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Unit 5 selection is based on the risk and return

Portfolio Management 3. The asset allocation process – choose the
I. PORTFOLIO CONSTRUCTION: portfolio that meets the requirement of the
The process of blending together the broad asset  The risk taker – choose high risk
classes so as to obtain optimum return with portfolio- getting the expected return.
minimum risk is called portfolio construction.  Investor with low risk tolerance- choose
low level of risk
Two approaches in portfolio construction
 Neutral investor – choose medium level
--Traditional of risk
4. Managing the portfolio –
--Markowitz efficient frontier approach  Passive approach – the investor
would maintain the percentage
In traditional approach- the investor’s needs in terms
allocation for asset classes and keep
of income and capital appreciation are evaluated and
the security holdings within its place
appropriate securities are selected to meet the same.
over the established holding period.
In Markowitz model, portfolios are constructed to  Active approach- investor
maximize the expected return for a given level of continuously assesses the risk and
risk. return of the securities within the
asset classes and changes them
Traditional Approach: accordingly.
Steps in traditional approach Concept of MPT
1. Analysis of constraints like income needs, 1. The fundamental concept behind MPT is that
liquidity, time horizon, safety, tax the assets in an investment portfolio should
considerations and temperament. not be selected individually, each on their
2. Determination of objectives like current own merits. Rather, it is important to
income, growth in income, capital consider how each asset changes in price
appreciation, preservation of capital. relative to how every other asset in the
3. Selection of portfolio - bond and common portfolio changes in price.
stock, bond, common stock. 2. Investing is a tradeoff between risk and
4. Assessment of risk and return expected return. In general, assets with
5. Diversification – selection of industries, higher expected returns are riskier. For a
selection of companies in the industry, given amount of risk, MPT describes how to
determining the size of participation select a portfolio with the highest possible
Markowitz Approach/Modern approach: expected return. Or, for a given expected
return, MPT explains how to select a
1. Markowitz gives more attention to the portfolio with the lowest possible risk
process of selecting the portfolio. 3. MPT is therefore a form of diversification.
2. The stocks are not selected on the basis of Under certain assumptions and for
need for income or appreciation, but the specific quantitative definitions of risk and

return, MPT explains how to find the best Variance & Standard Deviation:
possible diversification strategy.
Variance for Two Assets:

The efficiency of each portfolio can be evaluated σ² = X1² σ1² + X2² σ2² + 2(X1X2 ρ12 σ1σ2)
only in terms of the expected return and risk of the
portfolio as such. Thus determining the expected Variance for N assets:
return and risk of different portfolios is a primary
step in portfolio management. This step is
designated as portfolio analysis.

Expected Return Of A Portfolio: Standard Deviation =

It is simply the weighted average of the return of the

individual securities held in the portfolio.
Covariance is a statistical measure of how 1
The average of a probability distribution of possible investment moves in relation to another.
returns, calculated by using the following formula: Covariance between two securities A and B can
be calculated using the following formula:

E(R) = Expected Return of a portfolio

Pi = proportion of funds invested in security i
Ri = return on security i
 If 2 investments tend to be up or down
during the same time periods, then they
have positive covariance
 If the highs and lows of 1 investment
 E[Rp] = the expected return on the portfolio, move in perfect coincidence to that of
 N = the number of stocks in the portfolio, another investment, then the 2 investments
 wi = the proportion of the portfolio invested
in stock i, and have perfect positive covariance.
 E [Ri] = the expected return on stock i.
 If 1 investment tends to be up while the
other is down, then they have negative
Risk of a portfolio: covariance.

The variance of return and standard deviation of  If the high of 1 investment coincides with
return are alternative statistical measures that are the low of the other, then the 2 investments
used for measuring risk in investment. have perfect negative covariance.

 If there is no discernable pattern to the up

and down cycles of 1 investment

compared to another, then the 2 Portfolio risk declining as the number of securities
investments have no covariance. in the portfolio increases, but the risk reduction
ceases when the unsystematic risk is eliminated.
 Because covariance numbers cover a
wide range, the covariance is The proper goal of portfolio construction would
normalized into the correlation be to generate a portfolio that provides the highest
coefficient, which measures the degree return and the lowest risk. Such a portfolio would
of correlation, ranging from -1 for a be known as optimal portfolio. The process of
perfectly negative correlation to +1 for a finding the optimal portfolio is described as
perfectly positive correlation. portfolio selection.

