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An~wc, :

Section C:
Section II :
l. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. D fJI
8.B 9.C 10. A (a) Br , Ca, 8, Cl, Hg, 0, Na
11. C D.. D 13. B 14.C 15. B 16. C 17. D 18.B 19. A 20. A [AU correct= 3 marks;
21 . A 22.. D 23 . C 24. A 25. C 26. B 27. A 28.D 29. 30. D 1-2 mistakes= -1 mark; 3-4 mistakes = -2 marks; Sor above mlstake5 • 0 mark)
31. C 32. A 33 . B 34.C 35. D
(b) (I) solid + [Ii) sodium, calcium, boron
Section B: (iii) liquid + (iv) bromine, mercury Ill
1. (a) (I) II is a physical process. (1] (v) gas + (vi) oxygen, chlorine fll
In the process water has only change In state/ no new substance is formed. (Marks are awarded only If both name of the group and All elements correctly classified into their
(111 To condense the water vapour. (1) respective groups.)
(Iii) Water and salt have different bolling points/
(c) Physical states of elements change at different temperatures and pressure5,
The bolling point of water Is lower than that of the salt. [l)
Water can be evaporated and come out while the salt remains In the container. [1] (Do NOT accept different environment/conditions)
(Iv) Poor drawing -1 the number or elements in each group may change at different conditions
Without anti-bumping granules -1
Wrong position of thermometer -1 (d)
Wrong direction of water flow -1
Without label -1 [Max4]
(b) (i) Adding silver nitrate solution to the sample with excess amount of nitric acid. [l]
A white precipitate will be formed If chloride Ion Is present. [l]
(ii) silver nitrate + sodium chloride silver chloride+ sodium nitrate. fl] Metals
(c) anhydrous copper(II) chloride, changes from white to blue [l+l]
OR anhydrous cobalt ~ paper, changes from blue to pink.
2. (a) (I) colourless gas bubbles are evolved . fl] oxygen,
lron(II) sulphide dissolves. [1] chlorine
bad egg smell can be detected. [1] Metals+ Sodium, calcium, mercury (1]
(ii) lron(II) sulphide+ hydrochloric acid iron(II) chloride+ hydrogen sulphide [1] Semi-metals+ Boron [1)
(b) (I) (Thermal) decomposition . [1] Non-metals+ Oxygen, chlorine, bromine (1]
(ii) The dark brown solid becomes slivery/ grey. [1] (Marks are awarded only if both name of the group and ALL elements correctly classified into their
(Iii) sliver oxide sliver+ oxygen [1 ] respective groups.)
(Iv) Setup [2)
heating t est tube with silver oxide (e)
collect under water

3. (a) Add waler to t he mixture and carry out filtration . [1]

The filt rate Is collected and dried by an oven or desiccator to obtain potassium carbonate. [1]

Add benzene to t he residue and carry out filtration. [1]
Cllpo - (i
The residue Is calcium carbonate . [1)
Th e filtrate Is collected and dried by an oven or desiccator to obtain naphthalene. [1) tobe tested
[1] (0 mark without battery or without light bulb)
(b) Warning label : carcinogenic
wear rubber gloves/ protective gloves. [1]
OR Warning label: flammable fl] 2.
(l] (a) Electrolysis (of molten sodium hydroxide) [1]
Kerp away from Oun!. en flam e ,
(Correct spelling)

(b) Type of rocks that contain minerals, from which a high proportion of elements can be extracted .
m / L\ 11.i trn .1lly occurring solid materi al from which a metal or valuable mineral ca n b extracted
prr, fl t.,bly

(c) (I) Addln c w ,1t er l o dissolve the rock salt Ill

fil t er t l ,e mixture and the Impurities leave as residue 111
(no NO T acce pt : filtration/ filtrate It)
(mu s\ specify clea rly residue is to be removed or fil\rale is to be kept for further use)

(Ji ) Solid sodium chloride is crystallized from filtrate (a purification process] [I]
th e crystal ls then melted by heat 11]
(n o NOT accept : Heat the Rock Salt to melt it)

Id) Sodium chloride sodium + chlorine

The compound Is thermally stable .
(a) Limestone/Chalk/Marble [1]
(Do NOT accept: Calcite/Calcium carbonate)
Calcium carbonate Calcium oxide+ Carbon dioxide [1]

(b) Calcium oxide+ Calcium hydroxide Ill

(c) (ii Flame Test [1]
(Correct spelling)
Brick red name [1]

(ii) "Wet· red litmus paper/ moist pH paper (11

From red to blue/ pH in the range of 13· 14 Ill

(d) Add the solid residue into large amount of water [1]
(Do NOT accept : Add water/add "more" water
must specify "large amount of/excess" or "until white suspension is formed)
Filter the mixture and collect the filtrate. (1]

(e) Adding dilute hydrochloric acid into the solution. [1]

Correct setup [l]
Direct the gas into limewater for the test [lj



{with BunHn
flame} testing

Calcium carbonate+ hydrochloric acid Calcium chloride+ carbon dioxide+ water [lj
Calcium hydroxide+ carbon Calcium carbonate+ water Ill

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