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Example Problems for Beam-columns

1) For beam-column subjected to the service design loadings as 300kN 100kN

shown below, select the lightest W-section made of A-36
steel Fy  250MPa  . Eccentric load bends member in stronger
axis direction. e  0.4 m
-member is subjected to combined action of:
P  100 300  400kN &
2.8 m
M  P1 . e  100kN  0.4m  40kN  m
-let allowable bending stress of trial section be,
 Fbx  0.6Fy  0.6  250  150 N mm 2
-and, allowable compressive stress of trail section,
 Fa  110N mm2
-area of trial section is estimated using interaction equation
without amplification factor,
f f 
1.0   a  bx 
 a
F F bx 
 A. f a A. fbx  M M A M P
 A    since fbx   .  . Bx & fa 
 Fa Fbx  Sx A Sx A A
P 
Areq.  
-then,  . Bx 
 a
F Fbx 
-where Bx  ---bending factor of section, the same values for one depth group of sections
-If selected among W-200 depth group, Bx  0.013
-therefore, required area of trial section
 400103 40106 
Areq.     0.013  7103mm2
 110 150 
1st trial: W-200x60
 A  7610mm 2 , S x  580 10 3 mm 3 , rx  89.3mm, ry  51.8mm
b f  205mm, t f  14.2mm, t w  9.3mm & d  210mm
-Un-braced length of compression flange of section  lb  2.8 m
-check adequacy of lateral bracing of compression flange!
-Limiting un-braced lengths of compression flange (AISC),
0.2b f 0.2  205
l1    2.59 m
Fy 250
139b f . t f 139  205 14.2
l2    7.71 m
Fy . d 250  210
-therefore, lc  2.59m & lu  7.71m
-since lc  lb  2.8 m  lu , then  Fbx  0.6Fy  0.6  250  150 N mm 2
-effective length factors and unsupported length of member in both directions are,
k x  k y 1.0 & lx  l y  2.8 m
-interaction reduction factor,  Cm  0.6
-then, slenderness ratio of trial section,

k x .lx 1.0  2800 mm
  31.35
rx 89.3 mm
k y .l y 1.0  2800 mm
  54.05
ry 51.8 mm
k .l
-thus, slenderness ratio to determine allowable compressive stress is,  54.05
-using tables of allowable compressive stress,  Fa  124 N mm2
-stresses developed in trial section due to service design loads,
P 400103
fa    52.56 N mm2
A 7610
M 40106
fbx    68.96 N mm2
S x 580103

1.03106 1.03106
Fex    1048.0 N mm2
k x .lx rx 2 31.352
-Check stability criteria, fa Fa  52.56 124.0  0.424  0.15
-therefore, the following stress interaction equation with amplification factor is used to check
adequacy of trial section:
fa Cm f
  bx  1.0
Fa (1 f a Fex
) Fbx
52.56 0.6 68.96
    0.714  1.0 --Ok!
124.0 (1 52.56 1048.0) 150
-additional check for yielding using,
fa f
 bx  1.0
0.6 Fy Fbx
52.56 68.96
   0.81  1.0 --Ok!
0.6 250 150
-therefore, 1st trial section is adequate, but not the lightest section.

2nd trial: W-200x52

 A  6640mm 2 , S x  509 10 3 mm 3 , rx  88.8mm, ry  51.6mm
b f  204mm, t f  12.5mm, t w  8mm & d  206mm
-check adequacy of lateral bracing of compression flange!
-Limiting un-braced lengths of compression flange (AISC),
0.2b f 0.2  204
l1    2.58 m
Fy 250
139b f . t f 139  204 12.5
l2    6.88 m
Fy . d 250  206
-therefore, lc  2.58m & lu  6.88m
-since lc  lb  2.8 m  lu , then  Fbx  0.6Fy  0.6  250  150 N mm 2
-and, slenderness ratio of 2nd trial section,
k x .lx 1.0  2800 mm
  31.5
rx 88.8 mm
k y .l y 1.0  2800 mm
  54.3
ry 51.6 mm

k .l
-thus, slenderness ratio to determine allowable compressive stress is,  54.3
-using tables of allowable compressive stress,  Fa  123.8 N mm2
-stresses developed in trial section due to service design loads,
P 400103
fa    60.2 N mm2
A 6640
M 40106
fbx    78.6 N mm2
S x 509103

1.03106 1.03106
Fex    1038.0 N mm2
k x .lx rx 
-Check stability criteria, fa Fa  60.2 123.8  0.486  0.15
-therefore, the following stress interaction equation with amplification factor is used to check
adequacy of trial section:
fa Cm f
  bx  1.0
Fa (1 f a Fex
) F bx
60.2 0.6 78.6
    0.82  1.0 --Ok!
123.8 (1 60.2 1038.0) 150
-additional check for yielding using,
fa f
 bx  1.0
0.6 Fy Fbx
60.2 78.6
   0.925  1.0 --Ok!
0.6 250 150
-therefore, 2nd trial section is adequate. W-200x52 is the lightest section selected for member.

