RFP For Bio Metric Deivce & SSO Software

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Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric

Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

Tender Ref No.RFP/07/PPD/2018-19 Dated 10-01-2019

Last Date for submission of bids - 11.30 Hours Dt. 31.01.19

Purchase Division
Request for Supply, Installation
and Maintenance of Biometric
Devices and Single Sign on Solution
at Repco Bank Branches / Offices
across South India
Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.


1. INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT OVERVIEW…………………………………………………………………..……………………….2

2. PURPOSE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………. 2

3. BIDDER ELIGIBLITY CONDITIONS……………………………………………………………………………………………….……..….3

4. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……..6

5. AWARD OF CONTRACT………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7

6. TECHINCAL SPECIFICTIONS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8


8. SCOPE OF WORK………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...15

9. PAYMENT TERMS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ….....18

10. SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………….19

11. FORM I: TECHNIICAL PROPOSAL FORM ……………………………………………………………………………………….…..…20

12. FORM II: TECHNICAL BID ……………………………………………………………………………….……………………………...……22

13. FORM III: PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ………………………………………………………………………………………………....…25

14. FROM IV: PRICE BID……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………..…..27


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

1. Introduction and Project Overview

Repco Bank is floating the RFP to select a vendor for Supply, Installation and Maintenance of
Biometric Devices and Single Sign on Solution at Bank Branches / Offices across south India.

Single Sign on Solution and the Biometric devices shall enable users to login in to the Desktop
through Active Directory Domain network and login in to various applications such as CBS, HRMS ,
AMS,LSW, Intranet , RTL and approval of transactions done through above applications.

2. Purpose
Repco Bank, Government of India Enterprise, having its Corporate Office at No 33, North
Usman Road , T Nagar , Chennai -600017 which expression unless repugnant to the context or meaning
thereof shall mean and include its successors and assigns, intends to issue this bid document, hereinafter
called RFP, to eligible Vendors, hereafter called as ‘Suppliers / Vendors’, to participate in the
competitive bidding for supply, installation and maintenance of Biometric Devices and Single Sign
Solutions softwares at Bank Branches / Offices across South India.

The Bank, for this purpose, invites proposal from Vendors who are interested in participating in
this RFP who fulfill the eligibility criteria mentioned in the Bidder Eligibility conditions and are also in
a position to comply with the technical requirement and scope of work for Supply, Installation and
Maintenance of Biometric Devices at Bank Branches / Offices across South India

The participating vendor must agree all our terms & conditions mentioned under this RFP.

Tender Reference RFP/07/2018-19/PPD Dated :10.01.2019

Last date for submission of bids 11.30 Hours 31.01.2019

Date of opening of Technical bid 12.00 Hours 31.01.2019

Application Fees ₹2000/- (Non Refundable) + 18% GST

EMD ₹5,00,000/-


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

A complete set of the bidding Documents may be downloaded from our website -
www.repcobank.com and the bid should be submitted to the office of Repco Bank, Premises and
Procurement Division, Repco Towers, No 33, North Usman Road, T.Nagar, Chennai - 600
017. The application fee of ₹2,000/- (non refundable) + 18% GST in the form of a Demand
Draft/Banker’s cheque in favour of Repco Bank, payable at Chennai shall be attached with the
application at the time of submission of bidding document to the Bank.

The intending bidders has to remit an Earnest Money deposit (EMD) of ₹ 5,00,000/- by way of
Demand Draft favoring Repco Bank payable at Chennai while submitting the tender/request for proposal
(RFP) document. EMD amount will be refunded to unsuccessful bidders after opening of financial bids.
EMD of successful bidders will be retained till the award of purchase order. The bids received without
Tender application money and EMD will be rejected.

For this RFP, a two-envelope bidding Procedure (Technical Bid and Price Bid) in separate
envelopes has to be adopted. The Technical Proposal envelope should not contain any financial terms
like cost of any of its components.

3 Bidder Eligibility Conditions

Bidders who apply for this Request for Proposal should have following eligibility.

