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Fate of Glove Girl in Lancaster Webb in Lancaster-Webb sealed

Last night it was decided by Will Somerset, CEO of Lancaster Webb to offer Glove Girl a role in corporate
communications. It is expected that in her new role Glove Girl would be motivated to use her blogging skills to the
company's benefit by establishing customer intimacy in a more structured and controlled manner. Additionally, she
would be required to sign a strict NDA1 in order to secure confidential and sensitive information

Glove Girl – Asset or Liability

During the recent industrial conference, Will Somerset got to know about the existence of Glove Girl and faced her
popularity first hand. He was apprised by his team that Glove Girl has been blogging about her profession and
personal life. Sometimes her blog consists of sensitive information about Lancaster Webb customers. Popularity of
her blog and her communication style were seen as a great opportunity; however, the content of the blog might
lead to commercial and legal challenges for Lancaster Webb.

Rationale behind the Decision

The options available (Fig. 1) were evaluated by the CEO on the criteria (Fig. 2) to arrive at most plausible solution
i.e. Option C – Offer Glove Girl a role in corporate communications with strict NDA.

•Let Glove Girl continue with her blog in the existing

Option A manner

•Ask Glove Girl to clearly state that blog represents her

personal views and those suited to company can be
Option B endorsed on company website

•Offer Glove Girl a corporate communication role with

strict NDA and start a company blog where Glove Girl
Option C will publish about company

• Accept deal from Fort Worth General, let go Glove Girl

and start a company blog where other employee can
Option D publish about company

• Fire Glove Girl for sharing company information and

don’t pursue blogging as a marketing tool & use
Option E conventional communication tools

Fig. 1 Fig.2

Plan to execute the decision

The plan would be implemented by meeting with Communications Chief, VP Marketing, VP Legal and VP HR to
discuss and finalize NDA as well as policy on blogging. Glove Girl would be sensitized about the importance of non-
disclosure on confidential information and legal ramifications of unsubstantiated content on her blog and then role
in corporate communications would be offered to her. It was also deliberated that in case Glove Girl shares sensitive
information even after accepting corporate communications role, she would be terminated, her replacement would
be recruited and Will Somerset will take the responsibility of company blog in the interim.

With the decision to offer a corporate communication role to Glove Girl, Will Somerset on one hand expects to
capitalize on blogging as a new market tool along with the popularity of Glove Girl whereas on other expects the
regulations to act as a boundary for content that can be shared by her. This decision in all likelihood will take care
of the interests of all stakeholders – shareholders, customers, employees and management.

1. Non-Disclosure Agreement – A legal document that details about the information that can be shared by employees

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