2) Select a suitable profile of S-shapes for beam-column loaded laterally to cause bending about
stronger axis due to service design transverse load in addition to service design axial
compressive load as shown below. Sections are made of A-50 steel Fy  345MPa  .
Solution 200kN
-member is subjected to combined action of:
P  200kN &
qd . l 2 6 32
M    6.75kN  m
8 8
6 kN m
-let allowable bending stress of trial section be,
 Fbx  0.6Fy  0.6  345  207 N mm 2
l 3 m
-and, allowable compressive stress of trail section,
 Fa  60 N mm2
-area of trial section is estimated using interaction equation
without amplification factor,
P 
Areq.  
 . Bx 
 Fa Fbx 
-where Bx  ---bending factor of section, the same values for one depth group of sections
-If selected among S-250 depth group, Bx  0.0138
-therefore, required area of trial section
 200103 6.75106 
Areq.     0.0138  3783.3 mm2
 60 207 

1st trial: S-250x37.8
 A  4806mm 2 , S x  406 10 3 mm 3 , rx  104mm, ry  24.2mm
b f  118mm, t f  12.5mm, t w  7.9mm & d  254mm
-Un-braced length of compression flange of section  lb  3 m
-check adequacy of lateral bracing of compression flange!
-Limiting un-braced lengths of compression flange (AISC),
0.2b f 0.2 118
l1    1.27 m
Fy 345
139b f . t f 139 118 12.5
l2    2.34 m
Fy . d 345  254
-therefore, lc  1.27 m & lu  2.34m
-since lb  3 m  lu  2.34m , then  Fbx  0.6Fy  0.6  345  207 N mm 2
-allowable bending stress in such case is obtained as the larger of the following (AISC),
1.17 10 6 C b lb 3.54 10 6 C b
Fb1  with 
l b rf 
rT Fy
82700 Cb . b f . t f
and, Fb 2 
lb . d
where Cb  1.0 (simply supported beam)
bf 118
rT    34.06 mm
12 12
lb 3000 3.54 10 6 1.0 lb
check   88.08   101.3 thus,  101.3
rT 34.06 345 rT
1.17 10 6  1.0
-then, Fb1   114.0 N mm 2
101.3 2

82700  1.0 118  12.5

and, Fb 2   160.08 N mm 2
3000  254
 Fbx  160.08 N mm2
-effective length factors and unsupported length of member in both directions are,
k x  k y 1.0 & lx  l y  3 m
-interaction reduction factor,  Cm  1.0
-then, slenderness ratio of trial section,
k x .lx 1.0  3000 mm
  28.8
rx 104 mm
k y .l y 1.0  3000 mm
  124.0
ry 24.2 mm
k .l
-thus, slenderness ratio to determine allowable compressive stress is,  124
-using tables of allowable compressive stress,  Fa  67 N mm2
-stresses developed in trial section due to service design loads,
P 200103
fa    41.6 N mm2
A 4806

M 6.75106
fbx    16.6 N mm2
Sx 406103
1.03106 1.03106
Fex    1241.8 N mm2
k x .lx rx 2 28.82
-Check stability criteria, fa Fa  41.6 67.0  0.62  0.15
-therefore, the following stress interaction equation with amplification factor is used to check
adequacy of trial section:
fa Cm f
  bx  1.0
Fa (1 f a Fex ) Fbx

41.6 1.0 16.6

    0.728  1.0 --Ok!
67.0 (1 41.6 1241.8) 160.08
-additional check for yielding using,
fa f
 bx  1.0
0.6 Fy Fbx
41.6 16.6
   0.305  1.0 --Ok!
0.6 345 160.08
-therefore, S-250x37.8 can be selected. Next lower section (S-200x34) has been checked but
found not adequate. If the same beam-column is redesigned when the transverse load to cause bending
about weak axis (y-axis): S-310x60.7 can be selected.

