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SRAC Publication No.


March 2004
Revision PR

Channel Catfish Broodfish Management

Anita M. Kelly*

Broodfish management is an fish grow faster than females so least 3 pounds for reliable spawn-
important aspect of channel cat- that keeping only the largest fish ing. Channel catfish 4 to 6 years
fish culture because having a reli- may result in a disproportionate old and weighing 4 to 8 pounds
able source of fingerlings is essen- number of males. Also, avoid are prime spawners. Older and
tial to making a profit. Successful using large fish that are in food- larger fish produce fewer eggs per
management of broodfish includes fish ponds when drained. These pound of body weight, are more
selecting for the genetic qualities fish are not necessarily fast grow- difficult to handle, and may have
desired by the culturist and ers, but may just be adept at difficulty entering certain spawn-
processor and then producing avoiding the seine. ing containers. Cull fish that
high quality fry. The type of Broodfish purchased from other weigh more than 10 pounds and
breeding program chosen by the producers should be obtained replace them with younger, small-
fingerling producer determines during the late summer to early er fish.
the population(s) from which the winter of the year before the Some traits particularly useful to
brood- stocks are obtained. spawning season when they will channel catfish producers are not
Broodfish must be selected and be used. This allows time for visible. These include disease
then managed for maximum stocking at desirable densities and resistance, fast growth, good feed
reproductive output. The potential for recovery from the stress of conversion and high dress-out
of fish with desirable genetic back- seining, handling and transport- weight. These traits can be
ground is inconsequential if ing. Proper feed, feeding sched- obtained only by selectively
spawning success is poor. ules and water quality will ensure breeding for them. Breeding pro-
maximum gonadal development grams for channel catfish are not
Selection before the spawning season. advanced, but some selective
Broodfish should be selected for Though it is difficult to inspect breeding has been done by indi-
the visible characteristics and individual broodfish on large viduals and research institutions.
genetic traits that are desirable to farms, every effort should be Several strains of channel catfish
the producer. Visually inspecting made to select only healthy are available throughout the
the fish is important whether you broodfish of the proper size with United States. A strain is usually
are obtaining fish from within an well-developed secondary sexual named for the water body the fish
operation or purchasing from characteristics. Check the fish for were obtained from or the farm
other producers. If broodfish are suitable body conformation and they inhabit. For example, the Rio
selected from within an operation, freedom from sores or hemor- Grande strain originated from the
remember that male channel cat- rhages on the skin. Although Rio Grande River in Texas. Strains
channel catfish can mature sexual- differ in their growth rate; resis-
*Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center, ly at 2 years of age, fish should be tance to viral, bacterial and para-
Southern Illinois University at least 3 years old and weigh at sitic infections; dress-out percent-
age; ability to escape seining; and characteristics to achieve superior is optimized. Some types of
time of spawning. In 1984, offspring. They are testing for breeding programs are discussed
Auburn University published a strains that are resistant to ESC below.
circular entitled Ancestry and and Columnaris diseases.
Breeding of Catfish in the United Inbreeding
States. This circular lists more Kansas
Inbreeding is defined as the mat-
than 300 strains of channel, blue, The Kansas strain is perhaps the ing of related individuals. Very
white and flathead catfish, as well oldest domestic strain of catfish. It few studies have been done on
as bullheads. Many of the strains was bred for increased growth inbreeding in channel catfish.
listed were not selected by the and disease resistance. However, However, these studies consistent-
breeders for specific traits, but this strain of fish is not sexually ly demonstrated that inbreeding
rather were subjected to random mature until 4 years of age, 1 to 2 reduces growth, reproductive per-
mating. A few strains have been years later than other strains. formance and survival, and
selected for desirable traits. These Although this fish does grow increases the incidence of defor-
include, but are not limited to, rapidly, it is difficult to spawn. mities.
Harvest Select (formally Gold
Kist), NWAC 103, Kansas and Rio Inbreeding does not always result
Rio Grande
Grande. This fact sheet does not in undesirable characteristics.
recommend one strain over The Rio Grande strain demon- Selection programs are mild
another, but describes the charac- strates excellent dress-out percent- forms of inbreeding. Inbreeding
teristics of some of the strains ages. These fish spawn later than and its less desirable effects can
available. This list is far from other strains, but are sexually be avoided by ensuring that
comprehensive, but includes mature at 2 years of age. They also broodfish replacements come
some strains for which research have poor growth and are suscep- from at least 50 random matings.
results have been published. tible to channel catfish virus, Inbreeding may also be counter-
Ichthyopthirius and Columnaris. acted through crossbreeding.
