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Discuss thoroughly the following questions and cases in not less than 100 words

to express your opinion and application of the principles of ethics.

1. The manager has been working for the past ten years ahead of you. You noticed
that he used to delegate every function or tasks in the department. He never had
acknowledged the performances of his staff, instead he said, “you should be
happy because I empowered you”. Your colleagues commented, he is covering
up his incompetence and weaknesses by delegating everything to us. Is it
unethical and why?


In autocratic leadership the answer is no. Delegation is one of the most

important management skills and a logical rules and techniques will help you to
delegate well, this then will help you to help your manager when you are being
delegated a task or new responsibility, it is because delegation is a two-way
process. Good delegation saves you time, develops your people, grooms a
successor, and motivates. Poor delegation will cause you frustration, demotivates
and confuses the other person, and fails to achieve the task or purpose itself. So
it's a management skill that's worth improving. But in in some ways it is unethical
because you fail to boost the morale of your staffs by not praising and not
acknowledging their pieces of works being done through hardship. Everyone
feels the need to be recognized and to be acknowledged as an individual or
member of a group and to feel a sense of achievement for work well done or
even for a valiant effort. Everyone wants a ‘pat on the back’ to make them feel

2. Is making lies to save oneself or to consider the feelings of others unethical or

being dishonest?

Lies are evil and are morally wrong but sometimes lying could be the more
appropriate ethical response to a particular conflict. For example, if your friend or
one of the members of the family says, "How do I look in my new make-up?" or
"Did I sing well in my performance?" or perhaps "How do you like my new
design?" One might be compelled to twist the truth to not offend or hurt the
feelings of someone who matters to you. On the other hand, dishonesty can’t
build good relationships if we discovered that a fried is just telling lies to make
you feel comfortable, in millennial lingo, they find it “PLASTIK”, a person who use
to hide the real truth just to save his or herself form conflicts. In leadership
assumption, we won’t follow leaders if we mistrust what they do; and we can’t
make good decisions if we doubt the accuracy of the information that we receive.
Absent truth, instead of taking action, we’d spend our time looking over other
people’s shoulders, second-guessing their intent, and sorting out the facts from
the untruths. The result is that trust is shattered, reputations are damaged, and
suspicion rules the day. Ethics is about making the best possible decisions
concerning people, resources and the environment. Ethical choices diminish risk,
advance positive results, increase trust, determine long term success and build
reputations and lies can ruin all of these prevailing facts.

3. The new teacher is young and pretty. She was introduced as a new competent
member of the department who graduated from a well-known university. As such,
the students were so amused of her that they used to eat with her during lunch
time and accompany her in going home. You learned that Roel, one of these
students became her suitor and they became sweethearts. Does the teacher
have the right to go on a relationship with a student? Why?

No, Teachers, whether they like it or not, are parent-figures. This adds to
the confusion because, it’s illegal for parents to have sexual relationships with
their children. Teachers are required to touch the hearts of the students but in to
a certain extent that they will not exceed on their limitations most especially for
us Filipinos which are having such a conservative traditions and customs. But in
some ways, sexual relationships between students and faculty are not per se
forbidden, but the conflicts of interest they create either real or perceived must be
carefully and explicitly managed by multiple layers of campus administration. It is
worth emphasizing that these policies are invoked not only for sexual
relationships that are generally considered inappropriate, such as
undergraduates and their instructors, or graduate students and their advisors, but
also with married couples. The Teacher can also wait for Roel to graduate if they
really love each other.

4. Ms. Reyes was reported that she used to cut or shorten her classes and the
students complained of being short changed. As to the official time record, she
comes and goes home on time and she is in the campus all the time. When
reprimanded, she justified that she is doing office work and it is for the sake of
the school. Is she guilty of being unethical? Why?