S.No Description of Eligibility Criteria Support Document required

A. General
Bidder must be a Government
Organization / PSU / PSE / LLP or
private/ public limited company Documentary Proof to be attached
(Certificate of Incorporation )
operating in India at least for the last 3
Bidder/OEM must be in Business of
providing Biometric Devices/Single Sign
2 Documentary Proof to be attached
on Solution Software implementation at
least once in last 3years.
The Bidders should have minimum annual
Copy of Audited Financial Statement
3 turnover of 2 Crores, In the last three
required to be submitted as proof
financial years, i.e., 2015 – 16, 2016 – 17,


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

2017 - 18 & should have earned Net profit

Bidder must not be blacklisted / debarred

by any Statutory, Regulatory or
4 Government Authorities or Public Sector
Letter of confirmation from Bidder.
Undertakings (PSUs / PSBs) since 1st
April 2016 till date.
The Bidder to provide an undertaking on
his letter head that all the functional and
5 technical requirements highlighted and
Letter of confirmation from Bidder.
Scope of work are covered in totality in
the proposal submitted by the Bidder.
The bidders /OEM must have support
6 office across south India(Their own or Provide the Address and Contact Details
B. Technical
The Bio-metric device quoted should be
Technical Specifications Compliance sheet
complied with the technical
1 to be submitted as per the format mentioned
specifications mentioned in the
in the Annexure
The biometric device quoted by the bidder
2 Copy of STQC certificate.
should be certified by STQC.

Bids should be for latest models,

Equipment’s and software for which The OEM in their company’s letter head
bidder submitted must have End of shall provide undertaking to this effect
Support atleast for next 60 Months.

The Bidder should be an OEM or

authorized partner of OEM for supply of Letter of confirmation from OSD/OEM need
Single Sign on solution software & to be submitted.
Biometric Finger Print Scanner

The Bidder has to give unconditional

undertaking for providing service
The OEM in their company’s letter head
5 support/component parts, softwares of all
shall provide undertaking to this effect
quoted products for atleast 5 years from
the date of installation

The biometric devices should have the The OEM in their company’s letter head
ability to detect live finger (and it should shall provide undertaking to this effect
be able to reject gummy/fake


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

fingerprints) & De- duplication of finger


C. Experience & Support Infrastructure

The Bidder/OEM should have supplied,
installed and commissioned similar type
of Biometric Solution (Software &
Equipment’s) and Single Sign on Relevant reference letters from the concerned
Solution to any of the Banks / Insurance Organization.
Companies / Government Organization /
Financial Institutions in India at least
once in the last three (3) financial years.

The Bidder should be an OEM or

authorized partner of OEM for supply Letter of confirmation from OEM need to be
and maintenance Support/warranty / submitted.
AMC / for the product.

D. Others
If Bidder is an authorized reseller of
OEM not able to fulfill its obligation to
support the solution during the contract Letter of confirmation from OEM need to be
period, OEM will have to ensure support submitted.
as per contract. An undertaking from the
OEM to this effect must be submitted.
If OEM is bidding directly they cannot Letter of confirmation from OEM need to be
submit another bid with any Bidder. submitted.

One Bidder can bid only with one OEM

Letter of confirmation from OEM need to be
3 and similar one OEM can bid with only
one Bidder.

The Bank reserves the right to accept/reject any/all offers at any stage without assigning any
reason whatsoever. Bank’s decision in this regard shall be final and binding. Please also note that this
is only an enquiry and without any commitment on the part of the Bank to place the order with
bidders and/or purchase the said or any Biometric devices and single sign on solution Software.


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

4 Instructions to Bidders

4.1 Submission of Proposals (Methodology)

The Proposal shall be submitted in two separate envelopes – Part I covering the Technical
aspects (Technical Bid-Minimum Qualification to satisfy the Technical Bid) and Qualification
aspects hereinafter referred to as ‘Technical Proposal’ and Part II covering only the price schedules
hereinafter referred to as the ‘Price Proposal’. The two parts should be in two separate covers, each
super-scribed with the name of the Project (Request for Supply, Installation and Maintenance of
Biometric Devices and Single Sign on Solution software at Repco Bank Branches / Offices across
south India.)