NWAC 103
Auburn Mass selection
The newest line of catfish to be and family selection
introduced is the USDA 103 The Auburn strain of channel cat-
(renamed NWAC 103 after public fish demonstrates moderate Selection occurs on a farm every
release in 2001). This strain was growth rates, but female produce time the catfish reproduce.
originally obtained from the U.S. fast-growing progeny when cross- Domestication is a form of selec-
Fish and Wildlife Service. These bred with other strains. Albinism tion. It is widely known that
fish were selected for growth rate. is common in this strain. These domesticated strains of channel
Studies have demonstrated that fish are difficult to seine and have catfish grow faster than wild cat-
the NWAC strain grows faster excellent dress-out percentages. fish—an average of 3 percent.
than the other channel catfish Selection programs are successful
Norris only if the genetic component
strains to which it has been com-
pared. This strain also consumes The Norris strain of channel cat- responsible for the improvement
more feed than the other strains, fish is known for its fast growth is passed from parent to offspring.
which may explain the rapid rate. Hybrids between the Norris There are two types of selection
growth. NWAC 103 catfish are and the blue catfish are fairly programs—mass selection and
susceptible to ESC infection, but resistant to ESC, compared to family selection. Mass selection
whether they are less susceptible other strains. Most of the USDA- evaluates the performance of all
than other strains still needs to be 103 comparison trials have been individuals regardless of parent-
explored. conducted with the Norris strain. age. Family selection evaluates
the performance of families, and
Harvest Select Breeding programs whole families are selected or
Since 1991, Harvest Select (for- culled. With family selection, spe-
Some more progressive catfish
mally Gold Kist) has been select- cific pairs of broodfish are mated
farmers have established breeding
ing catfish for improved feed con- and the progeny are reared sepa-
programs. They realize that breed-
version, processing yields, repro- rately.
ing programs are necessary to
ductive success and fingerling improve production and increase Crossbreeding
survival. This breeding program profit margins. Production effi-
pairs males and females from dif- ciency cannot be optimized unless Crossbreeding can be used to
ferent strains with individual the biological potential of the fish increase productivity. For a cross-
breeding program, two strains Comparisons of Breeding age, but be aware that large
with good qualities are identified Programs fish selected from a pond con-
and the females from one strain taining a single year class
are mated with the males from the The three breeding programs dis- could result in the selection of
other strain. The object is to obtain cussed differ in their effectiveness. mostly siblings.
offspring with the desirable quali- Crossbreeding frequently im-
4. Prevent inbreeding by obtain-
ties of both parental strains. This proves performance. Hybridiza-
ing broodfish from as many
method does not guarantee that tion has produced only one
different spawns as possible.
the offspring will possess all of the promising hybrid from 30 different
Initial stocks should be
qualities desired; some crosses crosses. The easiest and most effec-
obtained from several different
will produce superior hybrids, tive breeding program is mass
ponds or, ideally, from unrelat-
while others will not. Crossbreed- selection, which improved perfor-
ed stocks in different locations.
ing can increase disease resistance, mance in all strains tested. The
actual performance or value of the 5. If replacement broodstock
cause earlier spawning in cross-
fish from a selection program is comes from fingerlings pro-
bred adults, and increase spawn-
not known unless controlled duced on the farm, they should
ing rates (more females spawning)
experiments are conducted. come from at least 50 random
and fecundity (more eggs per
matings. If this is not possible
female). However, the positive
Guidelines for an On-Farm because the breeding popula-
aspects of crossbreeding decrease
Breeding Program tion is too small (less than 75 to
with age. To date, the USDA 103
100 breeding pairs), enrich
strain has not been crossbred with
Selection for certain traits such as bloodlines by adding unrelated
other channel catfish strains.
growth, color, or age at reproduc- stock as part of the broodfish
Hybridization tive maturity occurs whenever replacement program.
broodstock are chosen from a pop-
6. Keep accurate records of
Crossing two different species, for ulation. If the choice of stock is
spawning output, egg hatcha-
example the channel catfish with made according to a plan, progress
bility, fry survival, and growth
the blue catfish, is called can be made in improving the per-
rates of fingerlings and food-
hybridization. Approximately 30 formance of future generations. If
sized fish. If performance
hybrid crosses, using seven little thought is given to the choice
decreases over time it may be
species of catfish, have been eval- of broodstock, the culturist may
because of inbreeding or other
uated. Many of these hybrid cross- unintentionally select for undesir-
problems associated with
es were difficult to produce, or the able traits. Farmers unwilling to
imprudent selection.
