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1. Did you encounter difficulties in understanding the text? Why?
⮚ Yes, I had trouble comprehending the text since there were certain
difficult-to-understand terminology that I wasn't familiar with.
2. List down words that you found difficult to understand and look for its definition in
the dictionary.
⮚ Asphyxia - a condition arising when the body is deprived of oxygen,
causing unconsciousness or death; suffocation
⮚ Ecchymosis - dark purple spot forms on your skin when blood leaks out of
your blood vessels into the top layer of your skin. It's usually from an
injury, and its 1/2 inch long or bigger.
⮚ Cyanosis - a bluish or purplish discoloration (as of skin) due to deficient
oxygenation of the blood
⮚ Hemorrhages - bleeding from a ruptured blood vessel in the brain and
especially in the cerebrum that is often life-threatening and is marked by
sudden headache, nausea, impaired consciousness, and neurological
⮚ Galea - an anatomical part suggesting a helmet; a helmet-shaped
⮚ Congestion – to concentrate in a small or narrow space; to cause an
excessive accumulation especially of blood or mucus in (such as an organ
or part)
3. How was the report structured?
⮚ The report is structured by stating the cause of death first, then providing
a detailed narrative of what transpired and an examination of the evidence
4. What did you learn from each sentence in the report? Begin with a simple grid
like the one below.


1. Death occurred from the effects Cause of Death

of asphyxia, cerebral anemia,
and shock.

2. The victim’s hair was used or Manner

the constriction ligature.

3. Local marks of the ligature were Evidence

readily discernible: There were
some abrasions and a slight
ecchymosis in the skin.
4. No obvious lesion in the blood Evidence
vessels of the neck.

5. Cyanosis of the head was very Evidence

slight and no pronounced
hemorrhages in the galea of the

6. Great compression was Manner

affected almost immediately,
with compression of the arteries
as well as of the vein, and that
the superior laryngeal nerve
was traumatized in the effect of
throwing the victim into
profound shock.

7. The lungs revealed cyanosis, Evidence

congestion, over aeration, and
sub pleural petechial

5. State briefly the content of the autopsy surgeon’s report.

⮚ The autopsy surgeon's report said that asphyxia, cerebral anemia, and
shock were the causes of death for the victim, and the following
evidences were found: First, local ligature signs were visible: there was
some abrasion and a small ecchymosis in the skin. Then there was no
visible lesion in the blood vessels of the neck. Finally, the lungs exhibited
cyanosis, congestion, over aeration, and sub pleural petechial
hemorrhages, as well as a very mild cyanosis of the head and no
noticeable hemorrhages in the galea of the scalp.


1. Did you encounter difficulties in understanding the text? Why?

⮚ Yes, I've had trouble reading the material since there are several
vocabulary words that I'm unfamiliar with and find difficult to comprehend.
2. List down words that you found difficult to understand and look for its definition in
the dictionary.
⮚ Grand jurors – (a member of a jury) A grand jury is a jury, usually in the
United States, which considers a criminal case to decide if someone
should be tried in a court of law.
⮚ Feloniously – At common law, the word feloniously signifies intent to
commit a crime; that it characterizes a mind bent on doing what is wrong;
that it means that the act proceeded from an evil heart or purpose. But
under statutes, if the facts proved to establish a crime punishable by
death or imprisonment in the state person then the crime was committed
⮚ Strangulation – the state of being strangled or strangulated. It is defined
as asphyxia by closure of the blood vessels and/or air passages of the
neck as a result of external pressure on the neck.
3. Discuss the text focusing on the type of language that is used in the selection. Is
this language commonly used in ordinary communication?
⮚ The language is not commonly used in an ordinary or simple type of
conversation. The language used are very formal, specific, and direct
which is frequently used in the legal fields
4. In plain language that can be understood by an ordinary reader, share the
findings of the Great Jurors.
⮚ The Grand Jurors found out that John Doe killed Porphyria Blank by
5. What does the last paragraph of the district Attorney’s statement means?
⮚ The last paragraph of the District Attorney's statement, which is
inconsistent to statutory requirements due to its form. This is a formal
statement that usually comes at the end of a charge of wrongdoing or an
indictment. It signifies that the accused action is in violation of the
specified legislation and hence is a criminal crime.

1. Language of Law
2. Language of Journalism
3. Language of Medicine
4. Language of Law
5. Language of Journalism

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