 An uncorrelated investment For portfolio selection the following models can

pair would have a correlation coefficient be used.
close to zero.
 Markowitz model.

 Single index model

 Multiple index model

Reduction of Portfolio Risk through
Diversification: Markowitz model:

The process of combining securities in a portfolio Feasible set of portfolios:

is known as diversification. The aim of
diversification is to reduce total risk without With a limited number of securities an investor
sacrificing portfolio return. can create a very large number of portfolios by
combining these securities in different
proportions. These constitute the feasible set of
portfolios in which the investor can possibly
invest. This is known as the portfolio opportunity

Each portfolio in the opportunity set is

characterised by an expected return and a measure
of risk.

A portfolio will dominate another if it has either a

lower standard deviation and the same expected
return as the other, or a higher expected return and
the same standard deviation as the other.

Portfolios that are dominated by other portfolios Efficient Frontier:
are known as inefficient portfolios.
Consider portfolios A, B, C, D, E and F. Their
An investor would not be interested in all the expected return is taken along Y axis and the SD
portfolios in the opportunity set. He would be is taken along X-Axis.
interested only in the efficient portfolios.

Efficient set of portfolios:

To understand the concept of efficient portfolios,

let us consider the following example:

Portfolio Expected Standard

No Return% Deviation
1 5.6 4.5
2 7.8 5.8
3 9.2 7.6
4 10.5 8.1
5 11.7 8.1
6 12.4 9.3
7 13.5 9.5 From the graph, it is obvious that the portfolios F
8 13.5 11.3 and E have the same expected return but portfolio
9 15.7 12.7 E has less risk. Hence portfolio E would be
10 16.8 12.9 preferred to Portfolio F.

If we compare portfolio no. 4 and 5, for the same The portfolios C and E have same risk but
SD of 8.1, portfolio no. 5 gives a higher expected portfolio E offers more return for the same risk.
return of 11.7, making it more efficient than Hence portfolio E would be preferred to portfolio
portfolio no.4. C.

Again if we compare portfolio no.7 and 8, for the Thus in the risk return space, an investor would be
same expected return of 13.5%, the SD is lower moving towards the left in search of decreasing
for portfolio no.7, making it more efficient than risk and upwards in search of increasing returns.
portfolio no.8. Thus, the selection of portfolios by
the investor will be guided by two criteria: Portfolio C would be preferred to portfolio A
because it offers less risk for the same level of
 Given two portfolios with the same return.
expected return, the investor would prefer
the one with the lower risk. In the opportunity set of portfolios represented in
diagram, portfolio C has the lowest risk compared
 Given two portfolios with the same risk, to all other portfolios. Here portfolio C in the
the investor would prefer the one with the diagram represents the global minimum variance
higher expected return. portfolio.

Similarly comparing portfolios A and B, we find degree of aversion of risk. A highly risk averse
that portfolio B is preferable to portfolio A investor will hold a portfolio on the lower left
because it offers higher return for the same level hand segment of the efficient frontier, while an
of risk. Hence portfolio B represents portfolio investor who is not too risk averse will hold one
with highest expected return among all the on the upper portion of the efficient frontier. The
portfolios in the feasible set. optimal portfolio for an investor would be the one
at the point of tangency between the efficient
Thus we find that portfolios lying in the North frontier and his risk-return utility or indifference
West boundary of the shaded area are more curve.
efficient than all the portfolios in the interior of
the shaded area. This boundary of the shaded area Single Index Model:
is called the efficient frontier because it contains
The basic notion underlying the single index
all the efficient portfolios in the opportunity set.
model is that all stocks are affected by movements
The set of portfolios lying between the global in the stock market.
minimum variance portfolio and the maximum
The return on an individual security is assumed to
return portfolio on the efficient frontier represents
depend on the return on the market index. The
the efficient set of portfolios.
return of an individual security may be expressed

Ri  i  i Rm  ei
Ri = Return on individual security

αi = components of security i’s return that is

independent of the market’s performance.

