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it oF Tea end reer) Vac WASHING MACHINE Homecare Centre Number For FREE INSTALLATION and DEMONSTRATION (cat virgo sence @ 60008558) Your Washing Machine Package Contains The following ites ate nce nthe package. somthing msg, please contac the etal tet / sue ene number eater int pipe Detergent cup for Dee, Premier & yale User manual with warranty Drain hose with damp Rat mesh mah ‘SOUTH ZONE sone Viererote oth 20Ne soe ‘CENTRAL 20NE BRANCH SERCE OFFICES fant s08 eee i oA -4285 Hae Pa, ne, NirSiuceon amon 22010 Cal omar mn 8 stadt nf S008, NAC Moet 2 ee fn a Capote Pak a Po, Ro ‘Gren ceann i a a0 088 You tat Ca sep Corpse guar ory how 03 om wn a oes sree at nm Secoan EEE eee Whirlpool WhiteMagic Dear hameraker Congratulations on yur new appliance and welcome tothe Whitpol family of homemakers, We believe that happiness Begins at hoe and aim to have ‘ur products ever the very best for a Raper home ‘At Whip, we endeavor to make your life easier and more enjoyable with an extended range of procs rom washing machines, refigeatrs, ‘ooking product and al cancers to mater purifiers ard bull appiances, ‘Aways helping you to make a happier heme. Please go trough this rstrcton aide to know your appliance better and simply cal the Whirlpool hone care center incase fan ques. ‘We lak forvard to years of happiness and a elong relationship and wth you and your fami vse ‘ops ge uso Vie President Sales & Marketing Whipoat of India Limited Know Your Machine %__ Installation Report - Company Copy ‘WHRIPOGL OF NDACAITED- CONSE SERIE DEPT Classic, Deluxe a & Premier Rove — — Linsey ae aaaeaeseets = ee Ese ~* ane ESe a EEE EE EEE EE CONTENTS 3 weLcowe To waRuPootFauey voowvournacine — 4. 6 nstauanion cONTROL aNELANDFATURES. Q) 12. cwecvee usnsvourwasier 1.4 41 vsnorsesezna.wiesrivTe Roca ovaemes 9) 20 som rearures rowtesiooms 24 22. wsienwanrenance oomovataccessones 2.4 25) swervenecasnon senvoe ar your Doon TEP 6 27 weer srecrommos 29 Whirlpool 30. wawconory Installation STANDARD NISALLATN Installation Report - Customer Copy DO NOT USEAN — EXTENSION CORD F Water Pressure: Installing the Machine: Pic erase nie woe Sir oe tn sn ato a es ‘WHIRLPOOL OF NOIACRITED-CONSNERSEAMDECEPT aa rssseeaaiiz 2 reeeeesseaazessttee? ot gem tn Wiring Diagram How To Connect Inlet Water Pipe CONTROL BOARD How To Connect Drain Hose Specifications of WhiteMagic REAR [ska [ent [foe 7 on, Sepsiofotew 3 Poverty she Bh cisions oa ‘Goat hie [atte [Sai [Soe | aie Tansee oon Tier nn Bisfnn oe (exdontne regent) Ana behonce Sonseed zon Bia eenw Machine WE eT en Sey 2 restorer Pr chaenrenceparmenn rang) Wap ee Fe [sa 3 me] Tes ov Dents aif = [— aur ‘eo vanepratv ode fore ee cova te unre est Seen V xX oe a =I —— Tin Wa wT cancer ora tne Cs ost il ‘aes cones RE, pecans an feature may change wth por nai Fares mayan Fon mola mos "Power Corson ea recondition isnt (WAR washes Bowe candies sete 12560 alge 20) SER Feueny 23%, iy | A esertsem * Capac father th sod es thes peed S415, Diyweehedaspe te name pleaded nwt conton 4 Ietwatetenperturcansced 15 User Limitation of Warranty Installation / Control Pan Control Panel and Features For Model: Classic Sis HO rate ‘ejestenoengmsrarccrouns in sts dy © Tenaya yt nt ean Menara nba ee mn cc ae ayes osasnar nse eens wy ery roma pre he Sapna fete kaneon Fevengmabe "Steinert venus uae seat wearer 10 fey amt nn a iri a pl ct pT @e@nouaon Control Panel and Features For Models: Deluxe & Premier @aac&eeoo0n Machine Whirtpool Washing hie ion Car Warranty Registre ING MACHINE aaa * Beteatromee’ "tanec o 8 8 8 ® 6 8 Zaman A tenga tetany cen BS Opiseeatimente SF creer roan BO eterno est EN neta tartare Cycle / Program Guide For Modes: Classic, Deluxe & Premier Eto iadeadeiateed Safety Precaution BLECTRCAL + Dorp to dcr np i [MACHINE PLACEMENT “daptewring rte eo. ste deg nie PERSONAL SAFETY (gear 6 ENVRONMENT rer commented WO RD Cycle / Program Guide For Model Roy ScaleGon Calree Washer Filter > wor mia aah 3M - lint roller + | ont * acement tt ‘serge otter apg Plastic PS Machine cover | Laundry bag Trolley [Meo ere Premium wash Drain hose Extension water “Seine bag extention wel pe ior ieee Using your Washer (For Models Ciassic, Deluxe & Premier) steps Poser a POWER ON THE START/PAUSE: MACHINE PR wast 1OCESS w STEPS SELECT THE ROGRAM » cevc.é status a Washer Maintenance Filter Cleaning == © seen a CLEAN FILTER ONCE NA WEEK é seseryemmacmaemrcmmnsene ges) Tub Cleaning - for ScaleGon usage veneer = one Se ee A. tors ees onda sien USE SCALEGON ONCE IN AMONTH FOR OPTAUM PERFORMANCE. SPECIAL FEATURES SELECT Av THE TONE OF PROGHAM SELECTION WATER EEE wey “BS como ioex 5 Sea RES Gh haa Using your Washer (For Royale) ae = steps Perera POWERONTHE START/PAUSE WASH MACHINE PROCESS ———— | sect He : PROGR — evcLE STATUS Special Features I Easy Trouble Shooting that keeps you in Control Special Features ‘UNIQUE WATER SAVING FEATURE BeeeadGas onsoansccuecoone | ee canewcccmer™ | FEATURES t SELECT AT THE TIME OF i SRT ETON Expressash WaterLevel UNIQUE LINT REMOVAL FEATURE = O= “Sina Doras UNIQUE AUTOMATIC TUB CLEAN FEATURE SY we tention gions weeds wom Using the Special Whites Program For ae Da Premier & Royale Cycle Times Lestat conn enc, + PRESS THE ' POWER’ BUTTON. + SELECT PROGRAM OPTION "PS «for Models: Deluxe & Premier? ‘te eS tap na aa SP «tor Modal: Royale! Mosel Appleby 6.2 0 8 6.5 spaces Oar WATER LEVEL) 2st ‘CARE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT PRE-PROGRAMMED > Pionvecnpurwan pees WASHER DISPOSAL, sale [el lela | + CLOSE THE LID AND PRESS THE 'START/PAUSE? BUTTON TO START THE PROGRAM. + ACHIME INDICATES THE END OF THE WASH CYCLE. i aw ee See epee loca bth Zee eee

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