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An experienced software professional, specializing in object oriented design,

development, documenting and maintenance of software solutions that would use client-
server architecture.


➢ 10 Years of Experience in many phases of software development life cycle, including

Implementation and Testing of various applications.
➢ Experience in Java technologies Java, J2EE (JDBC, Servlets, JSP).
➢ Experience in frame works, Struts 1.x, Struts 2.x
➢ Experience in Spring Framework (IOC, MVC, AOP, BOOT, Security).
➢ Experience in HTML, Java Scripts, Cascading Style Sheet, jQuery
➢ Experience in Oracle, MYSQL, JDBC, Hibernate, JPA
➢ Experience in ANT, Log4J, SVN.
➢ Experience in JBOSS, Web Logic and Tomcat Web Server deployment
➢ Experience in Reporting. Java Print, Jasper Reports.
➢ Knowledge of Unit Testing. ( JUnit, Mockito )
➢ Experience in Mobile application Development( Android, IOS, Appcelerator)
➢ Experience in JBOSS Fuse SOA and Restful Web Services
➢ Experience in Robotic Process Automation

Employment Summary

➢ Worked in Wells Fargo as Technology Lead from March 2020 to December 2020.
➢ Worked with ITC Infotech as a Lead Consultant from March 2019 to February 2020
➢ Working with SLK Software Services Private Ltd from Sept 2017 to March 2019..
➢ Working with Imantrix Technologies India Private Ltd from April 2014 to Sep 2017.
➢ Worked with J P MORGAN Services from April 2013 to April 2014.
➢ Worked with TEK Systems Global Services  under Allegis Services India from
October 2012 to April 2013.
➢ Worked with Mac Info Technologies from February 2010 to September 2012.


➢ Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication from Visveswaraiah

Technological University (VTU) Belgaum.

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Technical Skills

Technologies and Framework : Java, J2EE (Servlets, JSP, JDBC), Struts 1.3,Struts 2.x,
Spring, Hibernate, JPA , HTML, Java Scripts, Cascading Style Sheets, jQuery, Jasper Reports,
Apache CXF, Apache Camel
Database : Oracle, JDBC, MySQL
Application Server : JBoss, Web Logic, Tomcat, JBoss Fuse
Tools : SVN, Git, Clearcase, ANT, LOG4J, Eclipse, Jira , Confluence, Crucible
Operating System : Windows, Linux, Unix

Professional Experience

1) Employer: ITC Infotech India Private Ltd March 2019 – Till Date
Project: Santander Bank
Position: Team Lead


The project is to develop application for Santander Personal and Business

Banking for accomplishing two factor Authentication for Logon and Payment services. Spring
boot micro services in the backend and Frontend. Logging to elastic database for log monitoring
through Kibanna dashboard. Authenticating users through multiple journeys like Behavioral
Biometrics , SMS one time password and Mobile Authentication.


➢ Involved in Leading Team.

➢ Involved in design and Analysis.
➢ Involved in Code review and Meetings.
➢ Create, Plan and refine User stories in Jira Board
➢ Involved in Development and Fixing on critical situations.
➢ Involved in build and release for Dev and Pre Production environments.

Environment: Windows 10, Linux, Java 8, Spring Boot , Spring Rest, OpenShift, Docker,
Jenkins, Kibana.

2) Employer: SLK Software Services Private Ltd July 2018 – March 2019
Project: Voya Financial - Retirement Services
Position: Analyst and Designer


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The project is about to perform development and maintain existing applications
of the customer for retirement services. Analysis of existing projects and provide solutions
to .customer to minimize complexity and hence provide an effective solution to easily maintain
the code and reusability. Migrate application to latest technologies to provide an enhanced
experience to the users of the applications. Remove the dependency of legacy custom frameworks
and implementing the latest open source technologies.


➢ Involved in Leading Team.

➢ Involved in design and Analysis.
➢ Involved in Code review and Meetings.
➢ Involved in Development and Fixing on critical situations.

Environment: Windows 7, Linux, Java (1.7), Spring , Hibernate, Apache tomcat, JBOSS,
Servlets, JSP, Struts 1.3, Oracle Database, DB2 Database.

3) Employer: SLK Software Services Private Ltd Feb-2018 – June-2018

Project: Canopy Digital Connect & SAML2 Authentication for SSO
Position: Java Tech Lead


The project aimed towards a smooth upgrade of JBOSS Fuse from version 6.2.0
to 6.2.1. Analysis of code changes involved in fuse upgrade. Build and deploy the applications on
JBOSS fuse. Make necessary code changes in the applications to work with the new versions of
apache camel, apache cxf and Active MQ. Convert applications from Open JPA to Hibernate.
Created Proof of Concept for SAML2 implementation using spring security SAML.


➢ Involved in Jboss Fuse Upgrade.

➢ Involved in Coding of apache cxf web services.
➢ Involved in Analysis of Fuse upgrade.

