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Magazine International

An Islamic revival is sweeping Central
1 Malaysian PM offers new Islam Asia driven by the fervent desire of the
suitable to the West Muslims to live by Islam and fuelled by
Allah (swt) described you as the best 2 Rulers fear their own people the brutal tactics of the tyrants of the area.
Ummah brought forward to mankind. 3 Jordan changes curriculum to Places such as Uzbekistan and Tajikistan,
This is because you speak the truth and pacify Islam and rewrite history indeed all the Central Asian republics, are
face the hardships that come as a 4 America & Iran- both out of step witnessing an unprecedented level of
consequence. 5 EU fearful of Islam downgrades Islamic activism as the people sense that
Turkey's entry talks significant change is afoot.
When the Prophet Muhammed (saw)
The aftermath of the 7th July bombings One of the greatest skills that any human declared Islam and called upon people
in London has seen the development of can possess is the ability to persuade to believe in it, he was met with
a renewed political campaign of people of their ideas through discussion. ridicule. This was followed by
intimidation towards the Muslim A characteristic of an effective da'wah oppression, boycott and torture.
community in Britain. Inflammatory carrier is the ability to listen, understand
statements made by the Prime Minister and respond in an excellent manner. 30 QUOTE UNQUOTE
and Home Secretary, on the day after
police announced the bombings could
be the work of 'home grown' Muslim
suicide bombers...
Dawah activity from the Shabab of Hizb

10 TRAITORS AND USA CHAIN ut Tahrir in recent weeks 35 THE BURDEN OF

SECTARIAN CONFLICT Poverty has become a worldwide
problem. An estimated 1.2 billion
The admission of the US defence people suffer from hunger, starvation or
secretary that the insurgency in Iraq malnutrition; 100 million are homeless
could continue for years is proof, if and some 300 million people in Africa
proof were needed, that the US alone do not have access to clean
administration intends to maintain its drinking water. The Muslim world is
presence in Iraq for a long time. suffering too; for example, in


Magazine International
:: Khilafah Magazine International ::

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Khilafah Magazine International
In the same week as the London train and bus bombings, two other events also Suite 301, 28 Old Brompton Rd,
occurred. Firstly, the US Airforce bombed the town of Chechal in Afghanistan and then

London, SW7 3SS

unleashed a further raid just as some of the villagers went out to attend to the injured
thus incurring further casualties. Many innocent men, women and children perished.
Secondly, it was the 10th anniversary of the massacre of 8000 Bosnian Muslims at the
hands of Serbian forces in Srebrenica whilst under the apparent protection of UN peace
keeping forces. These events received little coverage in the West. They too were victims. EDITORIAL
Yet, not a single Muslim ruler or regime highlighted the plight of these victims. There
were no ceremonies, plaques or two minute silences. The Islamic position on all these Editor:
attacks is clear and not selective. Islam prohibits the killing of civilians and non Zubair Hussaini
combatants and rejects the extension of war to towns and cities.
Editorial Advisor:
Mafkarat Al Islam, an Iraqi humanitarian organisation, reported that the numbers killed Tanveer Ashraf
in Iraq since the March 2003 invasion stood at 128,000. (it did not include those who
had been abducted, assassinated or simply disappeared). If the world were to observe DESIGN & PRODUCTION
even a one minute silence for these men, women and children, one would have to stand
in continued silence for 89 days! The Muslim Ummah is not in need of sympathy, Production Manager
apologies or recompense for past crimes. What we do seek is a caretaker and shepherd, Kosser Mohammad
a Khaleefah, to speak up for our brethren all around the world, to protect our Ummah
and our many victims. An individual and State that is based upon Islam and Islam alone. Design
Zabair Asghar
Prior to the Battle of Badr, the Prophet Muhammed (saw) sent an expedition to spy upon Kamal Hussain
the Quraysh. The Muslims, led by Abdullah bin Jaysh, came across some of them and in
the ensuing fracas killed one of their leaders, imprisoned others and took some of their
caravans as booty. However, the incident occurred in the sacred month of Rajab where
fighting was prohibited.
No Copyrights
The Quraysh revelled in their new found victim status and immediately spread news
throughout the Arabian Peninsula that the Muslims had violated the sacred months and
could not be trusted. They attacked Islam and slandered Abdullah bin Jaysh's actions. Since Islam rejects copyrights and patents you
The Muslims were under considerable pressure to respond to these accusations. The are free to reproduce articles contained within
Prophet (saw) was not affected by this onslaught, but He (saw) understood the unease this publication. It is our kind request that when
felt by the Muslims and reminded the believers to stand firm and await the revelation. doing so you cite the author and source of the
This duly arrived in the glorious verses of the Qur'an and Allah (swt) verdict on the issue article.
was revealed.
Translation of the Qur’an

It should be perfectly clear that the Qur’an is

only authentic in its original language, Arabic.
Since perfect translation of the Qur’an is impos-
sible, the term ‘Translation of the Meaning of the
Qur’an (TMQ) has been used, as the result is
"They ask you concerning fighting in the sacred months. Say, Fighting therein is a great only a crude meaning of the Arabic text.
transgression but a greater transgression in the sight of Allah is to prevent mankind from
following the way of Allah, to disbelieve in Him, to prevent access to Al Masjid al
Haram and to drive out its inhabitants and 'al fitnah' is worse than killing. And they will
never cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion (Islam) if they can"
[TMQ Al-Baqarah: 217]

Upon hearing the words of Allah (swt), the Muslims rejoiced with the distribution of
sweets. They could now go back to the Quraysh and clarify the situation, their heads
held high, and with a firm resolve to end injustice and oppression.

Zubair Hussaini


A Message from
Hizb ut Tahrir Britain

“You are the best Ummah brought forward to

mankind, you enjoin all that is good and
forbid all that is evil and you believe in Allah”

Dear brothers and sisters! No one will question this if today our voices are silenced.

Allah (swt) described you as the best Ummah brought Voices that ask questions when the media is silent. Voices
forward to mankind. This is because you speak the truth that speak for the oppressed. Voices that carry the screams.
and face the hardships that come as a consequence. Voices that bring justice.

The brutal invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq Brothers and sisters!
has caused many in our community to be at the forefront To speak the truth is not terrorism, extremism or a crime.
of speaking out about western colonialism, the injustices To speak the truth is a Shari'ah duty. So embrace this duty
our Ummah faces, the killing and murder of our brothers and carry it using the best of speech and argument, with
and sisters and the brutality of British and American foreign Hikmah (wisdom).
policy. Speaking about all of this is not a crime; rather it is
a duty and from amongst the highest duties of a Muslim. Our Prophet (saw) carried the truth for thirteen years in
Mecca without using any violent action in retaliation to the
The Prophet (saw) reminded us of the importance of oppression of the Quraish which included propaganda,
speaking out against evil when he said: physical harassment, torture and boycott. On his return
from Taif, where he was stoned by the children of the city,
“I (vow) by the One in Whose hands my soul rests, you he raised his hands in Du’a,
have to enjoin the Ma’ruf (good) and forbid the Munkar
(evil), otherwise Allah will send upon you a punishment "O Allah! To You I complain of my weakness, little
from Him, and then you would pray to Him and ask Him resource, and lowliness before man. O Most Merciful! You
but He would not answer you”. are the Lord of the weak, and You are my Lord. To whom
would. You confide me? To one afar who will misuse me or
If our Ummah does not speak the truth then who will? to an enemy to whom You have given dominance over
Today the world is silent at what is happening to our me?"
Ummah. The brutal murder of 120,000 civilians in Iraq is
‘collateral damage’ which is not counted. The massacre of So continue speaking the truth, for Allah (swt) will help you
Andijan in Uzbekistan is hidden from the world's media. and find you a way that is better.
Women scream in the dungeons of Chechnya, yet their
screams go unheard. There are no vigils for the children of
Afghanistan and no books of condolence to sign for the
children of Iraq. This is because today the value of life is
not equal.

Undoubtedly the life of anyone taken unlawfully is a "We will, without doubt, help our Messengers and those
munkar (evil) - whether he be in London or Baghdad – but who believe, (both) in this world's life and on the Day
how is it that lives taken by Britain and America are when the Witnesses will stand forth" [TMQ Ghafir: 51]
justified by Western leaders to be ‘a price worth paying’?
No one questions what possesses a young man, who had Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain
his entire life ahead of him, to put on a green beret and kill 15 July 2005/8 Jumada al-Thani 1426
in the name of Queen and country. No one questions that
Islam, which is demonised in the media as violent, never
sent armies to kill for oil and corporate interests.


British Government aims to
silence Muslim voice
in response to London attacks
In the days since the police concluded
By Asif Dawood that they believed the attacks were carried out by British Muslim 'suicide
bombers', scrutiny on the Muslim
community has intensified.

he aftermath of the 7th
July bombings in London Government agenda to silence
has seen the development the Muslim community
of a renewed political campaign
of intimidation towards the Tony Blair described a four point plan
in Prime Minister's Question Time on
Muslim community in Britain.
July 13th on how the government
Inflammatory statements made would now deal with the Muslim
by the Prime Minister and community, these points were:
Home Secretary, on the day
after police announced the - New laws planned against
bombings could be the work of incitement and instigation of
'home grown' Muslim suicide terrorism
- New measures to keep people
bombers, sparked off an intense
inciting hatred out of the UK, or
barrage of criticism, suspicion making it more easy to deport them
and demands for reform on the - Help for the Muslim community to
Muslim community. counter the "evil" interpretation of
their faith
Home Secretary, Charles Clarke, - International effort to mobilise the
commented on the BBC Today "moderate and true voice of Islam"
programme on 13th July that he
"insisted that it was crucial to 'root out' The media wasted no time in
the sources of the ideology which sensationalising this agenda and
turned four British men into suicide widening the outrage towards the
bombers". He went on to say, "Now community as a whole. The Times
we have to defend the values of our newspaper posed four questions
society against those who would seek towards the Muslim community, and
to destroy it. That means standing out dwelled on one of them as it imposed
against - in a very strong way - its demands on the community,
anybody who preaches the kind of
fundamentalism which can lead four "It is the fourth question that raises the
young men to blow themselves and toughest issues. Is it really possible that
others up on the Tube on a Thursday no one beyond the bombers had any
morning. There is a very fine line inkling of their intentions? Were their
between free speech and promoting extremist views and plans unknown
terror." even in the circle of friends and fellow


Muslims who may have shared their are described as extremists, and the

fanaticism and hostility to the society two struggle against one another.
“Therefore, the in which they grew up? A tremendous Tony Blair mentioned on 9th July
government and burden of responsibility now rests on that "The moderates should confront
the Muslim community. Its leaders, the extremists and defeat them".
media are using educated and articulate, have This concords with what was
repeatedly spoken out and condemned advised by think tanks such as the
the aftermath of extremism. But it is at local level that RAND Corporation and CIVITAS.
action needs to be taken. Tolerance of
the London extremism is utterly unacceptable. It is - Attack Islamic ideas - which they
not some harmless view of hot-headed describe as extremist, such as
bombings to youth; it is an insidious cult that feeds rejecting Western values of
sustain a climate on fanaticism, intolerance and the
mindlessly macho posing of would-be
freedom, democracy and secularism
and calling for political Islam in the
of outrage towards rebels hoping to win glory. It leads form of the Khilafah state. Other
directly to tragedy, as the bombs in Islamic principles such as legitimate
the community, London, Madrid, Bali, Istanbul and Jihad in occupied lands, hudood
elsewhere have shown." punishments and absolute truth
forcing them into a have been described as extreme.
Therefore, the government and media
corner to concede are using the aftermath of the London - Using Muslim organisations - the
bombings to sustain a climate of government document elaborated
their problems outrage towards the community, how it intends to use certain
and conform to forcing them into a corner to concede Muslim organisations in an
their problems and conform to new underhand way. It has been willing
new reform reform measures imposed by the to work with, listen to and fund
government. These reform measures certain groups who are 'government
measures” are consistent with the government's friendly' in their ideals and
wider plan to integrate the Muslim philosophy. The leaked document
community as was described in a explicitly mentions how it
leaked joint UK Home Office and manipulated the 'Muslim safety
Foreign Office dossier published in The forum' organisation for its own
Sunday Times of 10th July 2005. ends. These groups will be further
utilised to challenge other groups
Some key aspects of this strategy have who call for ideas the government
been explicitly articulated by considers extreme.
politicians since the London attacks.
They include the following; - Home Office Imams - the
document mentions a great deal
- Divide the community - so that about forming a 'moderate',
some from amongst us are 'European Islam' consistent with
described as moderates and some liberal secular values. One method is


ceremonies, great speeches of grief

and suffering milked the emotions of

opinion throughout the world. This in
itself was not unexpected as in Islam
such attacks are not permitted and it is
natural for anger and grief to be
displayed as a result. But the point to
consider is how America utilised this
opinion and sentiment for her unjust
purposes. It played upon this sentiment
and began intimidating Muslim
countries and peoples around the
world. In the follow up to 9/11
America paved the way to steam roll
through the Muslim world unabated.

