1998 - Wet Oxidation of Acetic Acid by Hydrogen Oxidation Catalyzed by Transition Metal-Exchange NaY Zeolites - Larachi

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J. Chem. T echnol. Biotechnol.

1998, 73, 127È130

Wet Oxidation of Acetic Acid by H O Catalyzed

by Transition Metal-Exchanged NaY2 Zeolites¤
F. Larachi,* S. Le vesque & A. Sayari
Department of Chemical Engineering & CERPIC, Universite Laval, Ste-Foy, Quebec, Canada, G1K 7P4
(Received 3 February 1998 ; revised version received 11 March 1998 ; accepted 29 June 1998)

Abstract : During the wet oxidation of contaminated wastewaters, the destruction

of low molecular weight carboxylic acid intermediates such as acetic, glyoxalic,
and oxalic acids is often the rate-controlling step. Oxidation of acetic acid, a very
recalcitrant intermediate, requires compelling treatment severity. Heterogeneous
catalytic wet oxidation of model acetic acid aqueous solutions was conducted
under mild conditions (below the normal boiling point of water) using hydrogen
peroxide over various transition metal-exchanged NaY zeolites. Treatment of
Cu2`ÈNaY with oxalic acid [OA] led to a catalyst, Cu2`ÈNaY [OA], with sig-
niÐcantly improved properties in terms of total organic carbon (TOC) removal
efficiency and catalyst stability against leaching. This catalyst outperformed
homogeneous Cu2` by a factor of 2È2É5 times. Continuous feeding of H O
2 2
reduced its undesirable decomposition. Improvement of the TOC-degradation
performance by Cu2`ÈNaY [OA] was tentatively attributed to the removal of
sodium and possibly aluminium in the zeolite. ( 1998 Society of Chemical

J. Chem. T echnol. Biotechnol. 73, 127È130 (1998)

Key words : catalytic wet oxidation ; hydrogen peroxide ; acetic acid ; metal-
exchanged NaY zeolite catalyst

INTRODUCTION amounts of Cu2`, Mn2` or Co2` enhances the efficacy

of FentonÏs route.1 The major weakness of these
Advanced oxidation processes for wastewater treatment systems is the tight pH control required to prevent pre-
designate a number of aqueous phase oxidation tech- cipitation of Fe(OH) , which occurs at pH [ 5.2
nologies based primarily on the intermediacy and Homogeneous catalysts consisting of a mixture of
immense oxidizing potential of the hydroxyl free radical Cu2`, Mn2`, Fe2` used in conjunction with H O
2 2
(OH~) in the oxidative destruction of organic pollutants. showed synergistic e†ects and high destruction levels
The hydroxyl free radicals can be generated by various under mild conditions.3,4 However, without proper pH
catalytic (homogeneous and heterogeneous) wet oxida- adjustment, precipitation of the catalyst may also occur.
tion routes where hydrogen peroxide is used as an oxi- In summary, even though all the Fenton-like catalysts
dizer. In the FentonÏs reaction, the reagent system o†er a cost-e†ective source of hydroxyl radicals and
(Fe2`/Fe3`ÈH O ) is used to unleash OH~ by the redox involve easy-to-handle reagents, additional steps are
2 2 required both before and after the oxidation step for pH
reaction between H O and Fe2`. Addition of trace
2 2 adjustment and catalyst precipitation/separation.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. To circumvent the above drawbacks, attempts are
Email address : Ñarachi=gch.ulaval.ca being undertaken to explore the feasibility of heter-
¤ Presented at the 47th Canadian Conf. Chem. Eng., Edmon- ogeneously catalyzed Fenton-like routes for the destruc-
ton, AB, Canada, October, 5È8 1997. tion of the water-dissolved organic pollutants.5,6 This
Contract/grant sponsor : Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada. strategy combines the advantages of the Fenton-like
Contract/grant sponsor : Fonds pour la Formation de Cher- systems and those of heterogeneously-catalyzed wet oxi-
cheurs et lÏAide à la Recherche du Quebec. dation. This paper is a preliminary account of the wet
( 1998 Society of Chemical Industry. J. Chem. T echnol. Biotechnol. 0268-2575/98/$17.50. Printed in Great Britain
128 F. L arachi, S. L e vesque, A. Sayari

