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The Impact of Youtube Videos of Children in English for Toddler 2-4 Years Old

Ni'matusy Syifa Auliya, Afi Fadlilah, M.Hum.

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Toddlers are the childhood period began to walk and is the most intense period of growth and
development, namely at the age of 1 to 5 years. This period is an important period for the
development of intelligence and intellectual growth. (Mitayani, 2010). What is around is very
influential on his memory. Youtube is a video site that provides various information in the form
of 'moving images' and can be relied upon. Like the current events, some parents gave their
device and gave a video presentation on YouTube so that the child did not cry or disturb the
people around him. However, there are some parents who monitor their children while watching
videos. The YouTube application is not all negative, depending on how we use it. On yotube
there are lots of positive video content. As one of the things that will be discussed by researchers
is using youtube media to examine the acquisition of the vocabulary of the toddler after watching
the video whether it influences or not. The video content shown is that which is educational,
interesting, and not negative. Like explaining the kinds of colors, animals, and objects in two
languages namely Indonesian and English.

Keywords: toddlers, youtube, english, indonesian, vocabulary.

Levelt (1975) explains psycholinguistics is a study of language use and language
acquisition by humans. From this definition, there are two different aspects, the first is the
acquisition of how a person, especially children learn languages and the two uses which means
the use of language by normal adults. Aitchison (Dardjowidojo, 2003: 7) argues that
psycholinguistics is the study of language and soul. In line with the opinion above. Field (2003:
2) suggests "psycholinguistics explores the relationship between the human mind and language".
Psycholinguistics discusses the relationship between the human brain and language. The soul or
brain operates when language is used. There are two ways in language perception and
production, namely auditive and visual. Auditive language perception is listening and visual
perception, namely reading. Cognitive processes that occur when someone speaks and listens,
among others, remembers what was heard, re-recognizes what has just been heard as words.
After thinking that is expressing what has been stored in memory. Psycholinguistics involves
verbal thinking, verbal memory, and many more.
In this modern age, the development of devices and technology has a profound effect
on life. The existence of the latest device is certainly inseparable from the technology that
continues to grow. Technological advances have advantages for all human activities, but
technology can also change human behavior patterns. Technological developments and
sophistication of devices have been known to all circles, regardless of age. Even early age also
began to be deceived with the sophistication of devices that have many applications and social
media. Applications that are on the device certainly have various features that can attract the
attention of users. One application that has many features, namely Youtube. Youtube is a various
video website that allows users to upload, watch and share videos. Youtube is an application that
is widely used by modern society today for various functions.

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Now many parents let their children play devices and also watch videos on YouTube.
By showing the video the child will be silent. While parents can calmly carry out their activities
without having to be disturbed by the child. Even though this is a big mistake, children will
become passive, do not care about the environment, even become lazy to move. In addition,
children can access all videos freely on YouTube if there is no supervision by their parents.
Conversely if there is supervision of parents, of course the child will get guidance and get very
educative lessons. One of the effects of youtube is the acquisition of vocabulary for toddlers aged
2-4 years. Through the videos he watched, children will be so interested and easy to remember
and memorize. This research refers to the previous study, "The acquisition of vocabulary for
children aged 3-5 years in the Fun Children Inclusive Play Group" written by Fathia Noor
Azizah, concluded that "language acquisition in children aged 3-5 years is seen by interesting
learning methods such as learning while playing so that children do not get bored and can
explore their developing knowledge. The research that will be examined is "The Impact of
Youtube Videos of Children in English on the Achievement of Toddler Vocabulary 2-4 Years."
The acquisition of vocabulary in this study using youtube media is by observation such as
watching videos specifically for children who use English and language Indonesia. Researchers
provide video content that attracts toddlers to watch it. The next step is interview by asking some
spontaneous questions, namely wanting to find out how much memory is captured after watching
the video, whether after watching the vocabulary there are more English vocabulary or
Indonesian vocabulary or balanced.

The video content that is on YouTube is a lot of variety if it is used properly, of course
it will provide positive benefits for children. One of them is the introduction and mastery of
foreign languages in a fun way. Through youtube, children will be able to master everything
faster, stored in brain memory, and apply it in everyday life. Unintentionally, a word or sentence
that he first watched and heard would be spoken from the child's mouth. Along with the
increasing ability of children to explore the environment, because of the increased magnitude of
coordination and motor control accompanied by increased ability to ask questions using words
that can be understood by others.


The method used by researchers is a qualitative descriptive method. Arikunto (1993:

310) describes a descriptive method that explains data or objects of natural decara, objective, and
factual. Qualitative methodology is a procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of
written or oral data in the language community. A qualitative approach that involves oral data in
language is the existence of information (native speakers of the language studied). Data obtained
by observation and interviews. Data was obtained from toddlers aged 2-4 years by watching
youtube videos provided by researchers and interviews with some spontaneous questions that did
not make children tense. From the data generated, it will be analyzed how the impact produced
after watching the video.