George W Bush's arrogant statement

"you're either with us - or you're with
the terrorists" was not something that
was just mumbled out of anger. It was
a deliberate ploy to harness the
sympathy America was receiving and
force all people and governments to
declare their positions, and in doing so
they strengthened America's hand. The
to change the face of mosque community into their agenda. It is leaders of the whole world unified and
Imams. It also mentions plans that therefore imperative that the Muslim condemned the perpetrators of 9/11,
are already under way such that community sense this programme and and hence they positioned themselves
Imams coming from overseas should work to resist it. alongside America.
speak English, pass civic engagement
tests and have acceptable religious International agenda - learning By unreservedly condemning the
qualifications. The dossier mentions from the aftermath of 9/11 attacks of 9/11, the Muslim rulers and
that they have already recruited a leaders in the West strengthened
series of moderate Prison Imams. In addition to the domestic crack America's moral authority to respond
down on the Muslim community, there and they were thereafter sidelined and
These policies are now being explicitly is another sphere of policy which the unable to resist in any manner
propagated and most Muslim leaders government will try and exploit America's brutal retaliation. Therefore,
who have been bought before the utilising the current climate of every country that condemned the
media are unfortunately not resisting in sympathy and anger- that is the foreign perpetrators of 9/11 without
the slightest, amidst fear of being policy agenda of supporting America's condemning America's killings
labelled 'sympathisers', or 'extremists'. Global War on Terror (GWOT). throughout the world actually
If we remind ourselves of the aftermath strengthened her hand to consequently
The aims of the government from these of September 11th 2001, an almost go on and strike as and where she
policies are to breathe life into their identical set of events occurred then as wished.
failing integration agenda. Ultimately, well and that incident was used to
they do not want the Muslim unleash the GWOT on the Muslim The problem that the world now faces
community to become a source of world. America and Bush started by is that America refuses to be restrained
dissent towards British foreign policy firstly condemning Muslims, followed by anything, and has built a perpetual
in the Muslim world, or to have by creating world wide sympathy for legitimacy for wars, killings and
political allegiance to other than the atrocities and finally creating a occupations of foreign lands. In the
Queen and country, or to reject British climate and agenda for its subsequent run up to the war in Iraq, the US
values in preference to Islamic ones. actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. administration were straining every
sinew to link 9/11 with Saddam, and
The opportunity presented in the Anger demonstrated by the American as a result of their attempts the
aftermath of the London bombings is government was aimed at maximising majority of American people actually
an apt window for the government to sympathy from the world's people and believed that the war in Iraq was in
bring out more of the stick to goad the leaders. Endless remembrance retaliation for 9/11.


Stephen Zumes, writing for the News sympathy so nobody should resist acceptable to the West, Tony Blair's

centre as Middle East editor for Foreign their subsequent independently statement "The moderate and true
Policy and a professor of Politics at the determined response. voice of Islam must be mobilised" is a
University of San Francisco disgraceful admission of how he
commented on such a strategy when In the current climate Muslims in wants to decide how Muslims
he said, Britain need to be aware of the worship Allah (swt).
consequences of their statements. If
"Both Republican and Democratic they are not balanced in their 4 We must become more vocal in
presidents have repeatedly tried to criticism of the killings of innocents advocating that Muslims in the West
portray U.S. military intervention in throughout the world, they will must fulfil their obligation to Islam,
far-away lands-no matter how weak inevitably strengthen the hand of the work for the Khilafah and actively
the enemy or imperialistic the quest-as British government in the aftermath of condemn the wars and oppression in
vital to the defence of the United these attacks. Muslim lands. We must play an
States. President Bush has an international role to support the
advantage over every other U.S. The plans mentioned in the leaked Muslim Ummah.
president in his lifetime in that the dossier, from the reports of think
United States was attacked under his tanks and from the lips of Tony Blair We must remember the example of the
watch. That Iraq had nothing to do himself demonstrate that the Prophet (saw) when he (saw) reminded
with that tragedy is apparently beside government wants to define Islam in us of the importance of speaking out
the point." an image that is liberal and secular. against evil,
Some of their styles they have chosen
On the 28th June, George Bush to realise means that we could "I (vow) by the One in Whose hands
made a speech to the American potentially be divided into two my soul rests, you have to enjoin the
people to try and reverse the falling camps, the extremist and the liberal. Ma'ruf (good) and forbid the Munkar
domestic support for the Iraq war. The boundaries of these camps will (evil), otherwise Allah will send upon
His speech was almost exclusively not be determined by Muslims, but you a punishment from Him, and then
attempting to link Iraq to 9/11 and by the British establishment. you would pray to Him and ask Him
use this to once again rally domestic but He would not answer you".
opinion for it. There are some important
implications to consider in the
After re-declaring his horror of 9/11 upcoming weeks and months that
and subsequent attacks by Al-Qaida could have a lasting affect on the
and related groups elsewhere in the identity of the Muslim community in
world, he stressed America's Britain for years to come.
determination to defend itself against
future attacks and linked this to the 1 If Muslims succumb to this
Iraq occupation, he said, intimidation our voice will become
silenced and we will simply witness
"Iraq is the latest battlefield in this the West's injustices across the
war." Muslim world as spectators and
have no voice in support of our
These events show clearly that Western Ummah. Thereby, we will betray our
nations will use such attacks to further position as members of the Muslim
their wider political plans. They do not Ummah keeping watch over our
view such incidents in isolation, but brothers in any way we can.
use every opportunity to gain world 2 If Muslims insist on repeatedly
wide sympathy and support for their condemning these attacks without
policies and discriminatory measures. resisting the political and media
This is because they have an ideology attack upon them, then they are
that relentlessly drives them to further actually strengthening the
their interests at all opportunities. It establishment hand against them by
enables them to place events within a building further sympathy and
context and make decisions so as to moral authority for the
further their aims. They see the bigger establishment to act upon.
picture at all times and therefore use
such attacks to paint their grief and 3 Muslims must resist all attempts to
suffering as worthy of international reform our deen in order to make it



Traitors and USA chain Iraq

to occupation and
sectarian conflict
situation is, we wouldn't be ready to no-go areas for US forces. In
By Zubair Hussaini take responsibility for a thousand desperation, the puppet Allawi regime years." had to bribe people to vote by
threatening to remove their food and
By America linking her continued ration cards and large parts of Iraq

he admission of the US presence in Iraq to the training of a were not even contested as it was too
defence secretary that the new army and police force, she has dangerous for the collaborators in the
insurgency in Iraq could revealed her wicked intentions to use government to even venture there.
continue for years is proof, if the sons of Iraq to do her devilish
proof were needed, that the US handiwork in suppressing the Muslims Some of the Shiah were beguiled into
administration intends to whilst America solidifies her presence participating due to the erroneous
behind the scenes with the building of fatawa of those who cannot see events
maintain its presence in Iraq for
permanent bases. for what they are. Ayatollah Sistani's
a long time. President Bush's plea to "Vote or go to hellfire" coerced
insistence that America will not In recent months the US administration many into voting as did Prime
define a timetable for has been scrambling around to Minister's Jafaari's pledge that he
withdrawal and his stated aim to produce an effective strategy that would secure a timetable for US troop
remain in Iraq until the Iraqi could stop the insurgency in Iraq as withdrawal if elected. On the night of
forces are fully trained to take well as provide justification for the the elections Jafaari betrayed his
occupation. The January 30th elections promise and stated that a timetable for
on the task of quelling the were expected to be a watershed for withdrawal would not be possible.
insurgency is a clearer the US administration with authority Many of our Kurdish brethren also lost
indication that America intends being transferred to elected all sense of shame and honour as they
to stay in the region for representatives. In the end, only those were duped into supporting the US
decades. who are the traitors and collaborators instigated elections by America's
from amongst some of the Shiah and promise for regional autonomy and a
For it is well known to all that follow Kurds put their names forward to few positions in the new government.
these events that the Iraqi army and contest.
police have no credibility amongst the Since the farcical elections of January
people of Iraq, are poorly trained and The interim Iraqi government were 30th, the rebellion and opposition to
maintained and are far from being in complicit in these crimes. They the US forces and her lackeys in the
any position to provide law and order, remained silent whilst the US bombed Iraqi government has continued.
let alone stop the insurgency and Fallujah to silence the resistance prior Indeed, the insurgency has gained
rebellion to occupation. As one Iraqi to the elections and helped maintain strength and has drawn support from
officer commented, "We don't want to the charade even though areas such as many quarters amongst the people of
take responsibility. The way the Ramadi, Mosul and Salahadin were Iraq.


America has realised that a purely


military solution to the issue of the
resistance has failed. Her soldiers
continue to die in numbers, the US
military are openly questioning the
Bush strategy and public opinion at
home is weakening. Hence, America
has started on a new course of tactics
to divide and manipulate the Muslims,
so as to put Muslim against Muslim,
Shiah against Sunni, and Sunni against
Kurd. All this has been hidden by a
smokescreen of transferring authority
to the Iraqis and encouraging political
participation. The details of how
America and her agents in the Iraqi
government are inciting sectarian
hatred and ill feeling amongst the
Muslims include the following:

- Since the elections America has

instructed the Iraqi government and
the major parties such as the United
Iraqi Alliance (UIA) and Supreme
Council for Islamic revolution
(SCIRI) to use their militia to target
prominent Sunnis from within those
that oppose the occupation.
Assassinations, kidnappings and "This is a play, a scenario of theirs. This
killings of Imams have become a
regular occurrence. These have
civil war will not happen because the
included prominent figures such as Iraqi people are linked by their Arabic
Sheikh Hasan al Nu'aimi. Reports
have emerged of Shiah militia origins and religion. The Shiah follow the
groups putting on army uniforms to
enter mosques to attack Sunnis.
lines of the Imams and they co-ordinate
Other militia groups such as the with the Sunnis. Even if the Sultan is a
Wolf brigade have received
financial assistance and military Sunni - even if he is a dictator or
training from the US and have oppressor - we will follow him and obey
helped them in their attacks such as
'operation lightning' in the west of him, and we will not obey the idolaters.
Our Imams fought [alongside] with the
In response to the targeting of Amawayin states [the Caliphates that
Sunnis by some Shiah militia
groups, Sheikh Harith al-Dari, opposed the Imams Ali and Hussein] and
spokesman for the Association of
Muslim Scholars (AMS), said;
with the Abbasids and with the sectarian
"I declared previously that we knew Ottomans. [Ayatollah Baghdadi]
the parties standing behind the
assassinations conducted against
Imams, preachers and places of
worship….we will uncover the
party for you. It is the Badr brigade"
[militia group linked to SCIRI]


regime to settle old scores. General

Hassan al Sade, chief of police in

Basra, conceded that up to 75% of
his police force was made up of
militia groups and that he had very
little control over their activities.
Furthermore, The Washington Post
reported in May that US
Commander General George Casey
had put pressure on Prime Minister
Jafaari to extend the state of
emergency in Iraq and use whatever
means he had at his disposal to
attack insurgent strongholds.

- The use of militia groups as part of

a wider plan to incite sectarian
feeling has been a deliberate ploy
of the new government. President
Jalal Talabani alluded to this in an
"The Prophet - US assaults on major cities have
continued with the stated aim to
interview with the BBC in April
2005, where he questioned the
Mohammad (saw) told disavow the insurgency. However, tactics of using trained police and
in recent weeks the US has focused army personnel to quell the
his army 'Don't kill old its attention on towns and villages insurgency and restore law and
men, women or the on the Syrian-Iraq border as being order. Rather, Talabani insisted on
the point at which 'foreign terrorists' the inclusion of the militia to fight
wounded and take are entering the country. Yet it has alongside the police forces so as to
also targeted civilian areas with the aid the Iraqi government and help
care of animals'-while aim of inflaming Sunni opinion and in stopping the insurgency.
now the enemies kill fanning the flames of Sunni-Shiah
animosity. The city of Al Qaim was - America has also reversed its policy
women, children and attacked indiscriminately in May of 'de-baathification' to include
this year; US air power bombed the
old people. I swear city and surrounding villages;
many former Baathist generals and
officers in the Iraqi government on
that everything that is ambulances were prevented from the pretext of including more
attending to the injured and Sunnis in the political process. After
happening in our medical teams were left with no the war in March 2003, many
country is because we facilities. A similar pattern has
emerged in other areas such as Al-
Saddam loyalists and army
personnel were prevented from
strayed from our Karabilah and Al-Sadr city. holding any positions within Iraq as
it was felt they were too closely
religion. We strayed - The Iraqi government have aligned to the previous regime. The
from Islam and took increased the use of force and terror US administration is now insisting
against the Sunni population. Many on returning former Baathists to
the democracy of the of the Shiah within the government government and official posts.
have allowed their hatred of However, America knows full well
infidels and the Saddam and the Baath party to that the overwhelming opinion
freedom of the obscure the fact that Saddam never amongst the Sunni population is
represented the Sunnis of Iraq-he outright hostility to the occupation
infidels. There is no was a tyrant and oppressor to all. To and the Iraqi government
solution except blame the Sunnis for Saddam's irrespective of whoever allies with
actions is to play into the hands of it. Thus, the inclusion of Baathists is
Islam." those who want to create enmity not intended to convince the Sunnis
between the believers. of co-operating but to inflame and
[Sheikh Hussein] Notwithstanding this, some of the antagonise the wider Shiah
Shiah militia have joined the Jafaari population and Shiah militia.