oxidation of acetic acid by hydrogen peroxide over new sition (leading to inactive molecular oxygen), the peroxi-
heterogeneous catalysts based on Cu2`, Fe2`, Fe3`, de was either injected at once (R \ 2É6) or fed
Mn2` and Ce3`-exchanged NaY zeolites. There are continuously (R \ 1É5) over a period of 60È120 min
two main reasons behind this selection. First, the using a syringe pump.
destruction of low molecular weight carboxylic acid Total organic carbon content of solutions before and
intermediates such as acetic acid is often a rate- after reaction was analyzed by means of a combustion/
controlling step in the overall oxidation process. non-dispersive infrared gas analyzer (Shimadzu 5050
Because of their resistance to oxidation, they tend to instrument). The metal content in fresh (Table 1) and
build up in the solution. It is thus imperative to develop used catalysts was determined by neutron activation in
a heterogeneous catalyst able to efficiently degrade a SLOWPOKE nuclear reactor. The metal leaching-o†
acetic acid. Second, some cations (e.g. Cu2`, Fe2`) were was calculated accordingly. Residual H O during wet
2 2
found to be excellent homogeneous catalysts. Since zeo- oxidation was titrated iodometrically with Na SO in
2 3
lites can play the role of a “solid solventÏ in which the an excess of KI, CH CO H and ammonium molybdate.
3 2
exchanged cations are stabilized within the pore struc- To assess the reproducibility of the oxidation reac-
ture, while they can move relatively freely as in solution, tions, up to six separate batches were prepared for each
it is anticipated that some of these catalysts combine the catalyst under the same reaction conditions. The stan-
efficiency of homogeneous cations and the convenience dard deviation on the measured TOC conversions was
of heterogeneous catalysts. In addition, these catalysts equal to 3%. Similarly, for the residual hydrogen per-
must exhibit marginal leaching of active cations, and oxide concentrations, the relative standard deviation
minimal H O parasitic decomposition. was estimated to be 17É7%.
2 2


Table 1 lists the various catalysts used in the screening A series of samples was tested with the objective of
tests. They were prepared by ion exchange using dilute Ðnding heterogeneous catalysts with the following
solutions of appropriate salts. For multimetallic properties : (i) high activity in terms of TOC reduction,
systems, the metal cations were exchanged simulta- (ii) no leaching of active ingredients to beneÐt from the
neously. advantages of heterogeneously-catalyzed reactions, and
Approximately 100 cm3 of a 2 g dm~3 acetic acid to eliminate the additional pollution caused by the
(AA) aqueous solution (TOC \ 800 ppm) was treated release of soluble metal compounds, (iii) high H O
2 2
batchwise at 363 K and 1 atm in a 500 cm3 glass conversion with little or no decomposition.
reactor equipped with a magnetic stirrer and a con- Only fresh catalysts were employed in the screening
denser. After the solution was heated up to the preset tests. Table 2 shows TOC conversions along with the
temperature, both catalyst and H O (33 wt%) were concentration of metals that leached into the solution
2 2
added. No attempt was made to control pH during the after 60 min of reaction at 363 K. In these experiments,
course of the reaction. The relative amount of H O H O was added at once, and the initial catalyst
2 2 2 2
used will be referred to as R which represents the ratio loading was 5 g dm~3. Only marginal TOC removal
of the actual amount of H O to the amount required occurred when acetic acid was oxidized either non-
2 2
to oxidize stoichiometrically acetic acid into carbon catalytically (Ðrst entry) or over pure NaY zeolite
dioxide and water. To assess the e†ect of the method of (second entry). As for the catalysts, they exhibited three
H O addition on the extent of the parasitic decompo- types of behavior : (i) efficient TOC depletion but exces-
2 2
sive leaching : Fe2`ÈNaY, Fe3`ÈNaY, Cu2` : Mn2`È
Tested Catalysts
NaY, Cu2` : Ce3`ÈNaY, Fe2` : Cu2` : Mn2`ÈNaY ;
(ii) low TOC reduction regardless of their stability
Catalyst wt.% of active metal against leaching : Mn2`ÈNaY, Ce3`ÈNaY,
Mn2` : Ce3`ÈNaY ; and (iii) acceptable TOC conver-
Fe2`ÈNaY 3É3 sion and excellent stability to leaching : Cu2`ÈNaY. The
Fe3`ÈNaY 2É8 latter catalyst was therefore chosen for further
Cu2`ÈNaY 2É9 investigation.
Mn2`ÈNaY 3É3 Using equal copper loadings, homogeneous Cu2`
Ce3`ÈNaY 3É5 (Table 3, second entry) was found to be slightly better
Fe2` : Mn2`ÈNaY 2É7, 2É3
than fresh Cu2`ÈNaY (Ðfth entry). With the former
Cu2` : Mn2`ÈNaY 2É7, 2É3
catalyst, less residual H O remained, but more H O
Cu2` : Ce3`ÈNaY 2É6, 4É4 2 2 2 2
Mn2` : Ce3`ÈNaY 3É0, 3É6 decomposed. In the absence of organic substrate, both
Fe2` : Cu2` : Mn2`ÈNaY 2É5, 2É0, 1É3 catalysts fully decomposed H O after 1 h. To split
2 2
converted H O into useful and decomposed (lost) frac-
2 2
Acetic acid oxidation over metal-exchanged NaY zeolite 129

Removal of Acetic Acid by Various Heterogeneous Catalysts and Leaching-o†
of Active Metal Species (initial TOC (AA) \ 800 ppm, catalyst
loading \ 5 g dm~3, R \ 2É6, reaction time \ 60 min, temperature \ 363 K,
atmospheric pressure)