Rm = Market return
The efficient frontier is a concave curve in the risk
return space that extends from the minimum βi = constant that measures the expected change in
variance portfolio to the maximum return Ri given a change in Rm
ei = Error term representing the random or
Selection of Optimal Portfolio: residual return

Rational investors will obviously prefer to invest For portfolio:

in the efficient portfolios. The particular portfolio
that an individual investor will select from the  Single Index Model for a portfolio of
efficient frontier will depend on that investors’ stocks:

R p   p   p Rm  e p 1. It refers to the evaluation of the
performance of the portfolio.
 The variance of Rp is: 2. It is essentially the process of comparing
the return earned on a portfolio with the

 p2   p2 m2   2 (ep )
return earned on one or more other
portfolios or on a benchmark portfolio.
3. Portfolio evaluation= performance
Multi-Index Model: measurement + performance evaluation

Many researchers have found that there are Measuring Portfolio Return:
influences other than market that cause stocks to
move together. ( NAVt  NAVt-1) + Dt + Ct
Rp =
NAVt  1
According to this model, return on security i is
NAVt = NAV per unit at the end of the holding
given by
Ri = αi +βmRm+ β1R1+ β2R2+ β3R3+ei
NAVt-1 = NAV per unit at the beginning of the
No of parameters required to estimate the risk- holding period.
return of a portfolio using the Markowitz model is
Dt = cash disbursements per unit during the
2N + [N (N-1)/2] holding period.

No of parameters required to estimate the risk- Ct = capital gains disbursements per unit during
return of a portfolio using the Sharpe Index model the holding period.
Measuring the reward per unit of risk:
3N + 2
Sharpe Ratio (Reward to Variability ratio):

Portfolio revision involves changing the existing

mix of securities. This may be effected either by
changing the securities currently included in the
portfolio or by altering the proportion of funds
invested in the securities. The ultimate aim of
portfolio revision is maximisation of returns or
minimization of risk.


Treynor’s Ratio: Assumptions:

1) All individual seller or buyer cannot affect

the price of a stock i.e. all investors are price
Jensen Measure: 2) All investors are rational and risk averse.
3) All information is available at the same time
to all investors.
4) All investors aim to maximize economic
5) Investors make their decisions only on the
basis of the expected returns, standard
deviations and covariance of all pair of
Capital Asset pricing Model 6) All investors assumed to have homogeneous
expectations during the decision making
 CAPM is a model for pricing an individual 7) The investor can lend and borrow any
security or portfolio. amount of funds at the riskless rate of
 In finance, the capital asset pricing model interest.
(CAPM) is used to determine a theoretically 8) No transaction cost i.e. no cost involved in
appropriate required rate of return of buying and selling of stocks.
an asset, if that asset is to be added to an 9) No personal income tax
already well-diversified portfolio, given that 10) Assets are infinitely divisible. According to
asset's non-diversifiable risk. this assumption, investor could buy any
 CAPM is concerned with two key questions quantity of share.
 What is the relationship between risk 11) Unlimited quantum of short sales is allowed.
and return for an efficient portfolio?
The concept:
 What is the relationship between risk  We know CAPM is a model for pricing an
and return for an individual security? individual security or portfolio.

For individual security:  When used in portfolio management, the
SML represents the investment's opportunity
 Here we make use of security market line
cost (investing in a combination of the
market portfolio and the risk-free asset).
 Security market line (SML) is the graphical
representation of the Capital asset pricing  All the correctly priced securities are plotted

model. It displays the expected rate of return on the SML.

