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VISION Republic of the Philippines MISSION

Cavite State University shall provide

A premier university in historic Cavite CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY excellent, equitable and relevant
recognized for excellence in the Don Severino Delas Alas Campus educational opportunities in the arts,
development of morally upright and science and technology through quality
globally competitive individuals. Indang, Cavite instruction and relevant research and
development activities. It shall produce
professional, skilled and morally upright
individuals for global competitiveness.



BSN III - 1/ Group 2

Submitted to:


Clinical Instructor

Initials of the client: P.T Date: May 13, 2020 (Day 6; PR 6)

Name of Student Nurse: ACV Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Undifferentiated

According to Videbeck Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing 5th edition; page 99, Therapeutic Communication is an interpersonal interaction
between the nurse and the client during which the nurse focuses on the clients specific needs to promote an effective exchange of information. Skilled
use of therapeutic communication techniques helps the nurse understand and empathize with the client’s experiences. All nurses need skills in
therapeutic communication to effectively apply the nursing process and to meet standards of care for their clients.
On the sixth day of exposure with our patient, first I will give recognition to him and ask him how previous day gone by. Our activity for
today is occupational therapy on how to make prepare their own snack which are peanut sandwich and sago’t gulaman con yelo, and for the patient
who undergone rehabilitation, I could see that this occupational therapy will help them to function and return them as normal individual to its
maximum ability as it is consider as an activity of their daily living.
Also, group music therapy where the patient will listen and later on reflect on the message of the song. Through this therapy the patient will, I
can assessed my patients ideas on relating and reflecting to given situations.

General Objective.
Maintain Therapeutic communication by applying different techniques and nurse patient trust relationship to my patient during the therapy.
To express self through participating in occupational and music therapy.


Initials of the client: P.T Date: May 13, 2020 (Day 6; PR 6)

Name of Student Nurse: ACV Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Undifferentiated

Specific Objectives for Student Nurse:

 to improve my Therapeutic Communication.
 to apply methods of effective communication techniques.
 to promote my safety towards patient.
 to acquire new knowledge, skills and clinical experience in mental health nursing.
Specific Objectives for the Client:
 to maintain rapport and trust.
 to make them feel safe during the activity.
 to participate in activities to improve socialization skills.
 to help them feel good about themselves.
 to develop cooperation.
 to help them in the process of restoration of their well-being.


Initials of the client: P.T Date: May 13, 2020 (Day 6; PR 6)

Name of Student Nurse: ACV Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Undifferentiated


The patient seems healthy and younger than his age. He has a fair complexion and dry skin. His hair is neatly trimmed. He has a calm facial
expression. His voice is weak and low pitched. His clothing is acceptable, it appears to be clean since the patient changes before approaching the
student nurse, however stains was not removed and it is poorly knitted, same with the other patient.

His shoulder appears to be asymmetrical, the left side is higher than the right side, and this gives the patient an appearance of a slouched
posture. The patient also has a slow and shuffling gait. The patient’s degree of orientation is good. He is aware of the time, place and person during
the interview.

Environmental Condition:

The interview was done from 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning in the social hall of CCMH. We have sound system to catch the audience’s attention
with 18 students, 18 patients and 2 clinical instructors. The area is well ventilated because the windows and electric fans are open so the ambiance is
calming. Round table was used and accommodates two patient and student nurse. Patient P.T sat on a chair in front of me on an L-shape position.


Initials of the client: P.T Date: May 13, 2020 (Day 6; PR 6)

Name of Student Nurse: ACV Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Undifferentiated


Upon receiving the patient Greeting the client by name shows awareness of the student nurse
V: “Magandang umaga po (T) Giving NV: The patient looks at regarding patient’s identity and shows that they are regarded as a
tatay P” Recognition me and smiles. person needing value and respect. This may give a realization to the
V: “Magandang umaga patient that they may be taken care of and thus results a trusting
NV: Smiles and initiated rin Angelica” relationship with the student nurse.
eye contact
Mutual eye contact, preferably
V: “Kamusta po ang tulog (T) Seeking V: “Mabuti naman”
at the same level, recognizes the other person and denotes
nyo” Information
willingness to maintain communication. It is also a good indication of
NV: Nodded and started
transparency and honesty.
NV: Maintains eye contact to walk towards the
faucet. Smiling back of the patient is also a good indication of appreciation
that the patient sees for the care they will receive.