Indeed, it has been reported that the prolong her occupation. Targeting old people. I swear that everything
inclusion of former Baathists in the Sunni or Shiah whether at the that is happening in our country is
new government has led to counter- instigation of America or by other because we strayed from our religion.
insurgency death squads that have means is a crime against Islam. The We strayed from Islam and took the
targeted both Sunni and Shiah alike. Shiah and Sunni in Iraq have lived for democracy of the infidels and the
In this way the seeds of sectarian centuries with and amongst one freedom of the infidels. There is no
conflict are being planted by another and there is not a single solution except Islam."
America with the help of the traitors family in Iraq which does not have a
and collaborators in the Iraqi mix of both Sunni and Shiah within it. All Muslims must ignore those scholars
government. In the early part of the 20th Century, who are collaborating with the Iraqi
Shiah and Sunni cooperated with one regime, in various forms, by slowly
- The US is seeking to sow division another in the Basra uprising of 1914 preparing the ground work for
within the Sunnis in Iraq with and in resisting the British occupation recognition of the occupation and a
attempts to drag some of them into of 1920. As Allah (swt) warns weakening of the resistance. There are
the government. Regrettably, a few regarding the disbelievers, many within Iraq who have been
weak and misguided persons have steadfast in upholding the Truth. From
succumbed and are aiding America both the Sunni and Shiah, figures such
in her dirty work in return for some as Ayatollah Qasim al Tai, Sheikh
petty benefits. From amongst them 'They are the enemies, so beware of Hussein, Ayatollah Ahmad Hassani al-
have been the likes of Sadun al them' [TMQ Al-Munafiqun: 4] Baghdadi and Sheikh Jawad al-Khalisi,
Dulaimi, Defence Minister, who as the Imam of the Shiah Qadhimiya
a Sunni in the Iraqi government has The insurgency in Iraq cannot be mosque in Baghdad. We should take
been used to send troops into described as a Sunni resistance alone note from the wise words of these
mosques, round up thousands of or only confined to Baghdad or the scholars; Ayatollah Baghdadi recently
suspected insurgents and interrogate west of the country. For resistance has said,
Sunnis. The US is also using well been seen in all parts including
known collaborators and those with Karbala, Hilla and Diwaniyah. After "This is a play, a scenario of theirs. This
strong ties to it, like Adnan bombs and explosions occurred in civil war will not happen because the
Pachachi, to stir up division. Najaf and Karbala the loudspeakers at Iraqi people are linked by their Arabic
Pachachi has claimed that the Sunni the mosques were heard to say "We origins and religion. The Shiah follow
boycott of the January elections has blame the Americans, let's expel the the lines of the Imams and they co-
resulted in Shiah dominance and Americans, let's unite to expel them ordinate with the Sunnis. Even if the
that only by participating in writing from Iraq, let's unite as one religion." Sultan is a Sunni - even if he is a
the new Iraqi constitution can the In anti-US demonstrations in dictator or oppressor - we will follow
balance be redressed. The New York Baghdad, Najaf and Basra Sunni and him and obey him, and we will not
Times reported that Pachachi and Shiah marched together with the obey the idolaters. Our Imams fought
some other parties are intending to slogans "La Sunna, la Shiah; hatha al- [alongside] with the Amawayin states
participate in the next set of watan menbi'a" (no Sunni, no Shiah, [the Caliphates that opposed the
elections. Equally, the US has this homeland we shall not sell). Imams Ali and Hussein] and with the
attempted to target some of the Abbasids and with the sectarian
Ulema in order to create a 'Sunni We must beware of the plans of those Ottomans."
Sistani', someone who will give who want to sow discord amongst us
authority and credence to the US by selling their deen to the Americans Allah (swt) says,
occupation. America appears to for positions of power; the likes of
have succeeded in this with the Allawi, Pachachi, Chalabi, Talabani,
announcement in early July by Dr Barzani and Jafaari. The US has lost
Adnan al Dulaimi, head of the all remaining respect, decency and
Sunni Endowment group and noble values by its conduct in Iraq-
director of mosques, to his followers this is clear to the whole world and it 'Muhammed is the Messenger of Allah
to vote in the next set of elections now wants it agents in the Iraqi and those are with him are severe
scheduled for December 2005. government to continue with this. As against the disbelievers and merciful
Sheikh Hussein from the west of Iraq among themselves' [TMQ Al-Fath: 29]
All attempts to incite sectarian hatred explained, "The Prophet Mohammad
amongst the Muslims must fail and no- (saw) told his army 'Don't kill old
one must be fooled by the desperate men, women or the wounded and
attempts of America to provoke civil take care of animals'-while now the
and sectarian war to justify and enemies kill women, children and


gradualism and hopes that people will make the reference
"easiness in to "Islamic Hadari" instead of Quran and
implementation". Sunnah.
There have been
many Muslims and Such ideas and attempts have long existed,
opposition parties such as the idea of "Maslaha" or "Benefit",
who have called for which has its roots in Islam, but has been
Islam to be twisted beyond recognition by those
implemented totally looking for any opportunity to redefine
and completely in Islam in the shape of western beliefs.
Malaysia. They view
this new approach Islam, in its original and pure form, has the
from Badawi as a complete means by which to look after the
means to curb their affairs of Muslims and non-Muslims alike, as
call by redefining it has done for many centuries prior to the
Islam. In response to present age where it does not exist
them Badawi held a politically in any lands. A genuine Islamic

day seminar where state can only function when all of Islam is
he was forced to implemented in its politics, economics and
defend his stance in judiciary and where society is shaped by
which he stated, "I Islam alone. Badawi's promotion of Islam
am not trying to Hadari reveals Malaysia's distance from a
eliminate Islam or true Islamic state. If there are problems in
change the religion". Malaysian society it is because Islam is not
The fact of the matter implemented. Failures in society are
is that this is exactly wrongly attributed upon "shortcomings" in
what he is trying to Islam, when the shortcomings are actually
do; attempting to in the conflict of trying to implement
change Islam so that secularism in the name of Islam!
Prime Minister of Malaysia, Abdullah it accepts western values, practices and
Ahmad Badawi, recently launched his principles. In truth there is no need to invent new
new vision "Islam Hadari" (Islamic programs like "Islamic Hadari" when the
There has been mounting international Islamic system already has the guidelines to
Civilisation), which he claims is a new
pressure from Human Rights organizations deal with the problems of modern day
model to develop Malaysia with an and Western governments about the levels society. All that is required is the sincerity
Islamic image. According to Badawi, of Islamic influence in present day and knowledge to implement Islam in full,
Islam Hadari emphasizes the Malaysian communities. Therefore, Badawi by establishing the Khilafah.
importance of progress-with an has embarked on a program of
Islamic perspective-in the economic, Westernizing Malaysian Muslim society, by Badawi is fooling no one by masquerading
social, and political fields. He also making the basis by which people judge Malaysia as an Islamic State, when it clearly
claims that Islam Hadari is consistent issues other than Islam. He is attempting to runs on western political and economic
with democracy because it is about replace Islam with Human Rights and lines. Being a product of a corrupted
living peacefully and respecting each Islamic Hadari (which is a concoction of western ruling program, the people realise
western values) and his justification is that that he is only capable of presenting similar
other in a society. In another speech
all this "agrees" with Islam. His reassurances westernised political models whilst dressing
Badawi spoke of Islam Hadari's ability to pro-western detractors about the them up in Islamic terminology. The revival
to foster a multi-racial society where similarity with democracy and other of the Muslims today has reached such a
non-Muslims would not feel western values clearly reveal this fact. If stage that they will only accept the genuine
threatened. Islamic Hadari truly agreed with Islam, then call to Islam and reject all attempts to alter
what is the point of it? Would it not be said it in any way.
According to the Malaysian ministry of then that by implementing Islam one would
religious affairs, four characteristics make achieve Islamic Hadari? The reality is that Asim Khan
up the ideology of Islam Hadari: Islamic Hadari does not agree with Islam, it
Comprehensiveness, Moderation, Diversity is a western model that is being brought in
and Humanity. Of these characteristics to replace the Islamic culture in the minds
Moderation is the main methodology for of the people. Hence in the future when
the perspective, which is based on further secular ideas are introduced, Badawi



Rulers fear their without want or need, and in return they

sign away the precious resources and sover-
eignty of the Muslim lands to the foreign
hands that feed them.

own people Is this not the case of Palestine? The

Western appointed Palestinian leadership
shows nothing but empty platitudes to
Israeli transgression whilst it rewards itself
with hollow political titles and great per-
sonal wealth. What more can be said of
the Palestinian leadership that receives
praise from their enemies yet bullets from
their own people.
This is the same case for Musharraf of
Pakistan, who has signed away ownership
of much of his nation's wealth to western
multinationals, surrendered its security to
America's military, and given up half a cen-
turies struggle in Kashmir without any gain
whatsoever. He has received in return for

such treachery adulation, praise and photo
opportunities from the White House.

The Muslim leaders of today have no

resemblance at all to the leaderships in
Islamic history. The rightly guided Khulafah,
and the Allah (swt) fearing Wulah (gover-
nors) that were appointed over the people,
lived like the people they ruled over. They
lived, worked and prayed amongst their
people. Their concerns and actions were for
Palestinian Prime Minister, Ahmed "Officials live in luxury," he complained, the interests of Islam and the Muslim
Qureia, received a warm welcome by "while people like us, who have given so Ummah, not for the greed of foreign pow-
his own people recently when he vis- much for Palestine, have got nothing." ers. They were often loved by their subjects,
not fearing to walk amongst them, and
ited the Balata refugee camp in
Though Prime Minister Qureia had dozens received praise and criticism with humility.
Nablus, in the West Bank. As he Many of the Wulah had open door policies,
of bodyguards around him, none of them
entered a sports club filled with attempted to arrest Mahmoud, knowing full where anyone was free to enter their house-
around 500 people, he was wel- well that the vast majority of people felt holds, day or night. Many of them had little
comed by two minutes of fire from just like he did, and indeed viewed his wealth, and what wealth they had, they
an M-16 rifle. The gun was still firing actions as heroic. gave it away in Allah's (swt) cause.
whilst he and his compatriots made a
hasty exit and fled. This sad state of affairs is repeated through- The Muslim leaders of today live lives that
out the Muslim world today, from are far removed from the pain and misery
Indonesia to Morocco. Those who struggle they cause to the people they represent.
Fortunate for him, the gunfire was aimed Their values, aspirations and vision have no
for the sake of Islam, to protect the honour
towards the sky, but was nonetheless aimed bearing to that of Islam or the Muslim
and dignity of the Muslim people and keep
politically at him. As he and his fellow Ummah. They are mere puppets serving the
the Islamic lands safe from the predators of
ministers hurriedly drove away from the needs of foreign powers. Being scared by a
the West, are all too often obstructed by
people they preside over, an explosive few bullets fired into the air is nothing com-
their own leaderships. Whilst the people
device was let off in close proximity, in a pared to the severe punishment the
give their lives and wealth to protect their
final parting gesture. impending Khilafah will levy upon them for
nations, it is often their own rulers who are
shedding their blood and squandering their their crimes against the Ummah.
The gunman, Mahmoud Hatib, a 21-year- wealth.
old member of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Tanveer Ashraf
Brigade, explained that he was protesting The Muslim Ummah is kept from protect-
at the neglect the leadership had shown ing their rights and interests by rulers who
the people. Mahmoud was recently receive political and military protection by
released from an Israeli prison, where his foreign powers in order to keep their
father had also spent 21 years. thrones. Such leaders live a life of luxury,


presidential elections in Egypt and her silence CURRICULUM TO
over the low turnout in the Lebanese election
(the turnout was higher during Syrian pres-
ence) stinks of hypocrisy and falls way short of
the democracy standards that are taught in
American high schools.
An official re-assessment of the Jordanian
In comparison, the presidential elections in education curriculum is under way as a
Iran are much more credible. Elections took government-sanctioned committee
place in a relative safety with a 62 % voter reviews the nation's educational frame-
turn out. This was 2 % higher than 2004 US work. The review is part of the project
Even before a single vote had been cast, presidential election. There may have been entitled 'The collection of values of
America had already decided to dismiss some voting irregularities as voiced by human rights, culture of peace, and shared
the Iranian presidential election held in Rafsanjani, but these pale into insignificance international values' implemented by the
when compared to the farce of the 2000 US Jordanian Ministry of Education in co-
June. Bush said, "Power is in the hands of
presidential race, where the level of corruption operation with the United Nations
an unelected few who have retained
uncovered rivals that of many banana Educational, Scientific and Cultural
power through an electoral process that
republics. Organization (UNESCO)
ignores the basic requirements of democ-
racy." After the election, America was Instead of preaching to Muslim countries
quick to describe the electoral process as about the virtues of democracy, America
flawed and that Iran was out of step with should examine its own handiwork at subvert-

moves towards democracy in the region. ing democracy in the region. Surely it is
America that is out of step with democracy.
Yet scrutiny of American actions in the region
and beyond demonstrates that it is America Those who argue that the election of
that is out of step with democracy. One of the Ahmadinejad will usher in a fundamentalist
basic tenants of democracy is that elections government in Iran are equally mistaken. A
must be held fairly and free from local or for- cursory study of Iran's constitution inspired by
eign interference. Ayatollah Khomeini reveals that it is a secular
state which limits the role of Islam in social,
However, this was not observed during the educational, economic, and foreign affairs. The According to the Jordanian Ministry of
elections in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan. few laws of Islam that are implemented are Education, in light of 'conspiracy theories' cur-
These elections were conducted under foreign designed to mollify the Islamic sentiments of rently taught by the curriculum such as the
occupation, insecurity was rampant, voters Iranian people. wild and unfounded idea (sic) of a western
were too frightened to vote and the turnout
conspiracy to divide the Muslim world,
was dubious to say the least. Despite this, the This gives Iran an Islamic appearance, similar schoolbooks are being rewritten, curricula
elections were hailed by America as a victory to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan which also pre- reassessed and teaching techniques scrapped.
for democracy. tend to be Islamic. Professing Iran to be The move entails a revamping of the content
Islamic, while implementing non-Islamic rules in curricula in order to create a more 'open'
Furthermore, the selection of the leaders, the makes the Iranian regime out of step with mindset. Jordan's Minister of Education said,
drafting of the constitutions and the convening Islam. "We want to cultivate an enlightened youth
of elections were all conducted under the
who won't take their faith blindly. We want
guardianship of America. America hand picked Islam stipulates that Muslims must choose a them to be thoughtful about what they are
Abbas, Karzai and Jafaari to oversee the imple- ruler who will govern all aspects of their lives doing, and teach them that violence for the
mentation of pro-American policies. In the according to the rules derived from the Qur'an sake of violence is against our faith." Insisting
case of Afghanistan and Iraq, America used the and the Sunnah. This can only be accom- that the changes are an improvement and not
Loya Jirga and Iraqi Governing Council to plished by electing a Khaleefah and re-estab- reform, educators intend that the new youth of
enshrine American inspired canons that would lishing the Khilafah State. The Khilafah guaran- Jordan will be taught about democratic ideas
assure America's dominance over the people tees legitimate representation for the ummah and Islam as well as non-violent resistance in
of Afghanistan and Iraq. as well as ensuring that sovereignty belongs to the current age.
Undeterred and unashamed, America still con-
The educational reforms in Jordan are by no
tinues to interfere in the electoral process of All of this shows that the western countries are means an insignificant change of direction but
many Muslim countries. Threatened by as far from democracy as the Muslim regimes they are rather part of a wider scheme set to
Islamists, America has taken the precautionary are far from Islam. Both are driven by the cul- initiate reform across Jordan and the wider
step of postponing the parliamentarian elec- ture of secularism, which lies and cloaks itself Middle East. The Minister of Education boasted
tions in Afghanistan and Palestine. In the case with false ideals, whilst political and economic to the Jordanian news agencies that, "the min-
of Palestine, the Legislative Council was interests are always the driving force. Truly the istry of education had begun introducing con-
ordered by Abbas to amend the election law, world needs the pure and sincere Islamic cepts of human rights into the education cur-
so as to prevent Hamas from winning a major- Khilafah, whose leadership will be driven by riculum in the 90s". Jordan's eagerness has
ity of the seats in the parliament. the interests of Islam alone, which will be won praise from Washington, which the
clear, pure and truthful. Jordanian ambassador boasted about in 2003,
America's unabashed support for the munici-
"the U.S. administration is pleased with the
pal elections in Saudi-Arabia, the upcoming Abid Mustafa performance of Jordan in terms of economic


and social development and considers Jordan of violence is against their faith falls down wages barbaric wars in these same lands in an
at the forefront of the reformation process in when one considers the oppression handed effort to gain total political control by force.
the region". out to their opponents.
This is why the West is so happy with the pup-
Under the pretext of eliminating conspiracy It is clear that that the Jordanian government pets it places over the Muslim world, because
theories, the Jordanian government is actively would rather indoctrinate the youth with a sec- they continuously ignore the blatant hypocrisy
initiating a program to indoctrinate the youth ular understanding of Islam combined with and harm done by the Western states to the
with western values in their early years, and decadent values. A move that will render the Muslim world.
teach them their history as the West would nation complicit to all western goals, and keep
want it presented. This education is supple- its youth intoxicated on a diet of propaganda. The latest move by the Jordanian government is
mented by vicious repression of those who A clear indication of this is the pleasure of the another act in further corrupting the Islamic
wish to impress the Islamic concepts and US government in seeing rulers in the Muslim concepts in the Muslim Ummah. The issue now
Islamic view about the current and historic sit- world pushing for such values as pacifism and is how the Muslims, both in Jordan and interna-
uation in the region. Indeed, the Jordanian secular tolerance which coincide with tionally, respond to the continuous and treach-
government is known to silence by torture all American interests of making the Muslim erous attempts of their leaders to destroy Islam.
those who sincerely carry the call for Islam, world accept the unjust status quo in the
even if they work peacefully and intellectually. Middle East. Whilst the West pushes for paci- Imaad Al-Islam
The regime's claim that violence for the sake fism and tolerance in the Muslim world, it


