Reg No. 84-2003 Investment Incentives and Investment Areas

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fh.T,.kl .c...e..t-I\ce -\'fPht-lt.lce tTflt\.h

~Yo&.A '1;Jt:" ;JtLlIl


9thYear No. 34
tftn~~ ~ODT cfl1'C c!)§
Oh.Tf"kJ' 4..1..t-I\ce -'l'l"ht-(\J'ce ~T-oc\.h ADDIS ABABA-7th February, 2003
"-'ll\ "OI1-Jf'C c!)+1 !in~ f ih"-o "'m"'f"~' 9'11c o.T ml1-t~T f(1)1IJ


~.,- Council of Ministers Regulations No. 84/2003

fOl/.kWN~~,-hC o.T ~1-o cfl1'Cit§/Iif:i~
Council of Ministers Regulations on Investement
h.1nl\TOD1T "70l:1';f.'i "".,C ~l\1' l1"v.n.,.~
incentives and Investement Areas Reserved for
l\""'h"~ f JP"t- ODl\\"1~fmllJ f"\TC'~ ,-hc o.T Domestic Investors Page 2092
~1-o .,~ 17t:i1

fOl/.kl\TC'~ ,-hc o.T ~1-o cJI1'Cit§/Iitn~ COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS No. 8412003

h"h.1nhTOD1T "70l:1'!F9'~''i "".,C ~l\1' I1"V-o.,.:r COUNC~ OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS ON

hA"'hA~ f", t- ODl\\"1~
fmllJ f"7..kl\TC':r ,-hc 0...,.~1.0
fOl/.kh""C'~ ,-hc o.T fh.Tf"kJ' 4..1..t-I\ce-'l'l"ht-(\J'ce
~T"ll\.h hhL~"7.. ""'I\T1 ",AIIJ1'i .,...,I1C AODm(}1 These Regulations are issued by the Council of Ministers
omllJ~ "'P:E- cJI1'C§/Iifft (h11..,.?f?f,,) "'+~ ~ h'i pursuant to Article 5 ofthe Definition of Powers and Duties of
Oh.1nhTOD1T "'P:E- cfl1'CIfit/Iitf:i§ "'+~ i 'A'i it the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of
ODlPlT ~tJ11.1.o "~1':tA:: Ethiopia Proclamation No. 4/1995 (as amended) and Articles
htt:A"'f: 6 and 9 of the Re-enactiment of Investment Proclamation
m:to1\1\ No. 280/2002.
i' ",e-C Cc)l\ General
~tJ 1.1-0 "fh.1nhTOD1T "70l:1'!F'i "".,C ~l\'I' 1. Short Title
I1"V-o"'~ h""'h"~ f", t- ODl\\"1~fmllJ f"7..kl\TC':r These Regulations may be cited as the "Investment
,-hc o.T 1.1.0 cJI1'Cit§/Iitf:i~" "'-0"" c\.m+l\ Incentives and Investment Areas Reserved for Domestic
~~'I\AII Investors Council of Ministers Regulations
I' ""C=\"I No. 84/2003."
f~~ ".,11-0 "'1\ TC"''- f"7..J'(}m~ "'AIf~ Ol\.,'+C
2. Definitions
OtLtJ 1.1-0 ~l\1" Unless the context reqUires otherwise, in these
Ii' "11"",AIIJ1" "7AT fh.Tf"kJ' h.1nl\TOD1T 11" Regulations:
",A1IJ1 ~~! . 1) "Authority" means the Ethiopian Investment
ou1..,,,,"" h. ')nl\TOD1T Authority;
I' "PCf:" "7"T f4..1..t-~
PCf: ~~! 2) "Board" means the Federal Investment Board;
114. ., ;J 2.80 ~;J~"" ;JUIl} 7"""~' ,t!'iLl!
Unit Price Negarit G.P.O.Box 80,001
'I~' ~jf.:H: tJu/'.A ~,.:I/.'1- ,.:IlL'" +'1'C oIi~ 1'C oIi+1 liifj~ 'HI". Federal Negarit Gazeta- No. 34 7!t1February, 2003-Page 2093

t. "ft}1::t'A iJ:l''' D?I\+ 9"C+ 1\D?9"t.+ OJf,9" 3)

