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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education
San Vicente St, Bogo City, Cebu
The Teacher and the School Curriculum
Name: Bastismo, Ilen Date: 19/9/2021
Degree Program: Bsed Science-3 

I. Write a personal definition of curriculum. Explain the definition.

Curriculum is a tools of the teacher’s and student’s for the academics. Is everything
that is planned by school personnel.

For me curriculum is a designed or a tools of the teachers to mould his materials

according to his ideal school. Which is dealing with the learners and also for personnel
who has an academics.
II. Browse the Internet and check some examples of an ideal curriculum suggested by
professional organizations. List down the examples. (Do not forget to cite your source/s.)
 Psychological classification
1. Social
2. Information processing
3. Personalist
4. Behavior
Divisions of curricular orientation
1. Child -centered
2. Society -centered
3. Knowledge -center
4. Eclectic(combination of various orientation)
Philosophical classification curriculum
1. Idealism
2. Realism
3. Perennialism
4. Essentialism
5. Existentialism
6. Constructivism
III. Think about this: What are the benefits and possible pitfalls of having an official
curriculum prescribed to all schools?

 The first benefits of having a official curriculum in the schools is the student, teachers
and the maintenance can have a guide on how to manage the school. And for the
possible pitfalls is the another s can’t follow the curriculum. And also it gives teachers
flexible in resources and goals, that stimulates creativity, and enables self reflection.
IV. Discuss the roles of teachers and other curriculum workers in ensuring the success of the
implemented curriculum.
 The roles of teachers and other curriculum workers is to make sure the curriculum is based on
the capability of the students. Which is beyond creating shared goals between teachers and
students, curriculum also standardizes the learning goals for an entire school and provides a
clear path for students to progress from one grade to another.
V. Provide an example of a null or censored curriculum.

 On what I search on the internet null or censored curriculum it refers to the student do
not have opportunity to learn. There are several examples of null curriculum that can be
identified in content areas. For example, in social studies, the teacher may give a general
overview of the history of science while covering the scientific revolution. However, this
information is excluded from the formal curriculum. Another example would be the exclusion
of Darwin’s theory of evolution from the official biology curriculum. Null content may
represent specific facts omitted in a particular unit of study. An example of this would be a
social studies unit focusing on the New Deal may not reference the fact that the New Deal
failed to resolve the problem of unemployment. 
VI. Provide an example of a hidden curriculum.
 For example, one teacher may give tough assignments and expect all students to do well on
those assignments, while another teacher may give comparatively easy assignments and
habitually award all students passing grades even when their work quality is low.
 For example, students usually have to formally agree to them through their school’s tutorial
system, so whether theses factors make up a truly ‘Hidden Curriculum’ today in school is, to
my mind, questionable.


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