This falls under the taxonomy of communicating because the patient

was able to effectively communicate with the student nurse and
respond positively as greeted (Kozier&Erbs, 2009).


Initials of the client: P.T Date: May 13, 2020 (Day 6; PR 6)

Name of Student Nurse: ACV Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Undifferentiated

V: “Anong oras po kayo (T) Exploring V: “Mga alas dyes ako My purpose on asking this question is to keep track on patient's
nakatulog at gumising? nakatulog kagabi. Alas sleeping pattern. This is also to assess his mood for the day and also to
kwatro ako nagising check if the patient can put events in sequence.
kaninang umaga”
NV: the patient asks for Sleep and mood are closely connected; poor or inadequate sleep can
his toothbrush, toothpaste cause irritability and stress, while healthy sleep can enhance well-
and cup by lifting his being (Kozier&Erbs, Fundamentals of Nursing Practice, page 1174,
right arm pointing 2009).
towards the hygiene kit. The patient responded well and seems to be on good mood which can
be a sign that he is ready for today’s interaction.

This falls under the taxonomy of communicating because the patient

was able to effectively communicate with the student nurse and
respond positively as greeted. (Kozier, et. Al. Fundamental of Nursing
8th Edition 2008, Human Response Patterns, page 205)

At the washing area

NV: Give the patient his (T) Using Silence NV: Puts toothpaste on In Katz Index of ADL, independence means without supervision,
toothbrush, toothpaste, and (T) Making the brush part of the direction, or active personal assistance. This is based on actual status
cup. Give him his bar soap. Observation toothbrush. Use the cup and not on ability. A patient who refuses to perform a function is


Initials of the client: P.T Date: May 13, 2020 (Day 6; PR 6)

Name of Student Nurse: ACV Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Undifferentiated

Offered the towel. to get water to the faucet considered as not performing the function, even though he or she is
and brushes his teeth. He deemed able
asked for the soap and (
started to wash his face,
upper arms, legs and feet.1. Using silence or pauses that may extend for several seconds or
He accepts the offered minutes without interjecting any verbal response is to give space for
towel and dries off his the client. This is also to make observation on how the client will react
body. on the situation.
3. In Developmental Assessment Guidelines, Middle –aged adults
usually take care of their health needs and are interested in
maintaining health and preventing the acceleration of the aging
process ((Kozier, et. Al. Fundamental of Nursing 8th Edition 2008,
page 401).
5. Base on my observations, the patient was able to do self-care activities
willingly and all by himself. This shows patient has a deep sense of
independence and high regards with hygiene. He also shows
appropriate usage of materials according to their function.
6. This response falls under the taxonomy of valuing, in which the
patient who has initiative and was able to take care of his body
independently has a high regard for promoting his health physically
and hygienically. (Kozier, et. Al. Fundamental of Nursing 8th Edition
2008, page 205).
V: “Tatay tara pong tignan (T) Suggesting NV: nodded and started My purpose on asking the patient to go see the plant that we have

Initials of the client: P.T Date: May 13, 2020 (Day 6; PR 6)

Name of Student Nurse: ACV Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Undifferentiated

ang ating itinanim na Collaboration to walk towards the planted is to show importance on what the patient has given effort to.
halaman” garden
The patient nodded which is a show acceptance.
NV: Initiated eye contact V: “Nadiligan ko na The plant develops a deep sense of responsibility for the patient.
and smiles to the patient kanina pati iyong Taking care of it every day and checking falls under the taxonomy of
pananim ng iba” Valuing. The patient assigned relative worth to self that as a human
being, he has the right of responsibility and has the ability to take care
of someone or something (Kozier, et. Al. Fundamental of Nursing 8th
Edition 2008, Human