"Capital Goods" means machinery, equipment and
h1A..,I\":" I\ooilm+ fD"J.!il"f1\- fD?9"t.?T'i h1A accessories, needed to produce goods or render
.., 1\"+ 00 il""l 00'" (,! ?'"f: iJ:l' 9'"f'i h t"ll'1(}&?,"f services;
'i:flD-! 4) "Customs Duty" includes taxes levied on imported
~. "f1'9"?-h <#>1.'1'''fD"J.I\OJ' Ut..., 010. iJ:l'?'"f "f, goods;
fD?.flJt\, ;t'h(l1'')9'' ""'l.L1,9"t-A! 5) "Income Tax" means tax levied on profits from
(;. "f10, ""OC" D?I\+ f4..f-ot-1\- oo')"'r'+ OJf,9" business and categorized as the revenue of the
fhAA ooil'''~f:~1' OJf,9" fu-l\1: f;1t- 10. flf~ Federal Government, Regional Governments or as
n:"c~ "f, fD"J.fl}A ;t'hil ~lD-! their joint revenue;
~. "htp~" D?I\')' f1\. ')oil+ooJ+ tttp~ 6) "Proclamation" means Investment Proclamation
.. No.280/2002;
, ~lD-!
r<> I ..-~.r<o ..~ ..~ ,....

ntttp~: tt')<#>1t~ l\.t'OOl\h1:T :l'''+ f+(}m +C~

7) The definitions provided for under Article 2 of the
Proclamation shall apply to these Regulations.
o?'?'1' I\RU9" 1,')11 .t't. 'D"J.f,If'i 1\-::
3. Investment Areas Reserved for Domestic Investors
!~. I\h1C lD-il'l' I)l\u.n.,."f ill\-thl\'" fr't- 00"'1'1"f
Areas of investment listed in the scheduleattached to
h'LU 1.').n .'JC -t'!f,Jf 0D"J.11lD-lP')lnt.1f f1-"t."?-+ these Regulations are exclusively reserved for domestic
f r' (,. 00 il1'11' ntt 1 C lD-il'l' I) I\U11.,.:y. 11?T fD"J.t}~.c;. investors.
f,1f'i 1\'::
h~A u-I\+ ExemptioI] from Income Tax
h10. ..,.nc ~, ill\oolf~
4. Investment Acti vities Eligible for Income Tax Exemption
~. h10. ..,.nc ~, D?0t.:t'?T fD"J.!il1'f. f1\.')oil:"oo'):', 1) Where an investor 'engaged in manufacturing or
r't-?'1' agro-industrial activities or the production of
~. OD?~~hT&')'" OJf,9" ott"'~-1\.').c;.il+& OJf,9" agricultural products to be determined by directives
{lC.c;.nD"J.!OJII}lD- fs/uC+ ttf,~"'1' lICHC OOOO&! to be issued by the Board;
nD?,OJlP~f"'11~'i S/uC.,."fr't- f-t(}D?t- D?')~m-9" (a) exports at least 50% (fifty per cent) of his
I)1\u.n.). t}oot.'''lD- 9"C+ o.!,)il: products, or
u) :l% /'19"'1 noo.,.; flf~lD-') f9"C1:,) lD-m.+ (b) supplies at least 75% (seventy five per cent)of
OJ1.OJ-6f.bfD"J.Ah hlf~; OJf,9" his product to an exporter as a production input;
1\) C'(; % (I'll) tt9"il'''' 000"') flf~lD-') f9"C1:,) he shall be eligible for income taxexemption for 5
ro-m.+ OJ.l'. lD-6f.b t\D"J.Ah I)l\u.n+ n9"c+
2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub Articles (1)
..,.ntt +~+ fD"J.!<#>c.n hlf~'
of this Article the Board may, under special circums-
1\(; f}oo..,. h10. ..,.nc ~, fOOIf,) 0011+ !1~A::
tances, grant income tax exemption for a period not
~. ntLU tt')<#>1t')cril tt')<#>1t(~) f-tool\h-tlD- o.ifC9" longer than 7 years. However, the granting of income
(lC.c;.OAf.. u-~:t' hilh 1. f}oo+ f"7..l'.Cil h10. ..,11C
tax exemption for a period longer than 7 years
~, fOOIf,) 0011:,.0 t\.lP'I' f,"f"A: lfif9" h1. f}oo+ requires the decision of the Council of Ministers.
O"f, f10. ..,11C ~, 0011'''' fD"J.(}mm- nD"J.~il+~"f 3) An investor engaged in activities mentionedunder
S/uhc 0.+ OJ-lt~ 11?T f,1f'iA:: sub Article (1) of this Article who exports less than
f.' n'Lu tt')<#>1t')cril tt')<#>1t(Ii) O-t'm<l>(}.:"r't-9'"f 50% (fifty per cent) of his products or supplies his
f.f'lPD?(,. I)I\U11:" t}oot.-tOJ- 9"C+ hy% (Y9"lt products only to the domestic market shall be
noo.,.) o;t'"f fD"J.If~lD-') OJ.l'.lD-6f.bfD"J.Ah OJ,f,9" eligible for income tax exemption for 2 years.
9"C1:,) I\U1C lD-il'l' 1n! 11?T fD"J.!<#>C11hlf~ I\~ 4) Not withstanding the provision of subarticle (3)of
f}oo..,. h10. ..,11C ~, fOOIf,) 0011+ !1~A:: this Article, the Board may, under special circums-
~. OtLU tt ')<#>1t') cril tt ')<#>1t(r) f'''OOl\h-tlD-0. ifC9" tances, grant income tax exemption for a period not
(lC.c;. nAf.. u-~;t- hilh t. f}oo+ fD"J..l'.Cilh11t ..,11C longer than 5 years.
~, fOOIf,) 0011+ t\.(}'I' f,1'''A:: 5) Notwithanding the provision of Sub Article (3) of
(;. ntLu tt')<#>1t')cril tt')<#>1t(r) f.,.ool\h-t,OJ- o.ifC9" this Article, directives issued by the Board may
9"C1:,) I\U1C lD-il'l' 10! 11?T fD"J.!<#>C11I)I\U11:" prohibit exemption from income tax with respect,to
f OO'iN: -t'm:l'D"J. h ') ~f,If,) (lc.c;. 0 D"J.!OJII}lD- an investor who supplies his products only to the
OOOO(,! t\.hl\hA f,"f"A:: domestic market.
6) Notwithstanding the provision of Sub Articles (1)
'k ntLu tt,)<I>1t')cril tt,)<I>1t (Ii) h'i (r) f'''OOl\h-tOJ- and (3) of this Article, an investor who exports and
0. ifC9" ~~'i 1\.(11')hilh" .l'.t.~ nD?A~:" OJ.l'.
hides and skins after processing up to crust level may
lD-6f.b fD"J.Ah I)I\U1I+ O')cril tt')<#>y.:t:f-tool\h
.f:.),') D?nt.;t'?T9'1' tt!1:t;9"::
not be entitled to incentives provided therewith.
7) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this
%. a
'11\Y.n-t: 1\.') il:"OO')1:') fD"J.!t}'l.f:n:,. r'~t- ntt ') Article, where the investment is in relatively under
,(,.1£ 1,t.~ nh.1'1ifD"J.AD?+ OJ1.:\" n<#>?-ttt}l)o.?'"f
developed Regions such as Gambella, Benshangul

