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Dealing with
Chemical Injury in Tobacco
Gary Palmer, Andy Bailey, and J. D. Green, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences

C hemical injury to tobacco can come

from many sources, and any of these
could result in reduced yield and quality or
reduce marketability of the cured leaf:
• using unlabeled pesticides
• misapplication of labeled pesticides
• contaminated sprayers
• drift from pesticides applied to adjacent
• carry-over from pesticides sprayed on
previous crops
• use of pesticide-contaminated water
for irrigation
• water and soil runoff from treated
• trailers or wagons contaminated with
non‑tobacco pesticides used to haul
transplants to the field.

Pesticide Labels
Pesticide labels are designed to provide Tobacco fields with chemical drift damage like that above may recover or, as the case with
specific instructions that can prevent some pesticides, may suffer permanent damage.
injury to crops near the intended target.
They will warn of potential drift to sensi-
tive crops and indicate other potential
hazards. Some chemicals may require a Avoiding Chemical Injury
waiting period before sensitive rotational • Read all pesticide labels carefully, particularly restrictions regarding application
crops like tobacco can be planted. rate, method, timing, maximum number of applications allowed per season,
tank mixing, crop rotational intervals, and applications made near sensitive
Equipment Considerations crops.
• Use appropriate nozzles and calibrate sprayers.
Nozzles and Sprayers • Avoid planting in areas with potential for drift.
Often little regard is given to sprayer • Do not use fertilizer buggies that also may contain pesticide residue from
nozzles from year to year. If inappropriate impregnated fertilizer intended for other crops such as corn.
nozzles are used for pesticide application, • Avoid nurse tanks that may have contained chemical mixtures.
they may cause irregular application, be • Clean sprayer between applications of potentially harmful chemicals and after
more susceptible to drift, or produce ex- last sucker control applications.
cessive residues. It is often undesirable to • Avoid irrigation water near roadways, railroad lines, and power lines.
use one set of nozzles for applications of • Dedicate a sprayer for tobacco use only.
different pesticides. Using the appropri-
ate nozzles will assure better coverage
and therefore better control. As a general
propriate for spot spraying and for general recommended for sucker control applica-
rule, flat fan nozzles are recommended for
weed control. Hollow cone nozzles are tions instead of the old standard hollow
most broadcast applications of herbicides.
recommended for most insecticide and cone nozzles which produce a mist that is
However, other nozzles may be more ap-
fungicide applications to ensure good too fine for proper rundown of the sucker
coverage. Solid cone nozzles are now control chemicals.
A sprayer should also be calibrated so sprayed to control brush or other vegeta- Dedicating a sprayer only for tobacco
that the rate of application can be assured. tion. Fields located downwind from these use will reduce potential chemical injury
Proper application rates prevent potential situations may be at greater risk compared but will not always eliminate problems.
crop injury and excessive residues and with those located upwind. Some chemicals used in tobacco produc-
ensure optimum efficacy. tion can cause injury if sprayed at the
Irrigation Water wrong time. The potential from MH has
Fertilizer Buggies Irrigation water could potentially been mentioned, but Spartan is another
Most fertilizer dealers have fertilizer contain harmful levels of chemicals due example of a potential problem. If the
buggies that are designated for tobacco to runoff from agricultural use or from sprayer is not thoroughly cleaned, residual
use only. Fertilizer buggies that have been rights‑of‑way that are routinely sprayed to chemical left in a sprayer from a pre-plant