crosses resulted in high propor- develop even a simple breeding
tions of abnormal fry. One hybrid program should realize that
cross is promising—the channel
Gender determination
imprudent selection of broodstock
catfish female and the blue catfish could decrease productivity and Sex of broodfish should be deter-
male. These hybrids grow faster profits. A little extra effort and mined so that females and males
than either parental line, are more common sense can help prevent can be stocked into brood ponds
disease resistant, more uniform in this. The minimum guidelines for at the desired ratios. The sex of
size, more tolerant of low dis- a catfish breeding program are: sexually mature channel catfish in
solved oxygen and easier to cap- good condition is relatively easy
1. Choose broodstock from domes-
ture by seining. The major obsta- to determine. The urogenital area
ticated strains. Wild fish are
cle to hybrid production is that is located ventrally, posterior to
unreliable spawners in captivity
sufficient numbers of fingerlings the anus and anterior to the anal
and the fingerlings may be sus-
cannot be produced for commer- fin (Fig. 1). The male releases
ceptible to disease or grow
cial application. Researchers are sperm through an opening called
slowly under culture conditions.
studying ways to improve the the urogenital pore, a small,
number of fingerlings produced. 2. Select broodfish from stocks that fleshy nipple on the genital papil-
One drawback to the hybrid is the are known to perform well la posterior to the anus. The
small head size. Many farmers under commercial culture con- female has two separate open-
complain that the head of the ditions. This will be difficult as ings—an anterior genital pore for
hybrid is so small the fish get few field trials have been done. expulsion of eggs and a posterior
caught in the seine and must be 3. Do not mistake large fish for urinary pore for release of urinary
freed manually. This could be fast growing fish, as large fish products. The two openings are
remedied by using smaller mesh may be the fish capable of located in a groove with sur-
seines when harvesting hybrids. escaping the seine. Try to select rounding tissue forming a distin-
broodfish from fish of known guishable slit just below the anus.
holding and spawning. Stocking
densities in holding ponds are usu-
ally 2,000 to 3,000 lbs./acre.
Spawning ponds need to be new
ponds, newly renovated ponds, or
former fingerling ponds that have
been thoroughly dried out and
exposed to air for several months
after the sale of fingerlings in the
winter and spring. Once the
spawning ponds are refilled with
water, broodfish from the holding
Figure 1. The genital papilla region of the female (left) and the male (right) chan- pond are examined and introduced
nel catfish. The female’s region is slit shaped compared to the fleshy nipple into the newly filled ponds.
appearance of the male. Several producers have noticed
that when older ponds are used,
Mature fish have secondary sexu- extends past the pelvic fin region spawning containers in those
al characteristics that are also use- into the genital area. If the ponds may be left unattended by
ful for selection. These characteris- abdomen is hard to the touch, it is the males or spawns may consist
tics are most evident near spawn- probably filled with feed, whereas of poor quality eggs. This phenom-
ing time. The male has a broad, a soft, palpable abdomen indicates enon has been attributed to poor
muscular head wider than the that the ovaries are well devel- water quality and other unknown
body, thickened lips, and often a oped. Broodfish usually eat much factors.
grayish mottling on the underside less during the spawning season.
of the jaw and abdomen (Fig. 2). Stocking density in spawning
Therefore, it is not difficult to tell
The female’s head is narrower ponds is usually 800 to 1,200
if a female has well developed
than the body and she usually lbs./acre. Male-to-female sex ratio
ovaries or a belly full of food.
lacks the muscularization and pig- should be approximately 2:3.
Broodfish are kept in the spawning
mentation common in males. Care
During the spawning season, a pond until spawning ceases and
A common management practice then removed with a large-mesh
sexually mature female will have
among many fingerling producers seine and returned to holding
a well-rounded abdomen that
is to have separate ponds for ponds. Near the end of the spawn-
ing season, some producers add
fry to spawning ponds containing
broodfish to use the available
space. Broodfish not captured dur-
ing seining do not appear to canni-
balize the stocked fry. Once the
spawning season has ended,
broodfish are routinely moved
from spawning ponds into holding

Water quality management

Water quality in the broodfish
ponds must be maintained to
ensure the survival of the brood-
fish and the production of large
numbers of good quality eggs.
Excess nutrients from feed is the
main reason for a decline in water
quality. Poor quality water (which
contains low dissolved oxygen lev-
els and high levels of ammonia,
nitrites and carbon dioxide) stress-
Figure 2. The male catfish (bottom) has a muscular head and the female (top) has es the fish, making them more vul-
a smaller, less muscular head. nerable to diseases and parasites.