D?1\''''9'' O;19"n,l\: no.~?f')1-A'i 1-00"": n1,11-11 and Gumuz, South Omo, in Afar Zones to be
1.LfP:ntt~c hAA {lC.c;.nD?,OJil'i:flD- Jfif1': n(lD?1\. determined by the Board. Somali and other Regions
hAA'i OJ.l'.t.:" (lC.c;. h,).l'.u-~;t'ID' hf-tool\h'f' to be determined by the Board, the invsetor shall be
nOOJ,OJilc;:t=ID' 1\.1\"1' ttt}l)o.sP1' hlf~ ntLU h')<#>1t eligible for income tax exemption for an additionall
h."t,<#>1.ID-f10. ..,.nc ~, "00') n-t'aJ.D?(, 1\1 f}oo+ year period.
h10. ..,.nc ~, fOOIf,) oo.n:,. !1~A:: 8) The income tax exemption provided under the
~;. n'Lu 1.').n tt')<#>1tQ n.,.ool\h1:+ f1o. ..,.nc ~, provisions of Article 4 of these Regulations shall be
D?nt.;J';J:?'1' I)I\U1N: "'m:l'OOJ, fD?,If~lD- effective when the investor provides the infQrmation
oot.~'ID'J tt"'l).n "I\ID- ..,.nc (}.nlto. oor'('! 0.'''' for the relevant revenue collecting institution and its
tt:"C{l 1\-t't.;11ml\:" I\h!,)~,).c;. f10. ..,.nc "00') validity is ascertained for each income taxperiod.
(f}ov.1') f,1f~' A::
Fcderal Negarit Gazeta - No 34 7th February, 2003-Page 2094
'~' !IIi/I!! t...fot.t\ ~:Jt.,. :}ILnl '/!1'1: ~Hi 1'1: .i- "") nWI?; 'HI".

