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Harvest Christian School


Casa Redux by MK27

Harvest Christian School 07.09.2021

Dear Ps. Jimmy Oentoro and Team

Thank you for the opportunity to submit this architectural design

service proposal for Harvest Christian School, Karawaci. We are very
much looking forward to an enriching and sucessful collaboration with
you and the team. Our shared references, love of the aesthetic, and
respect for design, are a few of the manifold aspects of what will make
this project an experience in pleasure.


Joe Willendra

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Harvest Christian School 07.09.2021



I. Project Description

Our understanding of the project is based on our discussion and brief
provided by the owner and team. The Owner has requested W.Office for
an architecture design service for a new 5-story building adjacent and
connected to the WHC existing building. The Architect will plan and de-
sign, in collaboration with the owner, all aspects of the architecture and
interior design. Below are the scope of work:

Project Data

Total Build Area +/- 2700 sqm

Total Height 5-story building

Project Program

The new Harvest Christian School building will be a 5-story extension

and connected to the existing WHC building. It will prioritize and maxi-
mizing the use for classrooms with supporting facilities. The corridor
will be open air to allow natural air circulation and lights for energy ef-
ficiency. The 12 classrooms size will be according to the client’s require-
ment and the needs for students. The ground level will be used primarily
for car circulation and drop-off area.

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II. Scope of Work

Our office will perform services from Schematic Design through Con-
struction Administration in the following phases:

Phase I
Pre-Schematic / Information Gathering

• Site documentation, code/zoning analysis, coordination of any

surveys and contact with local building officials regarding permit will
be completed by owner. The Architect will meet as necessary with the
Owner to establish the detailed functional and atmospheric parameters
to set up the directions for schematic design. This will take the form of a
spread sheet / matrix issued to the Owner for accuracy.
• Initial names of consultants and contractors will be assembled.
The list will likely include an Landscape, Structure, MEP, Lighting and
other consultants. although the Architect reserves the right to recom-
mend any other consultant that he thinks may be required to complete
the scope of work.

Phase II
Schematic Design

• In this phase, we will produce schematic alternatives for plan

layouts based on information and conversations with the owner. These
layouts will focus on the optimum positioning of functional zones in floor
plans and sections. Here the Architect may establish general character-
istics, attitudes towards the space and establish a link with the Client’s
vision of the functionality of the project. The idea of the schematic phase
is to keep one’s options open, and genuinely research spatial and material
• This Schematic Design Phase already been done mostly in the
Tender/Pitching process and will be continue in more details once we
have signed on the project.
• During this phase we will meet as often as required.
• Owner benchmark: final scheme sign-off.

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Phase III
Design Development

• During this phase, the Architect will develop further all plans,
sections and elevations of the selected scheme for coordination with all
related consultants for the project. At the end of this stage all drawings
should include dimensions. During this phase, we will discuss prelimi-
nary material/color/product samples, as well as hardware and other fin-
• Coordination and review detail design, issues in constructability,
and preliminary construction techniques with all related consultants.
• Based on Cost information by Quantity Surveyor/Contractor
from previous phase, the Owner and the Architect will agree on Value
Engineering strategies if the stated budget is exceeded.
• The architect will assist and supply all the drawings and data
needed for permit purpose.
• During this phase we will meet as necessary.
• Owner benchmark: finalize types of materials/finishes (manufac-
turers but not final color selection). Finalize major design decisions of
the project.

Phase IV
Construction Documents

• During this phase the Architect will finalize all plans, sections
and elevations and details. During this phase we will select all colors and
all remaining construction materials and hardware. At the end of this
stage the Architect will have produced a complete set of working draw-
ings, which will include specifications.
• Review long lead-time items, buy outs, and construction schedule
with contractor.
• Finalize cost estimate.
• During this phase we will meet as required.
• Owner benchmark: final approval of project

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Phase V
Bidding and Negotiations

• During this phase we will work with the contractor to finalize a

construction budget (GMP- Guaranteed Maximum Price) and approve all
sub-contractors for the project.

