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Template to Evaluate Organization’s Definition of Purpose

Parameters Low Score Features 1 2 3 4 5 High Score Features Remarks

Product/Customer Defines the business in terms of Defines the business in terms of
Focus goods and services providing solutions to customer

Business sense Relies on meaningless superlatives           Takes care of long term interest
of stakeholders especially
shareholders, employees and
Graphic in details The vision is vague or incomplete It paints a clear picture of where
the company is headed
Memorable Goes on and on!           Short, easily communicable

Focussed The vision is overly broad and           Provides managers with clear
provides the managers license to guidance in making decisions
pursue whatever opportunities they and allocating resources
Moderate Flexibility Binds the Managers to a rigid course           Allows Managers to adjust the
of action course to changing environment

Parameter Low Score Features           High Score Features Remarks
Makes Relies on meaningless superlatives           Long term interest of
Business stakeholders especially
sense customers,  
employees and
Graphic in The mission/vision is vague or 1 2 3 4 5 It paints a clear picture
details incomplete of where the company
is headed
Focussed The mission/vision is overly broad           Provides managers
and provides the managers license with clear guidance in
to pursue whatever opportunities making decision and
they want allocating resources  
Some Extremely rigid in definition           Moderate level of
Flexibility flexibility which allows
Managers to adjust the
course to changing
Memorable Goes on and on!           Short, easily
communicable and

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