.,/le Y.'C'f.:-}'} n°,/{)., ;,. lO~,tj° nOi/i'ii'iA {)taO'/.(1<rf-Hl. 5. Income Tax Exemption for E>.pansion or Upgrading of
.,.., O'/nl.:J'Y: an Existing Enterprise
nA'}4>~' ~ -}D.t: A-}4>~' ({i) n-hn"'''''-} rt.9J':;. f-,'(1 An investor engaged in activities mentioned under Sub
trytS h°'/.J'lIPe-"(D' tj°e-} O.J'-}l'I j % /'~JUIt OllP-f'! Article (1) of Article 4 who exports at least 50% (fifty per
cent) of his products and increases, in value, his
fO'''(D'-} LDY.(D.6f!'f°'l.Ah Ill'\'-n.} tJOC,':'} t?;% j'l_r
~\tjU{);', nllP.f.: fll\.e flMI.;" ',ltY,'1 I'\~ qllP;" \110. "HIC production by 25% shall be eligble for income tax
exemption for 2 years.
.", fliP']"} tIP'fl-} .t'1~A::
.,.., \,lIPW~: tlm''} fO'/.:l':tjuCfl-} '1./1. 6. Commence:nent of Period of Exemption
:4' 11'H1."Nl£:
from Income Tax
h'H!. "NIC .", ftIPff~:
"lIP'} lIP<¥>tnC fO'/.'f.tJOl.or
The period of exemption from income tax shall begin
'11'\'-n-,: °'ltJOl.-)' (;'UA1A"'I'\"-} tIP{)tn-} h'f.tlPl.O-)'
1.1L A'}{).f. ~,ffCjA;:
from the date of commencement of production or the date
of provision of services, a::-the case may be.
1. h."u.'} {)I'\O'/{)-"I\I'\tt:
7. Carry Forward of Losses
h10. "HlC .,~ fllPff'} lIU-O-} n-f-('tnl}-1' t1ov'} (D'{)<r
h,"U. ! ;JtnllPlO' °n~:(D'tju IlI'\O-n-} f10. ..,-{1e .,.., An investor who has incurred loss within the period of
lIP-lH: "OV'} h'}P,l'\c', I'\",u'l-li \,.,.., lIP-n.,: "tIP'} fY,l.(1 income tax exemption shall be allowd to carry forward
fl.}'} h."'t. o,/{)-,'I\I'\{t: f,'-1'I\A:: his loss for half of the income tax.exemption period, after
the expiry of such period.
hC,:A ~()-),
h-,.tju-rh 4>l.<r .,~ {)I'\OVff'} PART THREE
Exemption from the Payment
~. tn~I\I\ of Customs Duty
{i. °n~:(D.tju IlI'\,Nl-} 1'\O'J._r!lN:tlPorA-'t{) Y.'C';:'-
mf,tju .,'lC Y.'C:~-':-} 1'\000{)<J.cJ'}(Df,tJO 1'\000'li'liA 8. General