There are two factors involve, Student and Teacher factors. If we will
consider the official time record and the justification made by Ms Reyes, she is
absolutely not guilty and not unethical because she has an evidence to prove the
she is doing the necessary things to fulfil her task as a teacher. On the other
hand, if we will consider the complaints of the students as our clientele in the
school, it is unethical to shorten the class just to do other paper work because
the primary objective of the teacher is to teach the lessons. Ms Reyes should
manage her time for her to eliminate conflicts.

5. Is it ethical or unethical to ask a person’s age or salary? Explain why?


It is unethical to ask a person’s age or salary most especially in our culture

as Filipinos because we are sensitive to perceived social rank. We get
competitive about it and salary is certainly a big part of that. Discussing income is
considered impolite because it causes interpersonal conflicts. It creates an
avenue for our bad side to come out, and feel things like jealousy or envy and
superiority which are not conducive to good relationships. Conflicts like that are
ultimately trifling, yet they can absolutely damage a friendship. So, the common
wisdom that advises against talking about money really just prevents us from
having petty grievances against one another.

6. When can a moral virtue become bad or destructive? Cite and discuss
thoroughly at least three reasons why.


When we say virtue, they are considered as people’s subset of their good
qualities. It is not innate, but rather they are acquired or learned through practice
or it could be lost due to inability to use it. These are states of characteristics that
finds expression both in purpose and in action. But when we say Moral Virtues, it
always expressed in good purpose. These are our disposition to behave in right
manner in accordance with our good plan of life. It is expressed also in actions
that avoid both excess and defect. A temperate person, for example, will avoid
eating or drinking too much, but he will also avoid eating or drinking too little.
When a man chooses the mean or middle ground between these two (eating or
drinking too much or too little), he believes that he is doing right.
However, a persons’ moral virtues can also become bad or destructive if it
affects other people more so of himself. A stoic wife, for example, who has a
womanizing husband and physically abused her, this become bad or destructive.
Children may also be affected too.
Moreover, it also depends on the society we live in. Our moral virtues and
vices may become even more tangled when it produces bad effects. When we
talk of something being a vice or a virtue, we are not just judging a type of
personal behaviour, we perhaps favouring a particular sort of society

7. You are a new department head of the college and you noticed that you are not
welcomed by the dean. She does not accept your opinion and plans of activities
depriving you of managing your faculty according to your own style. Your
conscience dictated you to go straight to the president and report everything. Is it
proper or unethical to bypass an immediate boss? What could have been done?

Yes, it is absolutely unethical to bypass an immediate boss most
especially if you are in the academe. We are taught to respect and learn from our
superiors. This is especially true when our boss have made a significant impact
to us. They may have generated cost saving initiatives, led transformative
change, increased profit margins, or successfully-led highly calibre teams. We
are also taught that in order to advance our own career, we need to get
ourselves noticed. That doesn’t just mean getting noticed for the work we do. It
means asking great questions that challenge prevailing ways of thinking and
offering up new ways of doing business. Yet to be a thought leader and create a
profile for yourself when you report to a boss who believes he or she is the
brightest talent in the room is a real challenge most especially in the academe
where in you need to meet your plans and proposed projects for the students.
My stand on the on this statement is to implement an open door policy that
would create better environment for everyone. Creating an effective open door
policy will provide guidance for an employee to approach school administrators,
but encourage problem-solving at lower levels first.

8. What are the “isms” of ethics? Discuss thoroughly your interpretations.

‘Isms’ regard the person uttering the statement as doing different things, a
distinctive practice, system, or philosophy, typically a political ideology or an
artistic movement. Here are isms of ethics.

