Division of Marinduque: First Quarter Examination English For Academic

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Name_____________________________________ Score:
Grade & Section ______________________


English for Academic

Test I. Direction: Read the passages and determine how the information is being organized.
Choose your answer from the list of words below. Write the letter of your choice on a separate
sheet of paper.

a. Narrative b. Cause and Effect c. chronological/sequence

d. Descriptive e. Problem-Solution f. Compare & Contrast

______1. Ice-cream is a delicious frozen treat that comes in a many different colors and flavors.
Two of my favorite flavors are strawberry and chocolate. Though both of these flavors are
delicious, strawberry may contain pieces of fruit while chocolate usually will not. Even though
more chocolate ice-cream is sold across the country annually than strawberry, each flavor tastes
great inside of a milk shake.

_______2. The ice-cream shop around the corner from my house has the best ice-cream in the
city. When you first walk inside, there is a long chrome counter with matching stools extending
to alongside the far wall. Right where the counter stops, the booth seating begins. There are lots
of old-timey knickknacks on the walls and chrome napkin holders on all the tables. My favorite
part of the shop is behind the counter glass, where they keep all of the ice-cream flavors. A
rainbow of delicious sugary flavors is kept cool and delicious behind the counter glass.

______3. Freezer burn may have wasted more ice-cream than sidewalks. If you don’t know,
freezer burn is when ice crystals form on the surface of ice-cream. These ice crystals can ruin the
texture and flavor of the ice cream. But you can prevent freezer burn. Since freezer burn is
caused when melted ice-cream is refrozen, rather than eating your ice-cream from the container
as it melts, scoop your ice-cream into a bowl and put the container back in the fridge
immediately. Doing this ought to help you solve your issues with freezer burn.

____4. Have you ever had an ice-cream headache? That’s when a painful sensation resonates in
your head after eating something cold (usually ice-cream) on a hot day. This pain is produced
by the dilation of a nerve center in the roof of your mouth. The nerve center is overreacting to
the cold by trying to heat your brain. Ice-cream headaches have turned many smiles to frowns.
____5. One time my mom and I made ice-cream. We added sugar and cream into a big glass
bowl. We kept it frozen in the middle of a bigger glass bowl. While it froze, I stirred the mixture
with a hand mixer. It was the first time that had I used one and it splattered ice-cream mixture
all over the kitchen. The rest of the mixture finally froze, so we ate some ice cream, and then put
the remaining portions in the freezer so that it wouldn’t get freezer burned. That was a good

Test II. Direction: Read the passages below. Then, identify whether each passage can be an
academic text or non-academic text. Write A if it is academic and N if it is non-academic.

_____1. Some educators suggest that the distinction between conversational and
academic language is somewhat arbitrary and that it is the situation, community, or
context that is either predominantly social or academic.
_____2. The current study showed that COVID-19 pandemic lockdown affected the
academic performance of most participants with varying degrees.
_____3. In his reverie he remembers how nature marked the season it happened.
_____4. I believe they are the first and last and the closest things I have to say about my
own life. _____5. The current study showed that the most popular device that students
used to access the online materials was the smart phone followed by laptop, while the
least used tool was the personal computer.

I. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

1. What is a thesis statement?

A. It is the controlling idea that you will develop in your paper.
B. It is a sentence that elaborates the topic sentence.
C. It supports the main idea of in a paragraph.

2. Which of the following is NOT an element of a thesis statement?

A. Focus
B. Argument
C. Evidence

3. All of the statements below are true about thesis statement, EXCEPT:
A. t is a claim or stand that needs to be developed in an essay.
B. It acts as an adequate support to expound the main idea.
C. It must be debatable and supported with evidence.

4.Identify the most effective thesis statement.

A. The Hunger Games is a science fiction adventure film based on the novel of the
same name by Suzanne Collins.
B. The Hunger Games is a morality tale about the dangers of a political system that
is dominated by the wealthy.

5.What is an outline?

D. A technique that uses free flow of ideas by listing down everything that comes to

B. A design to follow when writing a structure, a discourse, or a article.

E. A technique that links a word or phrase to different related topics or ideas.

6. Which of the following is NOT true about the reaction paper?

C. It is purely made of opinions.
D. It conveys incisive insights into its analysis of events.
E. It may include the main purpose of the event.
F. It is mainly written to communicate a fair assessment.

7.Which of the following can be a form of a reaction paper?

G. Lyric Poem
H. Survey Report
I. Movie Review
J. Anecdotal Report
2. Which of the following is needed to make objective assessment?
A. Facts
B. Opinions
C. Reactions
D. Traditions
3. Which of the following is NOT a form of reaction paper?
A. Appeal
B. Protest
C. Reflection
D. Report
4. Why should we cite specific sources?
A. It helps support claims.
B. It makes the paper longer.
C. It adds to the creativity.
D. It makes the paper interesting.
5. Which critical approach focuses on understanding ways gender roles are reflected
A. or contradicted by texts?
A. Reader-response
B. Feminism
C. Historicism
D. Marxist

6. Which critical approach focuses on ways texts reflect, reinforce, or challenge the
A. effects of class, power relations, and social roles?
A. Reader-response
B. Feminism
C. Historicism
D. Marxist
7. Which critical approach focuses on understanding texts by viewing texts in the
A. context of other texts?
A. Reader-response
B. Feminism
C. Historicism
D. Marxist
8. Which critical approach focuses on each reader's personal reactions to a text?
A. Reader-response
B. Feminism
C. Historicism
D. Marxist
9. Which critical approach focuses on "objectively" evaluating the text, identifying its
A. underlying form. It may study, for example, a text's use of imagery, metaphor, or
B. symbolism?
A. Reader-response
B. Media Criticism
C. Historicism
D. Formalism

10. Which of the following should be included in the first part of the reaction paper?
A. Personal thoughts
B. Information about the author
C. Main problem
D. Sources
11. Which of the following is NOT a form of reaction paper?
A. Appeal
B. Protest
C. Reflection
D. Report
12. Which of the following will help you avoid mistakes in writing a reaction paper?
A. Give a summary of an article.
B. Give an overview.
C. Back your ideas with examples.
D. Do not give your personal opinion.
13. Which of the following is NOT included in the second part of your review?
A. Personal thoughts
B. Information about the author
C. Highlights of the main points
D. Main ideas

14. For numbers 7-10, please refer to the following statements:

I. Read or watch the material carefully.
A. II. Come up with a thesis statement.
B. III. Write down your thoughts while reading or watching.
C. IV. Compose an outline
15. 7. Which of the following must be done first when you are asked to write a review?
A. I
16. 8. Which of the given steps in number 7 be done next?
A. I
17. 9. Which will be the third step?
A. I
18. 10. Which will be done last?
A. I

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