ftry.Nit,A-'- I'\TC'J~J'-I: A",'Hl.,,), !I\:':(D''} f},'C

1) An investor shall be allowed to import duty-free
;J-ACj f..,'}fI:J' iJ:J'9"-)" h.,.tJO-rtJ c~l.<r .,~ l'\.yMfI capital goods and construction materials necessary
f,-:;'I\A:: for the est4blishment of a new enterprise or for the
.,.., ov.O-} fl'\(D' expansion or upgrading of an existing enterprise.
,-. lH'(,),OY~9u f-'-9u-rtJ 4>l. 'I'
flI'\U-{1:" 1'\.,'1C f:C';-f: fO'/..r{)t.A1lD-'} ft}'C;J'A
2) In addition, an investor granted with a customs duty
exemption privilege shall be allowed to import duty-
h:J' h.,.r..,tJ +l.<r ." h'}-'t!{)1f1 f,t.4>Y:I'\;1'A::
e. lHlU A14>~' '}lJ-{) A'}4>?\ ({i) 'Vi (~) f.f-OVl'\h"-(D' free capital goods necessary for his enterprise.
O.lfCtJO {lC~ h(D.6f!' fO'/.10';" ft}'C;J'ACj f..,'}fI;J- 3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub Articles, (1)
h:J'9'';f. flA1C or{)<r fl.t'ov{Jlll}~ q>;J : <rt.:"lj' and (2) of this Article the Board may, by its
OVlll'} fO'J.ovl.1: ff.,or l1.f'/=1:t:or h.,.9u-rtJ +l.<r directive~, bar the duty-free importation of capital
.,., ff.,m. h,}~f,1fl' flf'llLm. OO'/.f(DfI)m. OVOV~! goods and construction materials where it finds that
I'\.(D{)'} f,"fl\A:: they are locally produced with competitive price,
fltlU J.'.'}.OOVLPl.-)'ft}'C:J'A h.4>9'';f-h.,.tJO-rtJ +l.<r
quality and quantity.
.,.., h'}-'t!{)1f1 fO'/.t,4>Y:I'\'} flI'\U-{1:" q>;JTor 4) An investor eligible for duty-free importation of
htl'C;J'A h:J'9':': tn~I\I\ fp_'}H;% (Ailt. Aril:" capital goods pursuant to these Regulations shall be
flOV'f') fO'/f,flA'I' UDI'\q>tD65J.9}';f.-}h1'9u-rtJ 4>l.<r given the same privilege for spare parts whose value
.,.., h'}-'tlMfI f,t.4>Y:I'\:J'A::
is not greater than 15% (fifteen percent) of the total
value of the capital goods to be imported.
u. 'l'-li\}{~t}~9'-:;',} h.,.tJO-rtJ 4>l.<r .,.., I'\O'/MI}.} l'Il'\O'J.t.4>
f.'lH- U.).:J.
9. Conditions for Importing Vehicles Duty-Free
I'\A'}_f.: ~ '};}{)-).ov'}.). h'}Y. 'fC''f.hrf: qf,":"Cj flc'h~ The Board shall determine, by its directives, conditions
-"7ihCt}~9'-";''} h1-9u,,-tJ 4>l.<r ." 1'\0'/{)1f1"" ill'\ for importing vehicles duty-free depending on the type
J;':l}-1' ,Jo).:,. {lC)',. flO'/.!(DfI)(D' (lPtIP~.r f,(DilCjA:: fflftJO and I)ature of the project. However, any investor may
°n~(D.r flI'\U-lt-1.: import duty-free:
U) 1'\LJ.'t.-,-iri'. fAY._') 'UL A-/A"lI'\"-} fO'/,(D'I'\' A9un-I\
(a) ambulances. for employees that are needed for
'}(I:-;'-}: emergency cases;
(b) buses for tour operation services.
1'\) I'\Ail1-rrn;,. P't. ~\'/A"ll'\"-)' fO'/.(D'1'\- A(D'of.O'
(I:}'.'}: 10. Areas of Investment Not Eligible for Customs Duty
h'J-9u<;-tJ c"l.'i' "'ll'\u'/MI}-}
. :1.":-;'1\A;; Exemption
:r:. f1.9u<;.tJ "'l.'r ." llP.n-} f°'l!,tA'Y:fI:':(D' frt. UDili'';f- 1) Notwithstanding the provision of Article 8 of these
{i. h'lU fll\f, nA'}"'~' ~~:f-"1lt~(D' fl.lfC9u: fO'J.h Regulations, the following areas of investment are
"-I'\u} fh.'}iiil-),ov'H' P't. (fl'{)\1:-;'f1-tJO-rtJ cf'l.<r not eligible for exemption from the payment of
.,,, °7fll.:";': fO'/.(1f1):':(D.M.',tI'H" ; customs duty:
1~' ~'1f.~t?;4..fut.&\ ~:)t.} :),~nl "!'I'C @i 1'(;.;i
""J n!tt?; 'H". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 34 7°' February. 20m-Page 2095

u) l1ttt1h.n f.I.~9':f"} fU'/~t.U.Yo,;. Ir.,.." ,'.: (a) hotels (excluding star-designated hotels),
'1".,.."..:)'.: '''''UI. r"j""": i1~n,'Y.:f': n.c,' n..y.:f.: motels, tea rooms. coffee shops, bars. night
uum'l' l}..y.:f.: f9°'IB. tH}(l:f.: Q"9° 1\"'4: ,v.I.~ clubs and restaurants which do not have inter-
f :,~W. ~l\.y.t.'H,""'.e; 9°"l.n n."':)": national standards:
ft) f'}"lJ': P't.9)""" U'/ft')'9° f:~:9°": f:f'l:;J:(~'c,' (b) wholesale, retail and import trade:
1\l\UU6L""')' 1"'1,.: (c) maintenance services:
tl1) f1'1c,' 1\1A"1f\"')' P't.: (d) commercial road transport and car-hire
uu) f"}",f.: UU"}1 ¥.: 'h"."}l\;rc.).c,' fuub/,'
u'/ht.f')-1\1A"'ft...)- 1"'1,.:
(e) postal and courier services:
LP) f7'l\;J.e; h.(,fC 1\1A"Ift...). P't.:
(t) real estate development;
I.) ft"}"If.'c,' uutj (,.f l}..). fOl/.If)' l}."'1'r, ,),'}"
(g) business and management consultancy
9'1'"} LPC'" o'/ht.f.).r, uuif1':
tI) f"}"If.'C,' 1\i\-f'~Y.C 1\°,/'1(, '1.). P't.:
(h) advertisement services;
if) fO'/l\:J'w-t.f P't. 1\1A "1ft...).:
.,.) ft.A9°Cj uullA P't.p1':f'.: (i) cinematography and similar activities;

n) f~Jlr.Cj U) radio and television broadcasting services;