3) For beam-column as shown below, which is subjected to service design axial compressive load
in addition to bending about stronger axis due to service design end moment 35kN-m, select the
lightest W-section made of A-36 steel Fy  250MPa  . The member may be assumed pinned at
top and bottom. In addition, it has weak direction support at mid height.
P  250 kN P  250 kN

M x  35kN  m

2.5 m


2.5 m
For buckling For buckling
in x-direction in y-direction

-member is subjected to combined action of:
P  250kN & M  35kN  m
-let allowable bending stress of trial section,
 Fbx  0.6Fy  0.6  250  150 N mm 2
-and, allowable compressive stress of trail section be,
 Fa  100N mm2
-area of trial section is estimated using interaction equation without amplification factor,

P 
Areq.  
 . Bx 
 Fa Fbx 
-where Bx  ---bending factor of section, the same values for one depth group of sections
-If selected among W-200 depth group, Bx  0.0133
-therefore, required area of trial section
 250103 35106 
Areq.     0.0133  5603.3 mm2
 100 150 
1st trial: W-200x46
 A  5884mm 2 , S x  45110 3 mm 3 , rx  88.2mm, ry  51.2mm
b f  203mm, t f  11mm, t w  7.3mm & d  203mm
-Un-braced length of compression flange of section  lb  2.5 m
-check adequacy of lateral bracing of compression flange!
-Limiting un-braced lengths of compression flange (AISC),
0.2b f 0.2  203
l1    2.57 m
Fy 250
139b f . t f 139  203 11
l2    6.12 m
Fy . d 250  203
-therefore, lc  2.57 m & lu  6.12m
-since lb  2.5 m  lc  2.57m , thus Fbx depends on section geometry!
-Check whether section-geometry of trial section compact or not!
bf 170 203 170
   9.23   10.75 ok!
2t f Fy 2 11 250
d 1690 203 1690
   27.81   106.88 ok!
tw Fy 7.3 250

-therefore, trial section is compact. Thus,  Fbx  0.66Fy  0.66  250  165 N mm 2
-effective length factors and unsupported length of member in both directions are,
k x  k y 1.0 , lx  5 m & l y  2.5 m
-interaction reduction factor,  Cm  0.6
-then, slenderness ratio of trial section,
k x .lx 1.0  5000 mm
  56.7
rx 88.2 mm
k y .l y 1.0  2500 mm
  48.8
ry 51.2 mm
k .l
-thus, slenderness ratio to determine allowable compressive stress is,  56.7
-using tables of allowable compressive stress,  Fa  122.3 N mm2
-stresses developed in trial section due to service design loads,
P 250103
fa    42.5 N mm2
A 5884
M 35106
fbx    77.6 N mm2
S x 451103

1.03106 1.03106
Fex    320.4 N mm2
k x .lx rx  2
-Check stability criteria, fa Fa  42.5 122.3  0.3475  0.15
-therefore, the following stress interaction equation with amplification factor is used to check
adequacy of trial section:
fa Cm f
  bx  1.0
Fa (1 f a Fex
) Fbx
42.5 0.6 77.6
    0.673  1.0 --Ok!
122.3 (1 42.5 320.4) 165
-additional check for yielding using,
fa f
 bx  1.0
0.6 Fy Fbx
42.5 77.6
   0.754  1.0 --Ok!
0.6 250 165
-therefore, 1st trial section is adequate, but not the lightest section.
2nd trial: W-200x42
 A  5310mm 2 , S x  398 10 3 mm 3 , rx  87.6mm, ry  41.1mm
b f  166mm, t f  11.8mm, t w  7.2mm & d  205mm
-check adequacy of lateral bracing of compression flange!
-Limiting un-braced lengths of compression flange (AISC),
0.2b f 0.2 166
l1    2.1 m
Fy 250
139b f . t f 139 166 11.8
l2    5.31 m
Fy . d 250  205
-therefore, lc  2.1m & lu  5.31m
-since lc  lb  2.5 m  lu , then  Fbx  0.6Fy  0.6  250  150 N mm 2
-and, slenderness ratio of 2nd trial section,
k x .lx 1.0  5000 mm
  57.1
rx 87.6 mm
k y .l y 1.0  2500 mm
  60.8
ry 41.1 mm
k .l
-thus, slenderness ratio to determine allowable compressive stress is,  60.8
-using tables of allowable compressive stress,  Fa  119.6 N mm2
-stresses developed in trial section due to service design loads,
P 250103
fa    47.1 N mm2
A 5310
M 35106
fbx    87.9 N mm2
S x 398103

