Case Study

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Executive Summary

The content of this paper talks about wastewater biological treatment method. The
presented biological wastewater treatment is aerobic treatment.
Wastewater is the product of used water that is also called as sewage. It is polluted
that contains human waste, oils, food scraps, and chemicals. Also, the increase of wastewater is
due to different kinds of factors such as industrialization, population growth, agricultural needs
and naturals occurring phenomena. Furthermore, untreated sewage, combined with industrial
discharge results to the contamination of water resources around the world. Therefore, high
demands of good water quality increases over the past years. In order to resolve this problems,
methods in treating wastewater arises. One of this is the wastewater biological treatment method.
For this method, aerobic treatment is discussed in this paper. Aerobic wastewater treatment is the
process of breaking down organic contaminants and other pollutants with the use of oxygen.
Organic microorganism plays a big role in the process where they utilize organic matter that also
served as their food. Different aerobic treatments are also mentioned in this paper. This includes
(1) aerobic bioreactor, (2) aerobic granular process (AGS) and (3) improved anoxic/aerobic
process with myriophyllum spicatum
In conclusion, aerobic bioreactor that was configured in the A/0 or CAS running
mode, could significantly retain micro plastics (MP) particles especially those with bigger size.
The three most detected MPs are polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and povinyl chloride
(PVC). The MP particles of the stated types of plastic can be retained with an efficiency of
64.4%-97.5% on a weight basis. On the other hand, aerobic granular process (AGS)is one of the
most favorable biological wastewater treatment technologies invented. The process is formed by
self-immobilization of distinct microbial groups. As a result, the process achieves the removal of
carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in a single treatment tank. It represents an effective, cost-
effective, compact and energy- efficient type of wastewater biological treatment method.
Moreover, improved anoxic/aerobic process with myriophyllum spicatum is the strongest
removal capacity for COD, NH +¿− 4
and TN in digestive piggery wastewater treatment having
the average removal rate of 62.1%. 87.5%, and 61.9% respectively. Generally, aerobic
wastewater treatment is a stand-alone system that makes the wastewater useful. stabilizes a
sludge and make it odor free. It is proven and tested to treat wastewater to meet environmental
requirements and to discharge clean water safely. This system plays a vital role in maintaining
the eco-system. Thus, rules and regulation are needed to be followed in order to establish aerobic

Background Materials
Wastewater is the flow of used water from a neighborhood. It consists of 99.9% water
by weight, where the remaining 0.1% is suspended or dissolved material. Moreover, wastewater
also called as sewage originates from human, animal waste, rain runoff, home wastewaters and
groundwater infiltration. Municipal wastewater, domestic wastewaters, industrial wastewaters,
and agricultural wastewaters are just some types of wastewater.
A good water quality is important to every household around the world. It is widely
used as a daily necessity in human consumption, social and economic development, and in the
ecosystem. Thus, over 80% of wastewater is being released back to the ecosystem without proper
treatment and reused (UN WWDR, 2017). Due to the population growth, continuous
development of urbanization, the availability of clean water decreases as pollution increases.
Problems related to water quality are mostly caused by industrial production, mining, intensive
agriculture and untreated urban runoff. Around 1.8 billion of people uses water that is
contaminated with bacteria and leads to various infections or diseases such as diarrhea, cholera
and polio (WHO, 2015). This problem remains widespread across developing country due to
untreated domestic and urban wastewater.
Ensuring a more sustainable and safe water for everyone requires us to value
wastewater rather than discarding it. Wastewater can be seen as a potential resource and use or
recycling after suitable treatment. Water, in its cycle must be manage carefully during its every
part: from fresh water abstraction, pre-treatment, distribution, use, collection and post-treatment,
to the use of treated wastewater and its ultimate return to the environment, ready to be abstracted
to start the cycle again. It plays a big role in meeting the growing water demand and in the
sustainability of the economy.
The increase in the water pollution over the past years led to a growing movement for
industry to reduce wastewater and to treat it before discharge. Different method of treating
wastewater is invented. Physical or the primary treatment to wastewater is still consist of large
amount of colloidal and dissolved material that is needed to be removed before discharge.
Therefore, biological wastewater treatment also known as secondary treatment is implemented.
This method removes suspended solids by microorganisms such as fungi, algae, or bacteria
under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. This naturally occurring microorganisms transform the
dissolved organic matter into a dense biomass that serves as energy for themselves. Through this,
it is now possible for the dissolve organic matter to be separated from the treated wastewater
with sedimentation process.
As stated, under the wastewater biological treatment method is the aerobic treatment.
Aerobic wastewater treatment is a biological process that breaks down organic contaminants and
other pollutants with the use of oxygen. This process uses aerobic microorganism that is feed on
the wastewater’s organic matter resulting to the conversion of carbon dioxide and biomass that
can be removed. An air blower or compressor acts as a mechanical aeration device wherein
oxygen is continuously mixed to the wastewater or sewages. Aeration is widely used to remove
organic volatile compounds (VOCs) in water. It also provides the escape of dissolved gases, such
as CO2 and H2S. Furthermore, aerobic treatment is suitable for a range of industries such as food
& beverage, chemical and municipal. Samer et al., (2014) states that aerobic treatment with bio-
waste is effective in reducing harmful gaseous emissions as greenhouse gases (CH4 and N2O)
and ammonia. Different aerobic treatments include (1) aerobic bioreactor, (2) aerobic granular
process (AGS) and (3) improved anoxic/aerobic process with myriophyllum spicatum.
In addition, implementing aerobic treatment system has rules and regulation regarding
on its design, limitations on use, manual of operation and maintenance. Here are some;
1. The aerobic treatment unit must be approved by the health authority, NSF International
pursuant to its standard 40 and other testing laboratory that is approved by the health
2. Proof of approval.
3. The system must be designed by an engineer.
4. It must conform with all applicable provisions of the Nevada Administrative Code and is
subject to any other requirements for design that are determined necessary by the
administrative authority.
5. Any reduction in size must be approved by an engineer. Direct surface discharge is not
6.  Aerobic wastewater treatment unit must not be used where electrical service is
unreliable, dependable maintenance is not available.
7. A schematic detailing a 24-hour operating alarm system must be included in the design
plan of the unit.
8. A manual for the operation and maintenance together with the design plan of an aerobic
wastewater treatment unit must be submitted to the administrative authority.

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