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Activity 1: Journal Writing (Small Business in my Community)

This is an Individual Activity.
1. Look around your community observe and write down the names of different Small
Business exist in your community. And some support evidences like take a photos or
pictures of existing small business in your location.
Provide at least Five (5) Small Business) or more based on how many are present in
your location or place you are living.
2. Describe Small Business base on our discussion in the different types of small business.
3. Does the existence of this small business help your family?
If yes, why? (Give a brief reason.)
4. Write a short reflection, based on your feelings and thoughts while creating this activity
it must be located in the last part or page of your journal.
5. Before you submit make sure you indicate always your name, course and section and
date of submission.
6. Be creative in making your journal (PPT, Word Document and many more) is accepted.
Clarification for this activity must be ask during our synchronous and sending a private
message to your subject teacher.
7. The deadline of this activity is on December 14, 2021 Tuesday 5:00 PM.
8. Rubrics for the Journal Activity.

5. TIME 10

Guidelines in making a Journal

How to Create a Journal?
1. Create a Creative Cover Page
You can search or choose from the internet the appropriate cover page for your journal.

2. Be Creative in Building a Layout

You can add multiple layout options and customization tools so you can create a page
design that resonates with your journal. There are several options for photo layouts, including
grids, glide shows, and split layouts that showcase text, photos, videos, and buttons.
Experiment with photo collages, glide shows with text overlay captions, and different font
header options to create hierarchy. You can also create bullet points or numbered lists and add
hyperlinks to your text.

3. Content of the Journal

Base your content in the following:
a) Look around your community observe and write down the names of different Small
Business exist in your community. And as support evidences like take a photos or pictures of
existing small business in your location. (Provide at least Five (5) Small Business) or more
based on how many are present in your place.
b) Describe Small Business base on our discussion in the types of small business.
c) Does the existence of this small business help your family?
a. If yes, why? (Give a brief reason.)
d) Write a Reflection base on your feelings and thoughts while creating this activity it must be
located in the last part or page of your journal.

4. Submit your journal in PDF form.

Always export your Word document or PowerPoint into PDF format.

Take note: Example ONLY for Journal Writing

“If you cannot do great things, Do small things in a great way”.
~Napoleon Hill

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