Crim1 - Title IV

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Title Four quash on this ground constitutes a bar to another

EXTINCTION OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY prosecution for the same offense. (Sec. 6, Rule
Chapter One By the death of the convict
TOTAL EXTINCTION OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY The death of the convict, whether before or
after final judgment, extinguishes criminal liability,
Art. 89. How criminal liability is totally because one of the juridical conditions of penalty is
extinguished. — Criminal liability is totally that it is personal.
1. By the death of the convict, as to the Civil liability is extinguished only when death
personal penalties; and as to pecuniary occurs before final judgment
penalties, liability therefor is The death of the convict also extinguishes
extinguished only when the death of the pecuniary penalties only when the death of the
offender occurs before final judgment; offender occurs before final judgment.
2. By service of the sentence; Hence, if the offender dies after final
3. By amnesty, which completely judgment, the pecuniary penalties are not
extinguishes the penalty and all its extinguished.
effects; Where a person is charged with homicide,
4. By absolute pardon; for instance, the civil liability for indemnity is based
5. By prescription of the crime; solely on the finding of guilt. If he is acquitted
6. By prescription of the penalty; because of self-defense, the heirs of the deceased
7. By the marriage of the offended woman, have no right to indemnity. Should the offender die
as provided in Article 344 of this Code. before final judgment, their right to indemnity is
likewise extinguished as there is no basis for the
Petralba vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 81337 civil liability. Civil liability exists only when the
Extinction of criminal liability does not accused is convicted by final judgment.
necessarily mean that the civil liability is also
extinguished. Criminal and civil liability is extinguished when
the offender dies before final judgment.
Causes of extinction of criminal liability People vs. Castillo, C.A., 56 O.G. 4045
distinguished from causes of justification or When the accused died while the judgment
exemption of conviction against him was pending appeal, his
Such arise after the commission of the civil and criminal liability was extinguished by his
offense; while the causes of justification or death.
exemption from criminal liability arise from In view of the death of the accused during
circumstances existing either before the the pendency of this case he is relieved of all
commission of the crime or at the moment of its personal and pecuniary penalties attendant to his
commission. crime, his death occurring before rendition of final
That criminal liability is totally extinguished is a
ground for motion to quash Definition of "final judgment."
Under Sec. 3(g) of Rule 117 of the Revised People vs. Bayotas, G.R. No. 152007
Rules of Criminal Procedure, one of the grounds for The term "final judgment" employed in the
motion to quash is that the criminal action has been Revised Penal Code means judgment beyond
extinguished. The order sustaining a motion to recall. As long as a judgment has not become


executory, it cannot be truthfully said that defendant If the private offended party, upon
is definitely guilty of the felony charged against him. extinction, of the civil liability ex delicto, desires to
Section 7, Rule 16 of the Rules of Court recover damages from the same act or omission
likewise states that a judgment in a criminal case complained of, he must, subject to Section 1, Rule
becomes final after the lapse of the period for 111 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure,
perfecting an appeal or when the sentence has file a separate civil action, this time predicated not
been partially or totally satisfied or served, or the on the felony previously charged but on other
defendant has expressly waived in writing his right sources of obligation. The source of obligation upon
to appeal. which the separate civil action is premised
determines against whom the same shall be
Effect of the death of the accused pending enforced. Thus —
appeal on his criminal and civil liability a) If the same act or omission complained of
General rule — also arises from quasi-delict or may, by
Death of the accused pending appeal of his provision of law, result in an injury to person
conviction extinguishes his criminal liability as well or property (real or personal), the separate
as the civil liability based solely on the offense civil action must be filed against the
committed. executor or administrator of the estate of the
accused pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 87 of the
Exception — People vs. Bayotas, supra Rules of Court.
The claim for civil liability survives b) If the same act or omission complained of
notwithstanding the death of accused, if the same also arises from contract, the separate civil
may also be predicated on a source of obligation action must be filed against the estate of the
other than delict, such as law, contracts, quasi- accused, pursuant to Sec. 5, Rule 86 of the
contracts and quasi- delicts. Rules of Court. (People vs. Bayotas, supra)

Examples: Right of offended party to file separate civil

a) Belamala vs. Polinar, No. L-24098 action not lost by prescription when accused
The claim for civil liability based on law may dies pending appeal
also be made — in the offense of physical injuries, The private offended party need not fear a
since Article 33 of the Civil Code establishes a civil forfeiture of his right to file the separate civil action
action for damages on account of physical injuries, by prescription, in cases where during the
entirely separate and distinct from the criminal prosecution of the criminal action and prior to its
action extinction, the private offended party instituted
b) Torrijos vs. Court of Appeals, No. L-40336 together therewith the civil action. In such case, the
Claim for civil liability based on contract may also statute of limitations on the civil liability is deemed
be made — in the offense of estafa when the civil interrupted during the pendency of the criminal
liability springs neither solely nor originally from the case, conformably with provisions of Article 1155 of
crime itself but from a civil contract of purchase and the Civil Code. (People vs. Bayotas, supra)
sale (as when accused had swindled the vendees Art. 1155, Civil Code: The prescription of
of the property subject matter of the contract of actions is interrupted when they are filed before the
sale). court, when there is a written extrajudicial demand
by the creditors, and when there is any written
Where action for recovery of damages must be acknowledgement of the debt by the debtor.
filed, when civil liability survives


Death of the offended party does not extinguish rebellion, sedition, illegal association, etc.
the criminal liability of the offender (See 44 O.G. 1794)
People vs. Misola, 87 Phil. 830, 833 3. Proclamation No. 80, dated February
The death of the offended party does not 28,1987, by President Aquino, extending
extinguish the criminal liability of the offender, amnesty to those who, in the furtherance of
because the offense is committed against the their political beliefs, may have committed
State. treason, conspiracy or proposal to commit
the crime of treason, misprision of treason,
By service of sentence espionage, rebellion or insurrection,
Crime is a debt incurred by the offender as conspiracy and proposal to commit rebellion
a consequence of his wrongful act and the penalty or insurrection, inciting to rebellion or
is but the amount of his debt. When payment is insurrection, sedition, conspiracy to commit
made, the debt is extinguished. sedition, inciting to sedition, illegal
Service of sentence does not extinguish the assemblies, illegal associations, direct
civil liability. (Salgado vs. Court of Appeals) assault, indirect assault, resistance and
disobedience to a person in authority or
By amnesty agents of such person or persons,
Brown vs. Walker, 161 U.S. 602 subversion, and illegal possession of
Amnesty is an act of the sovereign power firearms and explosives.
granting oblivion or a general pardon for a past
offense, and is rarely, if ever, exercised in favor of a Civil liability not extinguished by amnesty.
single individual, and is usually exerted in behalf of While amnesty wipes out all traces and
certain classes of persons, who are subject to trial vestiges of the crime, it does not extinguish the civil
but have not yet been convicted. liability of the offender.

Amnesty extinguishes the penalty and all its effects By absolute pardon
- par. 3, Art. 89 Pardon is an act of grace proceeding from
the power entrusted with the execution of the laws
Amnesty may be granted after conviction which exempts the individual on whom it is
Tolentino vs. Catoy, 82 Phil. 300 bestowed from the punishment the law inflicts for
The amnesty proclamation in favor of the the crime he has committed.
Hukbalahaps is applicable to those already
undergoing sentence upon the date of Kinds of pardon:
promulgation. (1) Absolute pardon
(2) Conditional pardon
Examples of amnesty; A pardon, whether absolute or conditional, is in
1. Proclamation No. 51, dated January the nature of a deed, for the validity of which
28,1948, by President Roxas, granting delivery is an indispensable requisite. Until
amnesty to those who collaborated with the accepted, all that may have been done is a matter
enemy during World War II. of intended favor and may be cancelled. But once
2. Proclamation No. 76, dated June 21, 1948, accepted by the grantee, the pardon already
by President Quirino, extending amnesty to delivered cannot be revoked by the authority which
the Huks and PKM (Pambansang Kaisahan granted it.
ng mga Magbubukid), who committed
Pardon in adultery case.