8.1. Moral realism

 Moral realism believes that there is at least one moral fact, and moral facts
are not reducible to non-moral facts. Moral statements are true or false, and
at least one moral statement is true. An anti-realist merely disagrees with
the moral realist in some respect. Moral realism in my view also requires us
to accept intrinsic value the view that some things are important. Therefore
moral realism is an analytic progression view that there exist such things
as moral facts and moral values, and that these
are objective and independent of our perception of them or our beliefs,
feelings or other attitudes towards them. Moral Realism has
the advantage of purportedly allowing the ordinary rules of logic to be
applied straightforwardly to moral statements, so that we can say, for
example, that a moral belief is false or unjustified or contradictory in the
same way we would about a factual belief. It also allows for the resolution of
moral disagreements, because if two moral beliefs contradict to one
another, Moral Realism unlike some other meta-ethical systems says that
they cannot both be right and so there should be some way of resolving the

8.2. Subjectivism
 Subjectivism holds that there are no objective moral properties and that
ethical statements are in fact subjective because they do not
express absolute truths. Instead, moral statements are made true or false by
the attitudes and/or conventions of the observers, and any ethical sentence
just implies an attitude, opinion, personal preference or feeling held by
someone. Thus, for a statement to be considered morally right merely means
that it is met with approval by the person of interest. Another way of looking
at this is that judgments about human conduct are shaped by, and in many
ways limited to, perception. Moreover, Subjectivism has the advantage of
providing a simple, common-sense explanation of what morality is. Even if
ethical views often have the internal appearance of objectivity, it feels like we
are making, or attempting to make, an objective statement, that would not
make them so. Therefore it would only mean that people believed them to be
fact-stating, due to the assertive nature of most ethical statements. This is
further complicated by the fact that ethical claims very often have
some implied factual implications. For instance "Mary is a good person" is
likely, although not necessarily, to be based on certain facts about the good
things Mary tends to do.
8.3. Emotivism
 Emotivism purports that moral judgments are not truth-apt, but rather, are
expressions of sentiments of approval or disapproval. For instance if you say
to someone ‘You acted wrongly in stealing that money’, I am not stating
anything more than if I had simply said, ‘You stole that money.’ In adding that
this action is wrong, I am not making any further statement about it, I am
simply showing my moral disapproval about it. It is as if I had said, ‘You stole
that money,’ in a peculiar tone of horror, or written with the addition of some
special exclamation marks. The tone, or the exclamation marks, adds
nothing to the literal meaning of the sentence. It merely serves to show that
the expression of it is attended by certain feelings in the speaker. Thus,
when we make moral judgments, what we’re doing is expressing our
emotional reactions to the thing we’re judging. But it seems possible to judge
something is morally wrong without having any emotional reaction to it, or
even feeling positive about it.

8.4. Prescriptivism
 Prescriptivism sees moral judgments as a type of prescription, or imperative.
Moral judgments, like the simple imperative "Close the door," don't state
facts and aren't true or false. Instead, they express our will, or our desires.
Ought judgments are universalizable prescriptions. "You ought to do this" is
equivalent to "Do this and let everyone do the same in similar cases." So
moral beliefs express our desire that a kind of act be done in the present
case and in all similar cases including ones where we imagine ourselves in
someone else's place. Prescriptivism shows how we can be both free and
rational in forming our moral beliefs. Moral beliefs can be free because they
express our desires and aren't provable from facts. They can be rational
because the logic of "ought" leads to a method of moral reasoning that
engages our rational powers to their limits.

9. Cite situations of a dean-faculty, dean-administration and you & colleagues’

relationship affecting personal and professional ethics. When the administration
gets well attached with the faculty, people that surround them think they have
something in personal life or relationship already. Gossip will arise. It affect
personal and professional ethics on its community.

There was a situation where in a dean-faculty was involved. Before then,

they were in good terms. It started during the period of a major examination. The
dean asked his faculty to submit their test questionnaire to the office 3 days
before the examination day for review. It was already the time of examination
when the dean noticed that the test questionnaire of one of his faculty were not
yet submitted, because of that the exam has been delayed. The dean asked the
faculty about the test questionnaires and the latter insist that he already
submitted it. After investigations by the dean, he found out that the test
questionnaires were not yet submitted to the office, but the faculty kept on
insisting that it was already submitted. Because of that, high pitch of the voice
arose that resulted to confrontation between the two. The faculty said that he
was embarrassed because there were other faculty around when it happened.
Since then, they do not communicate with each other, thus, work relations
became affected.

