squeeze he pltes agent, rereullbe anegigbeFicten between the plates, On oad appicalon the plas es & Il ane teas wl ond to sear bol onthe rice and pres bear agains the se ‘the bels. Now thetoad ator wile ke bearing type connection, 2.5. Failure of Bolted Joints («) Shear fro 0 bois: When plate sip dv tothe applied forces, shea este are generated ray bo poscibis hat masiram factreshoalrce exceeds re shear capac ott bok, Shea! taiue of eo takes place abot sear ple, Howevar the bot may fn single shear ox double haar a shonin Fig, 2.8 (eh, (©) Bearing falur of bolls Hee ha bot gots cushedarourda sembckeunderence. The pe my ‘ostong inbearing and imay happen Pattie heaviest essed ae may pres the bot shark 3¢ shown in Fig. 28 (0). n genera beating aur of boks do nol accu m practice excep whan the sles are mado ghigh sirengt stl and tne couesponding ble ae o ow grade sae (6) Tenson falar of bois: Bots subjected to terson may tl atthe stress aa. aso any ol the comectng plates are febo ano hon i thet ease sions exces dt prying action hae Dirolo be considered. (6) Tersiortearing fake of plates: Tension are of laes occurs when bts are erenger than te ates. Tension. on both the gross area. yng) and he ete area (rupture) must be ‘onsiered Fig, 2.8 (A) shove the enon ole! pan upive (wonviadceasypablcations org " mSGe Ens Theory with Soved Bamles KE)

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