A was charged with the crime of adultery hereof and pursuant to the authority conferred upon
with a married woman. The married woman, after me by the Constitution,I hereby grant executive
conviction of both accused, was pardoned by the clemency to Joseph Ejercito Estrada, convicted by
Chief Executive. the Sandiganbayan of Plunder and imposed a
Does the pardon of the woman have the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua. He is hereby
effect of extinguishing the criminal liability of A? restored to his civil and political rights."
No, because (1) the power to extend Is former President Estrada qualified to vote
executive clemency is unlimited, and (2) that the and be voted for in public office as a result of the
exercise ofthat power lies in the absolute and pardon granted to him?
uncontrolled discretion of the Chief Executive. Held: Former President Estrada was granted an
absolute pardon that fully restored all his civil and
People vs. Infante, 57 Phil. 138, 139 political rights, which naturally includes the right to
But if the one giving the pardon is the seek public elective office. The pardon granted to
offended spouse in adultery, both offenders must former President
be pardoned by the offended party if said pardon is Estrada was absolute, meaning, it was not
to be effective. only unconditional, it was unrestricted in scope,
Pardon of murder after evasion of service of complete and plenary in character, as the term
sentence – Alvarez vs. Director of Prisons "political rights" adverted to has a settled meaning
A was convicted of murder. Subsequently, A in law and jurisprudence.
evaded the service of the sentence. A was Conviction by final judgment prohibits grant of
prosecuted for and convicted of evasion. The pardon during pendency of appeal
President thereafter pardoned A of the murder. The "conviction by final judgment" limitation
Held: The pardon refers only to the crime of murder under Section 19, Article VIl of the present
and does not have the effect of remitting the Constitution prohibits the grant of pardon, whether
penalty for evasion of the service of the sentence full or conditional, to an accused during the
committed prior to said pardon. pendency of his appeal from his conviction by the
trial court.
Limitation on power of the President to grant Any application therefor, if one is made,
pardon should not be acted upon or the process toward its
The President may not extend in (1) grant should not be begun unless the appeal is
impeachment cases; (2) cases that have not yet withdrawn. Accordingly, the agencies or
resulted in a final conviction; and (3) cases instrumentalities of the Government concerned
involving violations of election laws, rules, and must require proof from the accused that he has
regulations in which there was no favorable not appealed from his conviction or that he has
recommendation coming from the COMELEC. withdrawn his appeal. Such proof may be in the
(Sec. 19, Art. VII, and Sec. 5 Art. IX, 1987 form of a certification issued by the trial court or the
Constitution) appellate court, as the case may be.
The acceptance of the pardon shall not
Absolute Pardon operate as an abandonment or waiver of the
Risos-Vidal v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 206666 appeal, and the release of an accused by virtue of
The pardon granted by former President a pardon, commutation of sentence, or parole
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to former President before the withdrawal of an appeal shall render
Estrada on October 25, 2007 states, in part: "In those responsible therefor administratively liable
view Accordingly, those in custody of the


must not solely rely on the pardon as a basis for the punishment, and for that reason it does "not
release of the accused from confinement. work the restoration of the rights to hold
public office or the right of suffrage, unless
Pardon by the President and pardon by the such rights be expressly restored by the
offended party, distinguished. terms of the pardon." On the other hand,
1. Pardon by the President must come after amnesty looks backward and abolishes and
final conviction; pardon by the offended puts into oblivion the offense itself; it so
party in crimes against chastity must come overlooks and obliterates the offense with
before the institution of the criminal action which he is charged that the person
except for rape where pardon by the released by amnesty stands before the law
offended may be made after final judgment. precisely as though he had committed no
2. Pardon by the President extinguishes offense.
criminal liability. Pardon by the offended Thus –
party does not extinguish criminal liability (a) Pardon does not alter the fact that the
except in rape and crimes of chastity where accused is a recidivist, because it produces
pardon by the offended party is a bar to the extinction only of the personal effects of
criminal prosecution and marriage between the penalty.
the offended and the offended party (b) Amnesty makes an ex-convict no longer a
extinguishes criminal liability. recidivist, because it obliterates the last
3. Both do not extinguish civil liability but in vestige of the crime.
pardon by the offended party, civil liability 4. Both do not extinguish the civil liability of the
may be expressly waived. offender. (Art. 113)
4. Pardon by the President in election cases 5. Pardon, being a private act of the President,
requires the favorable recommendation of must be pleaded and proved by the person
the COMELEC; pardon by the offended pardoned; while amnesty being by
party who is a minor in rape and crimes Proclamation of the Chief Executive with the
against chastity requires the concurrence of concurrence of Congress, is a public act of
the parents. which the courts should take judicial notice.
5. The power of the President to grant pardon
and its limitations are set forth in the By prescription of crime and by prescription of
Constitution while the effect of pardon by penalty – Santos vs. Superintendent, 55 Phil. 345
the offended party is provided in the RPC. By prescription, the State or the People
loses the right to prosecute the crime or to demand
Amnesty and pardon distinguished the service of the penalty imposed.
1. Pardon includes any crime and is exercised
individually by the President; amnesty is a Definitions
blanket pardon to classes of persons who Prescription of the crime is the forfeiture or
may be guilty of political offenses. loss of the right of the State to prosecute the
2. Pardon is exercised when the person is offender after the lapse of a certain time.
already convicted; amnesty may be Prescription of the penalty is the loss or
exercised even before trial or investigation. forfeiture of the right of the Government to execute
3. Pardon looks forward and relieves the the final sentence after the lapse of a certain time.
offender from the consequences of an
offense of which he has been convicted, 2 conditions necessary in prescription of
that is, it abolishes or forgives the penalty


(a) That there be final judgment. Prescription shall begin to run from the day
(b) That the period of time prescribed by law for of the commission ofthe violation ofthe law, and if
its enforcement has elapsed. the same be not known at the time, from the
discovery thereof and the institution of judicial
By the marriage of the offended woman proceedings for its investigation and punishment.
People vs. Santiago, 51 Phil. 68, 70 (Sec. 2, Act No. 3326)
Marriage of the offender with the offended
woman after the commission of any of the crimes of When interrupted.
rape, seduction, abduction or acts of The prescription shall be interrupted when
lasciviousness, as provided in Art. 344, must be proceedings are instituted against the guilty person,
contracted by the offender in good faith. Marriage and shall begin to run again if the proceedings are
contracted only to avoid criminal liability is devoid of dismissed for reasons not constituting jeopardy.
legal effects. (Sec. 2, Act No. 3326)

Final discharge of probationer Prescription of crimes

Sec. 16, P.D. 968, amended by R.A. 10707 Prescription of the crime is the loss by the
The final discharge of the probationer shall State of the right to prosecute and punish the
operate to restore to him all civil rights lost or same. Criminal liability is totally extinguished by
suspended as a result of his conviction and to such.
totally extinguish his criminal liability as to the
offense for which probation was granted. Prescriptive period of penalties
1. Crimes punishable by reclusion perpetua
Art. 90. Prescription of crimes. — Crimes and reclusion temporal – 20 years
punishable by death, reclusion perpetua or 2. Crimes punishable by prision mayor,
reclusion temporal shall prescribe in 20 years. perpetual or temporary absolute
Crimes punishable by other afflictive disqualification, perpetual or temporary
penalties shall prescribe in fifteen years. special disqualification – 15 years
Those punishable by a correctional 3. Crimes punishable by prision correccional ,
penalty shall prescribe in ten years; with the suspension, and destierro – 10 years
exception of those punishable by arresto 4. Crimes punishable by arresto mayor – 5
mayor, which shall prescribe in five years. years
The crime of libel or other similar 5. Libel and similar offenses – 1 year
offenses shall prescribe in one year. 6. Oral defamation, slander by deed – 6
The offenses of oral defamation and months
slander by deed shall prescribe in six months. 7. Crimes punishable by arresto menor – 2
Light offenses prescribe in two months. mos
When the penalty fixed by law is a
compound one, the highest penalty shall be In computing the period of prescription, the
made the basis of the application of the rules first day is to be excluded and the last day
contained in the first, second, and third pars. of included
this article. (amended by R.A. 4661) Facts: The accused committed slight physical
injuries on May 28, 1953. An information was filed
Prescription of violations penalized by special laws on July 27, 1953. This crime, being a light offense,
and ordinances — when it begins to run prescribes in two months according to Art. 90. The
Municipal Court sustained the motion to quash and


dismissed the case, holding that the information

was filed on the 61st day, not on the 60th day from Rep. Act No. 4661 not applicable to cases
May 28, 1953, "the day on which the crime is already filed in court prior to June 18,1966
discovered by the offended party." The provision of this amendatory Act
Held: The information should be considered as (reducing the prescriptive period ofthe crime of libel
filed on the 60th day. In the computation of a period or other similar offenses, from two years to one
of time within which an act is to be done, the law in year) shall not apply to cases of libel already filed in
this jurisdiction has always directed that the first court at the time of approval of this amendatory Act.
day be excluded and the last included. (Art. 13, (Sec. 2, Rep. Act No. 4661, approved June 18,
Civil Code.) 1966)