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This research is to obtain data about youtube videos for children based on English for
the acquisition of words for the children who watched the video. This is done so that you learn
more about the ability to capture or remember English words in children after watching the
video. The acquisition of vocabulary using youtube video media can be seen from the results of
research data that are processed and described. It is possible to see the influence of the youtube
media on the acquisition of toddlers' vocabulary ages 2-4 years old.
The results of the research carried out using observation and interview methods.
Observation is done by watching youtube videos based on English. The next step, the interview
was compiled, finished watching the video, YouTube and the researchers asked about some of
the footage in the video, so they could find out the vocabulary obtained after watching the video.
The final step is to collect a questionnaire, the researcher will take part of the acquisition of the
words obtained after the children watch the video and get a description of the child. The
questionnaire step here is only to strengthen the research evidence.

Below, the existing toddler data is the subject of research.

No Name Gender Age

1. Alif Luthfi Hakim M 3th
2. Arsyila Salsabila Rifai F 2,5th
3. Muhammad Dhani M 2th
4. Muhammad Faqih M 3,5th
5. Yasmin Firda Nadiroh F 4th

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The researcher first recorded the vocabulary contained in the video in order to facilitate research
at the interview, the researcher only gave a check mark (v) if the toddler answered correctly. If
wrong, it will be crossed (x). The researcher asked some spontaneous questions whether it was
while repeating the video and pointing to the image on the mobile screen.

Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris

Merah Red

Biru Blue

Hijau Green

Ungu Purple

Oranye Orange

Kuning Yellow

Putih White

Hitam Black

Gajah Elephant

Monyet Monkey

Burung Bird

Pisang Banana

Mobil Car

a. Subject 1

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Name : Alif Lutfi Hakim
Gender : Male
Age : 3 years old

Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris

✓ Merah ✓ Red

X Biru ✓ Blue

✓ Hijau ✓ Green

✓ Ungu X Purple

✓ Oranye X Orange

✓ Kuning ✓ Yellow

✓ Putih X White

X Hitam ✓ Black

✓ Gajah X Elephant

✓ Monyet X Monkey

✓ Burung X Bird

✓ Pisang ✓ Banana

✓ Mobil X Car

11 6

When Alif watched the video, he paid attention while participating in imitating any
words in the video. After watching the video, the researcher plays back the video
silently while asking for the type of color and item whether he is more inclined to
remember in English or Indonesian. Vocabulary obtained after watching Kids channel
Indonesian-English videos, Alif obtained vocabulary in Indonesian which is 11 words,
while English is 6 words. Seen from there, Alif easily understands and remembers
Indonesian words. When watching videos, Alif is louder to speak Indonesian words.
when part of the English language, he followed the remark but it was not as loud as
when he followed Indonesian words.
b. Subject 2

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Name : Arsyila Salsabila Rifai
Gender : Female
Age : 2,5 years old

Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris

✓ Merah X Red

X Biru ✓ Blue

✓ Hijau X Green

✓ Ungu X Purple

X Oranye ✓ Orange

✓ Kuning ✓ Yellow

✓ Putih X White

X Hitam X Black

✓ Gajah X Elephant

✓ Monyet X Monkey

✓ Burung X Bird

✓ Pisang ✓ Banana

✓ Mobil X Car

10 4

When Arsy watched the video, he paid attention while participating in imitating any of the words
on the video, although not as challenging as Alif. Because in terms of usiap different levels of
pronunciation. After watching the video, the researcher plays back the video silently while
asking for the type of color and item whether he is more inclined to remember in English or
Indonesian. Vocabulary obtained after watching Kids channel Indonesian-English videos, Arsy
obtained vocabulary in Indonesian which is 10 words, while English is 4 words. Seen from there,
the Throne is easy to understand and remember the Indonesian words. The level of activity of the
Arsy when watching the video is more active than Alif. Arsy watched as he nodded his head as if
he fully understood what he was watching.
c. Subject 3

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Name: Muhammad Dhani
Gender : Male
Age : 3,5 years old

Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris

✓ Merah X Red

✓ Biru ✓ Blue

✓ Hijau X Green

X Ungu X Purple

X Oranye ✓ Orange

✓ Kuning ✓ Yellow

✓ Putih X White

✓ Hitam ✓ Black

✓ Gajah X Elephant

✓ Monyet X Monkey

✓ Burung X Bird

✓ Pisang ✓ Banana

✓ Mobil X Car

10 5

When Dhani watched the video, he noticed and was very enthusiastic about imitating any of the
words in the video even though at the time of imitating there were some that were not
appropriate. Same system as the data above, after watching the video, the researcher plays back
the video silently while asking the type of color and item whether he is more inclined to
remember in English or Indonesian. Vocabulary obtained after watching Kids channel
Indonesian-English videos, Dhani obtained 10 words of Indonesian vocabulary, while 5 words in
English. Seen from there, Dhani easily understands and remembers Indonesian words. Although
the acquisition of the English words obtained was only 5 words, Dhani was very confident and
cheerful when watching the video.
d. Subject 4