V: “Ayan tatay nabubuhay (T) Giving NV: Patient smiles Giving the client positive feedback for demonstrating skills shows
na po ulit ang mga halaman Recognition recognition and positive support that will reinforce his efforts and
natin ang galing nyo po encourage further participation.
mag-alaga eh”
At the table before the 7.
program starts 8.
V: “Tatay kukunan ko po (T) Using Silence NV: Motioned his arms 9. Using silence or pauses that may extend for several seconds or
kayo ng vital signs” to the nurse. Look around minutes without interjecting any verbal response is to give space for
NV: puts the cuff on the the other table. the client. This is also to make observation on how the client will react
right arm and the on the situation.
thermometer at the left arm. V: “ Anong BP ko? 10. The observant side of the patient shows in his response, this indicates
After getting the BP, Normal ba? that the patient uses his critical thinking.
removes the cuff and started 11. Motioning his arms towards the student nurse shows that he offers it
to count the pulse rate


Initials of the client: P.T Date: May 13, 2020 (Day 6; PR 6)

Name of Student Nurse: ACV Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Undifferentiated

followed by the respiratory freely. He also ask for his blood pressure which shows that he is
rate. interested on his health. This falls under the taxonomy of Valuing. The
V: 90/70 po tatay, medyo (T) Giving V: “Ah ganun ba, patient assigned relative worth to self that as a human being, he has
may kababaan po” Information Salamat” the right of being a healthy person. (Kozier, et. Al. Fundamental of
NV: Patient nodded and Nursing 8th Edition 2008, Human
smiles. looks around
During the Program 12.
The emcee starts speaking (T) Using Silence V: “Magandang umaga”13. Using silence or pauses that may extend for several seconds or
by greeting the patient (T) Making towards the emcee minutes without interjecting any verbal response is to give space for
“Magandang umaga po” he Observations the client. This is also to make observation on how the client will react
asked the patient to stand to on the situation.
formally start the program. Greeting back or responding to the emcee shows that the patient
recognizes him and indicates appreciation and being coherent . This
fall under the taxonomy of communication, in which the patient
actively converse and communicate.

Prayer (T) Using Silence NV: The patient stand, 14. Using silence or pauses that may extend for several seconds or
(T) Making bows his head, close his minutes without interjecting any verbal response is to give space for
Observations eyes and do the sign of the client. This is also to make observation on how the client will react
the cross which is on the situation.
pointing the fingers from
the forehead to chest, to According Fr. Saunders, the sign of the cross was made from forehead
right shoulder to left to chest, and then from right shoulder to left shoulder with the right
shoulder. hand. The thumb, forefinger, and middle fingers were held together to


Initials of the client: P.T Date: May 13, 2020 (Day 6; PR 6)

Name of Student Nurse: ACV Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Undifferentiated

symbolize the Holy Trinity — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

The patient doing the gestures correctly shows his respect and regards
to religious rituals.
Flag Ceremony (T) Using Silence NV: The patient remain 15. Using silence or pauses that may extend for several seconds or
(T) Making standing, facing the minutes without interjecting any verbal response is to give space for
Observations conductor, puts his right the client. This is also to make observation on how the client will react
hand on his left chest and on the situation.
sings the Philippine 16.
National Anthem. It was17. The patient remains standing, faces the conductor, puts his right hand
observable that his hands on his left chest shows that the patient pays respect and salutes his
where making circular nationality.
strokes as if scratching (
his clothes. flag-why-and-how-we-should-respect-it-287147)
19. Making circular strokes as if scratching hi clothes was obserbable
getures of the patient since the first day on interaction. This may be
due to the side effects of the medication he was taking which is
chlorpromazine. The medication causes abnormal movements of the
body which is probably why patient P was having difficulty moving or
is slow pacing (
Exercise (T) Using Silence NV: The patient was 20. Using silence or pauses that may extend for several seconds or

Initials of the client: P.T Date: May 13, 2020 (Day 6; PR 6)

Name of Student Nurse: ACV Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Undifferentiated