People vs. Del Rosario, 97 Phil. 67, 70 Crimes punishable by arresto menor or a fine
A month is computed as the regular 30-day not exceeding P40,000 prescribe in two months
month. The running of the prescriptive period The lower court ruled that the offense
should commence from the day following the day charged was a light felony under par. 3 of Art. 9,
on which the crime was committed. which, as provided in Art. 90, prescribes in two
months. The Solicitor General cites Art. 26 of the
A leap year should be counted as separate days same Code and contends that inasmuch as the
in computing periods of prescription penalty imposable under Art. 195 of the Code is
Namarco vs. Tuazon, 29 SCRA 70 arresto menor, or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos,
As regards the month of February of a leap then a fine of200 pesos, imposable as a single or
year, February 28 and 29 should be counted as as an alternative penalty, may be considered as a
separate days in computing periods of prescription. correctional penalty and so under Art. 90, the
Thus, where the prescriptive period was offense charged prescribes in ten years and not
supposed to commence on December 21,1955, the two months. This Court has already ruled that a
filing ofthe action on December 21,1965, was done violation of Art. 195, punishable with arresto menor
after the ten-year period had elapsed — since 1960 or a fine not exceeding P200.00 is a light felony
and 1964 were both leap years, and the case was under Art. 9 of said Code and prescribes in two
thus filed two (2) days too late. months, according to Art. 90, par. 6, of the same
Rule where the last day of the prescriptive Two months in Art. 90, regarding the
period falls on a Sunday or legal holiday prescriptive period for light felonies, means 60
Yapdiangco vs. Buencamino, No. L-28841 days. (People vs. Del Rosario, 97 Phil. 67, 71)
Where the last day of the prescriptive period
for filing an information falls on a Sunday or legal
holiday, the information can no longer be filed on Penalty for attempted bribery is destierro,
the next day as the crime has already prescribed. which prescribes in 10 years, as a correctional
Prescription of oral defamation, slander by Dalao vs. Geronimo, 92 Phil. 1042, 1043
deed The period of prescription of the offense of
People vs. Maceda, 73 Phil. 679, 681 attempted bribery, penalized with destierro, is 10
Distinction should be made between simple yerrs according to Article 90, because destierro is
and grave slander. Simple slander prescribes in classified; is a correctional penalty under Art. 25.
two months. Grave slander prescribes in six
months. Prescription of crimes punishable by fines


Fines are also classified as afflictive, Held: The period of prescription applicable is ten
correctional, or light penalty. (Art. 26) years, instead of five years. True, the offense under
Art. 319 insofar as it is penalized with arresto
People vs. Basalo, 101 Phil. 57, 61-62 mayor prescribes in 5 years, but the fine equivalent
The crimes punishable by fines shall to double the amount of the property involved may
prescribe in 15 years, if the fine is afflictive; or in 10 also be imposed as a penalty, and when said
years, if it is correctional; or in two months, if the imposable penalty is either correctional or afflictive,
fine is light. The subsidiary penalty for nonpayment it should be made the basis for determining the
ofthe fine should not be considered in determining period of prescription.
the period of prescription of such crimes.
Note: Since light felony is specifically The ruling in the Basalo case applies even if the
defined in Art. 9 as an infraction of the law for the penalty is arresto mayor and fine
commission of which the penalty of arresto menor People vs. Crisostomo, G.R. No. L-16945
or a fine not exceeding P40,000, or both, is When the penalty prescribed by the Code is
provided, a fine of P40,000 provided for a light arresto mayor and fine (Art. 316, par. 2), and the
felony should not be considered correctional. fine is afflictive (P15.000 to P45.000), the fine
should be the basis ofthe application of the rules in
When the penalty is a compound one, the Art. 90.
highest penalty is the basis of the application of
the rules in Art. 90 Prescriptive periods of offenses punished
There is no merit in the contention that the under special laws and municipal ordinances
crime of perjury, which is punishable by arresto Act No. 3763, amending Act No. 3326, provides:
mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional 1. Offenses punished only by a fine or by
in its minimum period, has already prescribed. imprisonment for not more than one month,
or both, prescribe after 1 year;
People vs. Cruz, 108 Phil. 255, 259 2. Offenses punished by imprisonment for
Where the penalty fixed by law is a more than one month, but less than two
compound one, the highest penalty shall, according years — after 4 years;
to the last paragraph of Art. 90, be made the basis 3. Offenses punished by imprisonment for two
of the application of the rules contained therein. years or more but less than six years —
The penalty for the crime of perjury being a after 8 years;
compound one, the higher of which is correctional, 4. Offenses punished by imprisonment for six
said crime prescribes in 10 years. years or more — after 12 years;
5. Offenses under Internal Revenue Law —
When fine is an alternative penalty higher than after 5 years;
the other penalty which is by imprisonment — 6. Violations of municipal ordinances — after 2
prescription of the crime is based on the fine. months;
People vs. Basalo, 101 Phil. 57, 61 7. Violations of the regulations or conditions of
Under Art. 319 of the Code, the penalty for certificate of convenience by the Public
the offense is arresto mayor or a fine double the Service Commission — after 2 months.
value of the property involved. The accused sold 80 Act No. 3326 is not applicable where the special
cavans of palay with a value of P320, which he had law provides for its own prescriptive period. (People
mortgaged to the PNB, without the knowledge and vs. Ramos, No. L-25265)
consent of the mortgagee.


Defense of prescription may be raised during After hearing the evidence, the Court of
the trial or during the appeal First Instance of Manila found that "there is
The rule in Section 10, Rule 113 of the evidence beyond reasonable doubt that the herein
Rules of Court (now Section 9, Rule 117 of the accused slandered the complainant, as established
Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure) that if the by the prosecution, the said offense, however,
accused failed to move to quash before pleading, being slight in nature as it arose from the heat of
he must be deemed to have waived all objections, anger, the same being defined and penalized under
which are grounds of a motion to quash, cannot Article 358 of the Revised Penal Code," but instead
apply to the defense of prescription, which under of dismissing the case, the Court sentenced the
Art. 89 of the Revised Penal Code extinguishes defendant to pay a fine of P50.00 with subsidiary
criminal liability. (People vs. Castro, 95 Phil. 462, imprisonment in case of insolvency, and to pay the
464-465) costs.
Prescription, although not invoked in the
trial, may be invoked on appeal. (People vs. Prescription does not divest court of
Balagtas, 105 Phil. 1362-1363 [Unrep.] jurisdiction; it is a ground for acquittal
Santos vs. Superintendent, 55 Phil. 345, 349
The accused cannot be convicted of an offense When there is a plea of prescription by the
lesser than charged if the lesser offense had defense and the same appears from the allegation
been prescribed at the time information was of the information or is established, the court must
filed exercise jurisdiction, not inhibit itself, holding the
Francisco vs. CA, 122 SCRA 545 action to have prescribed and absolving the
Where an accused has been found to have defendant.
committed a lesser offense includible within the
offense charged, he cannot be convicted of the Art. 91. Computation of prescription of
lesser offense, if it has already been prescribed. To offenses. — The period of prescription shall
hold otherwise would be to sanction the commence to run from the day on which the
circumvention of the law on prescription by the crime is discovered by the offended party, the
simple expedient of accusing the defendant of the authorities, or their agents, and shall be
graver offense. interrupted by the filing of the complaint or
information, and shall commence to run again
People vs. Rarang (C.A., 62 O.G. 6458) when such proceedings terminate without the
Facts: Defendant Dominador Rarang was charged accused being convicted or acquitted, or are
with the crime of grave slander in an information unjustifiably stopped for any reason not
filed on October 19,1962, for having allegedly imputable to him.
proffered and uttered, on or about July 18,1962, The term of prescription shall not run
slanderous words and expressions against when the offender is absent from the Philippine
complainant Fausto Carlos, Jr., such as "hindi kami Archipelago.
natatakot sa inyo, mga tulisan." He filed a motion to
quash the information on the ground that the crime Outline of the provisions:
had prescribed because the offense alleged in the 1. The period of prescription commences to
information, although designated as grave slander, run from the day on which the crime is
should properly be classified as slight oral discovered by the offended party, the
defamation which prescribes in two months; but authorities or their agents.
said motion, opposed by the prosecution, was 2. It is interrupted by the filing of the complaint
denied. or information.