European politicians have started to raise Muslims in France and Germany fair much

doubts in public about Turkey's entry into worse. The banning of the hijab, the random
the European Union. Austrian Finance interrogation of young Muslims and the
Minister Karl-Heinz Grasser said that withholding of citizenship are at the forefront of
Turkish membership "would make discriminatory acts carried out against Muslims.
excessive demands of Europe." Spanish
Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos Add to this, the reluctance of the European powers
to intervene and protect the Muslims of Bosnia
acknowledged after the French and Dutch
and Kosovo, preferring instead for the conflict to
referendums, that "without a doubt" the
the affairs of Europe. Equally, the Muslims of be resolved by the annihilation of the Muslims,
two rejections were "going to affect" underscores Europe's attitude towards Muslims
Turkey are opposed to joining the EU. They fear
further expansion plans. Polls in France living on its shores. In European minds, the above
that they will be stripped of their Islamic identity
and the Netherlands showed that examples only reinforce the idea that Muslims and
and forced to adopt western values.
opposition to Turkey's membership was Islam are incompatible with secularism.
one of the key reasons voters gave for For example the EU's chastisement over
opposing the EU constitution. Turkey's plan to outlaw adultery was quickly It is hard to believe that the current clash
reversed by Ankara. This angered many Turks between Islam and the West and the injustices
The latest developments pour cold water on and only heightened their anxiety that Europe committed by Europeans towards their own
Turkish Prime Minister Abdullah Gul's claim last was intentionally targeting Islamic values. Muslim populace has escaped the notice of
December that the European Union's decision Turkish leaders.
to extend membership talks with Turkey This in part is born out of the climate of fear
contributes to the Muslim country's stability and produced by America's war on Islam and in If Prime Minister Gul is serious about Turkey
gives it a new position in Europe and the part due to the centuries old conflict between occupying a new position in the Muslim world
Islamic world. Christendom and Islam. This polarization in then the very least he can do is to stand firm
attitudes is impossible to overcome, unless the against Europe's oppression of its Muslim
Thus European Union's relationship with ideological differences between the two populace.
Turkey no longer rests on Turkey undergoing cultures are debated and settled.
extensive political and economic reforms. This can be achieved by Turkey demanding a
Rather future relations between the two will be To proceed in the absence of such a dialogue significant improvement in their circumstances
decided by two major factors. will result in failure, no matter what progress is as a precursor to any talks between Turkey and
made towards achieving the political and the EU. Such a bold gesture would dramatically
The first is the 'clash of civilizations' and is economic goals set out by the EU. increase Turkey's standing in the Muslim world.
pretty obvious to politicians as well as the Thereafter, Gul should dwell profoundly on
peoples of both Europe and Turkey that this The second is that Europe has failed to Turkey's past in order to discover how the
clash is inevitable and ongoing. Valery Giscard accommodate its own Muslim populations, so present Turkey can occupy a new position in
d'Estaing, the former French president once said what are the odds that it can successfully Europe. He would quickly conclude that only
that the entry of Turkey, as an Islamic and mostly manage the inclusion of 70 million Turks? in Islam and under the shade of the Khilafah
Asian power, would spell "the end of Europe". did Turkey occupy a pre-eminent position
Today Giscard's remarks are not only echoed by Take the example of Britain, where Muslims are amongst the nations of the world. Back then,
fellow European politicians, but are widely the most socially deprived ethnic group. In the oppressed Europeans used to yearn for the
shared amongst the populations of Britain, October 2004 the British newspaper The justice of the Khilafah State and longed to
France, Germany and several other countries. Guardian reported: 'Muslims had the highest become a part of it. Did not the people of
rate of unemployment, the poorest health, the Constantinople implore Sultan Muhammed to
There is a deep sense of Islamaphobia, which most disability and fewest educational liberate them from the tyranny of Constantine?
has swept the region and rekindled past qualifications. In most respects Muslim women
memories of the Ottoman Caliphate dominating fared worse than Muslim men did.' Abid Mustafa


The art
of discussion
As Salaam Wa Alaikum dear reader, only way that a Khilafah will succeed and become
prosperous. It is the manner of the Khulafah Rashideen of
One of the greatest skills that any human can old. Therefore it must be the job of the da'wa carriers to
possess is the ability to persuade people of their nurture this attitude and level of thinking in the Ummah,
to bring them out of the mode of being told what to do
ideas through discussion. A characteristic of an and just doing it.
effective da'wah carrier is the ability to listen,
understand and respond in an excellent manner. Effective da'wah only occurs when people become
Far too often people fall short of this and learn convinced of your ideas. They will never be convinced
only the ability to dominate and dictate to others. It is unless you take their circumstances and their thinking
evident that many of us will not tolerate others to raise into consideration in your discussion with them. It is only
views that are different to our own. Many Muslim parents through listening to them and relating to their
will tell their children they can or cannot do a certain circumstances, that they will begin to appreciate what
action, such that the child will obey their parents out of you are saying. They will begin to ponder your statements
fear, but not out of conviction. Often such children will closely, and examine their own ideas about those issues.
disobey their parents in secret. This also produces in them the ability to think and
examine issues deeply. If on the other hand people are
Resentment may also be caused when others are not won over by glorified statements and issues that they
allowed to raise their differing points of view, or when haven't truly appreciated, they become people who
their questions are not answered or dismissed as memorise and repeat things in parrot fashion. They are
irrelevant. For example, a da'wah carrier may be trying to not convinced themselves, so how will they be able to
convince someone that only the Islamic State will truly convince others?
solve the problems of the Ummah, but he does not
consider the argument of the person he is speaking to. Often there are several reasons why da'wah carriers may
Rather, he dictates what he believes in and closes the be lacking in the skills to listen, debate and persuade
doors to discussion. Such an attitude leads to strained others of their ideas. It could simply be because they lack
relationships, and this is a further barrier towards winning the correct etiquette of discussion or more seriously it
over the other person towards your point of view. It is not could be linked to pride and showing off. A da'wah
surprising to find different members of Islamic groups, carrier may want to maintain an 'image' of being
parents and children, siblings, Muslims and non-Muslims, knowledgeable, and therefore will not want to be seen to
rulers and their subjects having a strained relationship. 'lose' any discussion; this leads them to being very
unapproachable and even insincere. For example, if such
The most dangerous of these is the relationship of the a da'wah carrier gave a speech where he told the
Ummah with her rulers. The reality today is that the audience that they must work to establish the Khilafah
leaders tolerate no criticism or discussion from the State, but members of the audience disagreed, he might
Ummah and the Ummah itself discusses in secret and respond to their disagreement by ridiculing their points
holds the leaderships in contempt. In the future Khilafah out of pride. This would be wrong and would distance the
this situation must be radically changed, and the Ummah audience even further from what he is trying to convince
encouraged to discuss, debate and account their rulers. them to accept. Another example is that of a Muslim
The future rulers must also show signs of humility and trying to convince a non-Muslim of the superiority of
accountability in the face of sincere criticism. This is the Islam; but because he is showing off in front of his


Abu Muhammad
friends, he ends up causing the non-Muslim to become sneezed. I said [to him]: 'May Allah have mercy upon you.'
very bitter instead of swaying him to his side. These types The people stared at me, showing their disapproval of my
of examples are evident for all of us to see, if they are act. I said: "Woe to me, why do you stare at me so? They
down to lack of knowledge then the solution is to simply started to strike their hands on their thighs and when I saw
point out the mistake, however if it is down to pride or that they wanted me to become silent, I was angered but
showing off, its dangers must be made clear to the one said nothing. When the Messenger of Allah finished the
guilty of such an approach. prayer - and may my father and mother be ransomed for
him, I found no teacher better than him either before or
The Islamic approach is very clear and we must adopt this after him - he did not scold, beat, or revile me but he
if we are going to be able to succeed in life as parents, simply said: 'Talking to others is not seemly during the
siblings, husbands, wives, da'wah carriers, rulers, friends, Salah, for the Salah is for glorifying Allah, extolling His
employers or in any facet of life. If we look at the lessons Greatness, and reciting the Qur'an.'
from Islam we will see that Islam builds a conviction in
people, so Allah (swt) does not demand belief without There are many lessons from the life of Prophet (saw) and
bringing a convincing proof. He (swt) says: his Sahabah (ra) regarding our manner of discussion and
the need to always remain sincere, not to try and show to
anyone that you are perfect and without mistakes.
'Abdullah bin Mas'ud said: "O people! If somebody knows
something, he can say it, but if he does not know it, he
should say, 'Allah knows better,' for it is a sign of having
knowledge to say about something which one does not
know, 'Allah knows better.'" This is the characteristic of
humbleness that we should possess so that we become
convincing to the people because of the light of sincerity
and not because of the forcefulness of our debate.

What distinguishes Islam from all other faiths and

ideologies is the fact that it is built upon firm foundations
that brings conviction to the mind. Therefore we must
"Verily in the creation of the heavens and earth, the remain sincere to it by not dictating to others but by
differing night and day, the floating ships in the sea opening the doors of dialogue to give them the opportunity
bringing benefit to people, and what water Allah sends to scrutinise and question.
down from the sky bringing life to earth after drought. And
creating all kinds of animals. The directing of winds and
the clouds between the sky and earth are all signs for those
who have intellect." [TMQ Al-Baqarah:164]

The Prophet (saw) taught us the best etiquette of discussion.

Muslim reported on the authority of Mu'awiyyah b. al-
Hakam as Salami who said: "I was praying behind the
Messenger of Allah (saw) and someone in the congregation


Dawah activity from the Shabab of Hizb ut Tahrir in recent weeks
Leaflet issued entitled 'The Khimar
is the crown of the Muslim woman
and the Khilafah Rashidah is the
crown of the Islamic Ummah'

A vigil and demonstration against
the desecration of the noble Qur'an
by US forces in Guantanamo Bay

Leaflet distributed widely by
Hizb ut Tahrir, Morocco entitled
'Work to bring the ruler who will
honour the Qur'an'

Al Aqsa, Palestine:
Members of Hizb ut Tahrir
challenge Laura Bush on her
visit and expose the atrocities
committed by US forces in
Afghanistan and Iraq


An open letter to the National
Assembly of Iraq advising them to
write a constitution whose source
is the Book of Allah (swt) and the
Sunnah of his Messenger (saw),
not the US occupation

Demonstration against the
desecration of the noble Qu'ran
by US forces Guantanano Bay

Demonstrations held in major
cities against the brutal
massacre by Karimov and his
troops in Andijan

Press release issued entitled
'They destroy the Houses of
Allah (swt)' referring to the
Sudanese government's tactics
of destroying mosques.