used for spreading fertilizer impregnated control brush or other vegetation. Testing application of Spartan can injure tobacco
with atrazine or other herbicides are a the water is an option and could prevent when the sprayer is used for a post-trans-
potential source of chemical injury in to- costly damage to the crop. plant application of another pesticide.
bacco. Make sure that any fertilizer buggy Careful assessment of the area around In addition, never use sprayers that are
used for spreading tobacco fertilizer is not irrigation sources may provide some primarily used to control broadleaf weeds
contaminated with any other herbicide. level of assurance that drainage areas in fencerows or for other general broadleaf
near the source have not been sprayed. weed control. Follow label directions for
Nurse Tanks On‑farm ponds well away from crops or specific information on cleaning sprayer
rights‑of‑way should be a safer source of equipment.
Nurse tanks used to fill transplanter
tanks and spray tanks for tobacco pro- irrigation water than those located near
duction are potential sources of chemi- these areas. Chemical weed control in Evaluating Chemical Injury
cally contaminated water. Nurse tanks pastures that drain into irrigation ponds Chemical injury to tobacco can come
that have contained clean water only are should be avoided. from many sources, but the most common
advised. is from herbicides. However, excessive
If left unattended, nurse tanks can Pesticide Carry-Over rates or high concentrations of other
become contaminated accidentally by a Chemical damage to tobacco crops pesticides or fertilizers can also cause leaf
back siphon from a spray tank containing is common where applications of other damage. Rule out disease, nutrient, or
pesticides. Nurse tanks filled from pesti- pesticides precede applications made to environmental problems first, if pos-
cide-contaminated water sources may be a tobacco crop using the same sprayer. sible, by comparing symptoms to known
hard to decontaminate. A routine cleaning of spray equipment disease symptoms, checking soil pH, and
between applications should help prevent considering recent weather events. If an
Avoiding Pesticide Drift chemical injury. For example, in years herbicide is suspected, compare symp-
where tobacco crops are variable in size, toms to weed species growing within the
Common sense should be used when
sucker control treatments containing damaged area. When looking outside of
planting tobacco. Consider potential ap-
maleic hydrazide (MH) may be applied the crop area, realize that leaf distortion
plications that might be made to other
to one crop prior to an application of an in vegetation is common and could be
crops in the area that could pose a drift
insecticide to a much smaller crop. Small caused by insect feeding or other natural
hazard. Planting tobacco a row away
amounts of sucker control chemicals left phenomena.
from Roundup Ready® crops or crops that
in the sprayer can cause considerable Some of the most common chemical
routinely receive treatments of growth
damage to tobacco that is too small for injury symptoms seen in tobacco are due
regulators such as 2,4‑D or dicamba is
sucker control applications. This applies to drift from spray applications made to
asking for trouble.
also to crops sprayed the following year nearby crops or unwanted vegetation.
Tobacco is particularly sensitive to
when the last spray the previous year was Chemicals from the following classes are
some herbicides and should be planted a
an application of MH. Any amount of re- frequently to blame: growth regulators or
considerable distance from crops that will
sidual MH left in the tank can potentially synthetic auxins, triazines, acetolactate
be sprayed with those products. Because
harm the next crop that is sprayed. synthase inhibitors (ALS‑type), glypho-
of the potential drift concerns, tobacco
sate, and chlorophyll inhibitors.
should be planted a reasonable distance
away from rights‑of‑way that are routinely