(T) Making following the routine minutes without interjecting any verbal response is to give space for
Observations being presented in front, the client. This is also to make observation on how the client will react
however, his movements on the situation.
seems to be limited, and According to Hershenson, doing warm-up exercises is to feel the body
it was obvious that he and concentrate on it, rather than on what is running in the minds
was having difficulty (Hershenson, 1988). The patient who is trying to follow the
following whether it is movement of the instructor in front shows that he is concentrating on
the left or the right what he is being teached of. During the past few days of interaction, it
because the instructor was obviously that the patient is very slow moving. This may be due
was front facing the to the side effects of the medication he was taking which is
audience. But as the chlorpromazine. The medication causes abnormal movements of the
instructor was back body which is probably why patient P was having difficulty moving or
facing the patient was is slow pacing (
able to follow the system/medicines/chlorpromazine.html)
routine. During jogging
the patient was very
slow, he was running but
its pace was like brisk
During the Music Therapy:

V: (T) Giving NV: The patient looks The statement of the patient is asking on what song to be sang. This
1. “ Tatay ngayong araw Information V: “Anong kanta?” statement shows that the patient is being receptive and this indicates
po tayo ay aawit at his interest and willingness to cooperate in the activity.


Initials of the client: P.T Date: May 13, 2020 (Day 6; PR 6)

Name of Student Nurse: ACV Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Undifferentiated

aalamin ang mensahe (T) Giving V: “Ah ganun ba” This response of the patient indicates his willingness and openness to
nito.” Encouragement NV: the patient is still work with his student nurse and that the patient acknowledges the
2. “Kanlungan po ni Noel looking offering of the student nurse to help him so that he will help him
Cabangon” improve his situation.
3. “Tatay galingan nyo po V: “sige”
at kabisaduhin nyo po NV: the patient smiles Giving the client encouragement shows positive support that will
ang mga lyrics ng reinforce his efforts and encourage further participation.
kanta, ito po kasi ay NV: The patient was This response fall under the taxonomy of Exchanging, the student
aawitin natin sa Grand looking in the lyrics and nurse and patient exchanges information (Kozier, et. Al. Fundamental
Socializaliton” joins the group in of Nursing 8th Edition 2008, Human Response Patterns, page 205).

V: (T) Seeking V: The response of patient of recognized people and events on his past
1. “Ayan po naipaliwanag Information 1. “Mayroon” life indicate his ability to recall remote memory. Patient’s ability to
po sa unahan kanina ang (T) Exploring 2. “May mga bagay na express his thought and follow command indicates that his cognitive
mensahe ng kanta, may (T) Encouraging lumipas at hindi mo skills are functioning well. This falls under the taxonomy of relating
natutunan po ba kayo description of na mababalikan pero because it involves establishing of bonds. It enhances the participating
Tatay? ” perception ito ay mananatili and improving of the self-esteem of the patient.
2. “Kayo po tatay, paano bilang isang alaala.
nyo po irerelate sa
buhay nyo ang mensahe NV: patient looks and
ng kanta?” smiles
V: “Nakakatuwa naman po (T) Formulating a V: “Sige” Patient’s ability to verbalized his opinion and decide regarding to his

Initials of the client: P.T Date: May 13, 2020 (Day 6; PR 6)

Name of Student Nurse: ACV Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Undifferentiated

Tatay. Ngayon naman po ay plan of action plan of action with valid reason indicates functioning of cognitive
gagawa kayo ng tinapay na NV: Patient smiles and skills. This shows that the patient is coherent and oriented and his
may palaman na peanut at look at the emcee. ideas arelevent to the situation.
sago’t gulaman, iyon po ang Giving the patient the freedom to decide gives him high regards of
memeryendahin nyo, self-worth. This shows that we respect him as a human free to make
Ipapaliwanag po ni Student decision for his own good.
Nurse M” This falls under the taxonomy of choosing in which the patient as a
human being has the right to choose the things that he will utilize
based on his preferences. Choosing or deciding on what best suits him
shows that he can decide for himself which is a sign of independence.
Independence greatly affects patients self-esteem and giving him the
right to choose and decide for himself boost his confidence (Kozier
and Erb, 2008)

V: “Saan po kayo pupunta (T) Seeking V: “Maghuhugas lang Asking the patient to wash his hands before preparing food is to assess
tatay?” Information ako ng kamay, pahiram his risk for infection and self –care abilities for hygiene. Hand hygiene
ng sabon?” is considered one of the most effective infection control measures and
NV: gives the soap and walk (T) Using Silence is a self –care method for Health Promotion (Kozier&Erbs,2009).
with him to the faucet. (T) Making NV: Stands and walks to
Observation the faucet. Washes his The patient who shows initiative in washing his hands is a sign of self-
hands using soap and care. Proper usage of materials indicates that the patient knows and
water. understands its function.

