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B2 Unit 7 - A Good Book - Plan

Full Name Đặng Đức Anh

English number 03

Think of a book that you enjoy. Write brief notes about your book. Do not write

Book name Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

1. Basic info about the book (Name, J.K Rowling

Author name, genre, setting, year 26/6/1997
of release, other info) Fantasy Fiction

2. Detailed information about the plot Plot: The first novel in the Harry Potter
Detailed information about the series and Rowling's debut novel, it follows
characters Harry Potter, a young wizard who discovers
his magical heritage on his eleventh
(Note: NO SPOILERS!) birthday, when he receives a letter of
acceptance to HogWarts school.
Protagonist: Harry Potter, who wants to
find his way in the Wizarding World, and
who eventually wants to defeat Voldemort
and defend his loved ones.

Antagonist: Lord Voldemort, who wants to

kill Harry, get rid of Muggle-borns, control
Muggles, and take over the world.

Contagonist: Severus Snape, who hates

Harry yet protects him. Snape’s real
motivation is a mystery until the very end.

Guardian: Albus Dumbledore, who

protects, counsels, and prepares Harry.

Sidekicks: Ron Weasley and Hermione

Granger, who support and goad Harry.

Skeptic: Draco Malfoy, Harry’s foil, who

criticizes Harry and gets in his way.

Logic Character: Minerva McGonagall, who

usually has a keen eye and keeps a cool
head. One could also argue that Hermione
B2 Unit 7 - A Good Book - Plan

is the logical character.

Emotion Character: Rubeus Hagrid, who

cries readily, is very expressive and
passionate, and who is tender toward his
animals and his brother.

3. Your own opinion This book is really great

Your reason for your opinion It has many plot twist
It not just about fantasy
There ís many story and many lesson that
you can learn about friendship, protect,
relationship between student and teacher
or between children with mom and dad.

4. Summary + Recommendation (what I think that people of all ages can enjoy it
kind of people would enjoy this?) because this book is not just about
fantasy, there are many other things. LIke
friendship, protect. So I think that any age
can read thís book.

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