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1. Structure of the K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum
2. Content of the K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. analyze the structure and content of the K to 12 PE Curriculum; and
2. describe the sequence of the K to 12 PE Curriculum; and
3. identify the key stage strands and standards of the K to 12 Physical
Education Curriculum.

TOPIC 1: Structure of the K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum

Curricular Philosophy of the Physical Education

The curricular philosophy of PE emphasizes active participation in a balanced
variety of physical movement activities for fitness and health. Fitness and movement
education content is the core of the K to 12 PE Curriculum. It includes values,
knowledge, skills, and experiences in physical activity participation in order to (1)
achieve and maintain health-related fitness (HRF), as well as, (2) optimize health. In
particular, it hopes instill an understanding why HRF is important so that the learner can
translate HRF knowledge into action. Thus, self-management is an important skill. In
addition, this curriculum recognizes the view that fitness and health physical activity
(PA) behaviors must take the family and other environmental settings (e.g. school,
community, and larger society) into consideration. The curricular orientation is a
paradigm that shift from the previous sports-dominated PE curriculum aimed at athletic

Move to learn is the context of physical activity as the means for learning,
while learn to move embodies the learning of skills, and techniques and the acquisition
of understanding that are requisites to participation in a variety of physical activities
that include exercise, games, sports, dance, and recreation.

Learning Strands
The program has five learning strands:
1. Body management which includes body awareness, space awareness, qualities and
relationships of movements and how these are used dynamically in various physical
2. Movement skills related to the fundamental movement patterns and motor skills that
form the basis of all physical activities.
3. Games and sports consisting of simple, lead-up and indigenous games; as well as
individual, dual and team sports in competitive and recreational settings.
4. Rhythms and dances include rhythmical movement patterns; the promotion and
appreciation of Philippine folk dance, indigenous and traditional dances as well as other
dance forms.
5. Physical fitness includes assessment through fitness tests and records, interpreting,
planning and implementing appropriate programs that support fitness and health goals.

Structure of K to 12 Curriculum

Figure 2.1 The Physical Education Conceptual Framework

The PE Curriculum is arranged according to learning strands. Each learning
strand reflects the content standards, performance standards, and learning
In general, the overall PE curriculum covers the major education elements
such as values formation as well as knowledge and skill acquisition. It is basically linked
to the aims and goals of basic education. Like other learning areas, it is formatted to
clearly show the alignment of content, content standards, performance standards, and
learning competencies. It defines student expectations at different grade levels and it
serves as a basis for planning and continuous improvement of physical instructional


Direction: In a minimum of 200 words, explain your understanding of the tenet “ Move
to Learn, Learn to Move”.


TOPIC 2: Content of Physical Education Curriculum


The National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) is the
largest of the five professional organizations within the American Alliance for Health,
Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) (now known as SHAPE America).
As a nonprofit membership association, they “enhance knowledge, improve professional
practice, and increase support for high quality physical education, sport, and physical
activity programs.”
They have also published national standards for physical education, for sport
coaches, and for physical education teacher education. The National Standards for
Physical Education encourages the development of physically-educated K-12 children
who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy healthy physical activity
through a quality physical education program.
The national guidelines that the National Association for Sport and Physical
Education publishes are concerning physical activity and physical education. Their
Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that children aged 5 through 12 accumulate a
minimum of 60 minutes of activity each day and avoid long periods of inactivity. NASPE's
Physical Education Guidelines recommend elementary schools provide 150 minutes of
instructional physical education each week and that middle and high schools provide
225 minutes per week.
National Content Standards for Physical Education Programs

Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns to

perform a variety of physical activities.
Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles,
strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of
physical activities.
Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activity.
Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and
others in physical activity settings.

Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression,
and/or social interaction.

Reprinted from Moving into the Future: National Standards for Physical Education
(2nd ed., 2004).
The Content of Physical Education Curriculum
Below are examples of K to 12 Curriculum matrixes for Grade 1 and Grade 7
learners taken from the DepEd’s Basic Education Program. You may download the
complete copy of the teacher curriculum guide from the DepEd website at

Figure 2.2 Grade 1 Curriculum Guide, First Grading Period

Figure 2.3 Grade 7 Curriculum Guide, First Grading Period

Physical Education Curriculum Standards

The PE curriculum standards give emphasis to the development of the 21 st century

skills among the pupils/students. These include skills in accessing, synthesizing, and evaluating
information, making informed decisions, enhancing and advocating their own and others’ fitness

PE Curriculum Standards
1 Habitual physical activity participation to achieve and maintain health-enhancing
levels of fitness.
2 Competence in movement and motor skills requisite to various physical activity
3 Valuing physical activities for enjoyment, challenge, social interaction, and career
4 Understanding various movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they
apply to the learning of physical activity.

Physical Education Key Stage Standards

The table below shows the standards of the different key stages of the PE
curriculum and the five learning strands to be introduced in a particular key stage. The key
stages are the basis on which to make judgements about the learner’s performance at the end
of each key stage.

Figure 2.4 Physical Education Key Stage Standards

Physical Education Grade Level Standards

The demonstration of skills involves a performance of some kind in order to show

significant learning outcomes. Below are grade level strands that describe what learner should
be able to demonstrate at the end of each grade level. PE teachers are expected to use their
experience and professional judgement when planning and assessing learning outcomes.

Figure 2.5 Physical Education Grade Level Standards

Scope and Sequence of Physical Education

The curriculum sets out what students are expected to learn and is designed
as a continuum of learning. The curriculum is being presented in a scope and sequence
chart to support teachers to easily see the progression and assist in planning teaching
and learning programs to meet the diverse needs of students.
These charts include the content descriptions and achievement standards. It
is advised that these charts are read in conjunction with the introductory materials and
the level/band descriptions in the curriculum.

Figure 2.6 Scope and Sequence of Physical Education for Grades 1-3, Key Stage 1

Figure 2.7 Scope and Sequence of Physical Education for Grades 4-6, Key Stage 2

Figure 2.8 Scope and Sequence of Physical Education for Grades 7-10, Key Stage 3


Direction: Answer the following questions:

1. How is the PE curriculum organized?


2. What did you learn from studying the K to 12 PE Curriculum?




Direction: Walk through the nature, structure, and component of the PE Curriculum and
describe the significance of PE as a component of Basic Education Program.


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