Growth Regulators or
Synthetic Auxins
Growth regulators or synthetic auxins
are used for weed control in crops and
as broadleaf control on pastures and
rights‑of‑way. They include phenoxys like
2,4‑D, benzoic acids like dicamba (Banvel,
Clarity, etc.), and pyridine carboxylic acids
like picloram (Tordon and various) and
triclopyr (Garlon, Remedy and others), or
combinations of these and similar prod-
Symptoms may include any combina-
tion of the following: strappy leaves, thick-
ened leaves, exaggerated leaf tip, ruffled Injury from growth regulators or synthetic auxins.
leaf edges, “cobra‑head” effect near the
leaf tip, twisting of the stalk, and thickened
main stem.
Symptoms may range from being
restricted to those leaves developing at
the time of exposure (as is the case with
2,4‑D) to persisting through the growth
of the plant causing extensive damage (as
is common with picloram).

Triazines are used primarily in corn
production and include atrazine and
simazine. Symptoms from root uptake of
triazine herbicides are generally more pro-
nounced between secondary veins and are
comprised of light brown dead leaf tissue
on older leaf tissue. Yellow or dead leaf tis- Injury from acetolactate synthase inhibitors.
sue occurring along the margins of leaves is
also a typical symptom of triazine injury in
tobacco. Secondary veins may retain some residue would indicate that it is safe to plant A mottled appearance in which bright
yellow or green tissue along the vein. tobacco. Residue levels between 0.05 and yellow spots may appear on leaves where
Tobacco rotated into a field that was 0.19 ppm would indicate a potential for spray droplets contacted the leaf surface
in corn the previous year where a triazine injury, but symptom development might is another indication of ALS injury.
herbicide such as atrazine was used should depend on weather conditions. Levels at Carry-over from a previous crop, while
be tested for the presence of triazine in the 0.2 ppm and above indicate that injury is less common, may result in clubbed roots.
early spring prior to planting. A soil sample likely, and tobacco should not be planted. In most cases, tobacco can recover with-
with less than 0.05 ppm of total triazine Instructions for submitting a sample for a out significant loss unless a more direct
triazine test are available through your local spray drift has occurred.
county Extension office. Symptoms of foliar
uptake from drift or direct sprays may look Glyphosate
similar to those of a contact herbicide. Glyphosate (Roundup and others) is
used as a non‑selective broad-spectrum
Acetolactate Synthase weed control herbicide in grain crops or
Inhibitors (ALS‑Type) for general weed control on fencerows and
Acetolactate synthase inhibitor as a spot spray for johnsongrass.
(ALS‑type) herbicides include products Symptoms on tobacco include bands
such as Accent, Beacon, Exceed, Light- of light yellow to almost white and small
ning, Pursuit, and several others. Symp- white spots along leaf veins (see detail ar-
toms can vary depending on the type of row on following figure). These symptoms
exposure. A spray drift can cause restric- can be confused with other herbicide
tion of the main leaf stem causing the leaf products such as clomazone (Command)
Injury from triazines. or mesotrione (Callisto).
to have a ruffled appearance at the base.
Source: Burley Tobacco Field Manual, R.J. Reynolds
Tobacco Company.

Injury from glyphosate.

Chlorophyll Inhibitor Herbicides That Cause Injury from Chemicals

Chlorophyll inhibitors like Callisto Contact Injury Labeled for Tobacco Use
control broadleaf and certain grass weeds Herbicides that cause contact injury Not all chemical injury is from pes-
in corn. Callisto is quickly translocated may produce similar symptoms. Gramox- ticides intended for other crops or
and inhibits an enzyme that is essential one is used as a burn-down, contact‑type non‑cropland uses. Chemicals used in
to photosynthesis and plant growth. The chemical primarily in no‑till production, tobacco may cause some crop injury to
general appearance is a whitening or which can also include no‑till tobacco. tobacco under these conditions:
chlorosis of the leaf tissue which may be Symptoms are generally confined to white • if applied at higher than labeled rates,
confused with glyphosate or Command spotting where spray droplets contact the • if spray overlap occurs in the field, or
damage. (See Command under “Injury leaf but could be typical contact burn if the • if method or timing of application is
from Chemicals Labeled for Tobacco Use” tobacco suffered a more direct spray. Aim different from that specified on the
below.) is another contact-type chemical that can product label.
cause damage to tobacco growing near
sprayed areas. Herbicides
For more information regarding mode Prowl controls annual grasses and
of action, symptomology, weed control certain broadleaf weeds in tobacco. The
spectrum, and use of these and other main symptom to look for is restricted
herbicides, consult Kentucky Cooperative and nubby roots which may cause stunt-
Extension publication AGR‑6, Chemical ing. Symptoms are more common when
Control of Weeds for Kentucky Farm Crops. plant roots are transplanted into the
Always read labeling prior to use of these treated zone. Incorporation of the her-
or other pesticides.

Callisto damage in tobacco can look like

glyphosate injury.

