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North Western Railway

NO. W/420/2/1.C-80 DRM oflice,

Executive Engineer Datc:211.2021
PWD. Division Neem ka thana

Sub:onstruction of 2 lane ROB ncar closed level erossing no. 80 al Railway Km

107/140 between Bhagega-Necm ka thana stations on RPC section.
Ref: i) CBE's letter no.
I1Q/W/420/1/1(Tech.) datcd 09-09-2021
(ii) Your office letter no. 851 dated 09-07-2021.

GAD of ROB having bow string stcel girder reccived from your office vide letter in
reference (ii) was sent to HQ oflice for examination and approval of span arrangement but the
OAD of ROB has been returned by HQ officc, vithout any oulcome in want of'alternative GADS
of ROB.
Therefore an alternative GAD of ROB is to be prepared showing one pier between IR &
DFCCIL tracks. Care should be taken while preparing GAD of ROB that top of proposed pile
cap for pier should be Im lower than top of existing rail level.
Some corrections are to be carried out in GAD of ROB having bowstring stecl girders.
which was sent to this office vide your office letter in reference (i) are as under:-
Top rail levels of all existing tracks are to be shown in the GAD.
Top level af proposed pile cap for piers (RP-01 & RP-02) has shown wrongly
above top level of existing rail. Hence corrections are to be carried oul showing
top of proposed pile cap for piersI m lower than top of cxisting rail level.
Finally on preparation of two alternative GADs of ROB. 2 paper prints of each GAD of
ROB are to be jointly signed by PWD, ADEN/RGS & DFCCIL and to be sent these signed copices
to this office for obtaining approval in principle of CBE regarding span arrangement of ROB.
This is for information & necessary action at your end please.

Enc: Copy of referred letter.


0 1447 221 drawng section 2018\destop bakup17 12 10danadatud drivekirIWIng sectiondll drawing'letuer- diawny-dd dOCX

HQ/W/420/1/1 (Tech.) 302017

Dated: 0909.2021

Sub: Construction of 2-Lane ROB near LC No 80 at Railway Km. 107/ |40 between Bhagegal-Neem
Ka Thana stations on RPC
Ref: Your office letter No W/420/2/LC-80 dated 1.08.2021

n reterence to above. the span arrangement within Railway portion should be such that it does not
hamper future expansion of Railway & DFCCIL and ensure optimum utilization of Railway land. Un
necessary long spans qf Bow String steel girders as per RDSO standard drawings to be avoided.

t is observcd that. such GADs are merely forwarded by the division w ithout proposing dillerent
leasible alternatives of the span arrangement as per site conditions and in the absence of the 'sanme. it
is prelty difficult to arrive at final decision for the span arrangement.

Therefore it is advised that, feasibiity of execution of pier belween IR and DFCCIL racks to be
eNamired in association with DFCCIL & Stale Govi competent authonties. Accordmghy. iable &
feasible span arrangements to be proposed jointly signed by Divisional. DECCIL and State Govu
compelent authorities.

Status of deposition of Pianning & Estinate charges and execution of agreement to be adv ised

The GAD tracing submitted is returned here with for further necessary action a your end
DA: As above.

For Chief Brid:e Engincer

moy he collect he GaAD fracing br h obbice


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