Documents comprising the Technical Proposal Envelope, should:

(a) Comply with the Technical Specification as per (Annexure)

It should be accompanied by duly filled in Technical Proposal Form (FORM I, II) the forms
must be duly signed by the vendor.

Any Technical Proposal not containing the above will be rejected.

Any Technical Proposal containing any price information will be rejected.

Documents comprising Price Proposal Envelope should have Full Price Schedule of the Goods and/or
System and/or Services (FORM-III & FORM-IV).

Initially Technical proposal and Technical bid will be opened. Bidders who are technically qualified
will be asked to execute the POC. Price bid of Bidders who are successful in POC will be opened later
(Will be announced Later) and L1 bidder will be finalized

General Manager
(Purchase & Procurement Division)


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

5. Award of Contract
Bank will award the contract to the successful supplier (L1 Bidder) and the supplier should deliver
the service with the following scope

1. Supplier should provide all the requirements as per the Technical Specifications mentioned as
per Annexure.

2. Supplier should provide all the equipment/software/services as per Technical Specifications

mentioned hereunder.

3. Bank desires to procure Single Sign on Solution and Biometric Finger Print Capture Devices
and install across its branches and offices in South India hence successful Supplier should
work seamlessly throughout the South India.

4. The devices are required to be in conformity with UIDAI notification No. K- 11020/44/2012-
UIDAI dated 25.01.2017specifications.

5. These prices quotation in the price bid shall remain valid for all repeated orders placed
with the selected vendor based on bank’s requirement in future


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

6. Technical Specifications

6.1 Guidelines for Image Acquisition and Verification:

The minimum requirements for image acquisition & verification should be as defined in the UIDAI
guidelines 2014 which is mentioned in the below mentioned table:

 Gray scale finger image data may be stored, recorded, or transmitted in uncompressed – bit
packed form.

 The resolution of the image data formatted and recorded for interchange should be the scan
resolution of the image.

 Each record shall pertain to a single subject and shall contain an image record (consisting of
single view) for each of one or more fingers, multiple fingers (single image records).

 The values for the capture device ID may be coded in the General Record Header.

 Live-scan plain Finger Impression type should be used.

 Except the Biometric Device driver, there should not be any requirement for loading any
software/ license while plugging the Biometric Device.

 The Biometric Device driver should be API enabled to ensure compatibility with any

6.2 Biometric Device Feature

Biometric Device proposed should have the following feature apart from process flow &
functional specification mentioned in this section

 Biometric Device should have the feature of Live Finger Detection.

 The devices should be connected to Micro USB port in read only mode only.

 Biometric Devices should be compatible with all operating system versions of the Desktops,


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

Workstations & Servers.

 The fingerprint Biometric Device shall be in conformity with ISO 19794-2 and ISO 19794-4
formats for the fingerprint minutiae and the fingerprint captured and extracted images,

6.3 Biometric Device Specifications

Com If ‘N’
S. No Specification Requirement plied Remarks

1 Make/Model No

Fingerprint template Compliance

2 ISO 19794(2)
for minutiae data
Fingerprint template
3 Compliance for image ISO 19794(4)
4 Image Acquisition Requirements FBI –PIV
Scan resolution
5 197
pixels/centimeter (ppcm)
6 Scan resolution pixels/inch (ppi) 500
7 Pixel depth (bits) 8 bit
8 Dynamic range (gray levels) 256
9 Certification STQC
Enrolment and Verification
10 (other than just the image of Optical
the finger being captured)
11 Impression type Optical Sensor.
12 Light source dependability No
13 High Resistance To shock, abrasion and water
Image Quality
14 Algorithm should include Determination and Feature
Encryption of fingerprint
15 Using unique foreign key
16 Image acquisition and storage