Aim contact injury drift versus Gramoxone direct contact.

bicide deeper than 2 inches, excessive setting will exhibit the same foliar burning size from pinpoint to slightly larger than
application, and cool soils can contribute. as would be expected from a contact‑type ¼ inch in circumference and vary in color
Tobacco has good tolerance and should herbicide. Spartan injury to tobacco may from a dull white to shades of olive brown.
recover. also occur following a heavy rainfall soon The degree of spotting appears to be in-
Command controls broadleaf weeds after transplanting. Heavy rainfall can fluenced by weather conditions but does
and annual grasses in tobacco. Misap- splash soil containing Spartan onto lower not affect yield or quality. Flecking injury
plication or excessive rainfall soon after leaves of young plants. This “splash” injury following a Quadris application is more
application can cause the leaves of newly will look similar to the burning injury that pronounced and much more common on
set tobacco to turn white. Tobacco is would occur from a direct application. burley tobacco than on dark tobacco.
highly tolerant to this damage and should Ridomil or Ultra Flourish is used
recover quickly. Fungicides for black shank control in tobacco and
Spartan controls broadleaf weeds, Actigard controls blue mold in tobac- does not cause any damage if used as
including morningglories, and yellow co but can cause plants to take on a yellow directed by the label. However, if misap-
nutsedge in tobacco. Misapplications or cast. This is a temporary yellowing as the plied in transplant water, tobacco may
overlapping spray patterns may cause tobacco is induced to resist blue mold. Do be stunted by high rates and may yellow
damage to lower leaves. Leaves may not spray this fungicide on tobacco that between secondary veins. Dry conditions
appear spear-shaped rather than the is less than 18 inches tall to reduce the at transplanting also increase the chance
characteristic lobe shape. Leaf etching is chance of stunting. for damage.
common with small dead spots that may Quadris has had specific exemptions
coalesce to form larger spots that may fall for use in tobacco to control frogeye leaf Sucker Control Chemicals
out leaving a ragged appearance. Tobacco spot and target spot. Check current labeling Maleic hydrazide (MH) is a systemic
usually recovers very quickly and can prior to the use of this product in tobacco. tobacco sucker control chemical. MH
tolerate all but the most severe damage. Quadris can cause a flecking on tobacco is most damaging to tobacco when it
Tobacco exposed to a direct application of leaves similar to that caused by ozone and accidentally comes in contact with a
Spartan from a contaminated sprayer after other air contaminants. Spots range in crop at a stage earlier than normally
recommended. Leaves of exposed plants
are typically very narrow and strappy
in appearance. This may be referred to
as Frenching. Although Frenching may

Command injury. Yellowing from Actigard.


Spartan injury. Quadris flecking. MH injury: a) early season. b) late season.

