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Jose Eduardo M.

Sicangco BABA 1A


One of the most popular event in the history of human kind happened on 1789 in France, a
revolution which led thousands of Europeans to fight against their corrupt dictators and
systems. French Revolution was caused by the discontentment of the people who feels that
their government failed to achieve the goals that it needs to be accomplished. This event is not
all about war and prejudices but it also contains positive outcomes which helped the people in
France to have a life that is free and non-corruptive. French Rev. played a significant role in
shaping modern nations, because of what happened between the time of 1789 and 1790’s
different nations took this event as an example on how they should run their people and their
systems. As I was reading the article about French Revolution I realized that this event showed
the world and their neighboring counties what it is like to have a power and control inherent
from the will of the people, I can say that it is not about who is seated above us, it is not about
who makes the laws and it is not about the single person who controls a nation or a country but
it is about the people who lives and takes advantage on their own mother land and those
people have their voices and opinions and if most of them sees that the doings of their leaders
are wrong then they have the right to oust him or her. Another effect of French revolution in
politics that we have today is that they gave birth to Ideologies, before ideologies was found,
people generally lived in the form of government that had been in place for centuries and that
was a form of Monarchy, however because of the revolution and after it ended, every
government cannot be accepted as legitimate as long as it cannot be justified. The Rise of
modern Nationalism, as we all know Nationalism emphasizes loyalty, devotion and allegiance to
once nation or country, during the revolution there was a time that people initiated the
movement toward modern nation-state and played an important role in the birth of
nationalism across European countries. Another important effect of the French revolution is the
spread of liberalism, liberalism is a philosophy that is based on liberty and equality, during the
revolution there was banners and slogans that said ‘liberty, equality, fraternity”, these things
makes the abolition of feudalism in the country and marked the collapse of feudal and old
traditional rights and privileges. Ideologies that French revolution gave rise to be socialism and
communism. Revolutions are necessary for changes in the society even though it does not
sometimes work out. Each movement that happened in history molds the future not only on
that country but also globally .Revolutions can cause lives and sometimes freedom but the
success of revolution can be measured if a goal even one can be achieved.

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