3. It commences to run again when such offended party when it was committed and the
proceedings terminate without the accused period of prescription commenced to run from the
being convicted or acquitted or are date of its commission.
unjustifiably stopped for any reason not Cabral vs. Puno, No. L-41692
imputable to him. The offended party had constructive notice
4. The term of prescription shall not run when of the forgery after the deed of sale, where his
the offender is absent from the Philippines. signature had been falsified, was registered in the
Office of the Register of Deeds on August 26,1948.
Illustration of rules Nos. 1, 2 and 3
A committed serious oral defamation From the date of commission or from the date
against Kin March, 1935. As K came to know of the of discovery
act complained of only on March 4, 1936, K filed People vs. Tamayo, 40 O.G. 2313
the complaint on that date. The period of prescription of crime
Because his official duties needed him to be commences to run from the commission of the
in Mindanao, K was not able to attend the hearing offense or its discovery, if the commission of the
of the case. Upon motion of defendant A, the case same was unknown.
was dismissed on January 21, 1937, without
prejudice to the fiscal filing again the same action. People vs. Monteiro, G.R. No. 49454
On February 13,1937, the case was revived The period of prescription for the offense of
by the fiscal by filing a new information. Serious failure to register with the SSS shall begin from the
oral defamation prescribes in 6 months. day of the discovery of the violation if this was not
From what date must the six-month period known at the time of its commission. A contrary
be counted? view would be dangerous as the successful
It must be counted from January 21, 1937. concealment of an offense during the period fixed
(People vs. Aquino, 68 Phil. 588, 590) for its prescription would be the very means by
It cannot be counted from March, 1935, which the offender may escape punishment.
when the crime was committed, because it was
discovered by the offended party only on March 4, It is discovery of crime, not discovery of
1936, and the running of the period of prescription offender
stopped on that date by the filing ofthe complaint in The fact that the culprit is unknown will not
court. Hence, it must be counted from January prevent the period of prescription from commencing
21,1937, because when the case was dismissed on to run. The accused need not to be arrested.
that date, the period of prescription commenced to
run again. Note that the proceedings terminated Period of prescription of continuing crime
without the accused being convicted or acquitted. never runs – Arches vs. Bellasillo, 81 Phil. 190,
The period of prescription commences to run Facts: The accused was charged with violation of a
from the date of commission of crime if it is municipal ordinance in that he constructed dikes in
known at the time of its commission navigable waterways (river and creek) of the public
People vs. Dinsay, C.A., 40 O.G., 12th Supp., 50 domain without authorization from the Secretary of
Thus, if there is nothing that was concealed Public Works and Communications. The dikes were
or needed to be discovered, because the entire constructed in 1939 while the case was filed in
series of transactions was by public instruments, 1947. Did the crime prescribe?
duly recorded, the crime of estafa committed in Held: The prescriptive period of continuing crime,
connection with said transactions was known to the cannot begin to run because there could be no


termination of continuity and the crime does not The crime of homicide prescribed in 15
end. The case would have been different had the years under the old Penal Code. The proceedings
information alleged that the dikes existed until such in this case were stopped for reasons imputable to
date obstructing the course of the streams, the accused, that is, they fled to an unknown place,
because the crime ended on that date. making it difficult to arrest them for further
The crime is discovered by (1) the offended proceedings.
party, (2) the authorities or (3) their agents Filing of complaint with the prosecutor's office
A saw the killing with treachery of B by C. interrupts running of period of prescription of
After the commission of the crime, C threw the offense charged
dead body of B into the river. The dead body of B Section 1, Rule 110, of the Revised Rules of
was never seen again or found. A was neither an Criminal Procedure provides:
authority nor an agent of an authority, nor a relative SEC. 1. Institution of criminal actions. — Criminal
of B. For 25 years, A kept silent as to what he actions shall be instituted as follows:
witnessed. After 25 years, A revealed to the (a)  For offenses where a preliminary investigation
authorities that C murdered B. is required pursuant to Section 1 of Rule 112, by
May C be prosecuted for murder even if 25 filing the complaint with the proper officer for the
years already elapsed? purposes of conducting the requisite preliminary
Yes, because the period of prescription did investigation;
not commence to run. The commission of the crime (b)  For all other offenses, by filing the complaint or
was known only to A, who was not the offended information directly with the Municipal Trial Courts
party, an authority or an agent of an authority. It and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts or the complaint
was discovered by the authorities only when A with the office of the prosecutor. In Manila and
revealed to them the commission of the crime. other chartered cities, the complaint shall be filed
with the office of the prosecutor unless otherwise
Period of prescription was interrupted when provided in their charters.
preliminary examination was made by The institution of the criminal action shall
municipal mayor but accused could not be interrupt the period of prescription of the offense
arrested because he was in hiding charged unless otherwise provided in special laws."
People vs. Parao, 52 Phil. 712, 715
The accused killed a man on June 19, 1911. The filing of the complaint in the municipal
The municipal president, who began the preliminary court, even if it be merely for purposes of
investigation because the justice of the peace was preliminary examination or investigation,
absent, issued a warrant of arrest. The accused interrupts the period of prescription
could not be arrested because they fled to an In view of this diversity of precedents, and in
unknown place. The information for homicide was order to provide guidance for Bench and Bar, this
filed on June 29,1927. Accused Isidro Parao was Court has re-examined the question and, after
captured in July, 1927. Did the offense prescribe? mature consideration, has arrived at the conclusion
Held: No. The preliminary investigation conducted that the true doctrine is, and should be, the one
by the municipal president, in the absence of the established by the decisions holding that the filing
justice of the peace or auxiliary justice of the peace, of the complaint in the Municipal Court, even if it be
partakes of the nature of a judicial proceeding. merely for purposes of preliminary examination or
Judicial proceedings having been taken against the investigation, should, and does, interrupt the period
accused and his arrest having been ordered, which of prescription of the criminal responsibility, even if
could not be carried into effect on account of his the court where the complaint or information is filed
default, the crime has not prescribed. can not try the case on its merits. Several reasons


buttress this conclusion: first, the text of Article 91 the case was dismissed on the ground that the
of the Revised Penal Code, in declaring that the evidence so far presented would not sustain
period of prescription "shall be interrupted by the accused's conviction. Subsequently, on Nov. 13,
filing of the complaint or information" without 1959, Abuy was charged before the same court
distinguishing whether the complaint is filed in the with the crime of unjust vexation committed on the
court for preliminary examination or investigation person of Michaela de Magadia. Abuy filed a
merely, or for action on the merits. Second, even if motion to quash the information on the ground of
the court where the complaint or information is filed prescription. The court sustained the motion.
may only proceed to investigate the case, its The complaint or information that will
actuations already represent the initial step of the interrupt the period must be the proper information
proceedings against the offender. Third, it is unjust or complaint corresponding to the offense. Here,
to deprive the injured party of the right to obtain the first information was for trespass to dwelling,
vindication on account of de- lays that are not the elements of which are entirely different from the
under his control. All that the victim of the offense elements of the offense of unjust vexation. There is
may do on his part to initiate the prosecution is to nothing to show that the two offenses are related to
file the requisite complaint. each other. Consequently, the filing of one does not
And it is no argument that Article 91 also interrupt the prescriptive period as to the other.
expresses that the interrupted prescription "shall
commence to run again when such pro- ceedings Effect of filing amended complaint or
terminate without the accused being convicted or information upon period of prescription
acquitted," thereby indicating that the court in which If the original complaint or information is
the complaint or information is filed must have filed within the prescriptive period and the
power to acquit or convict the accused. amendment was made after said period, a
Precisely, the trial on the merits usually distinction should be made between a new and
terminates in convic- tion or acquittal, not different act complained of and mere correction or
otherwise. But it is in the court conducting a new specifications to amplify and give greater
preliminary investigation where the proceedings precision to the allegations in support of the cause
may terminate without conviction or acquittal, if the originally presented.
court should discharge the ac- cused because no
prima facie case has been shown. LTB vs. Ramos, G.R. No. 41399, Aug. 9, 1934
Considering the foregoing reasons, the If it is merely a correction of a defect, the
Court hereby overrules the doctrine ofthe cases of date of the original complaint should be considered.
People vs. Del Rosario, L-15140, Decem- ber 29,
1960, and People vs. Coquia, L-15456, The filing of the information in the court of
promulgated June 29, 1963. (People vs. Olarte, No. Batangas for estafa, even if erroneous, because
L-22465, Feb. 28, 1967, 19 SCRA 494, 500-501) it had no territorial jurisdiction over the offense
charged, tolls the running of the prescriptive
The complaint or information that will interrupt period of the crime, since the jurisdiction of a
the period of prescription must be proper court is determined in criminal cases by the
corresponding to the offense allegations of the complaint or information, and
People vs. Abuy, G.R. No. L-17616 not by the result of proof
On April 1, 1959, Felipe Abuy was charged People vs. Galano, No. L-42925
in the Municipal Court of Zamboanga City with the In a case, respondent judge, in sustaining
crime of trespass to dwelling com- mitted against the ground of prescription, ruled that there was no
Ruperto Carpio. Upon motion of the prosecution, interruption ofthe prescriptive period during the