Environment: CentOS Linux, Java (1.7), Spring , Hibernate, Apache CXF, Apache Camel,
Active MQ, Puppet, Vagrant

4) Employer: SLK Software Services Private Ltd Nov-2017 – Jan-2018

Project: Robotic Process Automation for Bayer and SLK Global
Position: Tech Lead


The implementation involved creating automation scripts created in RAID

Robotic process automation software. Process automation involves analyzing and configuring

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tool to create automation process flows with RAID software. Build business logic with


➢ Involved in analysis and design.

➢ Involved in creating business process flows with JavaScript.
➢ Involved in Estimation of efforts required for implementation..

Environment: RAID Robotic Process Automation software, Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS,

5) Employer: Imantrix Technologies India Private Ltd Oct-2016 – Aug-2017

Project: E-Learning and School ERP
Position: Software Engineer

The application is built for School and College to maintain student history,
attendance, marks, schedule exams, notify parents to their mobile number, collecting fee,
announcement of results and events organized in college. The application has features like online
learning through videos and E-books. Chat application to support communication between
teachers and Students.


➢ Involved in Coding of Web application.

➢ Involved in Coding of Rest web services.
➢ Involved in Coding of server side components – Business Service and DAO.
➢ Involved in development of JUnit test cases for the module.

Environment: CentOS Linux, Java (1.7), Spring , Hibernate, MySQL, Javascript, HTML, CSS,
Jasper Reports

6) Employer: Imantrix Technologies India Pvt Ltd Feb-2015 – Sep-2016

Project: Co-operative Bank Software
Position: Software Engineer

The Software is a Banking Application for a Credit Co-operative Society. It
contains modules like Savings Account, Loans and Fixed deposits, SMS Integration, Reporting
and Printing of Reports. The end users of the application are bank staff. Daily transaction reports,
SMS alerts and mail alerts. The login, attendance, salary calculation and salary slip generation.
Printing of passbook, Monthly interest vouchers and FD Bonds.


➢ Involved in coding of client side components - HTML, CSS, Javascript

➢ Involved in client side and server side validation
➢ Involved in coding of server side components – Business Service and DAO.
➢ Involved in development of JUnit test cases for the module.
➢ Involved in Defect fixing and Enhancement requests.

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➢ Added features like SMS.
➢ Implementing logs like debug log, audit log.

Environment: Debian Linux, Java 1.7.0, Apache Tomcat Server 7.0.20, Apache ant
1.7, MySQL-server-community-5.1.49-3, Struts 2.2.1, Hibernate 3.0.

7) Employer: J P Morgan Services  Pvt Ltd May-2013 – April-2014

Client: J P Morgan Chase
Project: HSA - Health Savings Account
Position: Java Developer


The Project is to provide Health Savings Account(HSA). HSA application provides healthcare
savings, tax advantages, Investments etc. Applications include Internal Application for
CSU, HSA customer application CHASEHSA. Web Services to health insurance Clients
in united states.


➢ Involved in Coding of Web application.

➢ Involved in Coding of web Service application.
➢ Involved in Estimation and Design.
➢ Security fix for application.

Environment: Unix, Linux, Java 1.6.0, Apache Tomcat Server 7.0.20, Weblogic ,
Oracle 9i, Spring, ibatis, Struts 1.3, Struts2.x

8) Employer: TEK systems Global Services   Oct-2012 – April-2013

Client: PSS World Medical Inc.
Project: Ecom- Flex Roles
Position: Java Developer

The Project is to provide flexible roles and permissions assignment to the users of the
Ecom ( PSS World medical Inc Shopping application) and other PSS applications. The project
includes a centralised authentication and authorisation system developed on Groovy on Grails
which provides web services for the other application. A swing client to manage to alter the roles
and permissions of the user. The swing application also accomplishes creation of multiple
profiles for a user.


➢ Involved in Coding of Controller ,Service.

➢ Involved in Coding of client side Swing UI .
➢ Implementing log audit log.
➢ Web services using Groovy on Grails.

Environment: Linux, Java 1.6.0, Apache Tomcat Server 7.0.20, Apache ant 1.6,
Oracle 9i, Groovy on Grails

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9) Employer: Mac Info Technologies   Nov-2011 – Sep-2012
Project: Project Management Platform
Position: Java Developer


An application to create project and allocate employees to project. Track employee time
sheet, attendance, efforts, requirement and code quality stability tracking. Development process


➢ Involved in Coding of Servlet and JSP.

➢ Involved in creating reports in Excel.
➢ Implementing log and exception handling.
➢ Implementing reading excel files.

Environment: Linux, Java, Apache Tomcat Server, Apache ant 1.6, MySQL, Windows Xp

10) Employer: Mac Info Technologies   Oct-2010 – Oct-2011

Project: Tutor Connect
Position: Java Developer


An application to connect Tutors and Students. The application consists of modules to

subscribe or book a tutor for training. The Students can post queries to tutors and get clarification.


➢ Involved in Coding of Servlet and JSP.

➢ Implementing log and exception handling.
➢ Involved in writing test cases and Unit Testing.

Environment: Linux, Java , Apache Tomcat Server, Apache ant, MySQL

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