revival in
Central Asia
It was after many centuries of
By Tanveer Ashraf Muslim rule that the Russians finally overthrew the
Muslims, gaining control of
Central Asia by the middle of

n Islamic revival is
sweeping Central Asia the 19th century. The Russian
revolution of 1917 together
driven by the fervent with the destruction of the
desire of the Muslims to live by Khilafah in 1924 left the
Islam and fuelled by the brutal Muslims without any political
tactics of the tyrants of the area. protection and at the mercy
Places such as Uzbekistan and of brutal and tyrannical
Tajikistan, indeed all the Central Communist regime. The
leaders of the Communist revolution animals, where there would be nobody to
Asian republics, are witnessing
were determined to impose their watch them or report them.
an unprecedented level of Islamic
disbelieving and authoritarian system
activism as the people sense that
over the entire population of Russia, "Many times Muslims were called up to
significant change is afoot. Muslims
and they began a campaign to remove do military service, where they would
who have spent several generations
Islam from their lands, and imposed an be forced to go to places like
under Communism, and who came
iron curtain around the Muslim of Afghanistan, and ordered to fight their
out of it with little if any Islamic
Russia. brothers. Many of them would
concepts are now adhering to the
desert and escape to the
Quran and Sunnah with all their might
To gain a greater insight into the rise of surrounding countries".
and are giving their lives for it. They
Islam in Central Asia, Khilafah
see an Islamic Khilafah as the only real
Magazine International spoke to Abdur Abdur Rahman explains how the party's
and practical alternative to the secular
Rahman. He is a member of Hizb ut call for Islam melted with the sentiments
tyrants who terrorise them. They are so
Tahrir, the well known Islamic political of the Muslims in Central Asia,
determined and convinced of this path
party that calls for the resumption of
that the tyrants are prepared to commit
the Islamic way of life, through the "The Hizb arrived in Central Asia in the
genocide to stop them- as happened
establishment of the Islamic ruling early 90's, firstly in Uzbekistan. They
recently in the province of Andijan in
system-the Khilafah. Abdur Rahman is found that the people were very eager to
of Arab origin and has lived and learn about Islam. There were many
studied for many years in Central Asia. people who had learnt classical Arabic
Islam has a glorious past in Central He has been very active in the Islamic (fussaha) to understand Islamic culture. I
Asia and it will have a glorious future revival in the region, and recalls the mean hardcore fussaha that even many
there too. Islam came to Central Asia changing times and situation; of us Arabs found it difficult to converse
as early as the 7th Century. Muslims with the. Their mastery of our mother
controlled Russia by the 13th Century, "You know the Muslims never left Islam, tongue was much advanced."
and in the 15th Century they marched the proper Islam, even though the
south to conquer India. Zahir-ud-Din Communists made it extremely difficult "They quickly understood the Islamic
Babar, who was the founder of the for them to have anything to do with it. culture and very much agreed with the
Mughal Empire in India, originated They used to pray and learn about Islam call for Khilafah. They quickly realised
from the Ferghana Valley in secretly. They would meet in hidden that their problem was not one or two
Uzbekistan. places, often amongst the locked up bad rulers, but because of secular


system in place. When they reaction in Uzbekistan, where the Tahrir". He details the initiation


understood their Islamic history, they Islamic call was most prominent and ceremony that is practiced at one of
realised that their magnificent past was strongest, was the harshest. President the prisons in Tashkent, KIN-1; on
largely due to the implementation of Islam Karimov quickly outlawed Hizb arrival, the prisoners who are religious
Islam over themselves politically." ut Tahrir and other Islamic groups or linked to the Islamic political work
and began to imprison, threaten and are told to walk down a corridor,
Following the demise of Communism torture anyone associated with where prison guards kick them and
the stranglehold of Soviet domination political Islam. However, this beat them with truncheons and sticks.
over Central Asia rescinded. A deep clampdown did nothing to stem the Following this they are forced to sing
desire for learning and a quest for Islamic call, and only empowered it, the national anthem on their knees.
Islamic knowledge began in all the which incensed Karimov further. Those who do not sing loudly or
major cities. Instrumental in this correctly are beaten, kicked in the
revival were the Shabab of Hizb ut Karimov had begun his attempts to head, made to kiss the floor and kept
Tahrir. They contributed to this remove the threat of Islam by in solitary confinement for several
awakening and began to culture advising people to beware of months. They are beaten and tortured
people in their study circles (halaqat) extremists and lunatics. However, on a daily basis until they renounce
from that time. It was clear that this realising that these groups were not their beliefs and declare themselves as
call had a resonance with the people, lunatics, but rather people calling to Christians.
because by 1997 there were many something very real and very likely to
thousands of members and many tens remove him from his seat, he claimed Abdur Rahman believes that what
of thousands of people studying in he would fight idea with idea. Ponomarev has documented is the
halaqat. In many cities there were norm in most of the prisons. Abdur
literally hundreds of halaqat, but also In fact, when his security services Rahman says;
in many rural areas and the suspect a member of the Hizb is
countryside. By 1997 almost every hiding in some house, they will raid "Prisoners are tortured in the most
family had a member or close relative it at night. If they do not find the unthinkable, inhumane ways possible.
studying with the Hizb. So what was person they will threaten those they Prisoners are electrocuted, have
the Hizb teaching the people in its do find. Parents will have guns needles put into their eyes, buried in
halaqat that was so appealing? Abdur pointed to their heads, whilst excrement, and even injected with the
Rahman explains further; children will be beaten severely in Aids virus as well as other unknown
front of their mothers and substances. They even have a prison in
"The Prophet (saw) showed us that grandparents to force them to give a remote place where nuclear waste is
Islam is to be applied not only in the information. Wives will often be kept. The area is uninhabited. It is said
personal life, but also in the public arrested, brutally tortured and that anyone who is sent there is never
life, and that means politically. The threatened with rape, a threat that is seen or heard of again."
Prophet (saw) established a political carried out more and more regularly.
Islamic State, and showed the Muslims Karimov imagined that sheer brutality
how to rule by Islam politically. This is If suspects are caught in public they would destroy the Islamic revival, and
so important, because it is the Khilafah will be arrested and beaten severely people would cower into submission
state that creates the Islamic society, in front of their children and for before him. However, by
the Islamic economy, the Islamic everyone else to see in the market demonstrating his inability to fight
judiciary and decides the home and place, sometimes to the point of thought with anything but mindless
foreign policy based on the interests of death. Tens of thousands of Muslims brutality, he has given strength to the
Islam alone. To have this Khilafah is have been arrested in such fashion da'wah carriers in both courage and
not only our right as Muslims, but it is throughout Uzbekistan. The prisons numbers. People are not afraid to
an obligation from Allah (swt). When are overflowing with such prisoners speak even in the face of severe
Muslims understand this, it naturally and it is in these institutions that the torment, often risking death than
moves them and motivates them." worst crimes occur. capitulating to his demands. Abdur
Rahman says that men, women,
Having spread and influenced large Vitaly Ponomarev is the Director of children and old people are equal in
parts of society, the Islamic revival the Memorial Human Rights Centre. their desire to speak the truth and
became a serious threat to the He has extensively investigated and eager to participate in the Islamic
governments of the Central Asian recorded the crimes committed by awakening. He cites many examples,
republics. Many of them began to view tyrants like Karimov. He has collected
those who called for political Islam, so much information he has "There are many of our sisters who
especially Hizb ut Tahrir and its published a 63 page book entitled distribute leaflets. One sister I know has
members, as enemies of the state. The "Islam Karimov against Hizb ut been arrested many times, serving prison


sentences on each occasion. Every time nightmare for Karimov. Indeed, they

she is let out she begins to distribute have driven him to paranoia, once
again. They [Karimov's henchmen] used declaring on national television that he
to be lenient on woman, but today the would "smash the heads of Hizb ut
women suffer greatly, physical and Tahrir". For many years he has failed
sexual abuse is rife. to achieve this, and it seems now out
of sheer intellectual bankruptcy and
"A group of people were arrested and desperation, he has resorted to
charged with being members of Hizb genocide.
ut Tahrir. They appeared in court, and
one of them was a boy, only 15 or 16 In a widely publicised leaflet by Hizb
years of age. He was actually only just ut Tahrir dated the 21st May, the party
beginning to study, not a member. The details the events leading up to and
judge asked him whether he was a after the barbaric massacre of
hizbi (member) or a shabab (student). she wanted him to become a hizbi and innocents in Andijan. A similar chain
The members pressed him to answer carry on the work for Islam until his of events has subsequently been
that he was shabab, because it would father was released from prison." documented by others such as human
have meant a more lenient sentence. rights activist Tolib Yoqubov. The leaflet
But he refused, and asked one of the Indeed the society has now been describes how Karimov's security
members, "What is that ayah, that ayah changed so much by the da'wah for forces first spread news amongst the
that makes it fard for the Muslim to Islam that people are no longer scared people, pretending they were with the
work for Khilafah?" He meant the ayah: of the tyranny of Karimov and his people and inciting them to move
harsh sentences. Rather people regard against Karimov in demand for a better
the punishments handed to the da'wah standard of living in terms of services:
carriers as an honour, and something water, electricity and gas; besides
that elevates the Muslim by bringing demanding that their sons be released
him great reward from Allah (swt). from prison.
Abdur Rahman relays the story of a
seventy year old man, who was The leaflet continues that Hizb ut
"Let their arise from amongst you sentenced to prison after being caught Tahrir was aware of that plan since
groups, who call to khair (Islam), distributing leaflets, many of those calling for such things
enjoin the maruf (good) and forbid the were known to be with the security
evil (munkar) and they are the "When he finished his sentence and services. The agents claimed they had
successful ones" [TMQ Ali-Imran: 104] was released, the entire village came turned against Karimov, and they
out and greeted him with such joy and began to contact many people
"He repeated it in front of the judge. vigour; it was like someone who had including the families of members of
Then he asked one of the members to just returned from Hajj" Hizb ut Tahrir. The Hizb tried to warn
make him a member in front of the people not to fall into this trap, but the
judge, and he took the oath (qasm) The more that Karimov cracks down security services managed to fool quite
that all the members of the Hizb take upon the people, the more they realise a few people, including some human
to work sincerely for the sake of they are calling for the truth, and it rights organizations.
Islam." makes them much closer to Allah
(swt). There is a great desire to learn The Hizb states that on the 12th of
Sincere Muslim prisoners often have about Islam, to study it, to practise it, May in the main city centre of Andijan
sentences far exceeding those who and to call for it. Even those who have many people began to gather and
commit the most heinous of crimes. to flee from persecution do not give up protest. The numbers continued to
But there is no shortage of people their desire to increase their grow, and by the next day there were
willing to take up the positions of knowledge. Abdur Rahman recalled close to 50,000 people present. During
those who have been removed from the story of an Uzbek woman who had the night of 12th, it was reported that
the da'wah. Abdur Rahman smiles as escaped to Russia after Karimov had an armed group of protestors freed
he remembers the reaction of one killed both her son and husband. Her prisoners from a local prison. The truth
woman who had her son sent to prison only concern was how she could travel is that an armed group, which were
for 17 years, to Saudi Arabia to study Islam. mainly from the followers of Karimov
headed for the prison of Andijan. They
"She brought her grandson, who was With such tenacity, bravery and released a number of prisoners - most
just a baby, and demanded that we confidence in the Truth of Islam, the of them were killed and only a few
make him a hizbi (member). She said da'wah carriers are a constant survived. According to the testimony of


one of the surviving prisoners, the obtained that many of Hizb ut Tahrir's
Shabab of Hizb ut Tahrir were the first members in other prisons were also
to be led to their death by that armed being executed. Some of these reports
group, and these prisoners were not suggested that many thousands had
seen after that. been killed.
"Allah has promised to those among
On the morning of Friday 13th May, Yet Karimov's genocide and bloodshed you who believe and work righteous
Karimov came to personally supervise will have no more success than his deeds, that of a certainty, He will
the "crisis" in Andijan. However, the previous brutality. Already there has cause them to accede to power on
airport had been prepared three days been massive coverage of his earth, as He granted it to those before
prior to welcome him, i.e. it was pre- massacre, and Muslims have them" [TMQ An-Nur: 55].
planned. Karimov had made demonstrated in their thousands at
arrangements with Russia to commit a embassies in Britain, Turkey, Indonesia, Many Muslims throughout the world
massacre. He asked Russian soldiers, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Muslims have done much to aid their brethren
who were brought to Andijan on the throughout the world have put intense in Uzbekistan, largely by speaking up
previous day, to kill all those gathered pressure on governments in the West, against their oppression. Many
in the main square of Andijan, whether such that they have had to seriously thousands have participated in public
they were elderly, women, children or rethink their complicit silence in demonstrations, complained to
youth, without discrimination. He supporting Karimov's failing regime. international embassies, written letters
feared his own troops might be of protest to multinationals who invest
reluctant to commit a massacre against Karimov is coming to the end of his in Central Asia and have refused to
unarmed civilians however, the days. He cannot murder his entire allow the Andijan massacre to fall from
Russian troops have much experience population, and Allah (swt) knows he the public's attention. This has placed
of this. has tried! But the people on the street in huge pressure upon those corrupt
Uzbekistan are very clear in their view regimes and shaken their international
The Hizb leaflet of 21st May describes of him; they repeat the description of backers.
how troops began to fire into the the da'wah carriers about him, "the
dense crowds, killing many innocent kaafir Karimov!" Today their The momentum for change in Central
people. From trusted sources it is steadfastness, sacrifice and bravery have Asia, and in particular Uzbekistan, has
thought that close to 7,000 people become known internationally and the reached such a level that is has become
were murdered on that day. Karimov's tide has begun to turn against the tyrant an inspiration for other parts of the
henchmen began to collect and hide oppressor. Muslim world to work for the re-
400-500 dead bodies at a time. establishment of the Khilafah. Moreover,
Anyone found alive was finished off Truly the goodness is in this Ummah the call for Khilafah will not be drowned
with a shot to the head. Following this, until the Day of Judgment. Indeed, this out by either the West in continuing to
an iron curtain was cast around the Ummah has given birth throughout support Karimov or the ever more brutal
country so that no word of this history to men of strength and taqwa, antics of his security forces.
massacre could get out, or be who have restored its dignity and the
independently verified. mighty position. Today, the Ummah For those who remain unsure as to
should be proud that she has Shabab how the Khilafah will be established,
On Saturday evening, 14th May, with full belief and conviction in their they should consider the events in
Karimov accused Hizb ut Tahrir of Creator, who has strengthened and Central Asia as testimony to the
being behind these events. Karimov guided them by His (swt) grace. They strength of this idea. To the ever
accused a small Islamic group have set their minds to working day dwindling band of skeptics that view
(Akramiyyah) of attacking the prison, and night, sincerely for Allah (swt), Khilafah as a distant mirage on the
opening its doors and killing those with the aim to resume the glory of horizon, they should take lessons from
prisoners who did not rebel with them, this Ummah by re-establishing the the swift change that has seen Central
whilst it was Karimov's group itself that righteous Khilafah. They fear the Asia emerge from the godless,
killed the prisoners inside the prison censure of no one until they have inhumane times of Communism to a
and outside it and not Akramiyyah. achieved what they have resolved for people on the brink of returning to
or die while endeavoring to achieve ruling by the laws of Allah (swt). This
Finally, the leaflet attests to how that-for the sake of Allah (swt). transformation has not taken decades
Karimov fabricated the plot that or even a generation, but a matter of a
Islamic groups had staged a violent They are very conscious that the few years. By Allah (swt) will the
insurgency, in order for him to be able Messenger of Allah (saw) has given victory is imminent. As for Islam in
to kill all the da'wah carriers in huge glad tidings about the return of a Central Asia, its time has come.
numbers. After this event reports were righteous Khilafah. Allah (swt) says;


Khilafah -
the need of the
The Muslims were the number one
By Yusuf Patel superpower on Earth for many centuries, presiding over lands where
the justice of Islam was implemented.

