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Padilla, Kyle Simon D.

BSIHM 1-y2-3
ETHICS ____________________

1. Gather the facts.

Maria is a married woman, She and her husband is working so long to have a child,
But Maria has been diagnosed with cancer in the liver, the suddenly she is pregnant.
Maria need to take chemotherapy, but chemotherapy will cause severe damage to
her child that will cause abnormality or even worse. His husband suggest to abort the
child until it is a Fetus, because her husband knows if Maria delivers the child with her
condition Maria it will be dangerous to Maria.

2. Determine the Ethical Issues

The Ethical issue in this case is that her husband want to abort the child or the fetus,
because aborting is against the law, not only against the law it is also a murder. They
are in the worse and difficult situation, they need to make a hard decision, decision
that they may regret, that they may lose one. Besides they waited so long to have a
child what they want to let it go? Why not take risk and maybe they won’t lose any,
maybe after Maria deliver the baby then she take chemotherapy and they both live.

3. What Ethical principles have a bearing on the case

Maria’s husband suggest to abort the child, not a good decision but I think that the
situation make him not to think straight because Maria can be fatal to herself
delivering that child of hers. But for me I think that Maria will choose to not to take
chemotherapy but to take a healthy living style until she deliver her baby, I think
that she will not take any risk to her child because mothers love is the stronger love I
know, besides she waited long to have a child, in this case I think that Maria will
choose her child over her because that all mothers will do, She only herself have the
right decision to make.

4. List of alternatives

Maria’s physician want her to treat effectively by using chemotherapy. The only bad
news in here that is chemotherapy will bring severe damage to the child. Meanwhile
her husband have the feeling that Delivering their baby will bring more damage to
Maria that is not he wanted to he suggest that abort the child then use chemotherapy
to Maria which is not a good idea to the baby that is so unfair to the baby. I think in
this case Maria will choose her baby over her, like I said in number 3, this is not belong
to the case but I think that this is Maria will be her only decision.
5. Compare the Alternatives with the principles

Maria’s physician and her husband alternative decision is to take the chemotherapy
and abort the child, While in my own opinion Maria principles that she will choose
the child over her, That she waited too long to have a child, she lives her life but the
child does not have the chance to live his/her life, All mothers will protect their own
child even they get hurt or worse, For me it is a good idea that Maria will take risk
to deliver her child because it is the right decision their will ever make.

6. Weight the Consequences

If they are really want to abort the child and treat chemotherapy Maria they will
regret it their whole life, But Maria lives, But if Maria choose to take risk and deliver
the child then she lives then she have the chance to take treatment and Maria and
her child will live but if Maria did not survive delivering the child her husband loses
her wife but Maria will die happy because her child lives her husband have the child
too but the consequences in this case is neither will live and the other is not.

7. Make a decision

In my opinion the best and right decision is that Maria chooses to deliver the child and
take chemotherapy if she survives giving birth to her child instead of aborting the
child and chooses herself, because it will be unfair, she lives her life but they will not
give a chance to the child to live? I she dies giving birth while she have cancer in the
liver her death will be naturally while if she choose to abort the child it is murder, and
they will regret it in the rest of their life, that is the right decision in my own opinion.

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