Bhel FGD Latter KPCL

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jerry) Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited fe Oe (AGovt of india Undertaking) eee ra cei inde Daeeaee mal gmurai@bhelin HEL House, Si for, Mew Delhi ~ 130 049 Ref MS5.10.-0001 Dated 16.03 2020, To, Shit P Ravikumar, IAS ‘Aational Chet Secretary othe Hon ble Chit Minister, Got of Karnataka & Oxector KP.CL. Deer Se Sub: Wet Limestone Fluo gas desulphurization plant for 2x800 MW of Yeramarus, 72210 MW+1x250, [MW Raichur and 2x500 M+-3700 MW Bellary Thermal Powor Station 3id easing Ref: BHEL’ Later dates 20.02 2020, We invite your kind atienton o copy of BHEL's later’ dts 20.02 2020 adresse to KPCURPCL regarding BHEL's bids submited agaist domestic competitive bing Iitod by KPCL though GOK e-Procurement Platform fr installaton of Wet Limestone Fue gas desuiphurzaton plan{FGD) fr BTPS, RTPS and YTPS project. Inthe context, we wis o submit the furer development in respect of bi evaaton as flows 1+ Tender forthe sat works was Hosted two times salar where BHEL was sob bidder but bids wore not ‘pane, BHEL nad alo pureved for fnalzaton of FGD contacts wih pices benchmarked martlevels to aca earSet instalation of FGD pant fr above projects considering deaiines stipulated by MOEF + KPCL sought certain clarfleaton against Solay Cal ender regarding Anneae-8 concerning bidders Undertaking towards satstectoryperrmance in past contracts andt disatow participation of company bloc ebared by Govt. Usiiy. SHEL clarified that undertaking submited by BHEL isin compliance tointertof he tender spec, which alzoin ine wth the formats gneray followed by varousstteconval tutes across he county. Forte, we wih to mention that KPI had not sought such undertakings (Ammexure-6 format any of caer tenders ive for Bellary U 1,3 TPS & Bidadl gas based projects. Clary U #183 were tally ‘worded to BHEL. Accordingly, prior to submission of Bids agaist FGD teners(Cal.) or RTPS and YYTPS projets, BHEL represented to KPCURPCL for amending the Annexure format in ne wih other statferral ute’ format but BHEL's request was not given any consideration though sare would not have ay etc on BHEL’'s capaity in performance of he contact in any way. “+ However, re qualtcaton(POR) teria was significant dlutod during inatin of Ca tenders o favor EPC cntractors having executed even a smal part ofthe BOP package suchas Fue Ol Handing Plan, iar Treatment Pan. Staton Piping, Ciculing Water Systm & Civ Works of Coking Tower, Chimney ‘ee. Orginal tender stipulated experience of completo BOP package for minimum 200 MW plat, which transla to higher contract value in nencl terms. Ongnal POR was aso brady in in with requirements flowed by othr ues including NTPC, based on which they nad recaived sufcient response rom bidders. Hence, uch amendments were not warranted, “+ de acainst Cal tender of RTPS and YTPS were opened on 08.01.2020, whch witnessed new entrants ke Mis EDAC and Mls Bridge & Roof (B&R) besides Shapoo & Palo (SBP) avasing leeway provided ‘amended POR. It was noticed that BAR and EDAC had sought qualification under EPC rote whereas ‘SAP cpted for Jolnt Venture route wih cferent Quaifled FGD manufaturers (QFGDM) to seek qualification for RTPS and YTPS projects. Base on the details avaiable in pubic domain (itemet), we have not that annual turnover of EDAC isnot adequata in toms of facial POR while S&P has ‘submit bid trough fermaton of JV company with some European player (RUDIS) in capacity of ‘oFcou ‘As per POR condition, QFGOM should in possession of wet lmestone based FGD technology having

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