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Peda Activity #2

Take a moment to recollect your experience over the past 18 years of schooling (Grade 1-12; 5 year

undergrad and 1 year post grad), [think of your classroom experience- what teachers too often do (and

say), what expectations are made for students, what specific activities too often done by the students,

consider the dominant pedagogy and assessment modality and what would be their impact on your

learning, your motivation and achievement, as a students] and come up with a statement that

adequately reflect:

• your understanding/ conception of 1) what teaching is and 2) what learning mean [Note: don’t

look into literature and standard definition at this time], and then

• Look into the literature (focus on three definition by respected educators..) and try to relate your

definition with what you got from literature. Are they similar or differ and why? Make some

descriptive and reflection accounts on how and why you define the way you define it?

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