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●接线端子 (控制柜里下方两条接线柱,接好的电线上都标有和下图相同的线号)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A B C U V W U1 V1 W1 N K1 K2

三 相 火 压瓦电机 油泵电机 零线、电磁阀公用线

1 2 3 4 5 6
24V+ 24V- X0 X1 X6 X7

计数器接线 红 黑 绿白
下限位 上限位
1 A B C 三相电源
2 U V W 压瓦电机

3 U1 V1 W1 油泵电机

4 N 接零线,同时也是两个电磁阀公用线 ,零线与火线需要是三相四线电源。
K1 接切下电磁阀,K2 接刀抬起电磁阀。
5 计数器有 4 根线,颜色分别为:红 黑 绿 白。接线顺序:
红 24V+ 黑 24V-
绿 X0 白 X1
6 限位开关内部有 4 个接线柱,上面分别标有数字,本机用 3 、4 两点,刀下降限位开关 3、4 中任
一点接 X6, 刀升起限位开关 3、4 中任一点接 X7 ,另外两点共同接到 24V-上。
二接上电源,把配电柜内断路器合上.PLC 控制器上有指示灯
●POWER IN X 0 1 2 3 OUT Y 0 1 2 3
● RUN ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

4 5 6 7 4 5
● ● ● ● ● ●

正常应显示: POWER 绿灯亮,RUN 绿灯亮

0 1 灯 在计数器转动时频繁闪烁, 自动状态 2 灯亮,手动状态 3 灯亮,.刀降下碰限位开关时 6 灯亮,
刀升起碰限位开关时 7 亮. 开启自动时,7 灯必须亮才可以运行。2 和 3 灯不能同时亮,同时亮
时说明自动开关坏或短路。6 和 7 灯不能同时亮,同时亮说明:1 行程开关接错,2 行程开关
坏;3,X6 和 X7 短路.
三 按键说明:
SET 键:修改选择键;。ENT:确认键 CLR:改数时清零键。0——9:数字直选键。其余键的功能

数值输入方法: 按 SET 键,张数闪烁。按数字键输入张数。{由高位向个位。例:12 张;输入
1,2。}按 ENT 键确认。张数设完后自动转入长度设定,单位毫米。例: 3400MM 输入
3、4、0、0。{数值改完必须按 ENT 键,否则无效}

1 画面 1:语言选择画面,如果是单独中文机型开机后显示画面 3.

如果是双层机,选择使用文字后,则先进入上下层 选择画面
使用中文:按 ESC 键,进入画面 2.
使用英文,按 ALM 键,进入画面 5

使用俄文,按 键,进入画面 6
2 画面 2:三种语言机型中的中文画面。

到达到调整后生产任务设定数值时停止。在手动状态下可以按 ESC 键清零。如果运行过程中,数值
不变化,检查画面 9 中的外轮设定数值是否为 0,如果不是 0,编码器有可能已损坏。
当前张数:已经切断的板材张数。每切断一张,自动加 1.手动状态按 ALM 键可以清零。
上下键 是翻页键。
在本画面按 9,进入画面 8,外轮设置画面 。
3 画面 3 单纯中文机型的设置于监控画面。

本机型可以同时设置三种不同任意长度的工作任务。如果只设置一种,要从 A 开始。B、C 可以
不设置,默认 0.设置时按 SET 键,A 后长度处变为黑色,输入需要的数值,然后按 SET 键确认,

黑框自动跳转到下一处设定,不需要设定的按 SET 或 ENT 跳过,直到画面上没有黑框,设定工
当前长度与当前张数、清零等同画面 2 介绍。上下键是翻页键。
在本画面按 9 进入画面 8,外轮设置画面。
4 中文调整画面

实际生产任务=设定生产任务值+补偿加值- 补偿减值
减速距离:板材还剩余多长距离时,主机开始减速。此数值一般设置 200MM,变频机型专用。
变频器慢速运行频率在 5-10HZ 之间,可依据实际情况调整。
5 画面 5 英文工作画面。使用同中文

