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Konsep Dasar

2 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Apa itu Ergonomik?...

Ergonomics’ is derived from two Greek words

Ergon meaning work
Nomos meaning principles or laws

Ergonomics = The Science of Work

Ergonomics is not a new science, although the term has become more
common lately. The phrase was first coined in 1857.


3 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Apa itu Ergonomik?...

Ergon =
Kerja Ergonomik adalah aturan yang harus dipenuhi atau
diikuti dalam melaksanakan suatu pekerjaan

Ergonomik adalah penerapan ilmu tentang manusia

untuk mengoptimalkan interaksi manusia dengan
Ergonomik (Bahasa lingkungan kerjanya
Ergonomik adalah ilmu tentang upaya menciptakan
pekerjaan sesuai (fit) dengan pekerja



4 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Apa itu Ergonomik?...

Definisi Umum

▪ “Ergonomics is essentially fitting the workplace to the worker. The

better the fit the higher the level of safety and worker efficiency.”
Fitting the Task to the Human ~ Grandjean 1990

▪ “Ergonomics removes barriers to quality, productivity and human

performance by fitting products, tasks, and environments to


5 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Apa itu Ergonomik?...

▪ ILO (International Labor Organization)
Ergonomic as the application of the human biological sciences in
conjunction with the engineering sciences to the worker and his working
environment so as to obtain maximum satisfaction for the worker which at
the same time enhances productivity

OSHA defines ergonomics as the science of “designing the job to fit the
worker, instead of forcing the worker to fit the job.”

6 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Apa itu Ergonomik?...

International Ergonomic Association (IEA), 2000

▪ Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the
understanding of the interactions among humans and other elements of a system,
and the profession that applies theoretical principles, data and methods to design
in order to optimize human well being and overall system

▪ Ergonomics or Human Factors (as it is commonly termed in the United States) is an

interdisciplinary science that deals with the interaction of people with the objects
they use.
(Pulat, 1992)


7 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

The Role of Ergonomist...

▪ Practitioners of ergonomics, ergonomists, contribute to the planning, design and
evaluation of tasks, jobs, products, organizations, environments and systems in
order to make them compatible with the needs, abilities and limitations of people

▪ Ergonomist or human factor specialist is a person whose primary responsibility is

to deal with ergonomics problem in an organization.

8 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Beberapa cara kerja yang dapat menimbulkan keluhan,

kelelahan, cidera, maupun penyakit akibat kerja

▪ Stretching (meregangkan tubuh) untuk menjangkau

▪ Mengangkat beban yang berat berulang-ulang
▪ Menjepit dengan tenaga yang besar
▪ Menangani benda-benda yang tajam, sangat panas,
atau sangat dingin.
▪ Bekerja dengan posisi tangan lebih tinggi daripada
▪ Bekerja dengan postur tubuh statis dalam waktu
yang lama.


9 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Kenapa Kita Perlu Ergonomik

Cara kerja yang tidak ergonomis dapat berdampak pada :

Efek pada Pekerja Efek terhadap Perusahaan

▪ Fatigue ▪ Kualitas kerja rendah

▪ Nyeri ▪ Absenteisme
▪ Sakit – keseleo, sakit punggung, dll ▪ Biaya produksi lebih tinggi
▪ Menurunkan moral kerja ▪ Meningkatkan turnover karyawan
▪ Menyebabkan frustasi dan mudah ▪ Meningkatkan kebutuhan training

10 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

10 Costs of Ignoring Ergonomics (Pulat, 1992)

1. Less production output
2. Increased lost time
3. Higher medical costs
4. Higher material costs
5. Increased absenteeism
6. Low quality work
7. Injuries, strains
8. Increased probability of accidents and errors
9. Increased labor turnover
10. Less spare capacity to deal with emergencies


11 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Tujuan Penerapan Ergonomik


• Physical
Well-being • Mental
• Production

12 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Tujuan Penerapan Ergonomik

▪ Meningkatkan produktivitas
▪ Meningkatkan kualitas kerja
▪ Mengurangi kejadian cidera pada pekerja
▪ Meningkatkan moral kerja
▪ Meningkatkan kenyamanan dalam bekerja
▪ Menurunkan biaya perawatan dan asuransi
▪ Menurunkan tingkat ketidak hadiran pekerja
▪ Menurunkan turnover karyawan


13 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Work related injuries

▪ NIOSH, 1983
▪ Penyakit paru akibat kerja
▪ Muskuloskeletal
▪ Kanker
▪ Traumatik injuries
▪ Penyakit kardiovaskuler
▪ Gangguan reproduksi
▪ Gangguan syaraf
▪ Penyakit kulit
▪ Gangguan psikologis

14 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Domains of Specialization (IEA)

▪ Physical Ergonomics
Physical ergonomics is concerned with human anatomical,
anthropometric, physiological and biomechanical characteristics as they
relate to physical activity. The relevant topics include working postures,
materials handling, repetitive movements, work-related musculoskeletal
disorders, workplace layout, safety and health.

▪ Cognitive Ergonomics
Cognitive ergonomics is concerned with mental processes, such as
perception, memory, reasoning, and motor response, as they affect
interactions among humans and other elements of a system. The relevant
topics include mental workload, decision-making, skilled performance,
human-computer interaction, human reliability, work stress and training
as these may relate to human-system design.


15 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Domains of Specialization (IEA)

▪ Organizational Ergonomics
Organizational ergonomics is concerned with the optimization of
sociotechnical systems, including their organizational structures, policies,
and processes. The relevant topics include communication, crew resource
management, work design, design of working times, teamwork,
participatory design, community ergonomics, cooperative work, new
work paradigms, organizational culture, virtual organizations, telework,
and quality management.