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

1. Yes. USB 2.0, USB 3.0

17 USB connectivity 2. Micro USB, Type B, Type
18 Capture mode Plain live scan capture
Auto capture with built- in
19 Capture mode quality check (incorporates
quality considerations)
20 Power Through Micro USB
Interface API and Data
Dictionary to be shared with
the bank and documentation
21 Software API
to enable seamless
integration with CBS ,
HRMS, LSW and RTL Etc.
Device and Supplier -
22 Yes
STQC Certified
23 Technical Support Office India
Biometric Finger Print Device
to support ISO19794-2/4 or
24 Required
ANSI/INCITS 378 template
formats, 500 dpi resolutions.

 The supplier must ensure that the final digital template (minutiae) should be in ISO 19794-2
format and the fingerprint image in ISO 19794-4 format.

 The supplier must provide the Driver SW along with the SDK/API, to facilitate integration of the
device Driver SW in a secured manner with the Bank’s back-end Server side SDK.

6.4 Single Sign-On Solution Software Requirement

6.4.1 Single Sign-On (SSO) solution with Biometric Authentication

Repco Bank propose to have a next generation solution for its employees that enables secure and
seamless access to its Core Banking Solutions and other applications from their branches - Anytime and
Anywhere. Single-sign-on solution should enable users to launch multiple applications from single
dashboard with biometric authentication
This SSO solution needs to have following industry-standard features.


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

 Single solution for all types of applications including all browser based applications.

 SSO to AD-Authenticated, Non AD authenticated, Federated(SAML 2.0)Native Credentials

based Applications

 No 3rd party integration needed.

 Support for multifactor authentication using Biometric device
 Integration with IWA (Integrated Windows Authentication)

6.4.2 Multi-Factor Step-Up Authentication

Need to provide Multi-Factor based Step-Up Authentication for increased security to Single Sign-On
Applications. Sensitive Applications can be protected with an additional step of authentication for access
with Single Sign-On. The below option will be used as Multi-Factor Step-Up Authentication for Repco

 Biometric Authentication with password enabled or without password as option

6.4.3 Multiple Application On-Boarding

Required an exclusive Intelligent Do-It-Yourself wizard to

 On-board any kind of application

 AD/Non-AD authenticated Applications
 Federated (SAML 2.0)/Non-Federated Applications
 Multi-page Login based Applications
 Multiple biometric authentications in different pages for same application.
 Thick Client Applications
 Hybrid mode deployment. Applications shall be launched directly through any web browsers
with biometric authentication

6.4.4 Cross Browser SSO

The SSO solution needs to provide cross browser SSO to support seamless navigation of conservative
web applications to open in preferred browsers.

 Seamless Single Sign-On integration across browsers


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

 Secure logout from cross browsers

 Launch application on preferred target browser

7. Other Terms and Conditions for supply of Biometric Devices and

Single sign on Solution Software

 The supplier has to provide support and applicable patches as and when released by the OEM
of the devices during warranty and AMC period. Any observation/Compliance norms issue
raised by Regulators /Bank from time to time should be rectified and fixed by the supplier
within the specified time after reporting.
 The successful Supplier will take total responsibility for supply of Registered Biometric
Devices and Single Sign on Solution Software and making them operational and maintaining
them during warranty period
 Supplier needs to coordinate with all the application vendor(s) for integrating with different
application (Running Applications and Future additions)
 The supplier should do successful POC with our Bank’s application within 14days from the
date of technical qualification of this tender. The offer of those suppliers who cannot
complete the POC successfully within the specified time is liable to be rejected.
 All and any cost associated with demonstrating the POC (including technical resources,
travel cost, boarding cost, etc.) will be to the account of the vendor and bank will not bear
any cost.
 Bank reserve its right to extend / shorten the period of POC if needed.
 The POC would be done to check whether the quoted model meets the technical
specifications as mentioned in Technical requirement.
 Any vendor who is not complying with the above POC will be technically disqualified.
 Vendors who have failed in the POC will automatically stand disqualified technically.
 All Hardware and software used in making the proposed device operational should be legally
purchased and necessary documents / certificates should be supplied along with devices


