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Chapter 2: Sinusoidal steady-state response

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

Sinusoidal steady-state response

 2.1 Sinusoids
2.2 Phasors and Phasor Diagrams
2.3 Phasors Relationships for Circuit Elements
2.4 Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's Laws in Frequency domain
2.5 Power Analysis
2.6 Maximum Average Power Transfer
2.7 Transfer Function and Resonant Circuits

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

2.1 Sinusoids
■ A sinusoid is a signal that has the form of the sine or cosine function.
■ Consider the sinusoidal voltage: u(t) = Umsin(t), where:
• Um = the amplitude of the sinusoid
•  = the angular frequency in radians/s
• t = the argument of the sinusoid
• T = period of the sinusoid
• T = 2/.
• f = frequency Um
• f = 1/T = /2

Fig 2.1.1: A sketch of u(t) = Umsin(t)

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT
2.1 Sinusoids
■ If there a two sinusoids with identical frequency, they will be in phase
or out of phase. u1(t) = Umsin(t)
■ Consider two sinusoids in Fig 2.1.2:
• u2 leads u1 by  or:
• u1 lags u2 by .

■ RMS value:
1 2 Um

u (t)dt 
u2(t) = Umsin(t + )
Fig 2.1.2: Two sinusoids with different phases

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

2.1 Sinusoids
■ Example 2.1.1: Given two sinusoids: u1(t) = 6sin(2t), u2(t) = 8sin(2t + 60o),
calculate the amplitudes, phases, angular frequencies, period and
frequencies of:
• u1(t)
• u2(t)
• u1(t) + u2(t).

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

Sinusoidal steady-state response

2.1 Sinusoids
 2.2 Phasors and Phasor Diagrams
2.3 Phasors Relationships for Circuit Elements
2.4 Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's Laws in Frequency domain
2.5 Power Analysis
2.6 Maximum Average Power Transfer
2.7 Transfer Function and Resonant Circuits

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

2.2 Phasors and Phasor Diagrams
■ A phasor is a complex number that represents the amplitude and phase
of a sinusoid.
■ There are three ways to represent a
complex number z:
z  x  jy Rectangular form

 z  r Polar form
 z  re j Exponential form

■ The idea of phasor representation is based
on Euler’s identity:
e  j  cos  j sin Fig 2.2.1: Representation of
a complex number z

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

2.2 Phasors and Phasor Diagrams

Fig 2.2.2: Sinor rotating counterclockwise and its projection on the real axis

u(t)  Um cos(t   )  ReUme  ReUme e  ReU e jt 

 
j ( t  ) j j t

 
 
where U  Ume  Um  , U is the phasor representation of u(t)
Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT
2.2 Phasors and Phasor Diagrams

u(t)  Um cos(t   )  U  Um 
  
Time domain Phasor domain

■ The differences between u(t) and � should be emphasized:

• u(t) is the time-domain representation, while � is frequency or
phasor-domain representation.
• u(t) is time dependent, while � is not.
• u(t) is always real, while � is generally complex.
■ We should bear in mind that phasor analysis applies only when frequency
is constant.

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

2.2 Phasors and Phasor Diagrams
■ Some properties of phasor:
• Differentiating a sinusoid is equivalent to multiplying its
corresponding phasor by j.
u(t)d 
 j U

dt Phasor domain
Time domain

• Intergrating a sinusoid is equivalent to dividing its corresponding

phasor by j.

u(t)dt 
  j
Time domain 
Phasor domain

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

2.2 Phasors and Phasor Diagrams
■ Phasor diagrams:

Fig 2.2.3: A phasor diagram showing

� = Um and � = Im-

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

2.2 Phasors and Phasor Diagrams
■ Example 2.2.1: Given two sinusoids: u1(t) = 6sin(2t), u2(t) = 8sin(2t + 60o),
transform these sinusoids to phasors, then draw their phasor digrams:
• u1(t)
• u2(t)
• u1(t) + u2(t).

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

Sinusoidal steady-state response

2.1 Sinusoids
2.2 Phasors and Phasor Diagrams
 2.3 Phasors Relationships for Circuit Elements
2.4 Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's Laws in Frequency domain
2.5 Power Analysis
2.6 Maximum Average Power Transfer
2.7 Transfer Function and Resonant Circuits

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

2.3 Phasors Relationships for Circuit Elements
■ Resistor:  
u(t)  Ri(t)  U  RI

Fig 2.3.1: Voltage-current relations and Phasor diagram for the resistor

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

2.3 Phasors Relationships for Circuit Elements
i(t)  
■ Inductor: uL (t)  L  U  jL I

Fig 2.3.2: Voltage-current relations and Phasor diagram for the inductor

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

2.3 Phasors Relationships for Circuit Elements
■ Capacitor: u(t)  1   j 
i(t)  C  U    I    I
dt  jC   C 

Fig 2.3.3: Voltage-current relations and Phasor diagram for the capacitor

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

2.3 Phasors Relationships for Circuit Elements
■ Mutual inductor:

 di1 (t) di2 (t)

 1 ( t)  L  M    
dt   U1  jL1 I1  jMI2
 di2 (t) di1 (t)    
u2 (t)  L2 M U2  jL2 I2  jMI1
 dt dt

u1 u2

Fig 2.3.4: Voltage-current relations and Phasor diagram for mutual inductance

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

Sinusoidal steady-state response

2.1 Sinusoids
2.2 Phasors and Phasor Diagrams
2.3 Phasors Relationships for Circuit Elements
 2.4 Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's Laws in Frequency domain
2.5 Power Analysis
2.6 Maximum Average Power Transfer
2.7 Transfer Function and Resonant Circuits

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

2.4 Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's Laws in Frequency domain
■ The impedance Z of a circuit is the ratio of the phasor voltage to the
phasor current, measured in ohms ().
■ Ohm's law in phasor form:

  U R : resistance
U  ZI  Z  
 R  jX 
I  X : reactance
■ The admittance Y is the reciprocal of impedance, measured in siemens (S).

1 I G : conductance
Y     G  jB 
Z U B : susceptance

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

2.4 Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's Laws in Frequency domain
■ The Kirchhoff's current law holds for phasors:

 I k
node or closed loop

■ The Kirchhoff's voltage law holds for phasors:

 U
k 0

■ Basis transformations, which were introduced in Chapter 1, also hold for

• Equivalent resitance
• Source transformations
• Wye-Delta transformations
Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT
2.4 Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's Laws in Frequency domain
■ Example 2.4.1: Determine the current i(t) in following circuits:

Created by: Nguyen Phuoc Bao Duy - HCMUT

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