During the sandwich and 21.

sago’t gulaman making

Initials of the client: P.T Date: May 13, 2020 (Day 6; PR 6)

Name of Student Nurse: ACV Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Undifferentiated

The emcee explains the 22.

procedure. Step by step 23.
preparation of the sandwich (T) Using Silence NV: The patient looks at24. Using silence or pauses that may extend for several seconds or
and sago’t gulaman. (T) Making the emcee and follows minutes without interjecting any verbal response is to give space for
Observations the steps properly. the client. This is also to make observation on how the client will react
When the emcee finishes the on the situation.
demonstration, she asked The patient waits till I 25. The patient looking at the emcee shows that he has interest on the
the patients to not eat the check his cup of sago’t activity. Following the steps properly shows that the patient can put
food and wait till the gulaman before he the events on particular sequence and is coherent and shows relevancy
assigned student nurses started eating what he has of action. The patient who waits till his food was checked show his
check if they properly got prepared. patience and self-control.
the instruction.

V: “Nabusog po ba kayo?” (T) Seeking V: “Oo, salamat ha” This response of the patient indicates satisfaction from the food that
Information the class provided for them. Saying Thank you indicates that the
NV: Smiles to the patient NV: smiles and stand up patient develops a sense of gratitude for the things that they received
or will received.Food is one of the physiological needs of a human, by
this, patient need was met and sustained that time. (Kozier andErb,
G. Kozier, B. et. al. Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing,
Concepts, Process and Practice. 8th Edition. Page 205.)

Return to the ward The statement of the patient means that he enjoyed the day being with
V: “Masaya” the student nurse and other patients and expects another day of


Initials of the client: P.T Date: May 13, 2020 (Day 6; PR 6)

Name of Student Nurse: ACV Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Undifferentiated

V: “Ano po ang masasabi (T) Seeking activity. It is a good sign of improving trust and self-esteem. Looking
nyo sa activity natin Information NV: Smiles widely forward to the next day shows the patients excitement and means that
ngayon” you will gain his participation to the next activities.
V: “Tara po tatay papasok (T) Giving NV: Smiles
Ending the discussion and providing leads is necessary so that the
na po tayo sa loob, wala po Information
patient and student nurse will depart with same ideas in mind and what
kami bukas, sa lunes nap o (T) Setting V: “Sige, salamat ng
to expect of the next. This falls under the taxonomy of exchanging
ulit ang balik namin” Contratct marami”
because the patient and student nurse mutually receive and give
necessary information with each other before they part (Kozier, et. Al.
Fundamental of Nursing 8th Edition 2008, Human Response Patterns,
page 205).


After the sixth day of interaction, this occupational therapy of preparing their own foods help them in restoring process of their well-
being it also improve of our patient’s cognitive and communication skills by following a step-by-step simple commands. I have observed that my
patient have improve his behavior like he makes suggestions on how we make things easier for today’s activities, he initiate to start the activities and
shows self-initiative to prove self-care. He enjoys our activity today.



Initials of the client: P.T Date: May 13, 2020 (Day 6; PR 6)

Name of Student Nurse: ACV Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Undifferentiated

By this activity my objective was met; we maintained our rapport and nurse patient therapeutic relationship, our safety has been secured by
keeping the environment therapeutic for activities, communication, and learning, and assessed if patient can follow command. We both enjoyed our
day. He had fun and I have gathered ample information for today. I hope that he will elaborate more of his life. My plan for our next interaction is to
encourage my patients to interact more for me to gather more data and also to encourage him to be able to know if his changes of mood cycle are
about to start and be able to manage his condition non-pharmacologically.


Erb, G. Kozier, B. et. al. Kozier and Erb’s Fundamental of Nursing, Concepts, Process and Practice. 5th Edition

Erb, G. Kozier, B. et. al. Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing, Concepts, Process and Practice. 8th Edition

Louise Rebecca Shieves Psychiatric- Mental Health Nursing 7th Edition

Shiela L. Videbeck, Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 5th Edition


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