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Please submit $56.00 payable to: Kathy Tar Due date: Tues. Feb. 1, 2011
Parents: The cost per student will be $28.00/night for our two overnight trips, based on 3-4 students per room.

Fri. Feb. 25 in Frankenmuth and Fri. March 4 in Grand Rapids

This will not include lunch or dinner. More information will be sent home at a later date regarding meals.
This payment does not include State Finals. State Finalists will pay for overnight lodging in April 2011.

Team member:(print) _-<./3~.--Lm~=b~..'-::.L.r-=-t _

NO late payments, please!

Some students have been irresponsible & disregard due dates.
Team deposits are delayed. Coach time is repeatedly wasted with reminders.

Please, please return all forms in 2011 on the due dates.

Please make meeting deadlines one of your 2011 priorities. Thank you.
Rules of Conduct for Overnight Forensics Team Trips

As a member of the Divine Child Forensics Team, you represent the school at ~times. Your
actions should never cause your parents, your coaches, the school,or anyone associated with it
any sort of embarrassment. Use that information as a guideline when deciding whether or
not certain behavior is suitable. Here are rules for ~ny overnight trips:

1. You will be expected to abide by the established curfew(s). check points. and check-in
times for all weekend activities. No "loners"! At least 2 students must be together at
all times. Make sure at least one of our DC team members knows where you are
at al/ times in case we need to find you. 'Wake up" times and meal times will be set
as a team and all members must adhere to these.

2. You must sleep in your assignod room. No "sleepovers", even if it's another DC
room. You may not leave your room after curfew. You may not be allowed to
attend other overnights if you leave your room after curfew. "Lights out" means
"lights out" including the television and cell phones!

3. Abide by all rules & requests of Mrs. Tar, trip chaperones, the tournament, and the
hotel as detailed here and on any information sheets regarding Divine Child, the hotel,
MIFA, MSCI, and/or the tournament. You should behave as hotel guests, interscholastic
team members, and mature restaurant customers at all times.

4. All school policies including use of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs are in effect.
Use or possession of any of the above will result in school administration intervention.
Student behavior policies are written in the Divine Child Student Handbook.
Offenders will be sent home at their expense. Such behavior will risk dismissal from the
team and/or the tournament. Divine Child supports a zero-tolerance policy in regards
to drugs/alcohol including a team suspension and up to ten school days.

5. No ordering any food or beverage in your hotel room on your own. NO phone or any
charges to your room. [Parents - do not ask your teen to call you & charge it to
the room. Other phone arrangements should be made prior to the team's departure.]
No food is to be ordered from your hotel room and no food or other deliveries are to be
made to the hotel or to your hotel room without advance approval by Mrs. Tar.

6. Remember - Get to know and enjoy your team members, your coaches, chaperones,
and students from other MIFA I MSCI schools, and HAVE FUN!

If additional guidelines/rules are necessary, you will be informed as needed. If you have
any questions, please email me - or call the school and leave a
message for me to return your call. I will need this letter returned to me with student
and parent signatures on TUES" FEB, 1, 2011,

---- Mrs. Kathy Tar, Head Coach

I have read the above "rules of conduct" and I know they must be followed during 2011
team trips. I realize this applies to the regular season as well as State Finals and Mackinac
Island, if the team attends this year. I understand a parent will be called and may be required to
come immediately to take a student home if serious rule violations occur. For this reason as well
as health and safety concerns, at least one parent must be readily available by phone
DURING ALL HOURS your son/daughter is with Mrs. Tar during the tournament
day, night, or any travel time & free time before & after ALL 2011 tournaments.

Student Signatur~~ ~ name f,((AiS~ ~. H~~

Parent Signature. Date ( z.. '1 2..0) J
Print parent name (J b n~11. (\,1# M,
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