Earth Science 2nd Quarter Module 2

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St. Catherine’s College, Inc.

6019 Carcar City, Cebu
School Year 2021 – 2022



Quarter 2 – MELC Week 2

In this week, the learners describe how rocks behave under different types of stress such as
compression, pulling apart, and shearing.


Learning Targets
The Grade 11 learners can:
1. Explain why the Earth’s interior is hot.
2. describe tectonic forces responsible for rocks to undergo deformation and
identify the different types of stress;
3. describe the different types of deformation and describe how rocks behave
under different types of stress such as compression, shearing and expanding.

Key Concepts
 Endogenic Processes
 Magma and Volcanism
 Deformation
 Types of Stress
 Types of Deformation

Core Values:

 Reflective Thinker

Learner’s Name

Name: Grade and Community: 11

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Date Received: _____________________________ Strand:

Introductory Prayer
Please make the sign of the cross.

God, author of all truth, send your Holy Spirit upon us. That we may be inspired to know
you, and in knowing you,
We may love you better and in loving you better, we may serve you the most. All these
we asked through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Dominic De Guzman, pray for us. St. Catherine of Alexandria, pray for us.

In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A blessed day dear learner! To be able to learn the lesson this week, you are expected to
follow the instructions in the module and perform the tasks on your own or with a guide.
Do the tasks sequentially, beginning with the tasks for Session 1 until Session 4. Learning
this topic is an exciting journey. So, get started now.

Session 1: Learning Target

By the end of the session, you will be able to say, explain why the Earth’s interior is hot.

Topic: Endogenic Processes
Task 1: Observe the pictures on the box and answer the question the follow.

Guide Question:
1. What forces drive these events?
I think its because of the movement of the tectonic plates.

Events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruption are results of the different processes
beneath the earth’s crust. These processes are known as endogenic processes which are
mainly driven by the trapped remnant internal heat form the formation of the Earth billions
of years ago.

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Endogenic Processes

Manifested through

deformation magma volcanism earthquake metamorphism

Released forms
Caused by through

which may be

tensional force Shear stress

burial contact hydrothermal

Compressional stress cataclastic
shock regional

The source of the Earth’s internal heat is attributed to leftover heat from its formation 4.54 billion years
ago as gravitational energy caused particles to accrete and collide with each other, forming larger bodies.
Another source of Earth’s internal heat is the disintegration of natural radioactive elements inside the
Earth such as the radioactive decay of 238U, 232Th, and 40K. Estimated temperature of the Earth’s core are
between 5000 ̊C AND 7000 ̊C. (page 158, Exploring Life Through Science- Earth Science)

1. Explain why the Earth’s interior is hot.
In the deep underground, there are three major sources of heat. Firstly, heat from the planet's
formation and accretion, which has not yet been lost. Secondly, frictional heating occurs as denser
core material sinks to the planet's core. Finally, heat generated by radioactive element decay.

Now that you have explained why the Earth’s interior is hot, you are now ready to describe
tectonic forces responsible for rocks to undergo deformation and identify the different types of
stress – proceed to session 2.

Session 2: Learning Target

By the end of the session, you will be able to say,
I can describe tectonic forces responsible for rocks to undergo deformation and identify
the different types of stress.
Topic: Deformation and Types of Stress
Task 1: Read and understand the input discussion on tectonic forces and types of Stress.

Tectonic Forces operating inside the Earth’s causes rocks to undergo deformation. It is a
process in which the rocks change in size, shape, location tilt or break due to squeezing,
stretching or shearing. It is the dominant process in the formation of mountain belts.

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Types of Stress

Tensional Stress occurs when the dominant

force is directed away from each other.

Compressional Stress is formed when the

dominant force is directed towards each
other. It squeezes the rocks causing the
shortening parallel to the direction of stress
and elongation perpendicular to the direction
of the stress.

Shear Stress develops when the two

dominant forces are directed towards each
other but not along the same axis. It results
to slippage and translation.

