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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of Popular Power for University Education

Universidad Alonso de Ojeda

English V

The ideal Phone:

Apple VS Samsung


Nairin Morillo 29.505.359

Angeely Medina 30.123.663

Alejandro Barreto 29.505.158

Section: Gm0612

Ciudad Ojeda, July 9th 2020


Both Samsung mobiles and iPhones have always been two great leaders
for their quality and recognition worldwide in recent years. There has always
been a certain rivalry between these two brands. Both brands have very good
quality products, which sometimes have similarities such as the quality of the
camera and the presentation of striking designs. However, just as it has
similarities, they have multiple differences. The differences of these brands, for
consumers, are usually decisive when making a purchase and that is where
Samsung and Apple users separate.

But what are these similarities? What are the differences? Should we buy
a Samsung mobile? Or better one from Apple? Which has more variety of
products? Which company has the best software? Which brand is cheaper? In
this investigation we will explain all these points, in order to have knowledge
about the brands, their products and whether you should buy from Apple or on
the contrary buy from Samsung.
Apple VS Samsung

1. Products
Both brands have a wide variety of products in addition to their wide
range of cell phones; we can find tablets, computers, headphones...
Nevertheless, that they have similar products does not mean that they are
totally similar or work in the same way.
Among the similarities that we can notice, for example, is the fact that
these two brands are focused on constantly renewing their products, and
that they are improving in terms of versatility, size, weight, characteristics
and quality. But even though both have this approach, they do not develop it
in the same way, since while Samsung releases products several times a
year, Apple tends to release new products less frequently.
Another difference between these two companies is the variety of
products they offer, although it is true that they coincide in many, such as
that both have a line of televisions, Samsung has an advantage, and it is
that in contrast to Apple, it offers products for the home, such as
refrigerators and washing machines.
Another similarity of the products of Apple and Samsung is that both take
into account the aesthetic part, they seek that their products have a beautiful
and functional design, which attracts as many consumers as possible,
however, the aesthetics of Apple is considered better than Samsung,
presenting a cleaner and more attractive design.
Therefore, both Samsung and Apple have positive and negative aspects
about the variety of products they handle; however, Samsung has an
advantage in the number of different products, but Apple wins in aesthetics
and design.
2. Software

Another point that must be taken into account when buying a device from
Apple or Samsung, is the software, this because they present very different
software. On the one hand, Apple has its own exclusive software, which is
called "iOS", while Samsung for its part works with "Android", software that
is used by other brands such as Huawei.
As noted above, the biggest difference would be that Apple has its own
exclusive software for its products; Apple is constantly working on improving
it and generating new upgraded designs for its users. Almost 80 percent of
iOS devices are running the latest version. That figure is much lower for
Android. Statistics have not been updated for Android 10, but only about 10
percent of Android devices are running the older version, Android 9.0 Pie.
So if you want to always stay up to date with the latest features, bug fixes
and security updates, you should choose iOS.

Regarding the download stores that these softwares have, the App Store
and Google play do not present so many differences, both have a large
number of applications, however, Google Play has 2.7 million, while the App
Store has 2.2 million, but at the same time App Store platform the best
mobile games keep coming first on iOS and don't always come to Android.
In addition, the organization of apps in the App Store is much more
comfortable and functional than that of Google Play, therefore, in this area
Apple surpasses Samsung.

However, one aspect that characterizes Android, and that you cannot get
on iOS, is personalization. In Android it is very easy to theme your phone:
you can configure the design you want on your home screen, add widgets
and shortcuts, and even change your entire user interface with launchers,
something that in iOS you do not have the freedom to do. However, taking
into account all the points exposed, in a matter of software Apple beats

3. Price

In terms of prices, it is inevitable to deny that Samsung has much

cheaper products than Apple, which is usually characterized as being
somewhat expensive compared to other brands.

Apple has always been at the top of the market in price terms, but the
iPhone X took things to a whole new level with a starting price of $ 1,000
and the iPhone XS Max at $ 1,100. If you need something more affordable,
the iPhone 11 starts at $ 700 and the iPhone SE starts at $ 400. If you don't
want to spend a lot, you can enter the second-hand market.

With Android, you can spend a lot if you want, for example, with Google's
Pixel 4 XL and Samsung's Galaxy Note almost match the prices of Apple's
iPhone, but there is also a wide variety of good and low-cost phones from a
wide variety of different manufacturers. Similarly, on the iPhone, the latest
Galaxy S20 starts at $ 1,000, but goes as high as $ 1,400 with the Galaxy
S20 Ultra.

In conclusion, both Samsung and Apple have their disadvantages,

advantages, benefits and improvements; each has its positive and negative
sides. In terms of variety of products, Samsung has a greater variety; however,
although Apple offers less, each of its products is as good quality as

If you are looking for a phone because of its software, Apple is the best
option, based on what is exposed in this research, Apple offers you many
comforts, advantages, and a better organization, in addition to constant updates
that make your software better and better.

And if we talk about prices, both Samsung and Apple have high-priced
products; however Samsung has a line of phones and products with more
affordable prices.

It is therefore, that when choosing any of these brands you must take into
account all these points and think that it suits you best and what you prefer.
However, when buying a phone, you should choose Apple, the money invested
is worth it due to its software, comfort and the organization it offers you

 Daniel Matus (2020). We thoroughly compare iOS and Android operating

systems. Online Document.
 TechnoMarie (2020). Buy a Samsung or Apple mobile. Online document.

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