hen the Prophet The non-Muslims found sanctuary
Muhammed (saw) from their own despotic lands, whilst
declared Islam and Muslims took the culture of Islam to
called upon people to believe in new depths- opening the gates to
scientific, medical, and technical
it, he was met with ridicule. This
was followed by oppression,
boycott and torture. He suffered This was the zenith of the Muslim
greatly for nearly thirteen years Ummah, truly the best nation revealed
at the hands of the Quraysh in to mankind. But complacency allowed
Makkah with his Sahabah (ra); the seeds of division and confusion to
small in number, but with be sown by the enemies of Islam. Over
complete conviction and many centuries, erroneous thoughts
and ideas left the Muslim Ummah
fortitude to the call of Islam. dizzy, fumbling, and politically weak.
One by one, parts of the Islamic lands
After much sacrifice, patience and
were stripped away. The final nail in
perseverance, when all looked bleak
the coffin was the destruction of the
and darkness was setting in, against all
Khilafah in 1924. As the enemies of
odds Allah (swt) changed the fortunes
Islam rejoiced at the fatal blow they
of the Muslims, and they found the
had delivered to the Ummah, it was
support they had been looking for from
Lord Curzon who declared this news
the tribes of Aws and Khazraj in the
to the House of Commons in July
city of Medina. Overnight, the Prophet
(saw) was transformed from a
Messenger sent with guidance, to one
who would rule a state with an army "The situation now is that Turkey is
at his disposal. The State that the dead. And she will never rise again
Prophet (saw) ruled over went from because we have destroyed her moral
strength to strength, and very quickly it strength, the Khilafah and Islam."
had domination over the whole of the
Arabian Peninsula. This state of affairs It was Sir Anthony Eden, the British
continued even after the death of the foreign secretary, who remembered
Prophet (saw) when the Khulafah took precisely the potential strength and
over the ruling of the Islamic State. The danger that lay in the Muslim Ummah,
greatest armies, and powers of the time when he wrote to the British Prime
were defeated by the Muslims, and Minister shortly before World War II:
Islam spread throughout the Middle
East, Africa, Asia and arrived at the "We must put an end to anything that
gates of Europe. will bring about any Islamic unity


between the sons of the Muslims. As Prophet (saw), who said: "Indeed the Therefore, the Prophet (saw) stated


we have already succeeded in Imam is a shield, from whose behind clearly that what he left behind was a
finishing off the Khilafah so we must (one) would fight, and by whom one ruling system- which would have as its
ensure that there will never arise again would protect oneself." head the Khaleefah. The issue of giving
unity for the Muslims whether it be the Bay'ah (pledge of allegiance) to the
intellectual or political unity." The Messenger (saw) described the Khaleefah further underlines the
leader of the Muslims, the Imam, as a obligation of establishing his existence.
What has befallen the Muslim Ummah shield that would protect them,
in the last century is truly their darkest meaning their lives, affairs and It has been narrated that Nafi' said:
hour. Their lands have been carved up interests. It highlights the central and Umar told me: I heard the Messenger
to make insignificant kingdoms and critical role that leadership plays in the of Allah (saw) say: "Whoever takes off
statelets over which traitors and tyrants affairs of the Muslim Ummah. It is his hand from an obedience to Allah,
have been appointed to keep watch clear that the current rulers do not act he will meet Him on the Resurrection
like prison guards. The great wealth as a shield; rather, they are the Day without having any proof for
and resources from these lands have complete opposite! They protect the himself; and whoever dies while
flowed freely to the western nations, interests of the West, and in return, there were no Bay'ah on his neck, his
but not a penny has reached the secure their own thrones. death would be that of the days of
Muslim masses that live in poverty ignorance," as narrated by Muslim.
and misery. By studying the life of the Prophet
(saw) it becomes clear that he (saw) In this hadith the Messenger of Allah
Muslim nations have been driven into showed the Muslims how to (saw) made the existence of a Bay'ah
bloody wars with each other; implement a ruling system based upon (pledge of allegiance to a Khaleefah)
controlled like pawns in a great game, Islam. Nations before Islam had on the neck of the Muslims an
whose moves are being battled over by Messengers and Prophets who ruled obligation. From other evidence, it is
players sat comfortably in their tea over them, or came to inform them known that not every single Muslim is
houses in Washington, London and how to rule by Allah's (swt) required to physically give his Bay'ah
Paris. Every decade brings with it a commands. But the Prophet to the Khaleefah. Rather, it should be
new fad, a new renaissance, a new Muhammed (saw) was the seal of the given widely by the notables and
way forward; Arabism, Patriotism, Prophets, there will be no more representatives of the Muslim Ummah-
Socialism and most recently Messengers or Prophets sent by Allah such that it is clear that the pledge to
Democracy- are all successful in one (swt). The final revelation, Islam, is the Khaleefah exists on behalf of all
thing alone, driving the Muslim complete and comprehensive; with the the Muslims. The hadith speaks rather
Ummah further and deeper into Prophet (saw) demonstrating how the of the obligation of the existence of
darkness. Muslims should implement a ruling this Bay'ah, and this Bay'ah cannot
system, the laws of Allah (swt), over exist when there is no Khaleefah to
As with all issues that Muslims face, mankind. It is only through this give it to. Therefore, it becomes
they should seek the command of Khilafah, that the Islamic laws can be incumbent upon the Muslims to ensure
Allah (swt) and guidance of practically and fully established, and that a Khaleefah exists in order to have
Muhammed (saw). The lowly situation the Islamic message conveyed to the this Bay'ah on their necks.
of the Muslim Ummah today requires whole world.
us to seek the Islamic view, and Ibn Abbas reported that the Messenger
behold, the reality becomes clear and Muslim reported on the authority of of Allah (saw) said: "If anybody sees in
the solution obvious. Abu Hazim that he said: I his Ameer something which displeases
accompanied Abu Hurayrah for five him, he should remain patient, for he
Muslims often wonder how they are years, and heard him informing about who separates himself from the
almost a fifth of the world's the Prophet (saw), who said: "The authority of Islam (Sultan), by even so
population, yet are preyed upon so Prophets ruled over the children of much as a hand span and dies
easily. Those living in the West are Israel, whenever a Prophet died thereupon, he would die the death of
accused of being terrorists and a fifth another Prophet succeeded him, but the days of jahiliyah (ignorance)," as
column. Whilst in the Muslim lands, there will be no Prophet after me. narrated by Muslim.
they watch helplessly as one Muslim There will soon be Khulafa'a and they
country after another is bombed to will number many." They asked: 'what The Prophet (saw) made it clear that
prehistoric times, and occupied by then do you order us?' He said: "Fulfil the position of leadership over the
western troops. the Bay'ah to them, one after the Muslims is not a debatable matter, and
other, and give them their dues- for nor is it a matter about personality-
In a hadith, Muslim narrated from Al- Allah will verily account them about where one can choose to follow and
Araj from Abu Hurayrah from the what he entrusted them with." obey the Khaleefah if he liked him, or


choose to disobey and leave him if he between parents and their offspring,
disliked him. Rather, as long as the between the spouses, between the
Khaleefah ruled and implemented neighbours, between the trader and his
Islam, the Muslims have an obligation customer. Lastly, Islam organises the
to remain united and obedient to him. relationship within society as a whole,
This makes the Islamic State the pivotal between the ruler and the people, and "And rule between them by that which
focus for the entire Muslim Ummah- as vice versa. It ensures that the ruler Allah has revealed to you, and do not
the Khaleefah is the sole leader of the establishes all the systems of Islam: follow their vain desires away from the
entire Muslim Ummah. such as the judiciary and Hudood truth which came to you"
(punishments) in order to solve all [TMQ Al-Maidah: 48]
This also places into context many of disputes and punish the wrongdoers;
the well-known concepts in Islam, the Bait ul Maal (treasury), to cater for And He (swt) says:
such as unity and brotherhood. Allah the collection of zakat and other taxes
(swt) addresses the Muslims as so that it can be spend on the needy as
'Innamal Mu'minoona Ikhwa' (one well as the needs of the citizens; to
brotherhood), or 'Ummatun Wahidah' prepare the armies for jihad - defensive
(One Ummah). Muslims speak about and offensive; to ensure that lewdness
these terms freely today, but one has to and debauchery are not permitted in
seriously question how these terms the media…etc. Islam also ensures that
have any real meaning without a single the people account the rulers upon the "And rule by that which Allah has
political state? Clearly it has meaning implementation of Islam, and the revealed to you and do not follow
under the Khilafah, demonstrated by fulfilment of their rights as citizens. their whims, and beware that they may
the Prophet (saw) and the Khulafah deviate you away from some part of
after him- who ruled and united the that which Allah has revealed to you."
Muslim lands from east to west for so "We must put an end to [TMQ Al-Maidah: 49]
many centuries. But today, when the
Muslim Ummah is divided into so anything that will bring The speech of Allah (swt) to His
many countries, each having its own about any Islamic unity Messenger (saw) is also a speech to the
prejudices and grievances with one Muslims, unless there is evidence that
another, how can such concepts be between the sons of the indicates that the speech is limited to
realised? the Prophet (saw). In this case, there is
Muslims. As we have no evidence limiting this speech to the
There are many today who wish to already succeeded in Prophet (saw). Thus, Allah (swt)
surround the subject of Khilafah in obliged the Prophet (saw) to rule by
ambiguity and indifference Confusion finishing off the Khilafah the Islamic laws; ensuring that the
can only occur in this matter- if one is economy, judicial and societal rules
not clear on what the purpose and so we must ensure that were all in accordance with His (swt)
nature the Khilafah is, and not there will never arise laws. The Khulafah after the Prophet
understanding the evidences that make (saw) took over this role to ensure that
it an obligation; which have already again unity for the Allah's (swt) laws were implemented.
been discussed. The Prophet's (saw) In reality, the Khilafah remained and
role was to show the Muslims how to Muslims whether it be continued to implement the laws of
implement Islam in their lives. If Islam Allah (swt) for over a thousand years-
was purely a spiritual religion, there
intellectual or political
till 1924 when it was officially
would be no need or place for a state. unity." [Sir Anthony Eden, disbanded by the European
However, Islam came to organise colonialists.
many types of relationship in life. British foreign secretary
Since the destruction of the Khilafah,
Islam does indeed organise the
the Ummah has witnessed calamity
spiritual relationship, between an upon calamity. Can we be happy with
individual Muslim and the Creator The basis of the Khilafah stems from the situation we have today? Do we
(swt). It does this through the prayers, the commandments of Allah (swt) to prefer to have our leaders from
the fasts, the Hajj. Islam also organises His Messenger (saw) to rule the amongst those loyal to the Kuffar? Or
the relationship between people- it Muslims by Islam. Allah (swt) would we wish to be with those who
defines the roles and responsibilities addressed His Messenger (saw), are sincere to Islam? Would we want


our economies and judiciaries in are absolved of the duty. However, if the responsibility that Allah (swt) and
accordance with the justice and mercy they were unable to bury the dead, His Messenger (saw) have entrusted
that the laws of Allah (swt) provide? Or then the obligation falls on all the them with, should realise that Allah
do we prefer the greed, inequality and Muslims until the obligation is (swt) and this Ummah are not in need
injustice of the Capitalist systems? Do achieved. of tears. This deen was not brought to
we want our societies to be life in Medina by tears alone, rather, it
characterised by good morals, piety, We saw an exception to this after the was by the diligent work of the
altruism, justice and honesty that will death of the Messenger (saw). The Prophet (saw) and his Sahabah (ra)-
be naturally produced as it is governed Sahabah (ra) were engaged in the who worked practically to change
by the laws of Allah (swt)? Or do we discussions concerning who should be society, and sacrificed much in its
want the corruption, greed and the Khaleefah. In spite of the fact they cause.
degradation that is gripping all all understood that the deceased must
societies affected by the secular and be buried as soon as possible, and the Today, we are required to work
capitalist thought? fact that it was the Prophet of Islam diligently to bring back this glorious
(saw) who lay unburied, nobody could deen, so that we salvage the honour
There are many Muslims who have say that companions like Umar (ra), or and dignity of the Muslims in this
realised this incorrect state of affairs Abu Bakr (ra) did not care for the world, and gain the rewards of the
and the obligations upon their necks, Prophet (saw). Conversely, these were Hereafter. The Muslim Ummah is in
and who work tirelessly to bring back his (saw) two closest companions, and great need to unite politically, so that it
the rule of Allah (swt). The duty to the love they showed for him was can once again play the central role in
establish the rule of Allah (swt) is in immense- far outweighing anything we the affairs of this world. The non-
fact a collective duty (fard kifayah); if can imagine today. Yet, it truly speaks Muslims are in great need of being
some of the people accomplished it, volumes about the magnitude and saved from the darkness, injustice and
the duty would be fulfilled, and the importance of ruling and uniting the misery of the Capitalist systems-
responsibility would be discharged entire Muslim Ummah under one serving the needs of the rich and
from the rest of the Ummah. But if a Khaleefah- to the effect that the powerful alone.
section of the Ummah failed to Sahabah debated the successor to the
accomplish this duty, though they Prophet's (saw) rule, before burying In working for this deen at this time,
undertook all the steps required to him. This, together with other we pray that the hadith of the Prophet
fulfil it, then it would remain an evidences, shows us that there was a (saw) refers to us:
obligation upon all the Muslims, and consensus amongst the Sahabah
no one would be relieved of the duty (Ijma'a as-Sahabah) for the obligation "Verily, the deen began strange, and it
as long as the Muslims remained of appointing a Khaleefah over the will return strange. So, blessed are
without a Khaleefah. The similitude of Muslims. the strangers who make good what
this is to the burial of dead. As long as the people after me have corrupted
a section of the community is engaged All Muslims who grieve at the situation of my Sunnah"
in the burial of the deceased, the rest the Ummah is in today, and yet neglect