6 画面 6 俄文设置画面,使用中文

7 画面 7 俄文监控画面 使用同中文

8 画面 8 外轮设置画面

设置方法台达 PLC :编码器脉冲数*4/编码器轮周长

三菱 信杰 PLC :编码器脉冲数/编码器轮周长
运行 RUN:台达机型专用,在 PLC 因外部元件损坏引起程序不执行,RUN 灯不亮时用。
四 单板操作:
1 瓦机前进、 后退 、 切刀升、切刀降、分别对应手动点动动作.
2 按下油泵启动钮。注意油泵 电机转向。
3 在手动状态下 , 按住”切刀升”把刀升到上限位,按住“瓦机前进”,将板走到刀口外,按住
4 全部设完后,清零当前张数和长度,向左旋转自动开关钮,进入自动工作状态,自动指示灯亮,机
自动工作的条件: ①切刀升至上限位,PLC 上的 IN 输入端 7 灯亮,
② 设置好生产任务的长度和张数,
③ 当前张数<设定张数
④ 外轮系数不能为 0(外轮系数见下文介绍)
5 中途停机只需向右旋自动开关钮。继续工作时再将自动开关钮左旋即可 。
6 若只想停止油泵,按一下油泵停止或急停即可
7 工作完设定张数需再工作不同长度的瓦时,除按上诉 5 重新输入外,还必须将”当前张数”处
按 ALM 键清零,瓦机才可运行.
﹡ 如果板的长度和要求不相符,按▲ 键或 ▼ 键调至下一画面,在原补偿量基础上重新调整补偿
调整方法:在显示屏工作画面按 9 键,进入系数画面:外轮设定处出厂设置为:
配置编码器 600 脉冲时,台达 PLC:12000

信杰 PLC:3000

编码器 1000 脉冲时,台达 PLC :20000

信杰 PLC:5000
此系数不能为 0,如果是 0 时,自动状态设备不运转。
系数调整方法:设定长度/实际长度*现有系数=新系数,把新系数输入到外轮设定处即可 。

减速距离为变频机用,一般为 200 毫米,普通机此数值无意义。
8 变频器参数出厂时已调好,无特殊情况不需变动.需变动参数时请与厂家联系.
9 双层机型:选择使用上层或下层,上层 ALM 按键,下层按 ESC 键下层工作时,把剪刀升至上



原因 处理方法

1 手动能工作,自动不能工作 1 已切张数大于或等于设定张 1 清零当前张数{按一下

数 ALM 键}。
2 张数或者长度没有设数 2 自动开关在开的位置
3 自动开关钮损坏 时 , PLC 上 的 IN 端 2 灯 不 亮
4 切刀未升起碰到行程开关。或 {可用任意牌子 LAY3 系列旋钮
碰至行程开关了,但没有信 代替}
号,输入端 7 灯不亮 3 行程开关坏或从行程开关
4 以上几种原因都没有时,
限位,PLC 输入端 7 亮,打开

2 手动自动都不工作显示屏没 1 电源不正常.电压表显示 150V 1 检查三相电输入是否 380V,检

有显示: 以下时,达不到工作电压,电柜不 查零线是否接好.
能启动 2 更换并检查电磁阀线有没有
2 保险丝熔断 损坏。{保险丝型号 6A}
3 手动自动都不工作,电压表 零线断路 检查电脑外部零线
显示 200V 以下,显示屏有显

4 只要拧开自动切刀一直向上 1 上限位开关断路性损坏。 1 检查换行程开关及从行程开
(或向下)走 2 电磁阀卡住 关到电箱的连线
2 关掉油泵,用螺丝刀从
3 如果电磁阀经常卡住,
顶向另一端, 然后从两端来回

5 手动或自动时,电磁阀指示灯 电磁阀卡住或损坏. 1 换或清洗电磁阀
亮但切刀不动作: 邮箱内油少 2 加液压油

6 手动不工作自动工作 手动按钮损坏 更换按钮

7PLC 上 POWER 灯慢速闪烁
1、保险丝熔断 1 换保险丝
2、 计数器损坏 2 换计数器
3、 24V+或 24V- 弱电与去强电 3 按图纸检查线路
误连. 4 换变压器
4 控制变压器有问题
8 通电后,按油泵启动,电源 1 电源火线和零线不是三 项 4 电源用三相四线空开控制.
闸跳 线接过来的,零线单独在别处 漏电保护器对漏电流反应
取 灵敏,电柜一启动,保护器就
2 电源是三项四线,但是用漏 跳。处理:更换漏电保护器,
电保护器控制 换为空开,或更换允许漏电流

9 接通电源后,启动电磁阀, 电磁阀线圈短路 更换电磁阀线圈。

10 刀上下都不动 1 限位开关信号灯 6、7 亮 1, 检查限位开关
2 电磁阀灯亮,但刀不动 2, 电磁阀有故障,堵、卡、油

10 尺寸不准的处理方法:


情况一般是实际 不相符:再看当前长度与设定
长度>设定长度, 长度是否相符
大造成。解决方 相符:实际长度>设
用上面 定长度,误差大于
10MM,这种情况一般 不相符:设定长度、当前长
介绍的外轮系数 度、实际长度三者均差别大,
调整。有变频器机 是由于编码器轮安装
松动引起,仔细检 没有规律,查看现场有无电焊
型可以适当加长 机、信号发射、接收设备等,
减速距离。 查,然后加固编码器
轮和支架,就可以。 若无有,有可能、编码器坏、
误差如果小于 10mm, 或 PLC 坏,与厂家联系。