''''l\.ii.~'r"} P'C6L"')'1\1A"1f\...}. P't.:
.1-) fll.'1..O'/c,'.t.N'c n.",:}" 1\',A "I/l"')' '}"If.' P't.: (k) theatre and cinema hall operations;
:,~) f.,.9°.;.tl1\l\.,.""t..,.). '}"If.' P't.: (I) customs clearance services;
.~) f"CD"}Y.(, "}"If.' P't.: (m) laundry services;
.,) f.,.,' wh.A .,.)-: f"}"If.' 1.~.).Cj f.HI.')' uuj'i"'"L (n) travel agency, trade auxiliary and ticket-selling
""'A"I""')- "}",f.' P't.: services;
'f) f""'h'S fuuUJLPft. P't.9''''''':: (0) lottery and games of a similar nature;
~. tllLU "}.,.~ "}O.l\ 1\ "}"'X' (Ii) P'C h""'/l~.')' f P' t.
'" 2) Notwitstadng the provision of Sub-Article (I) of this
UUl\111' n.f-l,L},u'/6 PC-"- 1\",'I.n Iftj fl..f1')'CD'
Article, the Board may. where it finds appropriate.
f".yo...h "'1.'1' .,., uu.n.). ftl7~llnFl:m"} ",,,,,""'.
issue directives providing for additional areas of
fP't. uul\f11' nf1.lI.CD' nOl/..fmtfJm' UUIJU(,.'
investment which may not be eligible for exemption
from the payment of customs duty.
.,., If.,m. f10' f'17::J'A
Hi' h1.9°...tI 4>1.'1' /).+p11''}l\/lOl/ia 11. Transfer of Capital Goods Imported Free of Customs
"'''/l 4: Duty
h1.YO...tI "'1.'1' .,., If'j f,,1} OIjc,.:,:w-yo f'I',::J'A /):1- Capital goods imported free of customs duty shall not be
I\.ht.AIH' ~111 f'1nI.CD' f1'9°...h "'1.'1' J1ia"'f.'CP "~ht. transferred to third parties not entitled to similar duty free
AtJ-). .,.uu,,"~ f1-9°...h 4>1.'r .,., uu.,H' /It\.ftm. flm.
privileges. unless prior payment of the customs duty is
1\."'''/l4: "'f."""A"9°:: effected thereon.

tl4:A 1\/,.,)'
A f. A f. .f:"}.')'1.9''''''.
Miscellaneous Provisions
:'J(. :"n,.).
12. Penalty
n'LU ,v.'}.ft 1\'}.,.~. Hi f-I'oDIlf..,.m.') f"'''/lt.0I/'};;:CD'9°
11/lu.n.). f1.yo.;.tI 11ttP'AIfJ,},} 'h'}Y.1C,' ft"'l**YOc,'
Any investor who acts contrary to Article 11 of these
1\LPt..;.'} /luuw(}'} nWlfJm. "''P~: <h1'C:!;'1!:P.f'frt11\'}"'~' Regulations shall be punishable in accordance with

(fe UULPI.')' f."'IfJA::

Article 73 of the Re-establishment and Modernization of
Customs Authority Proclamation No. 60/1997.
"fl~' l\ft .,.7t'...c,' 'h'-'~OI/.H. tII\OIJ~tjt.:,:CD'y:w:h' uuuu(,
,f9':}" 13. Repealed and Non-effective Regulations and Directives

f1\.'Hiia')'uu"},), OIJf1I.:"!J: fO'U,ia')'C''''''' YOhc f1,.}. 1) Investment Incentives Council

of Ministers
,v."}.n<l:'I'C%/:r:P.firt ('h''}f.,,'i1?i'ft) 'he; /l"'1C m'l\'I' Regulations No. 7/1996 (as amended) and Invest-
11ttINH'1' l\/l.I'fI/l'" f P' to uuial''''''' fmlfJCD' fOlJ.'1..ia ment Areas Reserved for Domestic Investors Coun-
'h~'1' yotlc l}..). f.'}.n ":'I'C'i!}?;/IP.f.:t 'ULU y.'}.n cil of Ministers Regulations No. 35/1998 are hereby
.f.'lil.'PA: repealed.
~. h'LU 1.'}'O ,'JC fOY.:"I.'} "'Ic,.;t=CD'YO 1.,}of1 w~yo 2) Any Regulations or directives inconsistent with
uuUU(,.' tHtu Y.'}'O CD'ia1'f"'1."11-1'~f'1''} ,H'uu these Regulations shall not have effect with respect
.,.). 1\~Ci I.CD'YO::
fth'" ,"t.~OY. to matters provided for in these Regulations