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

 The selected supplier should upgrade the device if the same goes out of support or there is a
need for upgradation for compliance to regulatory guidelines during the contract period
without any additional cost to the Bank.
 Supplier should share the procedure and escalation matrix for support /service /replacement
of faulty devices during warranty and AMC period
7.4.1 Delivery

 The Supplier should note that Biometric Fingerprint Scanners and Single Sign on Solution
Software being procured shall be delivered at various locations as per requirements of bank and
the Supplier will be required to support at those locations. The Bank reserves the right to change
locations by giving prior notice.
 The Supplier is responsible for supply and delivery to installation point’s transportation, transit
insurance, and storage, insurance up to acceptance by the bank, documentation & warranty.
 The Supplier should provide the Biometric Fingerprint Scanners with Bank logo as printed in it
along with installation.
 The Supplier shall ensure compatibility of the hardware, software and other equipment’s that
they supply with the hardware and software systems being used in the bank
 The successful supplier shall supply the equipments and configure the software and make the
solution online in all locations within 60days of data of purchase order for delay of every week
after 60days a penalty of 0.50% of valve.

7.4.2 Warranty

 The Products supplied by the Supplier shall carry minimum 36 months Comprehensive on-
site warranty covering total equipment and Single on Solution Software from the date of
acceptance. The vendor should support the equipment and Single on Solution Software for at
least 5 years from the date of procurement.
 The Supplier should submit a certificate from OEM for availability of spares for at least 5
years for the biometric equipment’s quoted


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

 Warranty terms & conditions shall cover the total equipment, including spare replacements,
licenses etc. procured from the Supplier, with maintenance by email, telephone and onsite
support, if any.
 In the case of authorized/ channel partners, Warranty shall also include the cost for the back
to back arrangement with OEM for maintenance of spares, providing support services,
updates, if any required. Terms of Service Level Agreement, if any, to be specified.
 The Supplier will provide a Single point of contact with whom the bank will coordinate for
the warranty. The Bank User may log a call with the Supplier by phone, email or any other
manner the bank desires.
 If any particular Scanner is becoming out of order for technical reasons for more than three
times in a month and for two consecutive months, the Bank may ask the Supplier to replace
the Scanner and Supplier should replace the Scanner with another new Scanner at no
additional cost to the Bank.
 The Bank shall maintain a register at its site in which, the Bank's operator/ supervisor shall
record each event of failure and / or malfunction of the equipment. The Supplier's engineer
shall enter the details of the action taken in such register. Additionally every time a
preventive or corrective maintenance is carried out, the Supplier's engineer shall make effect
in duplicate, a field calls report which shall be signed by him and thereafter countersigned by
the Bank's official. The original of the field call report shall be handed over to the Bank's
 The Supplier shall provide replacement equipment if any equipment is taken out of the
premises for repairs


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

8. Scope of Work

8.1 Supply and Installation of Biometric Devices to Head Office and Branches.
Implementing Single Sign on Solution Software in Servers and Desktops.
 Supplying the necessary Biometric devices to Branches and HO.

 Technical coordination for client software installation at branch and HO level.

 Setting up Bio-metric Application and database in Test Environment. UAT will be performed in
TEST environment.

 Integration of Biometric software with our Active Directory (Including PDC, ADC, etc.)

 Existing AD Migration / Backup Plans and support

 Registering and manage users, Super Admin, Admin by enrolling finger prints in TEST and LIVE

 Deployment of required Bio metric Application in DC Server & Software configuration.

 Setting up Bio metric Database in DC Servers.

 Setting up Bio metric Application and Database in DRC

 Configuring data availability at DC and DR (using SQL always ON, Mirroring, etc.)

 Defining Database and Application backup plans and maintenance activity

 Co-coordinating with our Software application vendors, provide necessary technical inputs to
vendors for implementing the Bio metric Login in software applications (presently 5 Applications
- CBS, HRMS, LSW RTL and Intranet).

