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High performance work practices (HPWPs) are intended to boost an organization's potential to
recruit, hire, promote, and keep high-performing employees. Practices that have been proved
to boost a company's ability to acquire, hire, and retain top personnel are referred to as HPWPs.
The HR management methods aiming to improve the morals, involvement, as well as
capabilities of the workforce, are known as the High-Performance Work Practices. The purpose
of the organization to run these practices is to retain their employees in order to get
competitive edge in the job market.

According to researcher Wright et al. (2001) as cited in Alatailat et al, (2019) the core of

competitive advantage relies on talented and energetic human beings.
The objective of this paper is to explore the connection between the board thinking and
organization performance (i.e., framework configuration perspective, concentrated purpose,
smart opportunistic behavior, thinking in moment, and hypotheses the results assessment).
Alatailatet al, (2019)

This examination is basically worried about the instruction area in Punjab, Pakistan. Six public
colleges were utilized to choose 180 respondents utilizing a delineated arbitrary testing
strategy. The study's findings revealed that administrative practices had a significant and
positive impact

on the job performance of university employees.  Regulatory practices have a positive impact
on representative work performance at the college. This review will help instructors, instructive
overseers, and policymakers in further developing learning techniques. It will serve as a
guideline for researchers who wish to conduct further research in the same area/field. Jabbar at
el, (2020)

The ways of organizing work by and for the employees in order to make decisions that would
have a significant impact on the organization as well as the employees, are defined as high
performance work practices. The purpose of these practices is to attain an excessive-overall
performance culture, wherein the norms, values, and human sources are engaged to create
surroundings wherein the success of excessive ranges of overall performance is a manner of life
Deric, (2020).
The basic Concept of (HPWPs) forms the idea that an organization has a working system of HR
methods that can lead to better organizational performance.  Garg et al, (2019).
Gender concepts are linked to theoretical work performance predictions, and empirical analysis
of HPWPs, have different impact on men and women for satisfaction from job. The Result clear
that HPWPs based on male gender concept. Brinck et al, (2019).
According to researcher Garg et al, (2019) employee commitment, employee motivation,
various other HR outcomes like satisfaction, work-life balance, employee engagement, have
reportedly been positively impacted by HPWPs, improving employee’s cognitive skills, abilities,
and well-being.
The composing has logically centered on the shot at HRM practices as a facilitator of learning
and innovative execution considering the way that these practices can be a useful device in
developing a social stage on which individual laborers are encouraged to everything learnt from
one another. Jeong, & Shin, (2019).
According to research of Ismail et al. (2021) the data show that selective recruiting, training
and development, performance appraisal, and succession planning all have a considerable
beneficial impact
on firm performance, whereas pay-for-performance has no effect.
According to research done by Ahmed et al, (2019) MNC subsidiaries are more likely to provide
employees with training and practices opportunities. Domestic enterprises appear to be less
interested in enforcing severe performance review methods in order to conform to the social
standards. Their data also suggest that institutions play a role in adoption of broad training,
development policies and domestic enterprise.
To achieve the best performance-based work system for an organization, setting the HPWPs
principals as priority would surely be a great move, and the way forward. Garg et al, (2019).
According to research of Zahoor et al, (2021) the goal of this study was to determine the impact
of HP banking procedures, work-family conflict, and workplace stress on their work-life balance.
According to the findings, moderate family-work conflict is beneficial to work-life balance. The
State Bank Pakistan should work on developing policies to improve employee friendly HPWs,
before hiring and selecting employees’ financial institutions must also suggest using personality
tests or high-stress positions.
In terms of labor productivity, (HPWPs) have an inverse relationship with SEW preservation.
When HPWPs are fully implemented but commitment is low, family businesses can achieve
higher labor productivity, and vice versa. These findings have significant implications for family
businesses. Linares at el, (2021)
According to researcher Kloutsiniotis, & Mihail, (2020) this study looks into the effects of
"(HPWS) Systems" on employee "job involvement" and provider Positive Organizational
Behavior, “service-oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)." The findings disclose the
"black-box" process behind the HPWS technique, which really is useful information for HR
According to a study, (HPWS) have an impact on employees' conduct, notably innovative work
behaviour (IB). Researchers from the University of Bristol looked at the meditational impact of
perceived organisational support (POS) on HPWS-IB links. Farrukh at el, (2021)
When employees with substantially less human capital are paired with more direct voice
mechanisms or less corporate governance engagement, high-performance work systems
(HPWS) are positively associated with organisational innovation. If employees with more
human capital has less direct voice mechanisms, HPWS are inversely associated to
organisational innovation. Zhou at el, (2019)
(HPWS) strategies that are thought to improve opportunities reduce absenteeism in high-
workload environments. In this study, however, workload had no effect on the association
between HPWS and absenteeism. The studies underscore the importance of focusing on the
differences in ability, incentive, and opportunity-enabling HPWS practices. Reuver at el, (2019)
The impact of innovation-specific ability, motivation, and voice habits in moderating the
relationship between (HPWS) and SMEs' innovation performance is investigated in this study.
The study analyses how these elements interact with one another to generate innovation in
SMEs using the AMO framework. Shahzad at el, (2019)
Employee resiliency can be thought of as a set of abilities and characteristics that can be honed
via the usage of (HPWS). According to the findings of this study (HPWS) could be used as a good
base to improve resilience and, as a result, employee engagement. Cooke at el, (2019)
According to researcher Jewell at el, (2020) (HPWS) are created and put into action. The
academic edition bears little resemblance to the regular version, indicating a significant
research-practice divide. If scholars would like to undertake beneficial, pertinent HPWS study,
those who must participate with real deal inside the ground.
The purpose of this research is to provide, and a go classifier involves the assessment of "
(HPWS) in tourism and hospitality. The goal is to divide the existing studies into those that look
at the overall "black-box" problem as well as those who look just at real HPWS
procedure. Kloutsiniotis, & Mihail , (2020)
According to researcher Loon at el, (2019) many HR practices that aim to improve employees'
psychological well-being (PWB) and organisational performance conflict. Using the paradox
metatheory as a lens, we address this long-standing issue. Our goal is to create a paradigm shift
in how employee PWB and organisational performance can coexist.

