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Goal: Have ensemble understand different characters of subject & countersubject

Objective Procedure
Physical Readiness stretch arms by pulling opposite arm across
- Full Body Engagement chest, bend separate legs simultaneously to
(3 minutes) stretching arm, either knee to chest standing
or lowering into squatting position to engage
lower body muscles
Vocal Readiness simultaneously to physical readiness
- Breath Support procedure, sing a descending 5 note-pattern
- Phrasing on “ah”, including four staccato pulses at the
top of pattern before legato descend
Understand Character of Subject start at m. 1 of Cum Sancto
(3 minutes) Have everyone sing the subject from bass line
- Have ensemble imagine big bear to
simulate weight of sound
- Have ensemble imitate spreading
bedsheets to simulate connection of
- Combine concepts
- After running one time through of
each exercise, let them sing it alone to
establish independence and get a
better listen
Understand Character of Countersubject Have everyone sing countersubject from
(3 minutes) soprano line, thinking light and bouncy
- Have ensemble imagine little bird
- close hands with all fingertips
touching, tapping rhythm of line in air
- After running one time through of
exercise, let them sing it alone to
establish independence and get a
better listen
Reinforcing Character of Subject and start at m. 1 of Cum Sancto, end at m. 32
Countersubject Have everyone sing their own parts
(2 minutes) Each time a part sings subject, reinforce

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