 Enabling various reports and customizing various reports as per bank’s requirements.

 Documentation on Hardware Installation/Configuration steps & Software installation etc

 Any other work relating to successful implementation of Single Sign on Solution through
Biometric devices.

 Future Support plan.


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

8.2 Enabling Single Sign-On feature for REPCO BANK users for login to Desktop
and accessing Applications through Biometric authentication.

8.2.1 User Enrolment:

New user enrolment has to be launched through browser based application of the SSO Solution.
Enrolment of new users has to be approved by designated Supervisor user with biometric authentication.

8.2.2 For Branch heads: Branch heads can enroll themselves by using following procedure

 Manager login to the desktop with username and password.

 SSO prompts to punch the fingerprint.
 Manager has to punch three fingers of his/her choice.
 Upon successful registration the fingerprints are stored in the SSO App database.

8.2.3 For Branch users:

 Manager launches the new user enrolment Application from his SSO portal
 Enter the username and select the enroll option.
 User enroll his/her finger print and Manager confirm the enrolment by authenticating
with his/her biometric authentication
 Upon successful registration user can login to his Desktop with his/her biometric

8.3 SSO Work flow:

8.3.1 Method 1: Launching Application from SSO Dashboard

User Log in to the Desktop with his/her biometric authentication. On successful login, user Desktop is
launched. User launches the SSO application and access the desired Application with Biometric


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

8.3.2 Method 2: Launching Application directly from the browsers

User Log in to the Desktop with his/her biometric authentication.

User launches the application directly by typing the desired URL in the browser with biometric login.


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

8.3.3 Biometric Authentication for all approval in applications

9. Payment Terms:
Bank will make payment as follows:

 90 % of the order value will be paid on completion of installation and commissioning at the sites
and acceptance of all equipment ordered.

 The balance 10% would be retained by the bank as the retention money till the warranty
period/EMD Amount will be retained whichever is less.

 No advance payment will be done to vendor

 Amount is payable only after satisfactory discharge of the services as per this document & after
deduction of applicable penalties, if any.

 The price quoted by the Supplier shall be fixed and not subject to adjustment during the contract
period irrespective of reasons whatsoever including exchange rate fluctuations, changes in taxes,
duties, levies, charges etc.

 The Supplier will pass on to the Bank, all fiscal benefits arising out of reductions, if any, in
Government Levies viz. Sales Tax, Excise Duty, Custom Duty, GST etc. or the benefit of
discounts if any announced in respect of the cost of the items for which orders have been placed
during the contract period.


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

 Payment will be processed and released centrally. Head office of the bank.

10. Service Level Agreement (SLA):

Successful vendor has to enter into service level agreement with bank and SLA should cover the
following in terms of response time for support, the following matrix indicates the required SLA along
with financial penalties.

- Uptime Guarantee of Devices (during warranty, AMC, ATS):

- Vendor will have to guarantee a minimum uptime of 95%, calculated on a monthly basis
(calculated for Individual devices). The penalty will be calculated as per the details given

- Uptime percentage - 100% less Downtime Percentage

- Downtime percentage - Unavailable Time divided by Total Available Time, calculated on a

monthly basis.

- Total Available Time – 24 hrs per day for seven days a week

Unavailable Time - Time involved while the Device is inoperative or operates inconsistently or
erratically. The downtime meter is supposed to have commenced from such time the trouble tickets are
raised by the Bank.

Uptime Percentage Penalty Details

Available Time >= No Penalty.


Available Time < Penalty at an incremental rate of 1% of the individual product cost for
95% every 0.5% lower than the stipulated uptime with an overall cap of 95%.


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.


(To be kept in the Technical Proposal Envelope)



The General Manager,

Premises and Procurement Division,
Repco Bank,
Repco Towers,
No.33, North Usman Road,
Chennai – 17.


Sub: Request for Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Biometric Devices and

Single Sign on Solution software for Repco Bank Branches and offices across South


Having examined the Proposal Documents, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we,
the undersigned, offer to supply and deliver Hardware/Software, in conformity with the said Proposal

We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, we agree to Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and Single Sign on Solution in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in Annexure.