cause tobacco to produce strappy leaves, on tobacco. However, contact materials Maintaining a good soil pH (6.4‑6.6) can
it generally has other symptoms that can used at higher than recommended rates avoid some herbicide persistence issues.
distinguish it from MH damage. MH can burn the entire leaf axil and cause leaf Soils that are too acidic (< 5.0) may increase
levels that exceed labeled rates or MH drop. This is usually more of a concern in persistence of some herbicides (Lightning,
that is applied multiple times can cause dark tobacco where contacts are applied Pursuit, etc.), while a pH above 7.0 may
excessive bronzing and burning along as a stalk rundown using drop lines or cause greater persistence of other herbicides
margins of upper leaves, leaf deteriora- hand sprayers. Avoid temperatures in (Atrazine, Accent, Beacon, and Exceed).
tion, and unacceptable residue on the excess of 90°F to reduce the chance of leaf Discing ground when it is too wet will
cured leaf. Reducing the rate and apply- drop when using fatty alcohols. Recom- result in a shallow “traffic pan” (compac-
ing it in combination with other sucker mended rates for most contact sucker tion layer). Tobacco root growth will
control chemicals should improve control control products are 2 to 2.5 gal. per 50 gal. be confined to a depth of 4 to 6 inches,
and reduce injury and residues. water (4 to 5% solution). Consult specific thereby keeping a high percentage of the
Local systemics including Prime+, label instructions before applying a fatty roots in a chemically treated zone, increas-
Butralin, and Flupro are most often used alcohol. ing the likelihood of injury and making the
in combination with MH for sucker con- plant more prone to drought stress.
trol. They must come in contact with the Injury Mistaken for Black root rot can cause stunting of
sucker bud for control. Application made tobacco and may produce patterns that
to a small leaf may cause some leaf distor-
Chemical Injury are characteristic of chemical injury. Black
tion as that leaf expands. These symptoms Herbicides labeled for use in tobacco root rot may cause tobacco to exhibit un-
are more common in flue‑cured and dark are often blamed for injury caused by other dulating or uneven growth within rows. In
tobacco than burley. Excessive application things. Manganese toxicity causes many other situations, one row may be stunted
of these products can damage cover crops symptoms that can be mistaken for chemi- beside rows on either side that are more
planted after the tobacco is removed. cal injury. At low pH, manganese in the soil normal in size, or outside rows may be nor-
Contact sucker control products or solution becomes available to the plant mal while the rest of the tobacco is stunted.
fatty alcohols including Off‑Shoot T, Royal at toxic concentrations; proper liming of This may lead producers to believe that
Tac M, Fair 85, Sucker Plucker, and others soils according to soil tests and fertilization the stunted row received a double dose of
contain C8 and/or C10 fatty alcohols that programs within recommended levels of chemical or that the outside row did not
physically burn young sucker growth at nitrogen will largely prevent manganese get as much chemical. However, if the field
each leaf axil where the spray solution toxicity. Tobacco may appear stunted and was enlarged from the previous year, the
touches. Contacts are generally the saf- turn a pale or yellow color with secondary tobacco in that area will be essentially in
est type of sucker control material used veins remaining green. new soil that may have less black root rot
inoculum and, therefore, less stunting.

Local systemic leaf distortion. Manganese toxicity.

Implications of Pesticide A crop with chemical damage may age. Any production practice that is not
be rejected by tobacco companies if they considered a normal practice may be al-
Residue on Tobacco know that it has been exposed to an un- leged to contribute to the damage, reduc-
Prior to the Fair and Equitable Tobacco labeled product. Some of the chemicals ing the chance for a fair settlement. The
Reform Act (FETRA) of 2004, tobacco that accidentally find their way into a use of illegal pesticides by the producer
producers were required to sign form crop may or may not leave lasting residue can totally derail any claims that damage
MQ‑38 which certified that the producer or symptoms of the exposure. Failing to from another chemical drift reduced the
had used only labeled chemicals in ac- disclose exposure to the buyer could have marketability of the crop. In this case, the
cordance with their label directions for repercussions if the residue is detected crop was technically unmarketable after
the production of their tobacco. Producers after marketing the crop or if symptoms the first illegal pesticide application.
could legally sign MQ‑38 even if drift from are noticed during the sale. Good production practices such as
a neighbor had damaged the crop. There If legal action is considered by the choosing the right variety for the disease
still was a possibility of the crop being producer of a damaged crop, the dam- potential, maintaining good soil pH levels,
rejected if chemical contamination was aged crop must be maintained as if it is proper fertilization, good weed control,
detected visually or by residue analysis. normal until all legal settlements have proper time of transplanting, and good
Now, there is more emphasis on account- been determined. Failing to do so could topping and harvesting practices all aid
ability, traceability, and crop integrity. lead to accusations of crop abandonment. in securing a proper and fair settlement
If the courts decide that the main damage when litigation is necessary.
was due to neglect by the producer, the
producer may not get any compensation
for the loss suffered due to chemical dam-

Mention or display of a trademark, proprietary product, or firm in text or figures does not constitute
an endorsement and does not imply approval to the exclusion of other suitable products or firms.

Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of
May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, M. Scott Smith, Director of Cooperative Extension Service, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Lexington, and Ken-
tucky State University, Frankfort. Copyright © 2006 for materials developed by University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. This publication may be reproduced in portions or its entirety for educational or
nonprofit purposes only. Permitted users shall give credit to the author(s) and include this copyright notice. Publications are also available on the World Wide Web at
Revised 3-2006

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