10. Comment on the statement “It is okay for male individuals to have extra marital
relationship but never married females to have sex with others.” Expound.

As a catholic, still it's infidelity to your spouse if you have extra marital
relationship. This is adultery which is a sin as stated in the 6th commandment of
God. For me, even it is not stated in the commandment of God, knowing that you
have other relationship other than your spouse is so disheartening. To leave your
spouse for another person may be legal, but it is adultery on God's eyes. You
broke the marriage vow that you would be loyal to your spouse.
Moreover, it is not okay for male individuals to have extra marital
relationship it is the same as when a married female does it. A side from it is
unethical and against the rule of the society, they are also both cheating their
spouse. We were created equally so we are equal in all aspects especially to
love and be loved, to trust and be trusted. So when you become unworthy of the
love and trust no matter who did it, you have done wrong against one another
and against God.

11. Explain why accountability towards profession and the stakeholders in educating
or training students is a manifestation of being ethical / unethical?


Accountability towards profession and the stakeholders in educating or

training students is a manifestation of being ethical. It is within the core of all
educators who are honing the students to become successful professionals
someday. The teacher acts as pivot of any educational system for the
transmission of intellectual and technical skills from one generation to next. The
teacher is the key man on whom the future of children and mankind depends. He
plays an important role in shaping and molding the personality of the individual. A
successful teacher is one who is able to foster creative thinking, develop skills
and instills a desire for lifelong learning among students. In any society a teacher
has a very important and respectable place because teaching is a noble
Meanwhile, Student is the most important pillar in the education system.
Today, teacher has to concern himself with the total development of child's
personality. To achieve the optimal learning of the child the teacher should take
care of the students' progress according to their capacity. Hence the saying of
the teachers should be always for the benefits of their students because the
success of the students depends essentially upon the competences of teachers,
their sense of dedication and accountability and it becomes unethical if the
teacher itself failed to do so.
Moreover, it is the duty of a teacher to think about various ways and
means to help the students in acquiring knowledge and skills and shaping their
future. He has to become a friend, a guide, more of an adviser and a partner to
talk. For the students' harmonious development, he/she will have to devote more
time and energy to direct the students for self learning. Through self learning one
can achieve professional enrichment and excellence which will be a great help to
the nation in future.

12. Discuss thoroughly the ethical standards of the hospitality professionals

Practitioners in the hospitality sector rate ethics as one of the most
important issues faced by the industry. Hospitality is a smile industry that
continuously growing from time to time, a people oriented industry that gives
warm and friendly reception to all sorts of customers. The hospitality industry has
become so competitive that if customers and employees are dissatisfied, they will
go elsewhere.
Ethical standard is vital tool in the progress of the hospitality businesses,
gaining trust as the main key to success. Ethics also contribute to productivity by
minimizing the cost of business transactions, establishing customer loyalty,
creating trust with suppliers, maintaining social capital and the key to successful
team of employees.
Ethical standards of hospitality professionals is formed by the 10 basic
ethical principles of hospitality industry that includes Honesty, Integrity,
Trustworthiness, Loyalty, Fairness, Concern and Respect of Others,
Commitment to Excellence, Leadership, Reputation and Morale and
Hospitality professionals are honest and truthful. They do not mislead or
deceive others by misrepresentations. Hospitality professionals demonstrate the
courage of their convictions by doing what they know is right even when there is
pressure to do otherwise. They are also trustworthy and candid in supplying
information and in correcting misapprehensions of fact. They do not create
justifications for escaping their promises and commitments. Furthermore,
demonstrate loyalty to their companies in devotion to duty and loyalty to
colleagues by friendship in adversity. They avoid conflicts of interest; do not use
or disclose confidential information; and, should they accept other employment,
they respect the proprietary information of their former employer. They are fair
and equitable in all dealings; they neither randomly abuse power nor take undue
advantage of another’s mistakes or difficulties. They treat all individuals with
equality, with tolerance and acceptance of diversity, and with an open mind. And
lastly, protect and build the company’s reputation and the morale of its
employees by engaging in conduct that builds respect and take whatever actions
are necessary to correct or prevent inappropriate conduct of others.

