Election Review - CCCXIV

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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard  rsklaroff@gmail.com
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 February 19, 2022 am – FDR opened
Japanese Internment Camps

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CCCXIV] – Wisconsin and Thoughts

In many respects, I have considered myself to be an interloper when participating in the

Zoom-calls because, candidly, all I can realistically do is to report on what’s happening in
PA; I can ask “intelligent questions” that are tolerated, but all I can hope to accomplish is
to seek clarification of what proper recommendations should be, when they’re distilled.
For example, I’ve successfully convinced the participants that all tabulation should occur
at the precinct level; pre-canvassing shouldn’t occur, even if the results are delayed. This
affords the locals the ability to check signatures, etc. to minimize potential fraud.

We also discussed, at my behest, Ranked Choice Voting, and I provided a perspective from
a book I bought in the 90s c/o Lani Guanier [she recently died]; I believe the consensus
was that it’s OK for primaries, but noy for general elections. Thus, the issue was settled,
and our input will be sent to Missouri, where GOP Lawmakers Sold their souls for ‘Ranked
Choice Voting’ that Ensures Democrats Win Future Elections in a Trump +15 State. It was
suggested that comity can be stimulated in this fashion, for everyone would want to be
friends with those who might vote for themselves as a second choice, for example.

These events also serve as a clearinghouse for communication of problems encountered

in other states, such as when California targeted conservatives by using a person's
vaccinated status as a litmus test to block that person from serving as a poll worker. Also
noted with relief was that Judicial Watch Settled North Carolina Voter Roll Lawsuit After
State Removed Over 430,000 Inactive Names From Rolls. And Michigan House Elections
Committee will consider two bills: HB 4967 (Rep. Paquette) would require that paper
ballots include ballot security measures such as use of color inks and microprinting. HB
5335 (Rep. Damoose) would require that the pollbook include every election challenge
and the rejection of a challenge. We’re quite aware of [and eagerly convey to others] the
10 ways the 2020 Presidential Election was obviously Stolen That Were Ignored by Media.

This knowledge also instills confidence when confronted with an intramural challenge;
lotsa people weren’t pleased that the PA Northwest GOP Caucus withheld straw vote
totals after each member circled his/her top three preferences in each race, tabulated
the totals, and released the top-three vote-getters in no particular order, while omitting
the remainder of the candidates.
Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (backed by George Soros) is Being Sued for:
Not Legally Certifying 2020 Election; Illegally Destroying Records; and, Creating Law
Specifying Only Certain Unknown Individuals Can Audit Voting Machines.

We also condemned the Reforming the Electoral Count Act by Sens. McConnell/Romney
because it limits the power/authority of elected officials in Washington and empowers
unelected bureaucrats. This system has worked for 100+ years; tying the hands of elected
officials moves us farther away from accountability, transparency, and inclusion in our
elections. These issues are discussed during the “after-show show.”

Rep. Ramthun (R) introduced a resolution during a floor session to retract the state's 10
electoral votes cast for President Joe Biden in 2021. Despite the fact that it’s packed with
facts showing a corrupted election, Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke (R), has
promised to kill the resolution. Retiring GOP RINO Rules Committee Chair (Jim Steineke)
said there is “Zero chance I will pass” Rep. Ramthun’s resolution to decertify the 2020
election results. Ramthun told Bannon [1/27/2022] that he’s exploring multiple
parliamentary-procedures, for rules suggest his resolution may not be dead in committee.

Concomitantly, Wisconsin Speaker Vos “refused to say” whether he supports election

Drop Boxes (initially ruled to be illegal, pending appeals); this is unsettled because
Wisconsin attorneys filed an Emergency Motion to bypass the Appeals Court and its
decision to delay banning Drop Boxes for the February Primary. Wisconsin explains why
low-hanging-fruit (h/t Bannon) had remained unplucked.
1,500 Volunteers Investigate Wisconsin Election: The WEC Is a Member of the ERIC
System – They Are Deliberately Not Cleaning the Voter Rolls
Republican Lawmakers in Wisconsin Propose Legislation to Make It Unconstitutional to
Accept Private Money to Help Administer Elections
Six Counties in Wisconsin Are Reportedly Calling for Speaker Vos to Resign
“Speaker Vos and the Legislative Body Have Ignored the Voice and Will of the People” –
GOP County Leaders Call on Speaker Vos to Resign
Dem Governor Tony Evers Panics After Judge Rules Ballot Drop Boxes Illegal in the State
Thanks to Speaker Vos’s Solid Backing, Drop Boxes Were Allowed in Wisconsin in 2020 –
Wisconsin Supreme Court to Decide on Long Term Legality of Drop Boxes

Wisconsin Elections Commission authored another blunder when it issued rules that
would allow local clerks to go out of their way to fix ballots by filling in Missing Info on
Ballot Envelopes (curing), without contacting the voter. Many blue area election clerks
abuse these types of rules to cover-up and tabulate ballots that never should have been
submitted. If a ballot is to be cured at all, it needs to be by the voter -- not by a bureaucrat.

Wisconsin Voter Alliance challenged state elections board's decision on outside money

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