16 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Indicators of Need for Ergonomics Attention

1. There is an unacceptably large number of rejects on operation
2. Operations are making frequent mistakes on the job
3. There is high material waste
4. Labor turnover on the job is excessive
5. Employees frequently complain about job requirements
6. Production output is unacceptably low
7. Absenteeism is unacceptably high
8. There are accidents or near-accidents on the job
9. Employees frequently visit the infirmary
10. Product quality is low
11. Training time is unacceptably long
12. Employees take frequent rest periods
13. Personal and fatigue allowance are too high


17 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Indicators of Need for Ergonomics Attention

14. Operator assignment to the job is limited by size, sex, age, or physique
15. There is interference with verbal communication
16. There are request for transfers to other jobs
17. Employees cannot meet production standards
18. Employees are frequently away from the workplace
19. Breaks seem excessively long

18 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Significant involvement with modification is necessary

▪ Employees are being injured
▪ Production volume is high
▪ Labor turnover is high
▪ The workplace is utilized for more than one shift


19 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Keilmuan yang terkait…



10 Prinsip Ergonomik
1. Bekerja dengan Postur Netral
2. Mengurangi penggunaan Tenaga yang Berlebihan
3. Menjaga Semua benda dalam Jangkauan Anda
4. Bekerja Pada Ketinggian yang Baik
5. Kurangi Gerakan yang Berlebihan
6. Kurangi Kelelahan dan Beban Statis
7. Minimalkan Tekanan pada Titik Tertentu
8. Sediakan Jarak (Clearance)
9. Bergerak, Latihan, dan Peregangan
10. Menjaga Kenyamanan Lingkungan Kerja

Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021


21 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Musculoskeletal Disorders
▪ Merupakan gangguan yang terjadi pada otot rangka yang disebabkan oleh proses
kerja yang tidak ergonomis.
▪ Dikenal juga dengan cummulative trauma disorders (CTDs).
▪ Contoh:
▪ Low Back Pain, tendinitis dan carpal tunnel syndrome

Low Back Pain Tendinitis Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

22 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Musculoskeletal Disorders
▪ Musculoskeletal disorders, or MSDs, are
injuries or illnesses to soft body tissue
such as:
▪ Muscles
▪ Nerves
• MSDs do not include injuries caused by
▪ Tendons slips, trips, falls or other similar accidents.
▪ Ligaments
▪ Joints • MSDs can differ in severity from mild,
▪ Cartilage periodic symptoms to severe, chronic
and debilitating conditions.
▪ Spinal Discs


23 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

MSDs – Signs & Symptoms

▪ Aching
▪ Burning
▪ Cramping
▪ Loss of Color
▪ Numbness
▪ Pain
▪ Swelling
▪ Stiffness
▪ Tingling
▪ Weakness

24 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Musculoskeletal Disorders
Which parts of the body are affected?


25 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Faktor Risiko CTDs

▪ Pengorganisasian kerja yang buruk
▪ Pekerjaan yang berulang-ulang
▪ Penggunaan tenaga yang berlebihan
▪ Postur janggal
▪ Bekerja pada posisi statis
▪ Tekanan atau kontak fisik yang berlebihan
▪ Lingkungan kerja yang kurang baik (pencahayaan dan getaran)

26 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

MSD Risk Factors-Avoid:

▪ Bending wrists
▪ Twisting at the waist
▪ Rolling shoulders
▪ Leaning forward
▪ Bending at the waist
▪ Winged elbows
▪ Overreaching
▪ Stepping backward
▪ Locking your knees


27 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Prevent, Prevent, Prevent!

▪ The bottom line: prevent accidents and injuries from occurring!

▪ Ensuring your workstation is ergonomically designed is one method

to prevent injuries.

▪ All employees need to have a basic understanding of ergonomics and

should report any ergonomic hazards to their supervisor immediately.

28 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Exercises – Knee Kiss

• Pull one leg to your chest, grasp with both hands

and hold for a count of five.

• Repeat with the opposite leg.


29 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Exercises - Windmill

•Place your feet apart on the floor.

•Bend over and touch your right

hand to your left foot, with your
left arm up.

•Repeat with opposite arm.

30 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Exercises – Back Relaxer

• Bend down between your knees for as long as you can.

• Return to upright position, straighten and relax.


31 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Exercises – Pectoral Stretch

• Grasp your hands behind your neck and

press your elbows back as far as you can.

• Return to starting position, then drop your

arms and relax.

32 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Exercises – Middle/Upper Back Stretch

• Raise your right arm and grasp it below the elbow with your
left hand.

• Gently pull your right elbow toward your left shoulder as you
feel the stretch.

• Hold for five seconds.

• Repeat with left arm.


33 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Exercises – Side Stretch

• Interlace your fingers and lift your arms over

your head, keeping your elbows straight.

• Press your arms backward as far as you can.

• Slowly lean to the left and then to the right

until you can feel the stretching.

34 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Exercises – Finger Stretch

• With palms down, spread your fingers apart

as far as you can.

• Hold for the count of five.

• Relax and then repeat.


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Exercises – Shoulder Roll

• Slowly roll your shoulders forward five times in a circular motion

using your full range of motion.

• Then roll your shoulders backward five times with the same circular

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▪ Repetitive motion tasks can lead to Musculo-Skeletal Disorders
▪ Maintain correct posture while sitting/standing/walking.
▪ Stretch to “limber up” muscles before and after work.
▪ Take regular breaks.
▪ Exercise regularly.
▪ Ensure your workstation is set up to be ergonomically correct.
▪ Ensure lighting in your work area is adequate.
▪ Report ergonomic hazards or symptoms to your supervisor.


37 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

38 Konsep Dasar Ergonomik _ Hendra 2021

Terima Kasih


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