of an individual security as a function of  The assets above the line are undervalued
systematic, non-diversifiable risk (its beta). because for a given amount of risk (beta),
 The SML enables us to calculate the reward- they yield a higher return.
to-risk ratio for any security in relation to
 The assets below the line are overvalued
that of the overall market.
because for a given amount of risk, they yield
 Therefore, when the expected rate of return
a lower return.
for any security is deflated by its beta
coefficient, the reward-to-risk ratio for any  There is a question what the SML is when

individual security in the market is equal to beta is negative. A rational investor should

the market reward-to-risk ratio, thus: reject all the assets yielding sub-risk-free
returns, so beta-negative returns have to be
higher than the risk-free rate. Therefore, the
 The market reward-to-risk ratio is effectively SML should be V-shaped
the market risk premium and by rearranging
The efficient frontier:
the above equation and solving for E (Ri), we
 CAPM assumes that the risk-return profile of
obtain the Capital Asset Pricing Model
a portfolio can be optimized- an optimal
portfolio displays the lowest possible level of
risk for its level of return.
 Additionally, since each additional asset
introduced into a portfolio further diversifies
the portfolio. All such optimal portfolio
comprises the efficient frontier.
“Efficient frontier is the set of achievable
portfolio combinations that offer the highest
rate of return for a given level of risk. “

For pricing a portfolio:
 We make use of CML. It is the tangent line Formula:
drawn from the point of the risk free asset to
the feasible region for risky assets.
 The tangency point M represents the market
portfolio, so named since all rational
investors should hold their risky assets in the  All points along the CML have superior
same proportions as their weights in the risk-return profiles to any portfolio on
market portfolio. the efficient frontier, with the exception
 In the presence of a risk-free asset, all of the Market Portfolio, the point on the
efficient frontier lie on the CML. efficient frontier to which the CML is the
 Investors hold only portfolios on CML. tangent.
 The risk of an efficient frontier portfolio is its  From a CML perspective, this portfolio is
Standard deviation. composed entirely of the risky asset, the
 CML gives the trade-off between portfolio market, and has no holding of the risk
risk and return. free asset, i.e., money is neither invested
 The price of one unit risk for an efficient in, nor borrowed from the money market
portfolio is account.

 Addition of leverage (the point R) creates

levered portfolios that are also on the

Implications: CML vs. SML:

 Every investor puts their money into two

 Both specify a relation between risk and
pots: the riskless asset and a single portfolio
Expected return:
of risky assets –tangent portfolio.

 All investors hold the risky assets in same Expected Return = “Time Premium” + “Risk

proportion; Premium”

-they hold the same risky portfolio, the Where

tangent portfolio.
“Risk Premium” = “quantity of risk” × “price
 The tangent portfolio is the market portfolio.
of risk”
 Combining the risk free asset and the market
portfolio gives the portfolio frontier.  Measure of risk.

 The risk of an individual asset is –In the CML, risk is measured by σ.

characterized by its co-variability with the
market portfolio. –In the SML, risk is measured by β.

 The part of the risk that is correlated with the  Applicability:

market portfolio, the systematic risk, cannot
be diversified away. –CML is applicable only to an investor’s
final (combined) portfolio (which is
-Bearing systematic risks need to be
efficiently diversified, with no unique risk)
.In the CAPM world, everybody holds
 The part of an asset’s risk that is not
portfolios which lie on the CML.
correlated with the market portfolio, the non-
systematic risk can be diversified away by –SML is applicable to any security, asset or
holding a frontier portfolio. portfolio (which may contain both
components of risk). In a CAPM world every
-Bearing non-systematic risk need not be
asset lies on the SML.

 For any asset i, Summary:

 The CML is a line that is used to show the
rates of return, which depends on risk-free
rates of return and levels of risk for a
specific portfolio. SML, which is also called

a Characteristic Line, is a graphical Arbitrage:
representation of the market's risk and return
It is a process of earning profit by taking
at a given time.
advantage of differential pricing for the same
 While standard deviation is the measure of
asset. The profit generated is riskless. The APT
risk in CML, Beta coefficient determines the
assumes that each stock’s return to the investors
risk factors of the SML.
is influenced by several independent factors.
 While the Capital Market Line graphs define
efficient portfolios, the Security Market Line Arbitrage Pricing Theory:
graphs define both efficient and non-
efficient portfolios.  The arbitrage pricing theory (APT) is a
 The Capital Market Line is considered to be multifactor mathematical model used to
superior when measuring the risk factors. describe the relation between the risk and
 Where the market portfolio and risk free expected return of securities in financial
assets are determined by the CML, all markets.
security factors are determined by the SML.  It computes the expected return on a security
based on the security’s sensitivity to
Arbitrage Pricing Theory movements in macroeconomic factors. The
resultant expected return can then be used to
price the security.