This approach received some support from multilevel structural equation modelling analyses.
At the individual level, perceived creativity oriented HPWS was associated to creative
performance, but this effect was mediated purely by need satisfaction rather than creative
process engagement. Average branch creative performance did, however, correlate with
branch customer satisfaction, as we hypothesised. Service firms can improve their ability to
carry out their goal of obtaining long-term competitive edge through superior service. Our
findings demonstrate that perceived imagination HPWS delivers the nutrients that FLEs require
to meet their emotional needs, influencing employee creativity and branch satisfaction of
customers. Martinaityte at el, (2019)
Through the mediating role of employee morale, this study looked at the effects of HPWPs on
turnover. It also looked into whether psychological capital could help to reduce the connection
between employee morale and the likelihood of leaving. The study gathered 469 genuine
responses from Ghanaian frontline workers in the hotel industry. Obeng at el, (2021)
According to Obeng at el, (2021) Employees with low levels of optimism and resilience can have
a detrimental impact on their affective organisational commitment. However, the level of hope
and self-efficacy, whether high or low, has a minor impact on how PsyCap influences
employees' turnover intentions.
High-performance work practices (HPWPs) can have a variety of effects across the board. The
findings suggest that some HPWPs do have negative effects on several aspects of employee
happiness. We propose that an analytic approach to the link between HR practices and
employee well-being is required. Guerci at el, (2019)
According to the researcher Federici et al, (2019) The goal of this study is to see if career
flexibility as a self-regulatory capacity can lead to better job crafting behaviours, which can lead
to higher employee engagement. For medium and high opportunity enhancing HPWPs, the
connection among career adaptability and work engagement is considerable, not for low
concentrations of such a category.
In HRM research, the idea that particular HRM actions are required to achieve certain outcomes
is widely held. In terms of theoretical, methodology, and practical applicability, we compare and
contrast adequate and necessity rules. We propose that you use a novel strategy and
analytic method called recurrence of the problem analysis. Hauff et al., (2021)
According to Researcher Hauff et al., (2021) We've established that sufficiency logic differs
significantly from necessity logic. NCA a revolutionary strategy and analysis technique, can be
used to analyses necessary circumstances. NCA was presented as a way to investigate
necessary circumstances in HRM study. “The ability, motivation, and chance (AMO) framework
(Appelbaum et al., 2000),” the well and broadly had to use theoretical comparison to grasp the
concept HPWPs and describe the connection among HRM and employee performance, is a
good example of necessary conditions (Guest, 2011). As an example, the connection between A,
M, and O increasing HRM practices and employee productivity was used to demonstrate the
method's implementation.
How Green Human Resource Management (HRM) methods affect academic staff's attitude
toward the environment. The Green HRM practices of a university campus might be influenced by
the environmentally friendly behaviour (OCBE) Organisational Citizenship Behaviour Towards the
Environment of academic employees. "Green HRM" refers to the nascent notion of "environmental
HRM" – a combination of ability-building, motivation-enhancing, and opportunity-creating
practices that have the potential to affect employees' environmental citizenship behaviours. A
structured questionnaire was utilized to investigate how these behaviours influence the
environment using a quantitative study
approach. Anwar et al., (2020)

As far as Literature review:

(HPWPs) re methods of structuring work by and for employees. HRM techniques can be effective
tool for establishing a social stage in which workers are
encouraged to learn from one another. Some HPWPs have a negative impact on employee
happiness in numerous ways. The goal of a high-performance work system is to improve
employees' abilities, motivation, and participation. The goal of these activities is to create a
culture of high overall performance. According to research, HPWPs have varied effects on men
and women in terms of job satisfaction. These activities are significant impact on business
performance Recruitment, training and development, worker performance
and succession planning’s .The State Bank of Pakistan should concentrate on adopting regulations
to improve employee friendly HPWs, and financial institutions may consider employing
personality tests or high-stress roles when hiring and selecting staff. Family firms can obtain
improved labour productivity when HPWPs are completely implemented but commitment is
low. Employee behaviour is influenced by (HPWS), truly original leading to job (IB) HPWS tactics
that are expected to reduce absence in low conditions. Volume of work, on the other hand,
seemed to have no impact on the link among HPWS and absence. Employee resilience can be
defined as a set of skills and knowledge which can be developed via the application of certain
techniques (HPWS). HPWS might be an excellent place to start when it comes to increasing
resilience and, as a consequence, framework to help. The scholarly edition differs significantly
from the regular edition, demonstrating a wide gap between research and practice. 
This article aims to explore the effect on the overall behavior of the academic staff brought by
how Green Human Resource Management (HRM) techniques. The Green HRM practices of a
university may be impacted by the way Organizational Citizenship deals with the environment of
academic staff. (HPWPs) can have a wide range of outcomes.
High cultures do not benefit much from invitation strategies, which implies the negative effect of
some HPWPs on the satisfaction of employees.

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1- Strategic management theories
2- Resource theory
3- Social exchange theory
4- COR theory for developing a systematic and comprehensive conceptual framework
5- Career construction theory
6- Ability-Motivation-Opportunity (AMO) theory

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