In America, democracy is only wrong, impudently twisting the facts so ourselves for this immorality? Why, we
admired when it produces the as to show that we were right. say Saddam was worse than us. Robert
favoured result. And America's view of Intellectually, it is possible to carry on Fisk, 25th June The Independent
the world is exactly the same. Iran this process for an indefinite time: the
needs democracy, according to Bush, only check on it is that sooner or later
but only if Iranian democracy a false belief bumps up against solid "The White House is completely
produces a regime favourable to U.S. reality, usually on a battlefield." disconnected from reality. It's like
interests. If Iranian democracy Gary Younge writing about the war in they're just making it up as they go
produces an anti-American regime, Iraq, quoting George Orwell, 27th along. The reality is that we're losing
according to the will of the Iranian June The Guardian in Iraq." Chuck Hagel, Republican
people, then Iranian democracy is a Senator from Nebraska

sham, according to the American

government. The reality is that the US war with Iran
has already begun. As we speak, When asked his views on Turkey
American over flights of Iranian soil joining the European union, 'This is a
America's current government uses are taking place, using pilotless drones crusader plan, and its aim is [to
democracy in a ruthless manner to and other, more sophisticated, change] the identity and history of the
advance its own interests. American capabilities. The violation of a Turkish nation. Ultimately they - that
democracy is shameless and intrusive, sovereign nation's airspace is an act of is, the Westerners - want to melt the
meddling in other nations' affairs while war in and of itself. But the war with Muslims into the Christian religion,
thwarting its own self-professed Iran has gone far beyond the and to conduct missionary activity
principles everywhere, including at intelligence-gathering phase. amongst them. In order to prevent this
home. American democracy talks like Scott Ritter, 21st June and to repel the 'Crusader attack'….
a virgin while acting like a whore. Al There is no substitute for establishing
Stan Moore, 28th June Media an Islamic caliphate.' Turkish Imam,
Monitors Network quoted by Tarek Harno in his
Thirty prisoners have now died in US research into Muslims in the West
custody. I don't believe in the few bad
We are all capable of believing things apples line. It's happened on far too
which we know to be untrue… And great a scale. And how do we excuse Their division of the world into good
then, when we are finally proved all this filth? How do we excuse and evil influences world politics as


much as does the agenda of the On allegations that the Hizb was Germany where even wealth and great
neo-fundamentalists, who are even responsible for the massacre in fortune is a curse for a Jew because he
prepared to enter into alliances of Andijan, "It's all lies….We completely therewith arouses jealousy among the
convenience with traditional renounce violence. That is not our Christians and they devise all kinds of
Islamists. That's the case, for road. Groups like [Islamic Movement slander against him to rob him of his
example, with Hizb ut-Tahrir, which of Uzbekistan] are our brothers, but gold. Arise my brethren, gird up your
has influence in Central Asia, they do not follow the way of the loins, collect up your forces and come
Pakistan and some Middle Eastern Prophet". Member of Hizb-ut Tahrir, to us."
countries. The movement preaches 16th June The Guardian A Rabbi writing to Jews in Europe
non-violent resistance against where they were facing increasing
repressive dictators and has built up persecution after 1453 -
an effective network in the region. We will establish here a paradise, a 'Constantinople' by Philip Mansel
Michael Ludders, June 2005 caliphate, in which Muslim cares for
Muslim, taking what he needs and
giving away what he can do without, British and American aid intended for
Senator Richard J Durbin on the as it says in the Qur'an," Bakhtiyor Iraq's hard-pressed police service is
treatment of prisoners in Rakhimov, talking about Uzbekistan. being diverted to paramilitary
Guantanamo Bay: 16th June The Guardian commando units accused of
"If I read this to you and did not tell widespread human rights
you that it was an FBI agent abuses.........of alleged terror suspects
describing what Americans had "Here in the land of the Turks we have from Baghdad and the Sunni Triangle
done to prisoners in their control, nothing to complain of. We possess which demonstrate serious abuse of
you would most certainly believe great fortunes; much gold and silver suspects including burnings,
this must have been done by Nazis, are in our hands. We are not strangulation, the breaking of limbs
Soviets in their gulags, or some mad oppressed by heavy taxes and our and - in one case - the apparent use of
regime -- Pol Pot or others -- that commerce is free and unhindered. an electric drill to perform a knee-
had no concern for human beings. Rich are the fruits of the earth. capping. 3rd July The Observer
Sadly, that is not the case. This was Everything is cheap and each one of us
the action of Americans in the lives in freedom. Here a Jew is not
treatment of their prisoners." compelled to wear a yellow star as a
Washington Times, 16 June 2005 badge of shame as is the case in


changed because ruling is possible (saw) said 'The Islamic Deen will
Answer By Kamal Abu Zahra without Shura even though it is the continue until the Hour has been right of the Muslims. As for the periods established, or you have been ruled by
in history where no Khaleefah existed twelve Khulafah, all of them being
whether due to civil war or occupation from the Quraysh' [Sahih Muslim]. This
Q. The need for Khilafah has become
well established and many Muslims by foreign armies, the Khilafah still hadith indicates that the Ummah will
now call for it. However, some people continued to exist as the rest of the have not four or five but twelve
claim that the Khilafah only lasted for pillars were in place. Khulafah, indicating that the Khilafah
30 years and that thereafter the could not have been restricted to only
Khilafah ceased to exist. Does this As regards the claim of hereditary rule, thirty years. Regarding this hadith
understanding have any Islamic basis? it is true that the bay'ah i.e. process of Qadi 'Iyad said: '…it has been
And is it a valid justification for not appointing a Khaleefah was mal- mentioned in the latter hadith 'The
establishing Khilafah today just administered but that did not affect the Khilafah after me will be for thirty
because it only lasted 30 years? continuity of the Khilafah. This is years, then there will be a hereditary
because even though a Khaleefah rule' this contradicts the hadith
A. There is no doubt that the Islamic might have taken the peoples' bay'ah regarding the twelve Khulafah for in
State, which Muhammad al-Mustafa for his son before his death, it was the thirty years there were only the
(as) established in Medina existed until always renewed afterwards. This bay'ah Khulafah Rashideen and months in
it was destroyed at the hands of Kamal was usually given either by the people which the bay'ah was given to al-
Ataturk on the 3rd of March 1924. The of influence and representation (ahl al- Hasan b. al-Ali. The answer to this is:
continuity of the Islamic ruling system, Halli wal- 'aqd) or as we saw in the What is meant by 'the Khilafah will be
the Khilafah system, beyond the time latter period by the Shaykh al-Islam. for thirty years' is the Khilafah of the
of the Khulafah Rashideen is Nubuwwah (Prophethood)…' [As
established by the historical reality and The scholars accepted that the Khilafah quoted by an-Nawawi in his Sharh
by the text. As for history we should continued after the Khulafah Sahih Muslim, 1821] As for the
bear in mind the structure of the ruling Rashideen, although some from the reference to twelve Khulafah it does
system so that we can asses historically Salaf disliked using the title Khaleefah not mean it was restricted to that
whether if it existed or not. This for latter rulers because of the number as Qadi 'Iyad explains:
structure is based on the following following hadith reported by at-Tirmizi 'Perhaps what is meant by twelve
pillars: the Khaleefah, i.e., the head of on the authority of Safeenah who said Khulafah in these hadith and their like
State, the Khaleefah's delegated that the Messenger (saw) said: "The is that they were the Khulafah during
assistants (mo'aawin Tafweed), the Khilafah in my Ummah after me will the strong period of the Khilafah, the
Khaleefah's executing assistants be for thirty years. Then there will be power of Islam, when the affairs were
(mo'aawen Tanfeez), the Ameer of mulkan 'aduudan (hereditary rule) after in order and the people were united
Jihad, the Governors (Wulah), the that." [Similar narrations are also to be on those who undertook the post of
Judges (qudah)), state departments, and found in the Sunan of Abu Dawud Khilafah.' [Tarikh al-Khulafah of as-
the state assembly (Majlis al-Ummah). (2/264) and Musnad of Ahmad (1/169)] Sayuti, p.14]. Ibn Hajar said in Sharh
If we analyze history we can see that According to the scholars, this hadith of al-Bukhari: 'What Qadi 'Iyad said is
all but one (the Shura) existed does not mean the Khilafah ceased to the best of what has been said
throughout the eras until its destruction exist after thirty years because it regarding the hadith. I think it's the
in 1924. The absence or neglect of the contradicts other authentic texts. For strongest because it is supported by
Shura after the Khulafah Rashideen example it has been narrated by Jabir sayings of the Prophet through
does not mean the ruling system b. Samurah (ra) that the Messenger authentic lines of transmission: 'And


people will gather round all of them…' rule)'. The personal pronoun (dameer) influence and representation (ahl halli
[Fath al-Baari] and then Ibn Hajar in 'taseeru mulkan' refers to the wal 'aqd) of the Muslim people were
gives a historical account of how Khilafah. Since the mentioned (verb) agreed on the Khilafah of the Abbasids
people had gathered round and united cannot refer to anything other than the and some of Banu Marwan, such as
under certain Khulafah after the Khilafah, as if it is saying 'and then the 'Umar b. 'Abd al-Aziz, for example.
Khulafah Rashideen; he mentions the Khilafah becomes a mulk (hereditary Perhaps the meaning here (referring to
likes of Umar ibn Abdul Aziz and he rule)' The hadith judged that the the above hadith that the Khilafah will
even mentions "Khulafah bani Abbas" Khilafah will becomes a mulk, the be thirty years) is rather that the perfect
i.e. amongst the Abbasids. judgment on a thing requires that the Khilafah, in which there is no dross
thing itself exists." due to difference [of opinion] or
Sayf ad-Deen al-Aamidi, the great inclination away from following [the
Shafi'i scholar and Usuli, said in his As for the first point, Imam Aamidi right Khaleefah], will be for a period of
book al-Imaamah min abkar al-afkar fi explains that the Ummah is agreed, thirty years, and then after it there
usul ad-din (p.306): "And his (saw) and this of course is due to text, that might be or there might not be a
saying 'After me the Khilafah will be the Imam of that age must be followed Khilafah...If objection is made that
for thirty years and then it will turn and hence one cannot argue the since the period of the Khilafah was
into a mulkan aduudan (hereditary hadith is restricting any Khilafah after thirty years, then the time subsequent
rule)' this hadith does not indicate that it. And his second argument is to the rightly guided Khulafah is
the Khilafah is restricted to the linguistic, the hadith is saying an devoid of the Imam and whole of the
Khulafah Rashideen (they are Abu aspect of the Khilafah will change and Muslim people are thus disobedient
Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman and 'Ali [may not the Khilafah itself. It is like saying and when they die, they die as in the
Allah be pleased with them]) since 'and then Tariq became angry' the days of ignorance, we reply that it has
their Khilafah lasted for thirty years as transforming of Tariq to a state of anger already been pointed out that the
stated by the Prophet (saw). And nor does not mean Tariq has become Ali or perfect Khilafah is what is meant.' It
does the hadith mean that there is no 'Umar. He is still Tariq but an aspect of is well known from the hadith that to
Khilafah after the Khulafah Rashideen. his state has changed which is that he die without a Khaleefah is to die the
Rather what is meant is: The Khilafah has become angry. Similarly when the death of Jahiliyyah, so what about the
after me in terms of the responsibilities hadith says 'thumma taseeru mulkan' Muslims after the thirty years? At-
of the Imamah and following my (and then it became a hereditary rule) Taftazani replies by saying the Muslims
Sunnah without increase or neglect it does not mean it ceases to be a in those days were not sinful because
will be for thirty years, contrary to the Khilafah. In fact in one of the the Khilafah did exist as the hadith
period after this when most of the narrations of the above hadith it says: only refers to the perfect Khilafah.
ruling will be of kings. 'The Khilafah of the Prophethood will
be thirty years and then it will become Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (b.911 AH)
Despite this the continuity of the a hereditary rule,' In other words what in his Tarikh al-Khulafah (History of the
Khilafah is indicated by the following will cease is the Khilafah of the Caliphs) recounts the history of the
two things: Firstly, the Ijmaa' of the Prophethood, i.e. the perfect Khilafah Khulafah until his time with the death
Ummah in every age on the obligation and not the Khilafah itself. of Khaleefah Mutawakkil Abul 'Izz in
to follow an Imam of that time and 903 AH and the appointment of his
upon the fact that the Imam and Imam at-Taftazani referring to the fact son al-Mustamsik Billah. He says in his
Khaleefah must be obeyed. Secondly, that the rulers after Imam Ali were introduction to the Tarikh: 'This is a
the Prophet (saw) said: 'then it will considered kings says: 'This is a brief history in which I present the
become (taseeru) mulkan (hereditary difficult problem, for the people of biography of the Khulafah, the Amirs