Catalyst % T OC removal [Metal] in solution (ppm)

No catalyst 10 È
NaY 5 È
Fe2`ÈNaY 31É5 (28)
Fe3`ÈNaY 33 (15)
Cu2`ÈNaY 18 (\3)
Mn2`ÈNaY 6 (35)
Ce3`ÈNaY 6 È
Fe2` : Mn2`ÈNaY 15É5 (24), (32)
Cu2` : Mn2`ÈNaY 34 (27), (20)
Cu2` : Ce3`ÈNaY 26 (41), (È)
Mn2` : Ce3`ÈNaY 5 (35), (33)
Fe2` : Cu2` : Mn2`ÈNaY 38 (9), (32), (20)

tions, we made the assumption that the converted TOC The strong enhancement of catalyst performance is
was transformed into CO , and the useful H O frac- most intriguing. At Ðrst, oxalic acid (OA) which is a
2 2 2
tion was computed accordingly. possible reaction intermediate, was thought to a†ect the
The stability of Cu2`ÈNaY was evaluated by running catalyst via dealumination.7 To support this contention,
three wet oxidation cycles using the same catalyst under a fresh catalyst was treated in a 4 g dm~3 OA solution
identical conditions (catalyst loading \ 5 g dm~3, at the reaction temperature (373 K) for 1 h, and tested
363 K, R \ 2É6, initial TOC \ 800 ppm). When the for wet oxidation of acetic acid. Table 3 shows that,
catalyst was reused directly, Cu2`ÈNaY [U] activity under otherwise identical conditions, a remarkable
remained almost constant within measurement uncer- improvement of the TOC removal performance was
tainties, and as conÐrmed by the atomic ratios of the attained until Cu2`-exchanged ions did not leach. It is
zeolite cations (Table 3) almost no leaching took place. also seen that during treatment with OA, the Na : Si
Interestingly, the catalyst activity was boosted signiÐ- ratio decreased more than the Al : Si. In light of all
cantly by calcination at 673 K in air for 6 h (Cu2`È these data, it may be tentatively concluded that the
NaY [UC]) and the TOC conversion was superior to improvement in TOC abatement is related to the
that obtained over homogeneous Cu2`. Recalcination removal of Na`. Additional work is under way to
and reuse of the catalyst in the third cycle (Cu2`ÈNaY unravel this problem. In particular, new catalysts using
[UCUC]) did not a†ect its performance. The Al : Si 4HNY instead of NaY are being prepared. They will be
atomic ratio remained constant, while the Na : Si ratio used to discriminate between the possible e†ect of
decreased steadily indicating that Na` cations were sodium and that of aluminium content in the zeolite.
gradually exchanged. After the third cycle, Cu2` began To evaluate the e†ect of the method of H O addi-
2 2
to leach as inferred from decreasing Cu : Si ratio. tion on the TOC conversion and H O decomposition,
2 2
Oxidation of Acetic Acid by Cu2` and Leaching-o† of Na, Cu, Al from NaY zeolite (initial TOC (AA) \ 800 ppm,
catalyst loading \ 5 g dm~3, R \ 2É6, reaction time \ 60 min, temperature \ 363 K, atmospheric pressure)

Catalyst % T OC H O % H O % Al : Si Na : Si Cu : Si Na ] 2Cu : Si
2 2 2 2
removal residual decomposition

Cu2` (homo.) No AA 0 100 È È È È

Cu2` (homo.) 26 6 84 È È È È
Cu2`ÈNaY No AA 0 100 È È È È
NaY È È È 0É41 0É41 0É00 0É41
Cu2`ÈNaY 18 19 74 0É41 0É29 0É06 0É41
Cu2`ÈNaY [U] 16 29 66 0É42 0É14 0É06 0É26
Cu2`ÈNaY [UC] 40 9 74 È È È È
Cu2`ÈNaY [UCUC] 40 15 70 0É40 0É08 0É03 0É15
Cu2`ÈNaY [OA] 56 0 79 0É30 0É12 0É06 0É24
130 F. L arachi, S. L e vesque, A. Sayari

1 atm). Postsynthetic treatment of Cu2`ÈNaY with

oxalic acid and continuous injection of nearly stoichio-
metric amounts of hydrogen peroxide led to a catalyst
with signiÐcantly improved TOC abatement efficiency,
catalyst stability to leaching, and less hydrogen peroxi-
de parasitic decomposition. Enhancement in TOC-
degradation performance with this heterogeneous
catalyst was tentatively ascribed to the extraction of
sodium and possibly framework aluminium from the
zeolite. To conÐrm this interpretation, current work is
being conducted on the oxidation of acetic acid using
sodium-free Cu2`ÈHY zeolites.


Funds for this research were provided by the Natural

Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
and the Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et
lÏAide à la Recherche du Quebec. The authors are grate-
ful to Dr G. Kennedy for the neutron activation ele-
mentary analysis of the catalyst.

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2 2
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