 APT is one of the tools used by the investors

and portfolio managers.
 The CAPM explains the return of the 1. Capital Markets are perfectly competitive.
securities on the basis of their respective 2. Investors always prefer more wealth to less
betas. wealth.
 The alternative model developed in asset 3. Perfect competition prevails and there is no
pricing by Stephen Ross is known as APT. transaction cost in the market: frictionless
 As its name implies the APT describes a market
mechanism used by investors to identify an 4. Investors have homogeneous expectations.
asset such as a share of common stock, which
Arbitrage portfolio:
is incorrectly priced. Investors can
subsequently bring the price of the security  According to APT, an investor tries to find
back into alignment with its actual value. out the possibility to increase returns from
his portfolio without increasing the funds in

portfolio. He also likes to keep the risk at the proceeds to buy one which is relatively too
same level. cheap.
 For example investor holds A, B and C  When the investor is long the asset
securities and he wants to change the and short the portfolio (or vice versa) he has
proportion of the securities without any created a position which has a positive
additional financial commitment. expected return (the difference between asset
 The change in proportion of securities can be return and portfolio return) and which has a
denoted by XA, XB and XC. net-zero exposure to any macroeconomic
 The increase in the investment in the security factor and is therefore risk free (other than
A could be carried out only if he reduces the for firm specific risk). The arbitrageur is thus
proportion of investment either in B or C in a position to make a risk-free profit:
because it has already stated that the investor  Where today's price is too low:
tries to earn more income without increasing The implication is that at the end of
his financial commitment. the period the portfolio would have
 Thus the changes in different securities will appreciated at the rate implied by the
add up to zero. This is the basic requirement APT, whereas the mispriced asset
of an arbitrage portfolio. would have appreciated at more than
∆XA+∆XB+∆XC=0 this rate. The arbitrageur could
 The factor sensitivities indicate the therefore:
responsiveness of security’s return to a
particular factor. The sensitiveness of the
securities to any factor is the weighted 1 short sell the portfolio

average of the sensitivities of the securities, 2 buy the mispriced asset with the

weights being the changes made in the proceeds.

proportion. At the end of the period:

bA∆XA + bB∆XB + bC∆XC=0 1 sell the mispriced asset

Arbitrage Mechanism: 2 use the proceeds to buy back

the portfolio
 In the APT context, arbitrage consists of
3 pocket the difference.
trading in two assets – with at least one being
Where today's price is too high:
mispriced. The arbitrageur sells the asset
which is relatively too expensive and uses the The implication is that at the end of the
period the portfolio would have appreciated

at the rate implied by the APT, whereas the inflation, spread between long term and short term
mispriced asset would have appreciated interest rates and spread between long grade and
at less than this rate. The arbitrageur could high grade bonds.
Furthermore, Ross stated that the return on a stock
must follow a very simple relationship that is
1 short sell the mispriced asset described by the following APT formula:
2 buy the portfolio with the proceeds.
Expected Return = rf + b1 (factor 1) + b2 (factor 2)... + bn
At the end of the period:
(factor n)
1 sell the portfolio
2 use the proceeds to buy back the r = rf + β1f1 + β2f2 + β3f3 + ⋅⋅⋅+ βnfn

mispriced asset
3 pocket the difference.

The APT model:  rf = the risk free interest rate, which is the
interest rate the investor would expect to
There are two models of Arbitrage pricing theory: receive from a risk-free
investment. Typically, U.S. Treasury Bills
1. Two Factor Model, according to Stephen
are used for U.S. dollar calculations, while
Ross, returns of the securities are influenced
German Government bills are used for the
by a number of macroeconomic. Among
these: growth rate of industrial production,
 b = the sensitivity of the stock or security to
rate of inflation, spread (variability) between
each factor
short term and long term interest rates and
 factor = the risk premium associated with
spread (variability) between long-grade and
each factor
high-grade bonds.
2. According to the Single Factor Model the The APT model also states that the risk premium of
return is influenced only by the sensitivity, a stock depends on two factors:
i.e., the responsiveness of a security’s return
to a particular factor.  The risk premiums associated with each of
the factors described above
The APT formula:
 The stock's own sensitivity to each of the
According to Stephen Ross, returns of securities are factors; similar to the beta concept
influenced by a number of macroeconomic factors
such as growth rate of industrial production, rate of

Risk Premium = r - rf = b(1) x (r factor(1) - rf) + relatively low cost. Buying a mutual fund is like
b(2) x (r factor(2) - rf)... + b(n) x (r factor(n) - rf) buying a small slice of a big pizza.