of the Believers who looked after the and interests of Muslims and used to agreement is that it is obligatory to
affairs of the Ummah from the time of preserve and ensure the glory of the appoint an Imam. The difference of
Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq - may Allah be words of the Creator of this universe be opinion is on the question whether the
pleased with him! - until this our preserved and implemented, has been appointment must be by Allah or by
time…' and that was 900 years after surrounded by enemies and made His creatures, and whether the basis
the Hijrah! redundant.' [From the Fatwa of Sheikh [for appointment] is text or reason. The
ul Hind Maulana Mahmood Hassan, correct position is that the creatures
The notable scholars throughout the 16th Safar 1339 AH, October 29 1920 must appoint a Khaleefah because of
ages had a relationship with the CE, page 78 of English translation of the statement of the Prophet (saw):
Khulafah whether they accounted 'The Prisoners of Malta' by Maulana 'Whosoever dies without knowing the
them, such as Abu Hanifah and al- Syed Mohammad Mian, published by Imam of his time, dies the death of
Mansur, or they worked for them such Jamiat Ulama-I-Hind]. Jahiliyyah.'
as Qadi Abu Yusuf who was the Qadi
al-Qudah (chief judge) under Harun ar- Also, Maulana Mohammad Ali Johar, a At-Taftazani also says: 'The Muslims
Rashid or they participated in the founder of the Khilafat movement said must have an Imam who will carry out
bay'ah of a Khaleefah such as 'Izz b. about the Khilafah: 'The ruler of Turkey the administration of their decisions,
Abd as-Salam, who gave bay'ah to was the Khaleefah or successor of the the maintaining of their restrictive
Mustansir Billah after the defeat of the Prophet and Amir -ul- Mu'mineen or ordinances, the guarding of their
Tatars. Towards the end of the Uthmani chief of the believers and the Khilafah frontiers, the equipping of their armies,
Khilafah when the big powers were is as essentially our religious concern the receiving of their alms, the
conspiring against it, Sheikh ul Hind as the Quran or the Sunnah of the subjugation of those who get the upper
Maulana Mahmood Hassan (who was Prophet.' [Johar, Mohammed Ali, My hand and robbers and highwaymen,
the then head of Darul Uloom Life a Fragment pg.41] Also Maulana the performance of worship on Fridays
Deoband and direct student of Abul Kalam Azad wrote a book in and the festivals, the settlement of
Maulana Qasim Nanautavi, the 1920 called 'The Issue of Khilafat', disputes which take place amongst
founding father of the Darul 'Uloom) in where he stated: 'Without the Khilafah creatures, the receiving of evidence
the 1920's,mentioned a fatwa regarding the existence of Islam is not possible, based on legal rights, the giving in
saving the Uthmani Khilafah from the the Muslims of India with all their marriage of young men and maidens
enemies of Islam. The respected effort and power need to work for this.' who have no guardians and the
Maulana said: 'The enemies of Islam In that book he listed all of the division of the booty and things like
have left no stone unturned to strike Khulafah from the time of Abu Bakr these which individuals of the people
against and harm the honour and (ra) until the time when he wrote his are not entrusted.' [Sharh 'Aqidat an-
prestige of Islam. Iraq, Palestine and book. Thus, we can see the 'Ulema Nasafiyyah, p.147] What Imaam at-
Syria that were won over by the were concerned to ensure the Taftazani says is considered the last
Prophet's companions and his continuation of the Khilafah until the word on what Ahl as-Sunnah agreed
followers, after numerous sacrifices, very end. and the above quote on the obligation
have once again become targets of of appointing a Khaleefah is clear
greed of the enemy of Islam. The The continuity of the obligation of regardless of ones historical
honour of Khilafat is in tatters. Khalifa- Khilafah after the Khulafah Rashideen interpretation.
tul-Muslimin, who used to unite the is a pillar of Ahl as-Sunnah and hence
entire community on this planet; who at-Taftazaani (who was a Shafi'i
is the vice-regent of Allah on this earth; scholar) in his commentary of the
used to implement the universal law of Aqeedah of Imam an-Nasafi (who was
Islam; who used to protect the rights a Hanafi) said: 'The position of


The burden of
economic dependency
pausing to evaluate the current The debts are repaid at extortionate
By Javed Ansari capitalist economic model which is interest rates, which cripple economies responsible for the growing global because a massive proportion of the
crisis. The growth of poverty, conflict country's revenue is spent on paying

overty has become a and illiteracy is intrinsically linked to back foreign debt. This was
worldwide problem. An the culture of economic dependency appropriately described by the Prime
estimated 1.2 billion that the West has successfully Minister of Malaysia who said,
people suffer from hunger, cultivated in Muslim and third world "Although Japan furnishes loans, it
starvation or malnutrition; 100 countries. This has been done through takes back with its other hand, as if by
a whole array of measures such as the magic, almost twice the amount it
million are homeless and some manipulation of currencies, the use of provides." To take some examples,
300 million people in Africa state loans, and the legalisation of Pakistan has a combined foreign and
alone do not have access to multinational corporations which then domestic debt of $60 billion with 50%
clean drinking water. The go on to destabilise and destroy of its budget spent on debt servicing.
Muslim world is suffering too; indigenous economic activity. Also, 50% of Egypt's annual revenue
for example, in Bangladesh and Tk 80 crore (Tk 800 million) from
Bangladesh's budget is spent on debt
35.6% of the population live Economic dependency
servicing in their respective countries
below the poverty line, and an each year. The consequences of such
Institutions such as the International
alarming 77.8% live on less than Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and severe debts are harsh, pushing
$2 a day. Some countries like their governments have long been countries to extreme poverty.
Bangladesh, Indonesia, and lending money to Muslim countries.
Malaysia appear to be Though nominally to help with The loans from the IMF and World
progressing with some of the development, any benefits such loans Bank are not without conditions. They
bring are short lived and in fact end up include various trade concessions to
fastest growing economies in
causing economic dependence on the foreign traders such as 15 year tax
the world but, ironically, the gulf breaks and duty free exports in export
lending institutions and a future of
between rich and poor reliance on international aid for processing zones, so that an
continues to widen. survival. Currently, twenty one Muslim 'investment friendly environment' is
countries are classified by the World created. This gives foreign businesses
World poverty, however, is not Bank as either low-income or severely an unfair advantage over local ones,
sustained by chance but by the very indebted. Others that, according to preventing competition and forcing
system that permits global trade growth indicators, are 'performing them into bankruptcy. Other conditions
injustices and manipulates and exploits well', such as Bangladesh, are so require countries to reduce their
the economies of its debtors. It would, dependant on foreign aid that they it national health budgets by imposing
therefore, be naïve to fall for the idea would not take much for the World fees on healthcare users and privatising
that the economic imbalance can be Bank to reclassify them as severely hospital facilities, all to ensure that
restored by cancelling debt without indebted countries. debt repayment is given priority.


‘Ineffective and
insincere leadership
is one of the main
reasons that Muslim
nations have made
little economic
progress or effort to
break away from the
stranglehold of

Lack of, or reduced spending on basic

amenities is also a problem and can
protect their internal markets which
lead to an increase in cheap (often
‘However, the
have devastating effects on the health subsidised) agricultural products from Islamic economic
of a nation. For example, many the West and the destruction of the
diseases common in the Muslim world livelihood of indigenous farmers. system cannot be
are related to poor water supply, poor
sanitation and unsafe hygiene Exports & Currencies implemented either
practices, including: cholera, typhoid,
hepatitis A, dysentery and polio. One of the conditions of debt on a piecemeal basis
repayment is that debtor countries
Other deleterious conditions come must increase their exports. However, or in its entirety
under the guise of 'better governance' unlike the West, what they export are without the
or 'economic reform' which usually generally not specialised goods and
means trade liberalisation, privatisation hence furnish very low profit margins. simultaneous
and lowering barriers to trade for Bangladesh for example exports
foreign goods. Privatisation opens up mainly cotton textiles and garments, implementation of
the market to foreign companies which jute and jute products, frozen fish and
often end up owning public utilities seafood. By contrast, goods exported the Khilafah State’
such as gas and oil. This in turn by the West are composed mainly of
drastically reduces a government's industrial machinery and weaponry
control of its own resources. This again which are very profitable. The West
has a considerable impact on local also concentrates on selling finished
businesses which cannot compete in a products to be consumed by others
market dominated by multinational such as chocolate or coffee but not the
corporations leading to further reliance tools or the machinery to produce
on foreign aid. Internal markets are them. This allows them to maintain a
additionally undermined by unfair monopoly over the tools of production
clauses imposed by the World Trade and increase the economic
Organisation (WTO) as conditions of dependency of others.
debt reduction or aid. For example, the
WTO often forces third world Countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan
countries to agree not to impose and the poorer sub-Saharan African
import tariffs on foreign products. countries are unable to make the
This means that such countries cannot investment needed to manufacture


addition, large corporations can now WAPDA mostly to US and European

enter the local economy and dominate multinational corporations. This will
it with their foreign products. The severely harm the economy because
devaluation of the taka has caused much needed cash that ought to be
inflation to rise and, consequently, the circulating within the Pakistani
real value of money has decreased and economy is now being siphoned off
led to an increase in the prices of basic and injected into western economies.
essentials such as bread and fish, and
a drop in the real value of wages. However, simply changing the ruler
will not produce a change in the
Rulers add to the burden of economic destiny of Muslim countries
dependency or even stop the cycle of dependency
that exists. The problem is rooted
Ineffective and insincere leadership is deeper and is attributable to the
one of the main reasons that Muslim adoption of Capitalism as an economic
nations have made little economic system; a system that lacks the
progress or effort to break away from capacity to provide for the basic needs
the stranglehold of economic of man let alone eradicates poverty.
dependency. Despite the existence of This is related to the way in which
great wealth human miseries are Capitalism views the economic
widespread because governments lack problem. Its starting point is that the
the political will to change the systems economic problem is one of 'scarcity
that allow poverty and suffering to of resources and unlimited needs.'
become commonplace. Though some Thus, Capitalism seeks to manage the
Muslim countries face countless economic problem by maximising
economic problems, others by contrast production in order to generate
are oil-rich but their rulers have done wealth, which will in turn satisfy most,
little to develop their countries if not all, needs. It is therefore
economically, build multinational premised on the idea that the needs of
conglomerates or buy in expertise to every individual cannot be met and
more profitable goods because much learn to build tools of production in an therefore poverty will co-exist with
of their annual revenue is spent in debt effort to become more economically wealth. As such, it inherently accepts
repayment. Debt, therefore, is an independent. that poverty, homelessness, and hunger
efficient tool that, among other things, will be familiar traits of every capitalist
ensures cheap access to other peoples' Indeed, the rulers of those countries society. Thus, poverty is not the sole
raw materials. To guarantee this, that have natural resources could have characteristic of Muslim and third
institutions such as the IMF make sure designed a policy of self-sufficiency to world countries, but rather it also
they are able to manipulate the strengthen their national economies exists in the West in huge numbers.
currencies of exporting countries so and make them independent from
that, in effect, they can purchase goods outside interference. However, they The Islamic economic system differs
at whatever price they want. For have instead worked to increase markedly from the capitalist system in
example, Bangladesh's decision to economic dependence. In the late both its underlying basis and the
float its currency on the foreign 1990s, the Prime Minister of details. Islam does not share the
markets on 1st June 2003 was ordered Bangladesh, Sheikh Hassina after the fundamental capitalist perspective that
by the IMF; they refused to grant an discovery of huge reserves of gas in resources are scarce but rather views
emergency loan when the country's Sylhet and the Bay of Bengal, eagerly the earth as being abundant in
reserves dropped below $1bn unless it gave the gas contracts to US and resources enough to satisfy the basic
floated its currency. Thus, western foreign companies such as UNOCAL. needs of all of mankind. The Shari'ah
countries and not Bangladesh Bank And this year, the government signed allocates the responsibility of
became the actual regulators of the the 'memorandum of understanding' of guaranteeing the basic needs of its
taka manipulating it according to their the 'Myanmar-Dhaka-India' tri-nation citizens to the Khilafah State, which
purchasing needs. gas pipeline, further weakening the were defined by the Prophet
country's economic position. Mohammad (saw) when he said:
The net result of manipulating the
Bangladeshi currency is that foreign In a similar vein Pakistan, under "The son of man has no better right
countries can now buy raw materials, Musharraf, has privatized electricity than that he would have a house
and even industries, cheaply. In and domestic gas companies such as wherein he may live and a piece of


cloth whereby he may hide his "Lest it circulate solely among the A mindset of defeatism and

nakedness, and a piece of bread and wealthy from amongst you." dependency has infected such rulers so
some water." (Tirmidi) [TMQ Al-Hashr: 7] that they are content to be led rather
than to lead. They experience no
In terms of ensuring the economic The Shari'ah introduces zakat as a tool humiliation in remaining impotent
independence of individuals and to collect and redistribute wealth and slaves to their colonial masters and
preventing them from relying on others ensures that the poor enjoy the they consciously hinder the call for
unnecessarily, people are obliged to dividends of the nation's wealth. Islam economic independence. In order to
work for a living if they are capable of therefore makes it compulsory for break free from this cycle of economic
earning. Thus, Allah (SWT) said: every eligible Muslim to contribute a dependency, the Muslim world must
percentage of his savings on an annual unite as one to form an independent
basis. This is then re-distributed by the power bloc under the sincere
Khilafah to the poor and needy. leadership of a ruler guided by a
different vision and with courage to
The Islamic economic system rejects create a system which is independent
"So walk in the paths of the earth and interest based contracts without of the existing western framework.
eat of His sustenance which He exception. State borrowing from
provides." [TMQ Al-Mulk: 15] institutions such as the IMF and World The Islamic economic system can
Bank is therefore unlawful from the generate wealth and prosperity and
Islam does not ignore the disparity perspective of Islam. Usury or interest eradicate poverty and homelessness
between the rich and the poor. It is strictly prohibited by Allah (swt): indefinitely. The free circulation of
rejects the idea that an increase in wealth in society will raise the
production will reduce poverty without standard of living and allow the
there being any specific strategy of Khilafah to invest in education, health,
distribution. Islam views the poverty and defence, creating the conditions to
problem as being linked to the lack of allow Muslims to aspire to be at the
an effective method of distribution. It forefront of future technological and
therefore has specific rules to ensure scientific advancement. However, the
that wealth is not hoarded by the Islamic economic system cannot be
wealthy, something which has become implemented either on a piecemeal
common practice in both the western "O you who believe! Observe your basis or in its entirety without the
and Muslim World. Allah (swt) forbids duty to Allah, and give up what simultaneous implementation of the
the hoarding of wealth: remains of your demands for usury, if Khilafah State. It is a part of the
you are (in truth) believers. And if you management of affairs undertaken by
do not, then take notice of war (against the State, which implements Islam as a
you) from Allah and His Messenger. complete system for life, state, and
And if you repent then you have your society. It offers a vision of self
capital (without interest). Deal not sufficiency and the capacity to provide
"And those who hoard up gold and unjustly, and you shall not be dealt a lasting solution to the crisis of
silver and spend not in the way of with unjustly." economic dependency that
Allah; announce to them a painful [TMQ Al-Baqarah: 278-279] undermines Muslim countries today.
chastisement." [TMQ At-Tauba: 34]
Poverty, homelessness, disease and
Rather, those who have wealth are deprivation in the Muslim world are
encouraged to trade and invest such some of the bitter fruits witnessed as a
that others may benefit from this result of the economic dependency on
activity. As a result, unused capital is the West and its institutions. Debt
spent instead of being hoarded in relief, further aid or superficial
banks and unused land is cultivated, tinkering with parts of the economy
so that wealth is effectively injected will not solve the problems of being
back into the economy. It is an enslaved to the global capitalist order
obligation to circulate wealth in the which will continue as long as
economy to prevent its circulation Muslims are led by rulers and
from being restricted. Allah (swt) says: politicians that cannot see beyond the
economic vision inspired by the major
western powers.


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