,. February. 200)-Page

~o1'l~. "","", +re fi '1'£.1'11 !Ilnt+r-:." ~""f1edera. Neprit 'Oaz~ta- No. 34

"N~.JtH" ~, 2096

:I]~. fOD7f:J11.1,(":J1.
, ,
14. Tra(l$itoryProvision
lULU':HI A'+A- Ie f''''.~11'''' o.crcr 0'.''''

i. '
1) Notwithstanding the provisiQnof Article 13 of these
cf!.pc~I1Df1t~ (""..,.7fJrft) 'A'i ,.'0" ,,-",,",- Regulations,inceqtives granted pursuant to the
Investment Incentives Council of Minister':
Uwm- OPOPI..'''":(' ODCPt:" f"'~.+~ "70t;"!J:"":(.
Regulations No. 7/1996 (as amended) and the
-"L""7.~"" f,+~"AII '

directives issued thereunder, shall continue to take

I."". ''''.'Pci/!iir-t~ ('A1;,-,'7flfA) OPCPt-}.
"7Ut:J.;r- f-,.cpmw- '1ftV1F1' OtL~ ,:~ oPCPt-t. . 2) Where ap investor granted with incentives under
n"7.~.+p~ ."7n~:l"!J'sP1' ,-"m"""", "~If,) h~."1 Regulations No. 7/1996 (&samended) opts instead tc
f,U')). ""''10(1 ""IP- '~'fi'il-}'oP''''..oPr?In.'1. be a beneficiary of incentives provided for in thes,
n"7"':J'OJ~ fOD1I-':-'~m?"7. "~11" ~tJ8f)AtI Regulations. he may notify the appropriate invest.
ment organ an<~be entitled thereby.
Hi' ,.,O'f"'.A'iO""1.'L
15. ,Effective Date
f,U ~'..rlli~t.A '~.11.~1';J'LtfJ:1"~''''' t1lDtfJO"'.
. These Regulations shall come into force on the date
'f.'-C: f09 f,1f'iAtI
their publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.
; ,

"..." An'11'C c» +, Ii!f2?i~',-' Done at Addis Ababa, this 7fhday of February, 2003.

-"" 'Lt;ce MELES ZENA WI

fA..1''''k'~"do"'e'" 'fDh~C\1ce1.1 tttJ PRIME MINISTEt{ OF THE FEDERAL
m"~" "'.t"-1-C

ofIf:Y')'" M,. "'-''''1.1' y.'C';o}. :""'-

, .'\

'IX' !nr.:i:i, tuY..MA .,;J/.'} ;JIL"I "!'I'(: .;;~ 'I'C.;; +1 )]irj~ ,.,.. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No, 34 7" February, 2003-Page 2097

