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NIM : 21.11.309.301101.3223


NIM : 21.11.309.301101.3248
The Murder of Wayan Mirna Salihin

On January 6, 2016, Wayan Mirna Salihin, 27 years old, died after

drinking Vietnamese iced coffee at Olivier Café, Grand Indonesia.At the time of
the incident, Mirna was known to be hanging out with her two friends, Hani and
Jessica Kumala Wongso. According to the autopsy results from the police, it was
found that the bleeding in Mirna's stomach was caused by a corrosive substance
entering and damaging the gastric mucosa. It was later discovered that the
corrosive substance was derived from cyanide acid. Cyanide was also found by
the Puslabfor Polri in coffee samples drunk by Mirna. Based on the results of the
crime scene and witness examination, the police named Jessica Kumala Wongso
as a suspect. Jessica was charged with article 340 of the Criminal Code on
premeditated murder.
 Jessica version chronology
 Arrive at Grand Indonesia (14.00 WIB). Jessica made an
appointment to meet her three friends, Mirna, Hani, and Vera, at
the Olivier Café at 17.00.
 Book a place. Upon arrival, Jessica immediately booked table
number 54. Olivier's cafe was Mirna's choice.
 Go for a walk. Jessica went around the mall and bought three
parcels filled with soap as gifts for her three friends.
 Back to the cafe (Around 16.00 WIB). Jessica ordered a drink after
asking first in their social media chat group.
 Drinks come. The drink that came first was Mirna's order of
Vietnamese iced coffee. Two other drinks, fashioned sazerac
(Hani) and cocktail (Jessica) came later.
 The friend arrived (4:40 p.m.). Mirna and Hani come. Vera is
nowhere to be seen. Sitting position: Mirna (center), Jessica (left),
and Hani (right)
 Mirna drinks coffee Mirna feels the smell of coffee is strange and
asks her two friends to smell it too. "It smells weird," Jessica said.
It was later discovered that the coffee that Mirna drank had a
turmeric-like color.
 Mirna asked for water. Jessica asked the waiter for water. He was
asked about his drink choice.
 Mirna is dying. When she returned, Mirna's body was stiff,
foaming at the mouth, convulsing, with half-closed eyes.
 Panic. Jessica and Hani panicked while shaking Mirna's body.
They shouted for the cafe waiter.
 Brought to the clinic and hospital Mirna was taken by wheelchair
to the clinic, then taken by her husband, Arief Soemarko's car, to
Abdi Waluyo Hospital. The doctor at the Grand Indonesia mall
clinic, Joshua, said that Wayan Mirna Salihin's pulse before his
death was 80 beats per minute. While breathing 16 times per
minute. When brought to the clinic, Mirna was known to have
fainted. For five minutes Joshua admitted that he only did an
examination and found no problems with breathing and pulse. He
only gave him a respirator. Then at the will of her husband, Mirna
was then referred to the Abdi Waluyo Hospital.
 Hani's version of the chronology to the police
 Arriving at the cafe (16.00 WIB) Jessica arrived at the cafe.
 Hani and Mirna came (at 16.40 WIB). Drinks are available.
According to Hani, after drinking the iced coffee, Mirna said “It's
awful, it's bad”. "There's nothing wrong with the drinks," said
 Mirna is dying. Mirna feels hot and foams at the mouth, so she is
taken to the clinic. Mirna died at Abdi Waluyo Hospital.
 Chronology version of Edi Darmawan Salihin (Mirna's father)
An interview conducted by Karni Ilyas in the Indonesia Lawyers
Club program on tvOne, Edi Darmawan Salihin revealed several facts
regarding the death of his son. One of the facts he obtained was after
seeing CCTV footage at the Olivier Café. He explained that what Jessica
Kumala Wongso said in the media was a lie. The lies included, among
other things, about the mineral water that Jessica admitted that she
ordered, in fact it was not listed in the order bill. Then, according to Edi,
the goody bag, which Jessica admits, was placed on the table after the
drinks arrived. According to Edi, in fact, the goody bag was placed before
the drink order was delivered by the waiter. Edi also said that only Jessica
did not cry when Mirna's family and friends were at Abdi Waluyo
After going through several trials, Jessica Kumala Wongso was
finally sentenced to 20 years in prison for the crime of murder as regulated
in Article 340 of the Criminal Code.In their indictment, the prosecutor
stated that Jessica was believed to be guilty of poisoning Mirna by placing
5 grams of cyanide poison.Jessica is said to have covered up her actions by
placing 3 paper bags on table number 54.On 27 October 2016, Jessica
Kumala Wongso was sentenced to 20 years in prison.The Jakarta Post said
that "In line with the indictment, the judge concluded that Jessica killed
Mirna as revenge for repeatedly telling Jessica to break up with Patrick
O'Connor, her Australian ex-boyfriend." After a long cassation, it was first
rejected at the Jakarta High Court and then at the Supreme Court led by
Judges Artidjo Alkostar, Salman Luthan and Sumardiyatmo who
unanimously rejected Jessica's appeal. "We reject the appeal," said
Supreme Court spokesman Suhadi.
Question :

Part 1

1. What is the headline/topic of the news or article?

2. Where and when the news publish?
3. Who are the sources?Mention them!
4. What was happened?
5. Were there any victims?How many?
1. The Murder of Wayan Mirna Salihin
2. I got the news from wikipedia which was published in 2016
3. Wikipedia
4. Murder committed by a woman named jessica where she killed her own
friend named mirna by mixing cyanide into mirna coffee
5. there is only one victim is mirna
Part 2 :
1. Find at least 5 wonder in legal term that you find in the text!Translate
them into Bahasa Indonesia
2. Make a new sentence for each word (legal term) that you find in the
text.So you`ll have (at least) 5 new sentences.
1. Crime(Kejahatan)
2. A man was punished for having committed crime
(Seorang pria dihukum karena telah melakukan kejahatan)
The Police are doing investigation of crime cases
(Polisi sedang melakukan penyelidikan terhadap kasus kejahatan)
The suspect was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the crime he had
(Tersangka dijatuhi hukuman selama 15 tahun penjara atas kejahatan yang
telah dilakukannya)
The judge stated that thr man was proven wrong
(Hakim menyatakan bahwa pria tersebut terbukti salah)
A woman is arrested for committing the murder of his friend
(Seorang wanita ditangkap karena melakukan pembunuhan terhadap
temannya )

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