Terrifying. She's Terrifying.': While Somewhere Else

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Chapter 1: Walpurgis

Inside a tall mountain. To the west of the Great Jura Forest.

Lies a kingdom. A Kingdom ruled by a leader by many names. Death Sage. Sleeping Demon.
Necromancer. Black Queen. But the one that stuck the most is the, Sleeping Disaster. Himeko that was
the name of that person, whose power and abilities are recognized to be equal of a Demon Lord. She
oversees her Kingdom and her its citizens. ’Jigoku’ the underground kingdom, or by its literal name the
Kingdom of Hell. It was said that it was split to 3 estate due to the Monsters and Humans mixing
together. Thus, commanded by their Queen she split her Kingdom and gave authority to sub-rule the 3
Cities to her 3 closest aides. Asuka the Dark Elf was in charge of the Monster State, Mai a half-blood
between an ogre and a human was in charge of the Hybrid State and Rena Vongard a Holy Knight was in
charge of the Human State.

Each had to maintain order and discipline in each state. Monster State, is where the elves and dark elves,
vampires, and some dwarves stay. Human State is on the peak of the mountain where human citizens
occupy. Hybrid State is a mixed city. Many, different kinds of Monsters and Humans stays here. There at
the center of Hybrid City, stands a castle. The Castle where their ruler sleep and stays. Their Technology,
Education, Magic is said to be more advanced than any kingdom in the world. Their Military, rivals that
of the Dwargon Kingdom. Their Queen was also known to treat the citizens fairly, and always gave
solutions to their problems. Asuka, Mai, and Rena was also known to be a kind and dependable leader.
Many things are still unknown about the Queen and her skills. But some witnesses said that she
exchanged fist with Guy Crimson, Beat Milim Nava many times, and going to the Labyrinth to do Ramiris
a favor. And that she always sleep, after she uses her full power. The aides and the citizens of the
Kingdom is also a mystery. The aides were said to be undead due to them not eating human food, always
have pale skin, and black blood. Citizens suddenly disappearing for hours and appearing later. Nothing is
known about them. But beware when entering her Kingdom it is best to stay alert at all times.

- Marumi Sayuki

Seating in an office chair is, Rimuru Tempest. A slime that rules over Monster Kingdom, Jura Tempest.
He was busy reading an article about the Kingdom of Jigoku and their ruler, Himeko. What Ramiris told
him is that Himeko was a high-elf that was made an unofficial Demon Lord made by Guy Crimson. When
Veldora heard Himeko’s name he paid attention to our conversation.

“Oh, Himeko eh?”

Veldora told him that, he and Himeko fought once which lead to his utter defeat. Veldora and Ramiris
continued to tell him stories about Himeko, while Rimuru has only one thought in mind.

‘Terrifying. She’s terrifying.’

Little did he know that he already piqued the interest of a certain elf.

While somewhere else……

The sound of a door opening is heard inside the dim office. A smirking red-head is seen entering. While
outside bodies and skeletons are seen laying on the ground. The sound of the door closing is what break
the tense silence.

“Yo, have you been well?”

The man was the one who speaks first. Greeting the smaller figure in front of him.

“What are you doing here? You know I don’t like it when someone comes here unannounced, and you
did you have to kill my subordinates. You know it takes a lot of my magicules and energy to revive them

A small and melodic voice of a woman ignores his question.

Two figures. One smaller than the other talk inside the office. Their aura so terrifying it can terrorized a
whole kingdom. The smaller silhouette was emanating blood lust. While the other one just had a smirk
on his face. The two were acquaintances that has exchange fist with each other. They were.

Himeko and Guy Crimson.

“Hahahaha, just let it slide this time.”

Guy chuckles, while Himeko had a scowl on her face. Guy sits down on the office couch. While Himeko
called Asuka to bring some tea and cake, knowing Guy had a sweet tooth.

“So, why are you here?”

“An interesting person has piqued my interest. He is the new awoken Demon Lord in Jura Forest, who
has the protection of Storm Dragon Veldora and he is a …. Slime.”

This piqued Himeko’s interest. A mere slime which has the protection of the Storm Dragon Veldora and
has Guy’s interest. If that’s the case then that slime piques my curiosity.

“Is that so? I don’t believe it.”

“He is also the ruler of the new Monster Country, Tempest.”

A ruler, eh? Now I know what is running in Guy’s mind. For Himeko, Guy is a difficult person to read. She
cannot read of his intention half of the time.

“You want me to go to the Walpurgis, do you? That’s why you came here for.”

“Hahaha, as expected of Himeko you immediately know why I came here. I mean it’s been a while since
you attended the Walpurgis anyway. Besides aren’t you curios about the newbie?”

Himeko just sighed, and tilted her head to meet Guy’s eyes. She really has no choice does she?

“Asuka, Mai, Rena.”


“Asuka stay here and watch the cities. Mai, Rena pick up your things you’re coming with me to the

“Hai, Asuka-sama”’

Himeko stands up and get her coat. She faces her two escorts who ow has their whip and sword with
them then turn to Guy.

“Well common, call Rhein and Misery and open up the gate. So we can get this over with.”

Guy just smiles and opened the gate.

“Rhein, Misery. Let’s go.”

The 6 figures walk to the inside the fate on the way to Walpurgis.

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