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Name : Muhammad Faqih
Gender : Male
Age : 3,5 years old

Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris

✓ Merah ✓ Red

✓ Biru ✓ Blue

✓ Hijau X Green

✓ Ungu X Purple

X Oranye ✓ Orange

✓ Kuning ✓ Yellow

✓ Putih ✓ White

✓ Hitam X Black

✓ Gajah X Elephant

✓ Monyet X Monkey

✓ Burung X Bird

✓ Pisang ✓ Banana

✓ Mobil X Car

12 6

When Faqih watched the video, he paid attention while participating in imitating any
words in the video. After watching the video, the researcher plays back the video silently
while asking for the type of color and item whether he is more inclined to remember in
English or Indonesian. Vocabulary obtained after watching Kids channel Indonesian-
English videos, Faqih obtained vocabulary in Indonesian which is 12 words, while
English is 6 words. Seen from there, Faqih easily understands and remembers Indonesian
words. His face looks happy, uplifting, and the pronunciation is good enough.

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e. Subject 5
Name : Yasmin Firda Nadhiroh
Gender : Female
Age : 4 years old

Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris

✓ Merah ✓ Red

✓ Biru ✓ Blue

✓ Hijau ✓ Green

✓ Ungu X Purple

✓ Oranye ✓ Orange

✓ Kuning ✓ Yellow

✓ Putih ✓ White

✓ Hitam ✓ Black

✓ Gajah ✓ Elephant

✓ Monyet ✓ Monkey

✓ Burung ✓ Bird

✓ Pisang ✓ Banana

✓ Mobil X Car

13 11

When Yasmin watched the video, he watched while participating in imitating any words in the
video. After watching the video, the researcher plays back the video silently while asking for the
type of color and item whether he is more inclined to remember in English or Indonesian.
Vocabulary obtained after watching Kids channel Indonesian-English videos, Yasmin obtained
vocabulary in Indonesian which is 13 words, while English is 11 words. Seen from there,
Yasmin easily understands and remembers the Indonesian words, but even in English she
understands it enough. Yasmin is a toddler who understands the video he watches the most. The

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way he watched and while imitating was good enough. The results of the vocabulary obtained
are almost perfect.

The above research uses descriptive qualitative methods in which there are
observations, interviews, and questionnaires as a supplement. In Based on the results of the
above research there are 5 toddlers with different ages, namely from 3 years, 2.5 years, 3.5 years,
3.5 years, and 4 years. The media used is youtube, by displaying videos that have educational
content and interesting aiming to find out how much vocabulary is obtained after the toddler
watches the video. First, Alif is 3 years old. When he watched the video he followed and
understood exactly what the sound source said in the video. Every spoken word is always
followed, but when the English-speaking part of the word is not as loud as speaking Indonesian.
looks less confident. Therefore he only gets 11 Indonesian words and 6 English words. Second,
Arsyila is 2.5 years old. When he watched the video, he was very active compared to Alif.
Innocence and agility are very visible. He followed the words in the video. The vocabulary
obtained by Arsyila in Indonesian is 10 words and 4 English words. Third, Dhani is 3.5 years
old. When Dhani watches, he is very cheerful and keeps abreast of what is said on the video
sometimes there are mistakes when saying it. Vocabulary obtained by Dhani after watching
Indonesian is 10 words and 5 English words. Fourth, Faqih is 3.5 years old, the same age as
Dhani, but mastery and catching power are different. Faqih's enthusiasm, excitement, and full of
enthusiasm can produce 12 Indonesian words and 6 English words that are clearly different from
Dhani's even though they are the same age. Last fifth, Yasmin is 4 years old. When he watched
the video, he was very focused and participated in imitating what was said on the video.
Yasmin's excitement was not like the other 4 toddlers. He looks more focused so that the
Indonesian word produced is 13 words and English is 11 words.
In this case it can be explained that the number of vocabulary mastered by a child
varies and the number varies greatly. This can happen depending on the factors of attraction that
he sees with the inputs he receives. Thus it can be seen that children have their own
characteristics and uniqueness of their personality.


Mar’at, Samsunuwiyati. 2009. Psikolinguistik: Suatu Pengantar. Bandung: PT Refika Aditama.

Djajasudarma, Fatimah. 2006. Metode Linguistik: Ancangan Metode Penelitian dan Kajian.
Bandung: PT Refika Aditama.

Noor Azizah, Fathih. “Pemerolehan Kosakata Anak Usia 3—5 Tahun”.

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