Phase VI
Construction Administration

• During this phase we will visit the construction site at 1 time

every two weeks (more if necessary, depending on the urgency) during
the construction period of 18 months. If the construction period exceed
that period, W.Office will charge Rp 900.000,- / per visit not including
reimbursable expenses.
• Review and respond to contractor’s requests for additional in-
formation RFI’s (Requests for Information), Submittals (shop drawings,
product data, and samples), and Certify Certification of Payments to con-
tractor, as well as prepare Change Orders for the Owner’s approval.
• Supply Supplemental Drawings and Specifications
• Inspection and Determination of Substantial Completion.
• During this Phase we will meet as required.

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III. Project Schedule

The above phases of the project is consistent with conventional Archite-

ture proposals. Should the client wish to structure the phases/process
differently, a change of phases can be made. Our proposed project sched-
ule as follow*:

1. Schematic Design 60 Days

2. Design Development 40 Days
3. Construction Document 40 Days

*This schedule is tentative at best, but it will help to give the owner an idea
of the necessary steps and time commitments each phase requires. The
schedule will be revised as necessary. Our office will work expeditiously
to work ahead of this schedule, if possible. Scheduled are for working
days only (Monday-Friday) and does not include national holidays. The
design process will commence once the intial payment has been made.

IV. Architecture Design Fee

We propose to perform the above captioned services for a design fee as


Total Building Area +/- 2700 sqm

Total Architecture Design Fee Rp 475.000.000,-

Written: Four Hudnred Seventy Five Million Rupiah

Note: The design fee above does not include reimbursable, taxes (PPN,
PPH) and other fees related to permit process. Should the building in-
crease in size and floor area, the architect and owner shall renegotiate
the design fee accordingly. The proposed fee is valid for 6 months from
the date on this proposal.

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V. Terms of Payment

1. Initial Payment (Contract Signed)

Rp 180.000.000,-

2. Schematic Design (Design Approved)

Rp 180.000.000,-

3. Construction Drawings (CD Drawings Submitted)

Rp 115.000.000,-

All Payments shall be made maximum 7 days after the invoice received
by the client. Should the payment has not been made within the 10-days
period, it will cause delay in the design process and project schedule. All
payments should be made via Bank Transfer into the following account:

Bank : BCA - KCP Gading Serpong

Account: 8830891146
Name: : Joe Sebastian Willendra

VI. Reimbursable Expenses

The owner shall reimburse the architect at their actual cost + 3% admin-
istration fee for the following (if necessary):

1. Travel and Accomodation Expenses related to the project

(outside Jabodetabek) upon approval from owner (Garuda
Indonesia or equal). Hotel and Meals are covered by the client.
Travel Allowance at IDR 2 Million / day.
2. High Resolution (3600 pixels above) Rendering or Animation
Movie for marketing purpose
3. Physical Model (Not Study Model) for marketing purpose

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VII. Terms and Condition


- Measuring land/data gathering from city planning/goverment
- Structure, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing Consultant and
- Interior Design, Landscape Design and Special Lighting Design
- Calculating building construction cost and cost estimation
- Reproduction of drawings for construction purposes/cordination
and execution in field (Including Shop Drawings from vendor
and other consultants)

The Architect reserves the right to consult the following licensed profes-
sionals for resolving specific aspects of the agreed upon project at the be-
ginning of the Schematic Design Phase. At that point, the Architect will
solicit proposals from the required consultants to determine the scope
of work required to resolve those aspects of the project. These possible
consultants would bill the client directly.

