Analysis of The Requirements of Change in Function and Principles of Building Conversion To

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Analysis of the requirements of change in function and principles of building conversion to

meet new functional requirements of this building.

When marine containers become obsolete they are disposed along with around 3500kg of
steel. This is a wastage of metal an as metal doesn’t decay easily this can become an
environment hazard. Therefore instead of demolition of the containers, containers can be
converted to establishments such as houses, Offices etc. In adaptation of buildings there are
many forms. Namely, conversion, extension, refurbishment, alteration conservation &
modernization. Conversion includes changing the function of the building. Here in this
scenario the containers are converted to Hybrid wards through container conversion. The
process of converting a container, that will otherwise be abandoned to an ecofriendly creation
though designing , planning and hardworking with less cost and less time is simply known as
Container conversion.
Container conversion has many benefits
Tough and durable - These shipping containers are originally built for to withstand
unfavorable climatic conditions of the vast ocean, so they are tough & don’t decay easily.
Only regular low-cost maintenance is required. They are available in different sizes to match
the requirement of the client
Construction can be done offsite - The ability to carry out the construction offsite is feasible.
Therefore, the construction can be done in a yard where the materials & services are
abundant thus reducing the cost of transportation. Once completed it can be transported as a
unit to the designated place.
Eco Friendly & Sustainable - Usually a shipping container contains around 3500kg of steel,
assume that if 1000 of such containers were to be abandoned, the wastage & the
environment pollution is massive. So, by adopting from traditional construction o container
conversion is highly ecofriendly unlike in the traditional construction where the
environmental pollution is high, because of the wastage and emitting of harmful materials.
Reduced cost - As the cost is lowered the government will be able to invest the saved money
for the development of the hospital.

Portable – These cabins can be moved according t the requirement of the hospital.
Consumes less time for the construction - With the correct and adequate planning, labor and
materials the container conversion is far faster process than traditional construction. The
willful planning at the beginning of a construction is the key to success. Main reason for the
possibility of fast track construction is that the main structure is already complete by default.
Can be designed uniquely

In building conversion the suitability, structure, condition, appearance, sustainability & legal
issues has to be taken in to consideration.

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