Strain = it is the resulting change in the rocks due to the different types of stress. It is the change in
size, shape or volume of the rocks subjected to change.
Three types of Strain
1. Stretching or change in length
2. Shortening of rocks or contraction
3. Shearing of rocks – change in volume


What are these tectonic forces under the Earth that are responsible for the deformation of rocks?
Stress causes strain to build up, which causes deformation of rocks and the Earth's crust. A rock shortens due
to compressional stresses. Tensional tensions cause a rock to extend or separate. Rocks slide past each other
due to shear stresses.

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Now that you have learned the different types of stress and strain, you are now
ready to proceed session 2.
Session 3: Learning Target
By the end of the session, you will be able to say, I can describe the different types of
deformation and the structures produced due to deformation.

Learning Activities
Topic: Stages of Deformation
Instruction: Watch and understand the video about stages of rock deformation on this link
Comprehension Check
Describe the three stages of rock deformation.

A. Elastic deformation
- deformation that vanishes when the external forces that caused the modification and the
stress connected with it are removed.
B. Ductile deformation
- Ductile deformation is the process by which a material's shape changes due to bending or
flowing, during which chemical bonds may be broken but then reformed into new ones.
C. Brittle deformation
- Brittle deformation is the change in shape of a material caused by the breakdown of chemical
bonds that do not rebuild. Brittle deformation in natural rocks is frequently exhibited as
fractures, particularly
Structures Produced faults and joints.
due to Deformation

Faults are planar structure resulting from brittle

deformation but there is a sliding between the rocks.
Movement of faults can generate earthquake.

Folds are produced by deformation of ductile

materials. They are contortions of rock layers forming
wavelike curves

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Mountain Building = process by which the Earth’s surface moves from lower elevation to a higher elevation
is called uplift. Mountain belts are formed as a result of uplift and deformation of the rocks in the Earths
lithosphere. The process of mountain building is called orogenesis.

Examples of Mountain Belts


Take at least 3 pictures in our locality of rocks undergoing different types of deformation or rocks undergoing
different stress and describe your picture. Attach it below.

First picture shows that it is a Slip is the distance rocks move along a fault, because there is usually no way to know
whether both sides moved or only one. Then the second picture shows that from the Bondoc Peninsula to Leyte
Island there is a stress states in that area. Lastly the third picture shows that the rock is experiencing tensional

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Now that you have described different stages of deformation and the structure produced due to
deformation, you are now ready to proceed to the next session.
Session 3: Learning Target: Most Essential Learning Competency
By the end of the session, you will be able to say , describe how rocks behave under different
types of stress such as compression, shearing and expanding.

Learning Activities
Pre Assessment

Wrap Up
 Tectonic forces operating inside the Earth causes rocks to undergo deformation.
 There are three types of stress namely: tensional, compressional and shearing.
 Strain is the effect of the kind of stress applied to rocks.
 There are 3 types of deformation namely: elastic, ductile and brittle.
 Faults, folds, tectonic foliation, and mountain belts are produced due to

Summative Assessment
Matching Type: Match the descriptions in column A with the concepts i
Write Letters Only
Column A Column B
___B__ 1. the dominant force is directed away from each other A. compressional stress
___J__ 2. it results to slippage and translation B. tensional stress
__C___ 3. produced by deformation of ductile materials C. folds
__H___ 4. planar structures resulting from brittle deformation D. tectonic foliation
_I___ 5. process of mountain building E. uplift

_E____ 6. movement of Earth’s structure from lower to higher F. strain

elevation G. shear strain
__D___ 7. develops via compressional deformation H. faults
__F___ 8. resulting change in rocks due to the different types I. orogenesis
of stress J. shear stress
__G___ 9. strain that results to a change in angle K. tectonic forces
__A___10. forces operating inside the Earth’s causing rocks to
to deform.
Post Assessment


- End of Module 2 -

Olivar, Jose Tolentino II et al. (2016)
“Exploring Life through Science, Earth Science.” Phoenix Publishing House Quezon, City

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__________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature of Learner over Printed Name/Date Signature of Parent over Printed Name/Date

No part of this Module may be reproduced in any form or by any means without any written permission from St.
Catherine’s College, Carcar City, Cebu.

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