13. Cite examples of ethical / unethical practices in the Housekeeping and the Food
& Beverage Service, and explain why.


Most of the hotel concern on strong work ethics more than other issues
because work ethics issues can lead to significant ethical problem like in
housekeeping. Other employees are doing such things like using the toilet in the
guest’s room, making telephone call in a guest’s room, listening to the radio
inside the guest’s room and stealing things. Those are unethical behaviour that
deprives the privacy of the guests without their knowledge and consent. These
practices are against the ethical standards of the hospitality Industry. These then
can destroy the reputation of the hotel in just one click if it will be discovered by
the guests.
On the other hand, there are many unethical practices that lead to huge
problems in the food and beverage services. For instance, the chef spitting on
the food of someone who sends their order back to the kitchen. The chef got
intimidated by a meticulous customer who may want to change the food in rudely
manner. Another is a waiter who is asking by force to give him or her tip for his
services. These are just few of those unethical behaviours in the restaurant that
makes them unworthy of the loyalty of the customers. Because of these
disorientations, people might go to another restaurant where there is more
security for them.
Hospitality professionals should apply good ethical behaviour during their
time of work and in their personal life also, to showcase their professionalism in
the field of hospitality industry. This then will lead them to a person which can be
trusted at all cost. Meanwhile, unethical practices can cause the guest’s
dissatisfaction and also affects the business in achieving its objectives.

14. Why is the way of dressing, communicating, behaving and dealing with people
requires a lot of ethical values that could make or unmake a person’s image?


A person with strong ethics in their personal and professional life might not
need much persuasion, unlike those for whom ethics is a challenge. The way you
dress, the way you communicate with others, the way you behave and the way
you deal people impact your image as a professional.
Clothes describe a person without words. From the way we dress
conclusions are drawn about our personal characteristics, social status and
attitude to work. For example, seeing a man in an expensive, well-fitted suit, we
assimilate him with greater competencies and positive qualities, rather than one
dressed in faded jeans and a t-shirt. This is one of the laws of the psychology of
perception. It certainly should be considered, especially in a business where
success depends on the ability to properly present oneself. 
Meanwhile, communication is the key tool to transfer knowledge and
widen up connection. Communicating well can makes a person’s professional
image differ from a person who use to so speak and communicate poorly. It is
gateway to express your feelings, thoughts, ideas and emotions and it requires a
lot of ethical values for you to offend someone or take away someone’s
reputation. In communication, a person has an obligation to speak truthfully and
accurately, the more professional level you are in the greater the need for ethical
principles.  Consider the politician or the preacher who deliberately misleads his
constituents. There are consequences for such misleading or misinformed
speech; adhering to ethical and moral principles will help ensure the fewest
negative consequences.
On the other hand behaving and dealing with people also requires lots of
ethical values that can make your image as a person. As a professional,
behaving on an ethical manner is a must because people will look unto you as an
educated person who understands the manner on how to behave. They might
judge you badly if you behave in a wrong manner.
Dealing with people requires cautious approach because people has their
indifferences that we need to address. People might also judge you as person
with poor integrity if you fail to deal with people in a truthful manner.

15. Explain why being late or coming in very much earlier than the appointment time
is unethical.

One of the common attributes of all successful people is that they view
their time as a precious resource. When you are late for appointments with
people who value their time, you will have wasted one of their most valuable
assets and there is a good chance they will view you as rude, irresponsible and
On the other hand, coming in a very much early can make the person who
has an appointment with you annoyed because he or she might think that you
are very excited and on hurry to meet up with them.


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