pendency of the case in his court, because it had court, on Lauron's motion to dismiss, issued an
no territorial jurisdiction over the offense charged, order of dismissal, on the ground that the
and that "[t]he proceedings contemplated by Article preliminary investigation conducted by the fiscal did
91 are proceedings which are valid and before a not comply with the requirements of Presidential
competent court." Decree No. 77. Lauron had not been arraigned.
Held: Settled is the rule that the jurisdiction of a The case was refiled in court under a new
court is determined in criminal cases by the information on March 3,1975. The crime ofgrave
allegations of the complaint or information, and not oral defama- tion prescribes in six months.
by the result of proof. It follows that the Batangas Said the Supreme Court:
court was vested with lawful jurisdiction over the "We hold that the termination of a criminal
criminal complaint filed with it, which expressly case contemplated in Article 91 refers to a
alleged that the offense was committed "in the termination that is final, in the sense of being
Municipality of Batangas, Province of Batangas," beyond reconsideration, as in the cases of an
and that the proceedings therein were valid and unappealed conviction or an acquittal."
before a competent court, until the same court Comment: Article 91 provides that the
issued its order, dismissing the case and declaring period ofprescription (of offenses) "shall commence
itself without territorial jurisdiction on the basis of to run again when such proceedings (the filing ofthe
the evidence presented to it by both the complaint or information) terminate without the
prosecution and the accused. accused being convicted or acquitted." (italics
"Proceedings terminate without the accused If the "termination x x x refers to a
being convicted or acquitted." termination that is final, x x x as in the cases of an
In the case of People vs. Aquino, 68 Phil. unappealed conviction or an acquittal," there would
588, 590, when the case was dismissed upon be no occasion to speak of prescription of offenses,
petition of accused Aquino, the proceeding no matter how long a time has elapsed, because
terminated without the accused being convicted or the accused is already convicted (and he does not
acquitted. The period of prescription commenced to appeal) or acquitted.
run again. Article 91 may be considered only when the
Suppose, the case was dismissed without accused, who invokes it, is being charged with and
the consent or over the objection of the accused prosecuted for an offense that allegedly has
who had already been arraigned? already prescribed. If the proceedings, which began
In this case, the dismissal is final. A cannot with the filing of the complaint or information,
be prosecuted any more for the same offense, even terminate in the conviction of the accused or in his
within the prescriptive period, on the ground of acquittal (the termination being final), how may the
double jeopardy. question of prescription arise? Or, what period of
prescription "shall commence to run again?"
The termination of a criminal case This is why the law says, "without the
contemplated in Article 91 on prescription of accused being convicted or acquitted." In such
crimes refers to a termination that is final as to case, the accused may still be prosecuted, but with
amount to a jeopardy that would bar a the previous termination of the proceedings, the
subsequent prosecution question of prescription may still arise, because the
One Lauron was charged with the crime of period of prescription ran again. At the time of the
grave oral defamation which was discovered on new prosecution, the crime may have already
December 15, 1973. The information was filed in prescribed.
court on January 24,1974. On March 14,1974, the


"Or are unjustifiably stopped for any reason not Prescription shall begin to run from the day
imputable to him." of the commission of the violation of the law, and if
Thus, if the proceedings are stopped for a the same be not known at the time, from the
reason imputable to the accused, the period of discovery thereof and the institution of judicial
prescription does not commence to run again. proceedings for its investigation and punishment.
(Sec. 2, Act No. 3326)
When the accused has evaded arrest and Prescription of violations penalized by special
the case has to be archived by the court, the laws and ordinances – when interrupted
proceedings are stopped because of the fault of the The prescription shall be interrupted when
accused. The case cannot be tried if he is not proceedings are instituted against the guilty person,
present. and shall begin to run again if the proceedings are
The term of prescription does not run when the dismissed for reasons not constituting jeopardy.
offender is absent from the Philippines (Sec. 2, Act No. 3326)
A published a libel in a newspaper and Panaguiton v. Department of Justice
immediately left for Hongkong where he remained The fling of the complaint with the
for three years. Later, he returned to the prosecutor's office signifñed the commencement
Philippines. Can A be prosecuted for libel upon his of the proceedings for the prosecution of the
return to his country? accused and effectively interrupts the prescriptive
Yes, because the crime of libel did not period.
prescribe. A was absent from the Philippines during The historical perspective on the application
the period when the crime would have prescribed. of Act No. 3326 is illuminating. Act No. 3226 was
Brief trips abroad are not included. approved on 4 December 1926 at a time when the
function of conducting the preliminary investigation
Prescription of election offenses — (1) if of criminal offenses was vested in the justices of
discovery of offense is incidental to judicial the peace. Thus, the prevailing rule at the time xxx
proceedings, prescription begins when such is that the prescription of the offense is tolled once
proceeding terminates; otherwise, (2) from date a complaint is filed with the justice of the peace for
of commission of offense preliminary investigation inasmuch as the filing of
If the discovery of the offense is incidental the complaint signifies the institution criminal
to judicial proceedings in election contest, proceedings against the accused. XXX
prescription begins when such proceedings
terminate. Securities and Exchange Commission v. Interport
Resources Corporation, et al.
People vs. Carino, 56 Phil. 109, 114 The nature and purpose of the investigation
But, if the falsification committed by the conducted by the Securities and Exchange
inspectors in connection with the counting of the Commission on violations of the Revised Securities
votes and the preparation of election returns was Act, another special law, is equivalent to the
known to the protestants and their election preliminary investigation conducted by the DOJ in
watchers before the filing of the election protests, criminal cases, and thus effectively interrupts the
the period of prescription began from the date of prescriptive period.
the commission of the offense. The following disquisition in the Interport
Resources case is instructive, thus:
Prescription of violations penalized by special While it may be observed that the term
laws and ordinances – when it begins to run "judicial proceedings" in Sec. 2 of Act No. 3326


appears before "investigation and punishment" in their agents. (People vs. Tamayo, C.A., 40 O.G.
the old law, with the subsequent change in set-up 2313)
whereby the investigation of the charge for
purposes of prosecution has become the exclusive Prescription of offenses under Republic Act No.
function of the executive branch, the term 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act) is
"proceedings" should now be understood either reckoned from the time of discovery of the
executive or judicial in character: executive when it offense, if the violation was unknown at the
involves the investigation phase and judicial when it time of commission
refers to the trial and judgment stage. Generally, the prescriptive period shall
With this clarification, any kind of commence to run on the day the crime is
investigative proceeding instituted against the guilty committed. That an aggrieved person "entitled to an
person which may ultimately lead to his prosecution action has no knowledge of his right to sue or of the
should be sufficient to toll prescription. facts out of which his right arises," does not prevent
the running of the prescriptive period.
Prescription of violations penalized by special An exception to this rule is the "blameless
laws and ordinances runs when offender is ignorance" doctrine, incorporated in Section 2 of
absent from the Philippines Act No. 3326. Under this doctrine, "the statute of
Unlike Article 91 of the R.P.C. that limitations runs only upon discovery of the fact of
expressly states that the term of prescription shall the
not run when the offender is absent from the invasion of a right which will support a cause of
Philippines, there is nothing in Act No. 3326 that action. In other words, the courts would decline to
states that absence from the Philippines will stop apply the statute of limitations where the plaintiff
the running of the prescriptive term. does not know or has no reasonable means of
Thus, for violations of special laws and knowing the existence of a cause of action."
ordinances, the prescriptive term shall run It was in this accord that the Court
notwithstanding the offender's absence from the confronted the question on the running of the
Philippines. prescriptive period in People v. Duque which
became the cornerstone of our 1999 Decision in
Art. 91 may apply when a special law, while Presidential Ad Hoc Fact-Finding Committee on
providing a prescriptive period, does not Behest Loans v. Desierto, G.R. No. 130149, and
prescribe any rule for the application of that the subsequent cases which Ombudsman Desierto
period dismissed, emphatically, on the ground of
Thus, in a case where the accused is prescription too. Thus, we held in a catena of
prosecuted for violation of the Usury Law, there cases, that if the violation of the special law was not
being no rule in Act No. 4763 regarding the known at the time of its commission, the
enforcement of the period of prescription prescription begins to run only from the discovery
established thereby, pursuant to Article 10 of the thereof, ie., discovery of the unlawful nature of the
Revised Penal Code, the rule provided for in Article constitutive act or acts. (Presidential Ad Hoc Fact-
91 ofsaid Code shall be applied, according to which Finding Committee on Behest Loans Deciarto GR
the period of prescription of crimes shall commence No. 135715, April 13, 2011, 648 SCRA 586)
to run from the time of the perpetration of the
offense and in case the commission of the same is Prescription of the offense of false testimony —
unknown, from the day on which the crime is from time principal case is finally decided.
discovered by the offended party, the authorities or People vs. Maneja, 72 Phil. 256, 257-258