1 设备带电作业时注意安全。

2 任何时候不能把手或者异物伸入刀口。
3 电器柜注意防雨防晒;计数器防止硬物撞击;线防止被板撞断。
4 机械配合活动部位经常加润滑油。
5 插拔航空插头时要断电

The auto-controlling system of glazed roll forming machine


The instruction manual

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A B C U V W U1 V1 W1 N K1 K2
solenoid valve
solenoid valve
Three-phase Roll forming electric Oil pump electric Natural wire
1 2 3 4 5 6
24V+ 24V- X0 X1 X6 X7

Upper limit switch

Rotary encoder : 1Red 2Black

3Green 4White Lower limit switch


1 A B C Three-phase alternating-current supply

2 U V W Roll forming electric machinery

3 U1 V1 W1 Oil pump electric

N, [Electrics] natural wire, is also a common line of the solenoid valve. Natural wire
and three-phase supply is need to connect the three-phase four-wire power cord..
K1 connect the knife decline solenoid valve.

K2 connect the knife rise solenoid valve.

Rotary encoder has four lines, colors are: red, black, green, white. Sequence of


Red 24V+ Black 24V-

Green X0 White X1
Limit switch has 4 terminals, which are marked with numbers, the machine with 3, 4 terminals.
The knife decline limit switch 3, 4 at any terminals in the X6, knife rise limit switch 3, 4 at any
terminals in the X7, the other two terminals common to 24V-.


connect the power, let the control cabinet of electric circuit breaker is on,

PLC controller with indicating lamp:

● POWER IN X 0 1 2 3 OUT Y 0 1 2 3
● RUN ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
4 5 6 7 4 5
● ● ● ● ● ●

Normal condition should show :POWER and, RUN is light ,they are green.

IN : rotary encoder is rotated, 0\1 lights frequently flashing

Automatic state, 2 lights. Manual mode ,3lights. the knife down touches the limit switch

6 lights. the knife rise touches the limit switch, 7lights. Auto, 7 light must light machine can run.
2 and 3 lamp can not light at the same time, bright at the same time as automatic switch
bad or short circuit. 6 and 7 lamp can not lightat the same time, bright at the same time: 1
Check whether the limit switch fault line2;, X6 and X7is bad 3short circuit.

Three : Button description

SET : amending and selection key ENT : affirm key CLR : is the key to clear altered
numbers.0—9:is keeping choose key . ▼,▲: is the key to Change screen .The other key functions
according to the screen prompts.

Numerical input method: press the SET key, set number of flashes

 . Press the digital key to input a number. { from the high position to a bit. Example: 12,

input 1, 2. } press ENT key. A few set after transferred to set length, a unit of length is

mm. Example: 3 400MM, input 3, 4, 0, 0. Press ENT key. { numerical end must press the ENT
key, other wise is invalid }
Screen description
1 screen 1: the language selection screen, if separate Chinese models after starting up
display screen 3

If it is double models, at the option of using language, advanced into the upper and lower layer
selection screen
The use of Chinese: press the ESC key, enter the picture 2,

The use of English, press the ALM key, enter the picture 5,if the machine is the Double-deck

enter the picture 9

The use of , press the key, enter the picture 6

Screen5 English working picture

Length: length set, behind set pieces number
ADD: The actual length is greater than the set length,Use this feature to adjust. Set of values based on
the actual error.

SUB: The actual length is smaller than the set length ,Use this feature to adjust. Set of values based on
the actual error.
Actual production = set production value +add value + sub value
Deceleration distance: when the plate is left long distance, the host began to slow. This value is typically
set 200MM, variable-frequency models only.
Frequency converter slow operating frequencies between 5-10HZ, which can be adjusted based on the
actual situation
ECS: clear the current length.
ALM: clear the current sheets

9 Double-deck,the choose screen

Choose to use the upper or lower,the use of the upper press ALM button, the use of the
lower press ESC button.
Four : handle:
1 machine forward, backward, the knife decline ,the knife rise , corresponding to manually
move the action.
2 press down the oil pump start button. Note oil pump mot
3 under the manual mode, press and hold the "knife rise" rise to the upper knife, press and
hold the "FWD" ,let the machine go ahead, make the plate go to outer of the knife edge,
hold the scissors drop off, press the scissors up ,make the knife up to the limit switch.