t\n"C (J}.fa')' .Jt\V.n"'1' f,,'ht\t\. fjP~. OUfa""1' Areas of Investment Reserved for Domestic Investors
(i. fUIJ.h.,.t\u). fn."}lill')'ou"}"', jP~ ouit :Y' n"..r.",
1. The following areas are exclusively reserved for domes-
.Jt\v.n.r.:}'. .n:J: fUIJ.tJ~P,. f,IfCit\- ; tic investors:
?i' f:}"C':C: "}'?.r...c,'f .r.:t\" jP~; 1) retail trade and brokerage;
~. f:~S'°" "},?Y: (~~~Ci f~~~ 9"c.,.:y.") ",:t»l-o 2) wholesale trade (excluding supply of petroleum
h'}.'to-S'° f(J}.6f.b.1I\v.n"'1' n"1c m-it", loul1:"'" and its by-products as.well as wholesale by foreign
n~S'°" uui'i'l'"} Itf,(;ttS"'c); investors of their products locally produced);
,~. f',O, "},?Y: (hO';J';1111 o.:,'ou, ~Ci fUIJ.~it..,.C':r- 3) import trade (excluding LPG, bitumen and upon
S'°tJc 0..). OUIJ.mfa~(J}'oulPl.1. I\mQJ. 9°C"" ..,-0, approval from the Council of Ministers, material
.).~.). hUIJ.(J}.t\.nfa"'~c); inputs for export products);
~. 1'10 o.c,': ~.}.: f:".1-}. htJt\..:y.: 'I'~"'t.: ",~Ci 1\.(11 4) export trade of raw coffee, chat, oil seeds, pulses,
h1n.f nOlI,?',')' h"}.'to-S'" It. "}iiit.,.~ ~.,," "ll1:(om- hides and skins bought from the market and live
mf.S'" tIY.t\.FfID- Oit.,.~c O-)1'! ~fl\":Y'Ci f.,.,r: sheep, goats and cattle not rased or fattened by the
h.n.r.:-". (H~S'" mY. (J}.'T' ou"tn investor;
5) construction companies excluding those desig-
k nY.l~' n"}.r..'hUIJ.ouY.O'''''nit'I'~c f""'it""~h1i'
jP~. "'W ~.'T'~""; nated as grade 1;
?;. ",~c;' 1\.{l1hith tJlfa"" Y.lJ{ ",A4-..,.;
6) tanning of hides and skins up to crust level;
7) hotels (excluding star-designated hotels), motels,
:i:' f.1I\"'h'0 Y.lJ{1P1'") f"'f,(;tl.S"'~ II"I:I\":Y': '1"-1:
pensions, tea rooms, coffee shops, bars, night clubs
t\""1': '1.'"},...f'lj1': iff, o."':Y'i O'Ci o."':Y'Ij ""Ill'"
0..,,"1.: fS""Ii."f'tJOf}:f: ,t\9" "+4-«£ f.lJ{ ",,:r:m-Ci and restaurants excluding international and
O,,'m,.. ~ h"C S'°..,.n nH1J{1:"" hll7.:"'o-l:..,. Oit.,.+C
specialized restaurants,
8) travel agency, trade auxiliary and ticket selling
1\.t\"1' fS"''?n 0."'1';
:};. f1--tI (J}h.A ~'r: f"},?,(' lJl""~""Ci f-tho..,. tlDli'",
9) car-hire and taxi-cabs transport services;
n1A'?t\ ,. jP~;
10) commercial road transport and inland water trans-
ji. ouhS fUIJh~.f'}'Ci f;J'h "1A..,I\.""1
port services;
X' fOU"}1Y: f"},?,(' .}.~"}it7"c.1' ~c;' fV1C m-it'" m-'
11) bakery products and pastries for the domestic
"f, .).~ "}fa7"c'1- n1A ..,,,...,.;
X?i' t\V"C m.fa'l' 1n1 fUIJ.+CIt f,csf}'i fhoh ,.C.,.:r-I 12) gl'iindingmills;
I~' f(J}~~"1oo,.}. n1A..,t\ ,.;
13) barber shops, beauty saloons, and provision of
:IJ~' o'"c O'fa.,.tJhA: f-l:"}~Ci It".,: f"''I'l:-S~'''' jP~1 smith, workshops and tailoring services except by
n4-.o~tJ Y.lJ{ f"'f,tJ~r: fA-oit itA."" garment factories;
X~' f,'h"}'l hY.:It""Ci fouhS "'1Ci n1A"'''.''''1 14) building maintenance and repair and maintenance
Hi' fh"}t.L1.)' OUlP"}mct1Ci fll)ID-" jP~1 of vehicles;
:r:?;. f.,.S'°.;,tJ nfa"''''',(.~'''' jP~; 15) saw milling and timber making;
Xi:' foo"LfS'°! fi;1.1-cCi f""~'" ",,,f"" "1A"'''.''''1 16) custorr.s clearance services;
:r:~I;' fUIJ"'UIJ.1 "},?Y: jP ~rI 17) museums, theaters and cinema hall operations;
?. (}fLU n"}~:t "}o.fa n"}"':t (Ii) 18) printing industries.
f"'''lH~'''' f1\. ,iiit..,.
uP").}. P' &.1P"1' h"} f."'IIlO-l: If~m-: fUIJ.h.,.t\-"" f jP~
2. Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-Article (1) of
oufat\~)'. n.')'f'k1f£ 'L'?~"" 11,,:r:m- I1I\V-o.,.:r- -O~
this schedule, the following areas of investment are
fUIJ.tJ~,P,. f,IfCi t\-;
exclusively reserved for Ethiopian nationals:
j'i. ft)"}tJ: fit. "}if'~."}fa jP~ hCi ,,~it.,.~ f-or:CCi -I:ml1 1) banking, insurance and microcredit and saving
jP &.;
'"WS''' services;
~. fUIJfa"'''t\~Ci fouch-o m-hACi "1A..,".""! 2) forwarding and shipping agency services;
r' NIC: Y.-tJfai;"},?"1 A "'''''''''1 3) broadcasting services; and
!!. hfah~' OU"}1f.7f:f fouft}.' ,,:t»9'" 11,,:r:m-h.Ch~ 4) air transport services using aircraft with a seating
~"'1' fll7.tJ~.(- fnfC ..,.~,it7"C"" h1A.,A-""" capacity of upto 20 passengers.

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