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My film evaluation

For my final poster I used mid close up shots of my model I used for my film poster. I
had aimed to show the two different sides of the main character in my short film by
the outfit being worn and colours being used. Doing this helped me choose these
types of choice to complete my final film poster by taking inspiration from other
things such as other movies. I used inspiration from films the same genre to get an
idea of what type of camera shots they used and the different layouts also being
used. Here are some examples I had used for inspiration.

These inspirations made me decide on the choices I had chosen such as the uses of
colours, text and filters. In the first poster of ‘’the hate you give’’ I took the inspiration
of the poster split into two to see the different sides of my character, one side being
more mysterious than the other. The choices of font I used is quite bold and all the
same colour black to match the colours on the image, also to make the writing clear
for the readers.
In all of these film posters I had taken some inspiration from they all focus on the
antagonist which is why we notice they are the only person presented in the posters
and the camera shots are mostly close ups or mid close ups to either focus more on
the antagonists’ facial expressions or their body posture. In all three we can see as it
is close ups on their face that they are firm and don’t show much expression. This
can imply by their numb facial expressions that there is a dark or mysterious
meaning behind the movie story line. From these three posters I have used the idea
of the camera shots that were used which is why I had used mid close up shots also
I had used the idea of the facial expressions being used along with the crack or split
screen in the middle from ‘’the hate you give’’ and split’’. Including the antagonists
facial expressions and body posture it makes it more eye catching for the audience
and it also makes it easier for the viewers to know what type of genre the film will be.
Using photoshop I had managed to complete a film poster for my teen coming of age
short film. Before doing this I had to create a draft drawing of what I wanted my film
poster to look like which you can see down below.

As you can see, I

mostly used the
inspiration from
the film poster ‘’the
hate you give’’ as it
linked to my film story


included a

schoolgirl just like ‘’the hate you give’’ film

poster. On the left side I
decided to have the
schoolgirl version of
the antagonist to show that in my film
she is a

schoolgirl however, on the right side she looks more mysterious with a hoodie over her, and I
decided to do a close up shot to show her facial expression that looks numb and like she is hiding a
dark secret. On the right side I chose for her eyes to be a different colour which I originally chose
purple and stuck with to give an idea to the viewers that she is some type of psychic adding onto
that I used the idea of having the hoodie on to make her look myserious almost like she is hiding
something. I had noticed in a lot of film posters they include the postproduction credits at the
bottom which I took as another inspiration. Then on the top I had decided to include the title more
on the right of the page. The slogan I included on the left side where I noticed there was a lot of
empty space, so I wanted it to go there. This was my draft and what I had hoped my final poster
would similarly look like.

Using photoshop after this I had made my actual film poster which you can see using my draft poster
along with the inspirations I had used from different film in the same genre, teen coming of age. I
made sure the design, and everything linked to what my film was about.
Using photoshop I used many tools which led me to complete this teen coming of age film poster.
The images I used where pictures I had taken using a camera which was provided from school. I took
two separate images one with my model in uniform and the other including her wearing a hoodie
just like my draft. As you can see the postproduction credits I added at the bottom as well which I
had copy and pasted from google. The fonts I found using the website ‘dafont’ where I had chosen
the fonts that I thought would seem suitable for my film and the genre linked with it. I included the
split in the middle of the screen. To do this I had to overlap both images and resize them in the place
and way I wanted. Then I used the eraser tool to create the split the way I wanted it to look. On the
right image I used the black and white filter to make her eye colour stand out more which I had
made purple. Doing all of these and using the app photoshop I had completed my teen coming of
age film poster.
Overall, I think I did well with how my poster turned out. It is easy to tell that it’s a teen coming of
age film from the character being used and the clothes she is wearing to present to the viewers that
she is a teen. I made sure she looked smart and formal for this look. I made sure the colours I used
wouldn’t be vibrant or bright to look childish but made it look appropriate which is why I used
natural colours and kept it simple. To make it look like an actual film poster I made sure I added post
production credits as most film posters have that to give credit to companies, I also included the
release date to show the viewers when my movie will be coming out. I think this is important to
advertise and include this because it looks formal and professional.
Here is some feedback I got from sending out my film poster. The questions I asked was what they
liked about it? does it look like a teen film? And lastly what would you change about my poster?
Here are the responses that I had received back:
This person responded back and said
they liked that I used black and white
on one side. They agreed and said that
it looked like a teen film poster. They
also said they like the text font.

-the next feedback I had received

advised that I should add a
memorable quote from what the main
character will say in the movie to
make it more interesting and eye
catching for the readers which I will
consider for improvement. I think
using this will make it more
suspenseful and eye catching for the
This person said they like how I split
the screen to show the two different
perspectives of the character being
represented. They also agreed that it
does look like a teen film because of
the clothes she is wearing represents
that. They finally said one thing they
would change would be the eye

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