Considering that the penalties provided No, because although the proper penalty to
therefor are made to depend upon the conviction or be imposed is prision correccional, the penalty one
acquittal of the defendant in the principal case, the degree lower, in view of the privileged mitigating
act of testifying falsely does not therefore constitute circumstance (Art. 64, par. 5), is the penalty of
an actionable offense until the principal case is prision mayor which is prescribed by the law for the
finally decided. Before an act becomes a crime that should be considered. Art. 90 uses the
punishable offense, it cannot possibly be words, "Crimes the crime did not prescribe,
discovered as such by the offended party, the because the time that elapsed is not more than 15
authorities or their agents. years.
This is true only when the false testimony is But suppose that in the same problem, A
against the defendant. As regards false testimony commenced to serve the sentence and after a
in favor of the defendant, there is a specific penalty month, he escaped and remained at large for
which does not depend on the conviction or twelve years, in case he is captured thereafter, can
acquittal of the defendant. (Art. 181) he be required to serve the remaining period of his
Art. 92. When and how penalties prescribe. — No, because the penalty of prision
The penalties imposed by final sentence correccional already prescribed. Art. 92 uses the
prescribe as follows: words "the penalties imposed by final sentence.
1. Death and reclusion perpetua, in 20 years;
2. Other afflictive penalties, in fifteen years; Fine as a light penalty
3. Correctional penalties, in ten years, with the Under Art. 26, a fine of less than P40,000 is
exception of the penalty of arresto mayor, a light penalty, and if not less than P40,000, it is a
which prescribes in five years; correctional penalty. Under Art. 9, par. 3, a light
4. Light penalties, in one year. felony is punishable by a light penalty, whose fine
does not exceed P40,00. Under Art. 90, light
The penalties must be imposed by final offenses prescribe in two months. If the fine
sentence imposed be exactly P40,000, should it prescribe in
Hence, if the convict appealed and two months as a light penalty or in ten years as
thereafter fled to the mountains, the penalty correctional penalty?
imposed upon him would never prescribe, because
pending the appeal, the sentence is not final. People vs. Hu Hai alias Haya, 99 Phil. 725, 727
Where the question at issue is the
In prescription of crimes, it is the penalty prescription of a crime and not the prescription of a
prescribed by law that should be considered; in penalty, Art. 9 should prevail over Art. 26. Art. 26
prescription of penalties, it is the penalty has nothing to do with the definition of offenses but
imposed that should be considered merely classifies fine when imposed as a principal
A committed the crime of falsification penalty.
punishable by prision mayor. Twelve years elapsed
since the crime was discovered by the authorities. Illustrations:
Then, the fiscal filed an information for falsification. 1. A committed a crime for which the law
A was arrested and prosecuted. provides a fine of P40,000 as a penalty.
During the trial, A proved two mitigating What is the prescriptive period of the crime?
circumstances without any aggravating Two months. The issue here is not the
circumstance. Did the crime prescribe? prescription of penalty, because there is no
final sentence and A has not evaded the


sentence. Art. 9 shall prevail. Since the fine The period of prescription of
does not exceed F200, the crime committed penalties shall commence to run again
is a light felony. when the convict escapes again, after
2. But suppose that A was convicted, he could having been captured and returned to
not pay the fine of P40,000; and was made prison.
to serve subsidiary imprisonment. Then,
while serving subsidiary imprisonment, he Elements:
escaped, thereby evading the service of his 1. That the penalty is imposed by final
sentence. What is the prescriptive period? sentence;
Ten years. The issue here is prescription of 2. That the convict evaded the service of the
penalty. Art. 26 prevails. Since the fine is sentence by escaping during the term of his
not less than P40,000, it is a correctional sentence;
penalty. 3. That the convict who escaped from prison
has not given himself up, or been captured,
The subsidiary penalty for nonpayment of the or gone to a foreign country with which we
fine is immaterial have no extradition treaty, or committed
People vs. Salazar, 98 Phil. 663, 665 another crime;
A fine of P525, being a correctional penalty, 4. That the penalty has prescribed, because of
prescribes in 10 years. That the subsidiary the lapse of time from the date of the
imprisonment could not exceed 6 months is evasion of the service of the sentence by
immaterial. the convict.

Art. 93. Computation of the prescription of Evasion of the service of the sentence is an
penalties. — The period of prescription of essential element of prescription of penalties
penalties shall commence to run from the date According to Art. 93, the period of
when the culprit should evade the service of his prescription of penalties commences to run from
sentence, and it shall be interrupted if the the date when the culprit should evade the service
defendant should give himself up, be captured, of his sentence.
should go to some foreign country with which
this Government has no extradition treaty, or Infante vs. Warden (92 Phil. 310)
should commit another crime before the Facts: In this case, the accused was convicted of
expiration of the period of prescription. murder and sentenced to 17 years, 4 months and 1
day of reclusiOn temporal. After serving 15 years, 7
Outline of the provisions: months and 11 days, on March 6, 1939, he was
1. The period of prescription of penalties granted a conditional pardon. The condition of his
commences to run from the date when the pardon was that he should not commit any crime in
culprit evaded the service of his sentence. the future. On April 25, 1949, he was found guilty of
2. It is interrupted if the convict — driving without license. He was committed to prison
(1) Gives himself up, for violation of said conditional pardon. Between
(2) Be captured, March 6, 1939, and April 25, 1949, more than 10
(3) Goes to a foreign country with which we years elapsed.
have no extradition treaty, or The accused interposed the defense of
(4) Commits another crime before the prescription, contending that since the remitted
expiration of the period of prescription. portion of his original penalty was less than 6 years


(like prision correccional), the prescriptive period od Thus, if A, sentenced to suffer 4 months and
that penalty was only 10 years. 11 days of arresto mayor, escaped from jail and
Held: The defense of prescription will not prosper remained at large for 4 years, 11 months and 28
because there was no evasion of the service ofthe days, but on the next day he committed theft and
sentence. There was no evasion of the service was arrested 6 months after, A can be required to
ofthe sentence in this case, because such evasion serve the remaining period of his sentence of 4
presupposes escaping during the service of the months and 11 days. The reason is that A commit-
sentence consisting in deprivation of liberty. ted a crime (theft) before the expiration of five
years, the period of prescription of the penalty of
Period of prescription that ran during the time arresto mayor.
the convict evaded service of sentence is not
forfeited upon his capture Where accused was never placed in
The period of prescription that ran during confinement, the period for prescription never
the evasion is not forfeited, so that if the culprit is started to run in his favor
captured and evades again the service of his Pangan v. Hon. Gatbalite, et al,, G.R. No. 141718
sentence, the period of prescription that has run in The prescription of penalties found in Article
his favor should be taken into account. 93 of the R.P.C. applies only to those who are
convicted by final judgment and are serving
Example: sentence which consists in deprivation of liberty.
A committed a crime punishable by prision The period for prescription of penalties begins only
correccional. He was convicted after trial. While when the convict evades service of sentence by
serving sentence for one month, A escaped. escaping during the term of his sentence. Since
He remained at large for 5 years. Then, he petitioner never suffered deprivation of liberty
was captured. After staying in prison for two before his arrest on January 20, 2000 and as a
months, he escaped again and remained at large consequence never evaded sentence by escaping
for 6 years. during the term of his service, the period for
In this case, if captured again, A cannot be prescription never began
required to serve the remaining portion of his
sentence, because the penalty of prision "Escape" means unlawful departure of a
correccional prescribes in 10 years. On two prisoner from the limits of his custody
occasions, A evaded the service of his sentence for Article 93 of the RPC provides that the
a total of 11 years. prescription of penalties shall commence to run
"Should go to some foreign country with which from the date the felon evades the service of his
this Government has no extradition treaty." sentence. Pursuant to Article 157, evasion of
Suppose the Government has extradition service of sentence can be committed only by
treaty with the country to which the offender those who have been convicted by final judgment
escaped, but the crime committed is not included in by escaping during the term of his sentence.
the treaty, will that fact interrupt the running of the "Escape" in legal parlance and for purposes
prescriptive period? of Articles 93 and 157 of the R.P.C. means unlawful
It is believed that it would interrupt the departure of prisoner from the limits of his custody.
running ofthe prescriptive period. Clearly, one who has not been committed to prison
cannot be said to have escaped therefrom.
"Should commit another crime before the
expiration of the period of prescription."


Evading the service of the sentence is not is reduced to a mere existence filled with fear,
committing a crime before the expiration of the discomfort, loneliness and misery.
period of prescription of penalties. As the distinguished penal law
It has been asked whether or not the commentator, the convict who evades sentence is
evasion of the service of the sentence, being in sometimes sufficiently punished by his voluntary
itself a crime (Art. 157), should interrupt the running and self-imposed banishment, and at times, that
of the period of prescription of penalties. voluntary exile is more grievous than the sentence
The clause "should commit another crime he was trying to avoid.
before the expiration of the period of prescription" And all the time he has to utilize every
refers to crime committed when the period of ingenuity and means to outwit the Government
prescription has already commenced to run. On the agencies bent on recapturing him. For all this, the
other hand, Art. 93 specifically provides that "the Government extends to him a sort of condonation
period of prescription of penalties shall commence or amnesty."
to run from the date when the culprit should evade
the service of his sentence. Prescription of crimes and prescription of
Hence, this evasion of the service of the penalties, distinguished
sentence, which is a requisite in the prescription of 1. In prescription of Crimes, the State loses
penalties, must necessarily take place before the the right to prosecute and punish the
running of the period of prescription and cannot offender; in prescription of penalties, the
interrupt it. State loses the right to enforce the penalty.
2. In prescription of crimes, the prosecution of
Acceptance of conditional pardon interrupts the the offender has not commenced; in
prescriptive period prescription of penalties, the offender has
People vs. Puntillas, G.R. No. 45269 been convicted by final sentence.
The acceptance of a conditional pardon also 3. In prescription of crimes, the period of
interrupts the prescriptive period, likening such prescription commences from the date the
acceptance to the case of one who flees from this offense is discovered; in prescription of
jurisdiction. penalties, the period of prescription
commences from the date the convict
Reason why evasion of service of sentence is evades the service of his sentence.
taken in favor of the convict in prescription of 4. In prescription of crimes, the period of
penalties prescription is interrupted by the filing of the
"If a convict under confinement, at the risk complaint or information; in prescription of
of being killed, succeeds in breaking jail and also penalties, the period of prescription is
succeeds in evading re-arrest for a certain period of interrupted if the defendant gives himself
time which by no means is short, despite the efforts up, is captured, goes to some foreign
of all the instrumentalities of the Government country with which the Philippines has no
including sometimes the setting of a prize or reward extradition treaty, or commits another crime
on his head, which thereby enlists the aid ofthe before the expiration of the period of
citizenry, the law calls off the search for him, and prescription.
condones the penalty. But during that period of Chapter Two
prescription the escaped convict lives a life of a PARTIAL EXTINCTION OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY
hunted animal, hiding mostly in the mountains and
forests in constant mortal fear of being caught. His Art. 94. Partial extinction of criminal liability. —
life far from being happy, comfortable and peaceful Criminal liability is extinguished partially:


1. By conditional pardon; Biddle vs. Perovich, 274 U.S. 480)

2. By commutation of the sentence; and In commutation of sentence, consent of the
3. For good conduct allowances which the offender is not necessary. The public welfare, not
culprit may earn while he is serving his his consent, determines what shall be done.
For good conduct allowances.
Conditional pardon, defined Allowances for good conduct are deductions
This refers to the exemption of an individual, from the term of the sentence for good behavior.
within certain limits or conditions, from the (Art. 97)
punishment which the law inflicts for the offense he This is different from that provided in Art. 29
had committed resulting in the partial extinction of which is an extraordinary reduction of full time or
his criminal liability. four-fifths of the preventive imprisonment from the
term of the sentence.
Nature of conditional pardon A prisoner is also entitled to special time
Conditional pardon delivered and accepted allowance for loyalty. (Art. 98) A deduction of 1/5 of
is considered a contract between the sovereign the period of his sentence is granted to a loyal
power of the executive and the convict that the prisoner. (See Art. 158.)
former will release the latter upon compliance with
the condition. Parole should be added as No. 4 in the causes
of partial extinction of criminal liability
Usual condition imposed upon the convict in The parole granted to a convict by the
conditional pardon Parole Board should be added. A parole may be
In conditional pardon, the condition usually granted to a prisoner after serving the minimum
imposed upon the convict is that "he shall not again penalty under the Indeterminate Sentence Law.
violate any of the penal laws of the Philippines."
Definition of parole
Commutation of sentence Parole refers to the conditional release of an
Commutation of sentence refers to the offender from a correctional institution after he has
reduction of the duration of a prison sentence. served the minimum of his prison sentence.
It is a change of the decision of the court Parole consists in the suspension of the
made by the Chief Executive by reducing the sentence of a convict after serving the minimum
degree of the penalty inflicted upon the convict, or term of the indeterminate penalty, without granting
by decreasing the length of the imprisonment or the a pardon, prescribing the terms upon which the
amount of the fine. sentence shall be suspended.
If the convict fails to observe the conditions
Specific cases where commutation is provided of the parole, the Board of Pardons and Parole is
for by the Code authorized to direct his arrest and return to custody
1. When the convict sentenced to death is and thereafter to carry out his sentence without
over 70 years of age. (Art. 83) deduction of the time that has elapsed between the
2. When eight justices of the Supreme Court date of the parole and the subsequent arrest.
fail to reach a decision for the affirmance of Reports to be submitted on Parolee/Pardonee
the death penalty. (1) A Progress Report should be submitted by
In either case, the degree of the penalty is the Probation and Parole Officer to the
reduced from death to reclusion perpetua. Board of Pardons and Parole when a
parolee/pardonee commits another offense


during the period of his parole surveillance, Indivisible Penalties. It aims to promote uniformity
and the case filed against him has not yet in the court's promulgated decisions and
been decided by the court. resolutions and thus prevent Confusion. It provides
(2) An Infraction Report should be submitted by that the phrase without eligibility for parole is to be
the Probation and Parole Officer on used to qualify the penalty of reclusion perpetua
violations committed by a parolee/pardonee when circumstances are present warranting the
of the conditions of his release on parole or imposition of the death penalty but which penalty is
conditional pardon while under supervision. not imposed because of R.A. No. 9346.
Any violation of the terms and conditions The pertinent portion of the resolution is
appearing in the Release Document or any serious quoted: XXXX
deviation or non-observance of the obligations set In these lights, the following guidelines shall
forth in the parole supervision program shall be be observed in the imposition of penalties and in
immediately reported by his Probation and Parole the use of the phrase without eligibility for parole:
Officer to the Board. The report shall be called (1) In cases where the death penalty is not
Infraction Report when the parolee/pardonee has warranted, there is no need to use the
been subsequently convicted of another crime. phrase without eligibility for parole to qualify
the penalty of reclusion perpetua; it is
When paroleelpardonee may be ordered understood that convicted persons
arrested or recommitted penalized with an indivisible penalty are not
Upon receipt of an Infraction Report, the eligible for parole; and
Board may order the arrest or recommitment of the (2) When circumstances are present warranting
convict. If recommitted, he shall be made to serve the imposition of the death penalty, but this
the remaining unexpired portion of the maximum penalty is not imposed because of R.A. No.
sentence for which he was originally committed to 9346, the qualification of "without eligibility
prison. for parole" shall be used to qualify reclusion
perpetua in order to emphasize that the
Is conviction necessary to revoke parole? accused should have been sentenced to
The mere commission, not conviction by the suffer the death penalty had it not been for
court, of any crime is sufficient to warrant parolee's RA. No. 9346.
arrest and reincarceration. (Guevara)
Conditional pardon distinguished from parole
Fortunato vs. Director, 80 Phil. 187, 189 1. Conditional pardon, which may be given at
In a petition for habeas corpus, it was any time after final judgment, is granted by
contended that the recommitment order was the Chief
premature, because it came down before his 2. Executive under the provisions of the
convictions of the series of estafa committed by him Administrative Code; parole, which may be
during the period of the parole. It was held that it given after the prisoner has served the
was now rather academic, even assuming that final minimum penalty, is granted by the Board of
conviction is necessary in order to constitute a Pardons and Parole under the provision of
violation of the condition of the parole. the Indeterminate Sentence Law.
3. For violation of the conditional pardon, the
“Without eligibility for parole." convict may be ordered rearrested or
The Supreme Court en banc issued AM. reincarcerated by the Chief Executive, or
No. 15-08-02-SC, the Guidelines for the Proper may be prosecuted under Art. 159 of the
Use of the Phrase "Without Eligibility for Parole in Code; for violation of the terms of the


parole, the convict cannot be prosecuted unserved portion of his sentence. If he commits a
under Art. 159. He can be rearrested and crime after the expiration of the 7 years, he is not
reincarcerated to serve the unserved portion liable for violation of the conditional pardon. The
of his original penalty. condition of the pardon is no longer operative when
he commits a new offense.
Art. 95. Obligation incurred by a person granted But if he commits a crime before the
conditional pardon. — Any person who has expiration of the 7 years, he is liable for violation of
been granted conditional par- don shall incur the conditional pardon.
the obligation of complying strictly with the
conditions imposed therein, otherwise, his Penalty under Article 159 of the Revised Penal
noncompliance with any of the conditions Code for violation of conditional pardon
specified shall result in the revocation of the Under Art.159 of the R.P.C., the penalty of
pardon and the provisions of Article 159 shall prision correccional in its minimum period (6
be applied to him. months and 1 day to 2 years and 4 months) shall
be imposed upon the convict who shall violate a
Outline of the provisions: conditional pardon. If the penalty remitted by the
1. He must comply strictly with the conditions pardon is higher than six years, the convict shall
imposed in the pardon. suffer the unexpired portion of his original
2. Failure to comply with the conditions shall sentence.
result in the revocation of the pardon. Under
Sec. 64(i), R.A.C., the Chief Executive may Art. 96. Effect of commutation of sentence. The
order his arrest and reincarceration. commutation of the original sentence for another of
3. He becomes liable under Art. 159. This is a different length and nature shall have the legal
the judicial remedy. effect of substituting the latter in the place of the
Condition of pardon is limited to the unserved
portion of the sentence, unless an intention to Art. 97. Allowance for good conduct. — The good
extend it beyond that time is manifest conduct of any prisoner in any penal institution shall
Infante vs. Warden, 92 Phil. 310, 314 entitle him to the following deductions from the
The duration of the conditions subsequent, period of his sentence:
annexed to a pardon, would be limited to the period 1. During the first two years of imprisonment, he
of the prisoner's sentence, unless an intention to shall be allowed a deduction of 20 days for each
extend it beyond the term of his sentence was month of good behavior during detention;
manifest from the nature of the condition or the 2. During the third to the fifth year, inclusive, of his
language in which it was imposed. imprisonment, he shall be allowed a deduction of
23 days for each month of good behavior during
Illustration: detention;
Thus, if a convict was sentenced to 12 3. During the following years until the tenth year,
years and 1 day of reclusion temporal, as the inclusive, of his imprisonment, he shall be allowed
maximum term of the indeterminate penalty, and a deduction of 25 days for each month of good
after serving 5 years he was granted a conditional behavior during detention;
pardon, the condition being that he should not 4. During the eleventh and successive years of his
commit any crime in the future, that condition must imprisonment, he shall be allowed a deduction of
be complied with by him until the end of the 7 years 30 days for each month of good behavior during
from the grant of the conditional pardon, it being the detention, and;