1.03106 1.03106
Fex    315.9 N mm2
k x .lx rx  2
-Check stability criteria, fa Fa  47.1 119.6  0.3938  0.15
-therefore, the following stress interaction equation with amplification factor is used to check
adequacy of trial section:

fa Cm f
  bx  1.0
Fa (1 f a Fex
) Fbx
47.1 0.6 87.9
    0.807  1.0 --Ok!
119.6 (1 47.1 315.9) 150
-additional check for yielding using,
fa f
 bx  1.0
0.6 Fy Fbx
47.1 87.9
   0.90  1.0 --Ok!
0.6 250 150
-therefore, W-200x42 can be selected.

4) Design steel column base-plate for a steel column made of W-360x110 to transfer a service
axial-compressive load of 1670kN to concrete footing as shown below. Assume area of steel
base-plate is the same as area of concrete footing. Plates are made of A-36 steel Fy  250MPa  .
28 days compressive cylinder strength of concrete is fc|  20 MPa .
P 1670kN


B 0.8b f

m 0.95d m

For W-360x110 section:  b f  256mm, d  360mm
-allowable bearing capacity of concrete footing if area of steel base-plate is the same as area of
concrete footing (AISC),  Fpc  0.35 fc|  0.35 20  7 N mm2
-required area of base-plate is determined by limiting contact pressure between plate and
footing to the allowable bearing capacity of concrete footing as,
P 1670103
( B  C )req.    238571.43mm2
Fpc 7
-dimensions of base-plate in terms of critical section for bending of plate (AISC) are,
B  0.8b f  2n , C  0.95d  2m & m n
-and, substituting into the required area of base-plate,
(0.8b f  2m)  (0.95d  2m)  238571.43mm2
-substituting dimensions of column section,
(0.8 256  2m)  (0.95360 2m)  238571.43
 (204.8  2m)  (342 2m)  238571.43
 70041.6  1093.6m  4m2  238571.43
 4m2  1093.6m  168529.83  0
-solving for m, m 109.9 mm & n 109.9 mm

-thus, B  0.8b f  2n  0.8 256 2109.9  424.6 mm
C  0.95d  2m  0.95360 2109.9  561.8 mm
-use: B  425mm, C  565mm, and m  n 110mm

-actual contact pressure between base-plate and footing,

P 1670103
q   6.955N mm2
B C 425 565
-Moment at critical section of plate due to contact pressure,
n 110
M  (q  n)  ( )  (6.955110)  ( )  42077.75 N  mm
2 2
-required thickness of base-plate is determined by limiting bending stress developed in the
base-plate at critical section due to contact pressure to the allowable bending stress of steel as,
M I xp 1 t p3 / 12 t p2
fb   Fb  0.75Fy --where S xp   
S xp cy tp / 2 6
 fb   Fb  0.75Fy
t p2

6M 6 42077.75
-then,  t p (req.)    36.7mm -take t p  38mm
Fb 0.75 250
-therefore, use column base-plate with B  425mm, C  565mm, and t p  38mm .

Exercise Problems
1) Select the lightest W-section for beam-column subjected to service design loads as shown
below. The member is part of a braced building frame and has support in the weak direction at
mid-height; and only at top and bottom for the strong direction. These supports are to be
assumed as hinged. Sections are made of A-36 steel Fy  250MPa  .
P  130 kN P  130 kN

2.4 m
2.4 m
H  30 kN

 0.2 f a 
2.4 m Cm  1.0  
 Fex|  2.4 m

For buckling For buckling

in x-direction in y-direction

2) Select the lightest W-section for beam-column shown below subjected to a service design axial
compression in addition to service design biaxial bending moments in both directions.
Sections are made of A-36 steel Fy  250MPa  .
P  250 kN P  250 kN
M x  35kN  m M y  8kN  m

M x  35kN  m M y  8 kN  m

2.5 m

2.5 m

For buckling For buckling

0.0 kN  m in x-direction in y-direction

3) Redesign steel column base-plate for the same steel column given in exercise-problem made of
W-360x110 to transfer a service design load moment of 265kN-m in addition to axial-
compressive load of 1670kN to concrete footing. Use the same data given in exercise-problem.


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