 If the expected risk premium on a stock were Definition:

lower than the calculated risk premium using

 As per the (SEBI) Mutual Fund
the formula above, then investors would sell
regulation, 1996 define ‘Mutual fund’ as a
the stock.
fund established in the form of a trust to
 If the risk premium were higher than the
raise monies through the sale of units to
calculated value, then investors would buy
the public under one or more schemes for
the stock until both sides of the equation
investing in securities, including money
were in balance. Arbitrage is the term used
market instrument. So, a mutual fund is a
to describe how investors could go about
special type of institution, a trust or an
getting this formula, or equation, back into
investment company which acts as an
investment intermediary and channelizes
the saving of large number of people to the
corporate securities in such a way that
MUTUAL FUND - CONCEPT investors get steady returns, capital
appreciation and a low risk.
- A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings of a
 As per Mutual Fund Book, published by
number of investors who share a common financial
investment company institute of the U.S.,
“A Mutual Fund is a financial service
- The money thus collected is then invested in organization that receives money from
capital market instruments such as shares, investors, invests it and earns returns on
debentures and other securities. it.
- The income earned through these investments and
the capital appreciation realized is shared by its  MF proposed by a sponsor has to be set up as
unit holders in proportion to the number of units a trust under the Indian Trust Act, 1882, (and
owned by them. not as a company under the Companies Act,

Thus a Mutual Fund is the most suitable 1956).

investment for the common man as it offers an  All MFs should be registered with the SEBI.

opportunity to invest in a diversified,  Overall the working of MFs is mainly

professionally managed basket of securities at a governed by UTI Act, 1963, Indian Trust

Act, 1882, Companies Act, 1956, Securities  The sponsor (s), The Board of Trustees
Contract Act, 1956. (BOT) or Trust Company,
 Overall regulation of MF is done by the  Asset Management Company (AMC-
MOF of the Government of India, the RBI, conducts necessary research, and based on it,
and the SEBI. manages the fund or portfolio, and it is also
responsible for floating, managing,
redeeming the schemes),
 The custodian (responsible for co-ordinating
with brokers, the actual transfer and storage
of stocks, and handling the property of the
Trust), and
 The Unit holders.

Cost related to MF:

 Management fees
 Non- management expenses
 Service fees
ORGANISATION OF A MUTUAL FUND  Investor fees and expenses
 Brokerage

Advantages of Mutual Fund

Professional Management

Mutual Funds provide the services of experienced

and skilled professionals, backed by a dedicated
investment research team that analyses the
performance and prospects of companies and selects
suitable investments to achieve the objectives of the

Key parties or players or special bodies or
Mutual Funds invest in a number of companies
constituents in organizing MFs are:
across a broad cross-section of industries and

sectors. This diversification of investment ensures proportion invested in each class of assets and the
regular returns and capital appreciation at reduced fund manager's investment strategy and outlook.
Convenient Administration
Through features such as regular investment plans,
Investing in a Mutual Fund reduces paperwork and regular withdrawal plans and dividend reinvestment
helps you avoid many problems such as bad plans, you can systematically invest or withdraw
deliveries, delayed payments and follow up with funds according to your needs and convenience.
brokers and companies. Mutual Funds save your
time and make investing easy and convenient.
Investors individually may lack sufficient funds to
Return Potential
invest in high-grade stocks. A mutual fund because
Over a medium to long-term, Mutual Funds have the of its large corpus allows even a small investor to
potential to provide a higher return as they invest in take the benefit of its investment strategy.
a diversified basket of selected securities.
Choice of Schemes
Low Costs
Mutual Funds offer a family of schemes to suit your
Mutual Funds are a relatively less expensive way to varying needs over a lifetime.
invest compared to directly investing in the capital
Well Regulated
markets because the benefits of scale in brokerage,
custodial and other fees translate into lower costs for All Mutual Funds are registered with SEBI and they
investors. function within the provisions of strict regulations
designed to protect the interests of investors. The
operations of Mutual Funds are regularly monitored
A peculiar advantage of a mutual fund is that by SEBI.
investment made in its schemes can be converted
Problems of mutual fund in India
into cash without heavy expenditure on brokerage,
delays, etc. According to the regulation of SEBI, a  Lack of Innovation.