5. At any time during the period of imprisonment, entitlement to the above allowances for good
he shall be allowed another deduction of 15 days, conduct.
in addition to numbers 1-4 hereof, for each month
of study, teaching or mentoring service time Application of the provisions of Art. 97
rendered. The release of appellee Tan by the
provincial warden, after an imprisonment of only 2
An appeal by the accused shall not deprive years, 8 months and 21 days, was premature.
him of entitlement to the above allowances for good Under paragraph No. 1, Article 97 of the Revised
conduct. (amended by R.A. 10592) Penal Code, he may be allowed a deduction of five
(5) days for each month of good behavior during his
Amendments introduced by Republic Act No. first two years of imprisonment, which would be 24
10592 to Article 97 months multiplied by 5, or 120 days; under
1. Allowance for good conduct also granted to paragraph No. 2, he may be allowed a deduction of
detention prisoners eight (8) days a month for the next three years. For
Prior to its amendment, allowance for good the balance of eight (8) months, multiplied by 8, we
conduct was not granted to detention prisoners. have 64 days; so that the total credit for good
Thus, in the evaluation of their petition for parole or behavior would be 184 days, equivalent to 6
executive clemency where eligibility depends on months and 4 days.
the period of time served, the release of a detention
prison is correspondingly delayed for a period equal People vs. Tan, No. L-21805
to the good time allowance he could have earned The prisoner's actual confinement of 2
had he been under confinement by virtue of years, 8 months and 21 days, plus his possible total
conviction by final judgment. credit of 6 months and 4 days, would give the result
of 3 years, 2 months and 25 days. Since the
2. Increase in deduction from period of sentence. maximum term of his sentence is 4 years and 2
The deduction from the period of a months, appellee Tan has an unserved portion of
prisoner's sentence was increased from - 11 months and 5 days.
(a) 5 to 20 days: for first 2 years of
imprisonment; No allowance for good conduct while prisoner
(b) 8 to 23 days: from 3rd to 5th year of is released under conditional pardon
imprisonment; People vs. Martin, 68 Phil. 122, 125
(c) 10 to 25 days: 6th to 10th year of The reason is that the good conduct time
imprisonment; allowance is given in consideration of the good
(d) 15 to 30 days: 11th and successive years of conduct observed by the prisoner while serving his
imprisonment sentence. In this case, the accused was enjoying
liberty under a conditional pardon. He was not
3. Additional deduction granted. serving the remitted penalty in prison.
Aside from the deduction of from 20 to 30 days
per month of good behavior, an additional Baking vs. Director of Prisons, No. L-30603
deduction of l5 days is granted for each month of By a consideration of the terms of Article 97
study, teaching or mentoring rendered. alone, and also in conjunction with other parts of
the Revised Penal Code, the phrase "any prisoner"
4. Effect of Appeal. in Article 97 thereof is to be regarded as referring
An appeal by the accused shall not deprive him only to a prisoner serving sentence.


Disqualification from good conduct time calamity or catastrophe enumerated in Article

allowance 158 of this Code.
Recidivists, habitual delinquents, escapees, This Article shall apply to any prisoner
those charged with heinous crimes and an accused whether undergoing preventive imprisonment
who, upon being summoned for the execution of his or serving sentence.
sentence has failed to surrender voluntarily before
a court of law, are excluded from good conduct What is special time allowance for loyalty of
time allowance under R.A. No. 10592. (Rule IV, prisoner?
Sec. 2) It is a deduction in the period of the
Prisoners disqualified under R.A. No. sentence of a prisoner who, having evaded the
10592, such as heinous crime convicts, but who service of his sentence during the calamity or
were convicted before the law became effective in catastrophe mentioned in Art. 158, gives himself up
2013 shall be entitled to good conduct time to the authorities within 48 hours following the
allowance under the RPC. (Rule XIII, Sec. 1, 2nd issuance of the proclamation by the President
par.) announcing the passing away of the calamity or
Prisoners disqualified under R.A. No. catastrophe.
10592, such as heinous crime convicts, and who
were convicted after the law became effective A higher special time allowance is given to
in 2013, shall not be entitled to any type of good those who chose to stay in the place of
conduct time allowance. (Revised Implementing confinement
Rules of R.A. No. 10592) A deduction of 2/5 of the period of his
sentence shall be granted to a prisoner who chose
Non-entitlement to Good Conduct Time to stay in the place of his confinement while a
Allowance (GCTA) for violation of prison rules. deduction of 1/5 of the period of his sentence shall
A person deprived of liberty who violates be granted to a prisoner who, having evaded the
prison rules within a month shall not be entitled to service of his sentence, gives himself up to the
the grant of GCTA for said month, provided that authorities within 48 hours after the issuance of a
such would not prejudice the imposition of other proclamation announcing the passing away of the
penalties. (Sec. 3, Uniform Manual on Time calamity or catastrophe.
Allowances and Service of Sentence) Prior to the amendment of Article 98, only
those who evaded service of their sentence were
Art. 98. Special time allowance for loyalty. – A granted special time allowance to encourage them
deduction of one fifth of the period of his to surrender. Since prisoners who, despite having
sentence shall be granted to any prisoner who, all
having evaded his preventive imprisonment or the chances to escape, chose instead to remain in
the service of his sentence under the their prison cells,
circumstances mentioned in Article 158 of this
Code, gives himself up to the authorities within The deduction is based on the original
48 hours following the issuance of a sentence
proclamation announcing the passing away of While this article mentions "the period of his
the calamity or catastrophe referred to in said sentence," it should be understood that the convict
article. A deduction of two-fifths of the period of is to be credited for loyalty with 2/5 or 1/5 of his
his sentence shall be granted in case said original sentence, not of the unexpired portion of
prisoner chose to stay in the place of his his
confinement notwithstanding the existence of a sentence.


2) the provincial governments, which has

The deduction applies to all prisoners supervision and control over provincial jails
The special time allowance for loyalty shall that house provincial prisoners or those
apply to any prisoner, whether undergoing serving prison terms of more than six
preventive imprisonment or serving sentence. months up to three years; and
3) the Bureau of Jail Management and
Article 158 provides for increased penalty Penology (BJMP) under the Department of
Under Article 158, a convict who evaded the Interior and Local Government (DILG),
service of his had been confined, on the occasion which has jurisdiction over all city,
of disorder resulting from a conflagration, municipal, and district jails that house
earthquake, explosion or similar catastrophe or municipal prisoners or those serving prison
during a mutiny in which he did not participate, is terms of one day to not more than six
liable to an increased penalty (1/5 of the time still months in municipal jails and not more than
remaining to be served not to exceed six months), if three years in city jails.
he fails to give himself up to the authorities within Since city and municipal prisoners are not
48 hours following the issuance of a proclamation under the jurisdiction of the Director of the Bureau
by the Chief Executive announcing the passing of Corrections, the amendment to Article 99 seeks
away of the calamity. to fast-track the application and grant of good
conduct time allowance by likewise granting to the
Art. 99. Who grants time allowances. – Chief of the Bureau of Jail Management and
Whenever lawfully justified, the Director of the Penology and/or the warden of a provincial, district,
Bureau of Corrections, the Chief of the Bureau municipal or city jail, the authority to grant time
of Jail Management and Penology and/or the allowance for good conduct.
Warden of a provincial, district, municipal or
city jail shall grant allowances for good Allowances for good conduct is not an
conduct. Such allowances once granted shall automatic right. It cannot be revoked once
not be revoked. granted
It must be granted by either the Director of
Good conduct allowance may be granted by the the Bureau of Corrections, the Chief of the Bureau
Director of the Bureau of Corrections, the Chief of Jail Management and Penology and/or the
of the BJMP, and the warden of provincial, warden of a provincial, district, municipal or city jail.
district, municipal or city jails
Prior to the amendment of Article 99 by R.A.
No. 10592, only the Director of Prisons (now
Director of the Bureau of Corrections) was allowed
to grant time allowance for good conduct.
Three government agencies currently have
supervision over prisoners and jails, namely:
1) the Bureau of Corrections, under the
Department of Justice (DOJ) which has
supervision and control over their prison
facilities that house national prisoners or
those serving prison terms of more than
three years;


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