4 full set finished,clear the current sheet and length ,rotation automatically switch button to
the left, into the automatic mode, auto light is on, the machine began its work by setting
Automatic working condition: ①the knife rise up to the limit switch, PLC IN input terminal 7
on light,
② set the production length and pieces,
③ the current sheet < set sheet

④the wheel set (外轮设定)cannot be 0 (他和 wheel set shipping, see below)
None of the four is dispensable.
5 wrest automatic if it need to stop machine in midway (negative hour hand);if it continue to work ,
You open automatic recloser.
6 If you just want to stop the oil pump, press the oil pump stop or stop .

7. Finish work set the number of sheets ,need to work of the different length of tile,
According to the above 5 enter again

still must will be "the current number of sheets" place according to the ALM key reset,
tile machine can run.

If the length of the plate is not consistent with the requirements , In the original basis to
adjust ADD or SUB.or adjust the wheel set (外轮设定)

Method of adjustment :

At the Chinese screen,press the 9 key:enter the wheel set screen ,the Factory Setting of
Configuration rotary encoder is 600 when pulse :the PLC is “ delta”:12000,

The PLC is Xin jie ,XC3:3000


Thiswheel set (外轮设定) can't is 0, if is 0, In the automatic,the machine can't running .

Method of adjustment:the set length ÷the actual length×current number of the wheel
set value =new of the wheel set value .

8 Double type:

Choose to use the upper or lower,the use of the upper press ALM button, the use of the lower
press ESC button.

in one layer of finished work, need to another laminate, first to convert to the manual states,
back to display a first picture, choose again, then open automatically. normal working.

in the current layer after work, will continue to work to just put the number zero, can open
Five:trouble removal

Trouble Reasons Processing method

1 1the current sheet >= set 1 press the ALM key to clear
Manual can work, automatic sheet the current sheet
2 Number of sheets or 2 Automatic switch button is
doesn't work
on the opening , Inputs of the
length is not set value
PLC,2 is not light.
Chang the automatic switch
3 Automatic switch button
damage 3 chang the limit switch or
check up the line.
4 the knife is not up to to 4 The above several reasons
the limit switch , or up to to are not, according to the
the limit switch ,but no drawings inspection line
signal . PLC input end not voltage is normal or not
bright , Inputs of the PLC,7is
not light.

2 : Manual automatic all 1 Power is not normal. 1 Check whether the three-
don't work, display screen is phase input 380V, check
Voltmeter display 150 v, can
no display natural wire is connected.
not reach the working 2 Replacement and check
voltage, electric tank can't solenoid valve is not broken.
{ fuse 6A}

2 The fuse blown.

3Manual automatic all don't Natural wire disconnected. Check natural wire is
work, as shown in the table connected.
below 200V voltage, display
screen no display

4Just turn automatic switch 1 the limit switch is damage 1 check the limit switch and the
cutter has been up ( or down ) 2 solenoid valvehas seized- line of the limit switch to the
at all times up . control cubicle
2 close the oil pump , Use a

screwdriver from the solenoid
valve and solenoid valve top
ends of the manual reset pin.
Until you feel the elastic stops.

5Manual or automatic, 1solenoid valve has 1Replacing or cleaning

solenoidvalve indicator lights seized-up . solenoid valve
but the cutter No action: 2 The inside of the mailbox 2 Add the hydraulic oil
less oil.

6Manual don't work , Manual button damage Replacing manual button

Automatic can work

7 PLC POWER light flashes 1 The fuse blown. 1 Replacing fuse

slowly 2 Rotary encoder damage 2 Replacing Rotary encoder
3 24v+ or 24V- weak and to 3 According to the drawings
the strong error even. inspection line

4 control transformer damage

4Replacing control
8 Power on ,make the oil pump 1Natural wire and three-phase Using the correct power
start, Power trip. supply is need to connect the
three-phase four-wire power
2 power is three-phase four-
wire power cord, but control
with the earth leakage
protective device

9 Power on ,make the solenoid Electromagnetic valve coil Replacing Electromagnetic

valve running ,the fuse blown short circuit valve.

10 Knife can not up or down 1Limit switch 6, 7 light signal 1 check the limit switch ,
lamp 2electromagnetic valve
2 Electromagnetic valve lights, malfunction, blocked, jammed,
but the knife does not move

Less oil, damage,
Replacing or clean
Electromagnetic valve.

Matters needing attention

1Equipment for live working safety first..
2 At Any moment ,cannot put your hands or eyewinker into the knife edge.

3 Electric appliance cabinet note rain andsunshade; Rotary encoder to prevent a hard object

; prevent board severing line

4 With mechanical parts activities often add lubricating oil

5 Plug and unplug the aviation plug, to cut off the power.

Limit switch

cutout switch fuse voltmeter;

Oil pump control cubicle


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