mutual fund in India is required to ensure liquidity.  Inadequate Research.

 Conventional pattern of investment.
Transparency  No provision for performance guarantee.

Investors get regular information on the value of  Inadequate disclosures.

their investment in addition to disclosure on the  Delays in service

specific investments made by their scheme, the  No rural sector investment base

Management of mutual funds Repurchase Price

The mutual funds are bought and sold on the basis of (Market Value of Assets –
Liabilities) -
units, and the investors are called the unit holders (as
in the equity market, the investors are called (Brokerage Charges, Commission,
shareholders). Taxes, Stamp Duty, other
Management and Administrative
The governing body of mutual funds is SEBI. expenses)

When you invest in a mutual fund, you are buying Repurchase Price = ---------------------------------------------

units or portions of the mutual fund and thus on Number of fund’s units outstanding
investing becomes a shareholder or unit holder of the
fund. The investors profit and loss are determined as
per the units of mutual funds they hold as per the

Unlike a stock price, NAV changes constantly

(NAVt-NAVt-1) +Dividends
according to the forces of supply and demand, NAV + Capital Gains
is determined by the daily closing value of the
Rate of Return on Units = ----------------------------------
underlying securities in a fund's portfolio (total net
assets) on a per share basis.
NAV = Net asset - Net liability….

No. of shares currently issued and outstanding NAV = Net Asset Value

Net asset= Market value of funds investment + t = Current Year

receivable + accrued income
t-1 = Previous Year
Sales Price
SEBI has provided the 4 tier system for managing
(Market Value of Assets – Liabilities) + the MFs. The 4 constituents’ are-:
(Brokerage Charges, Commission,
1. Sponsor - The sponsor initiates the idea to set up
Taxes, Stamp Duty, other Management
and Administrative expenses) a mutual fund. It could be a registered company,
scheduled bank or financial institution. A sponsor
Sales Price = --------------------------------------------------------
has to satisfy certain conditions, such as on capital,
Number of fund’s units outstanding
track record (at least five years' operation in

financial services), default-free dealings and a • Principal Underwriter-Sells fund shares,
general reputation of fairness. either directly to the public or through other
firms (such as broker dealers).
2. Trust/board of trustees- The sponsor appoints
• Transfer Agent- Executes shareholder
the trustees. Trustees hold the responsibility towards
transactions, maintains records of
unit holders by protecting their interests. Trustees
transactions and other shareholders' account
check the market schemes, and secure necessary
activities, and sends account statements and
approvals. They check if the AMC's investments are
other documents to shareholders.
within defined limits, whether the fund's assets are
• Independent Public Accountant- Certifies
protected, and also ensure that unit holders get their
the fund's financial statements
due returns

3. Custodian- It is an independent organization,

which takes custody of securities and other assets of
a mutual fund. In public sector mutual funds, the
sponsor or trustee generally also acts as the
custodian. Its responsibilities include receipt and
delivery of securities, collecting income, distributing
dividends, safekeeping of units and segregating
assets and settlements between schemes. Custodians
can service more than one fund.

4. Fund Managers/AMC-They are the ones who

manage your money. An AMC takes investment
decisions, compensates investors through dividends,
maintains proper accounting and information for
pricing of units, calculates the NAV, and provides
information on listed schemes and secondary market
unit transactions. It also submits quarterly reports to
the trustees. A fund's AMC can neither act for any
other fund nor undertake any business other than
asset management.

Except the above following authorities are also

related with the management of MFs.


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