We agree to abide by the Proposal and the rates quoted therein.


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Proposal you may receive.

Dated this ....... day of ............................ 20…..

(Signature) (In the capacity of)

Duly authorized to sign Proposal for and on behalf of


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.


1. Name & Address of the Bidder :

2. GST No. :

3. PAN No :

4. Date of Establishment :

6. Proprietorship/Partnership/Private Ltd/Public Ltd :

7. OEM/Authorized Dealer :

8. If Dealer attach any proof for OEM

Authorized Dealership :

9. Turnover

Year Sales Profit



Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

10. List of Public Sector Banks / Private Sector Banks / Government Institutions to whom you have

Supplied Bio Metric Attendance Systems:

S.No. Name of the Organization


11. List of same kind orders executed in past three years.

No of Biometric
Name of the Bank to whom
S.No. Systems with Order value Executed date.

12. Tender application cost of Rs.2000/-+GST DD No ______________ dated_____________

13. EMD amount of Rs.5,00,000/- vide DD No______________ dated _____________

I certify that all the Terms & Conditions of the tender documents are accepted by us.


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

Enclosure to Technical Bid

1. All the pages of Request for Proposal documents duly signed by authorized signatory.

2. Form I: Technical Proposal Form

3. Copies of audited financial statements (Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss account for last three years)

4. Copies of PAN card, GST registration certificate,.

5. Copies of Dealership certificate / partner certificate issued by OEM.

6. All the documents related to the Bidder Eligibility Conditions

7. Escalation Matrix


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.



(To be kept in the Price Proposal Envelope)

Date: ___________
The General Manager,

Premises and Procurement Division,

Repco Bank, Repco Towers,

No.33, North Usman Road,

Chennai - 17


Sub: Request for Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Biometric Devices and

Single Sign on Solution software for Repco Bank Branches and offices across south


Having examined the Proposal Documents, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we,
the undersigned, offer to supply and deliver Hardware/Software, in conformity with the said Proposal
documents with value of amount mentioned as per the FORM IV as may be ascertained in accordance
with the Schedule of Prices attached herewith and made part of this Proposal.

We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to Supply, Install0 and Maintain of Biometric Devices and
Single Sign on Solution in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in Annexure.


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

We agree to abide by the Proposal and the rates quoted therein for the orders awarded by the

We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Proposal you may receive.

Dated this ....... day of ............................ 20….

(Signature) (In the capacity of)

Duly authorized to sign Proposal for and on behalf of


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.


No of Unit
No. Description Price Total Cost
Units (INR)

BIO Metric Devices

User License with Client Side software

1 1000
including Fingerprint scanner

Total (A)

Single Sign on Solution software

Server license (perpetual) for BIOAD/Single

1 1
Sign on Software at Data Centre.

Server license (perpetual) for BIOAD/Single

2 1
Sign on Software at Disaster Recovery Centre.

Software Implementation Charges in Data

3 1
Centre located at Chennai.

Software Implementation Charges in Disaster

4 1
Recovery Centre located at Bangalore.

Total (B)

GRAND Total (A+B)


1. Unit Price quoted should be inclusive of all taxes, Transportation and Installation. The price so
quoted, shall be valid for repeated orders.

2. No increase in costs, duties, levies, taxes, charges, etc., irrespective of reasons (including
exchange rate fluctuations) whatsoever, shall be admissible during the Price validity period.


Request for Supply, Install and Maintain of Biometric
Devices and SSO Software Repco Bank Branches/Offices across South India.

3. Warranty period will be 3 years.

4. Vendor will be responsible for obtaining necessary clearance/approval from the local sales tax
authorities (at destination place)

5. Warranty, offered by the bidder should have a back-to-back supporting arrangement with the
Original suppliers or their approved business partners of the hardware or software with necessary
documentary evidence thereof produced to the bank.

Seal & Signature of Bidder :


Business Address


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