Drawings, specifications, and other documents (including models) pro-
duced by the Architect are instruments of service, and the originals
thereof and the copyright therein shall remain the property of the Archi-
tect. The Architect shall furnish copies of such documents to the Owner
which the Owner may use for completion of the Project with the assis-
tance of the Architect as provided in the Contract, subject to compliance
by the Owner with its payment obligations as provided in the Contract.
The Owner may not otherwise copy or use such documents for other proj-
ects such copying or use by others, except with the Architect¹s written

Since the Architect has no control over construction costs or contractors
prices, any cost estimates / bids made by a consultant / contractor will be
reviewed by the Architect on the basis of the Architect’s experience and
judgment as a design professional, but the Architect cannot and does not
guarantee that contractors’ proposals, bids, or costs will not vary from
such estimates.

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The Contract may be terminated by either party in case of substantial
breach by the other, upon 7 days’ written notice. In case of such termi-
nation, the Owner shall pay the Architect for services performed and
reimbursable expenses incurred to the date of termination in accordance
with this Contract, and reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the
Architect as a direct result of such termination.

In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the design or con-
struction of the project or following the completion of the project, the
Owner and the Architect agree that all disputes between them arising
out of or relating to this Contract shall be first submitted to non-binding
mediation unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. If non-binding
mediation does not resolve the conflict then all claims, disputes, and
other matters in question arising out of or relating to the Contract or its
breach shall be finally decided by Indonesia National Board of Arbitra-
tion in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The Owner shall furnish in a timely manner such legal, accounting, and
insurance counseling services as may be required for the project and such
surveys, geo-technical investigations, and information relating to exist-
ing conditions at the project site as the Architect may reasonably re-
quest. The Architect shall be entitled to rely upon the completeness and
accuracy of such services and information. The Owner or the Owner’s
representative shall render decisions in a timely manner pertaining to
documents submitted by the Architect in order to avoid unreasonable
delay in the orderly and sequential progress of the Architect’s services. If
the Owner becomes aware of any fault or default in the project, the Owner
shall promptly notify the Architect.


If so provided in the Contract, the Architect shall make periodic visits to
the site during the construction phase of the project, to become gener-
ally familiar with the progress and quality of the work, and to determine
in general if the work is proceeding in accordance with the drawings and
specifications furnished by the Architect. On the basis of such visits, the
Architect shall endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and defi-
ciencies in the work of the contractor. However, it is understood that the
contractor, not the Architect, is solely responsible for the construction
of the project, for safety programs and procedures at the site, and for its
own acts or omissions and those of any subcontractor.

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The Architect shall review and take appropriate action on the contrac-
tor’s submittals and application for payment, and shall furnish to the
contractor such additional details, interpretations, and clarifications as
are customary during the Construction Phase. All changes, substitu-
tions, and deviations from the drawings and specifications furnished by
the Architect shall be subject to the Architect’s approval.

The Contract, including these Terms and Conditions, represents the com-
plete and integrated agreement between the parties; supersedes all prior
agreements between the parties relating to the project; may be amended
only in writing; is binding upon the parties, their successors, assigns,
and legal representatives; and shall be interpreted and governed in ac-
cordance with the laws of DKI Jakarta, Indonesia.

I hope this proposal responds to your needs. If the above is acceptable,

please sign on the line below with materai, returning the executed origi-
nal to us and retaining a copy for your file. If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact me directly at +62.8111.668.122


Joe Willendra Jimmy Oentoro


Date: / / 2021

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All materials contained in the document are the property of W-Office, including, without limitation, design, drawings, images, photos, and illustrations are
copyrighted intellectual property. All usage rights are owned and controlled by W-Office. You may download and review the materials for non–commercial,
personal use only provided you (i) retain all copyright, trademark and propriety notices (ii) you make no modifications to the materials (iii) you do not use the
materials in a manner that suggests an association with any of our products, services, events or brands, and (iv) you do not download quantities of materials
to a database, server, or personal computer for reuse for commercial purposes.You may not, however, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or
distribute materials in any way or for any other purpose unless you get our written permission in prior. Neither may you add, delete, distort or misrepresent any
content on the document. Any attempts to modify any material is prohibited.

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