Adding feed to the water also adds fish feed slowly, sinking pellets tion, however, may be limited by
nitrogen and phosphate, nutrients may disintegrate before they can the available pond space.
that can increase phytoplankton be consumed. When the water The number of pounds of female
production. The phytoplankton use temperature is above 70 °F, a broodfish required to produce a
oxygen at night, creating an even nutritionally complete feed of at specific number of fingerlings can
greater oxygen demand than a least 32 percent crude protein is be estimated based on assump-
pond with fish alone. fed at about 2 percent of body tions of egg production, survival
Poor water quality should be cor- weight daily. At water tempera- of eggs to fry in the hatchery, and
rected before the fish become dis- tures of 55 to 70 °F, a ration con- survival of fry to fingerlings in the
eased and die. Options include sisting of about 1 percent of the nursery.
temporarily reducing feeding to body weight is fed on alternate
days. At water temperatures Broodfish ponds ranging from 5
limit the nutrients in the water, aer- to 30 acres are commonly used in
ating to increase the amount of below 55 °F, about 0.5 percent of
the body weight is fed once a the southeastern U.S., with more
oxygen in the water, and flushing manageable ponds ranging from 5
the pond with water from a well or week.
to 10 acres. While all the broodfish
reservoir. Forage fish are often stocked into in the previous example could be
Producers should have emergency broodfish ponds as a simple way stocked into one pond, that would
aeration equipment available. of ensuring that ample food is be extremely risky. All of the
Dissolved oxygen levels can consistently available during the broodfish and subsequent proge-
decrease rapidly when large phyto- egg production period. Mature ny could be lost if water quality
plankton die-offs occur or when fathead minnows, the most com- deteriorates or a disease outbreak
decaying feed and organic matter monly used forage fish, are occurs. Stocking broodfish into
cause an excessive biological oxy- stocked in the late winter or early several ponds is recommended.
gen demand. Large, paddlewheel spring at 5 to 10 pounds per acre
aerators are the most popular (1,000 to 2,000 fish/acre). Some Spawning in ponds
emergency aeration devices in structure, such as wooden pallets,
may be added to the ponds to Seasonal changes in water tem-
channel catfish farming, although
enhance minnow reproduction. perature control the reproductive
fountain aerators are also used.
cycle in channel catfish. Exposure
Flushing the pond with well water,
Estimating the number to water temperatures below 50 °F
which is often void of oxygen,
of broodfish for a month or more over the win-
requires that emergency aeration be
ter stimulates egg production. The
used as well. Generally, the first Production goals determine the subsequent slow rise in the aver-
sign of poor water quality is that number of broodfish required to age water temperature to 68 to
the fish stop feeding or reduce the produce the desired number of 77 °F initiates spawning in the
amount of feed they consume. fingerlings. If the fingerlings will spring. The vast majority of chan-
be used on the farm the producer nel catfish are spawned using the
Nutrition needs only enough to replace fish open pond method: Broodfish are
Reproductive performance in that will be harvested and sold in held in ponds with spawning con-
broodfish is much more important the following year. However, if tainers (such as milk or cream
than growth rate. Nonetheless, fish the fingerlings will be sold to cans, metal barrels, nail kegs, tile,
must have adequate food through- other producers, the annual pro- ammunition cans, plastic buckets
out the year, particularly during duction goal is based on the num- or plastic containers, Fig. 3) and
the period of egg formation and ber of fingerlings needed to allowed to select their mates and
development. Underfed catfish achieve a certain income. Produc- spawn naturally. Most spawning
have low reproductive success and
poor egg quality. When both sexes
are held in the same pond, an
insufficient food supply can result To produce 1,000,000 (million) fingerlings:
in poor quality female broodfish If 70 percent of swim-up fry stocked in ponds survive to become finger-
because the larger, more aggressive lings, then 1,000,000/0.70 = 1,429,000 swim-up fry are needed.
males consume most of the limited To produce this number of swim-up fry, if survival in the hatchery from
ration. Broodfish are usually fed egg to swim-up fry is 80 percent, then 1,429,000/0.8 = 1,786,000 eggs
the same feed used for food fish are required.
grow out. Some catfish producers
use a sinking feed because brood- If 3,000 eggs are produced per pound of body weight, then
fish are more hesitant to feed at the 1,786,000/3,000 = 596 pounds of female broodfish are needed.
surface. However, because brood-
ease. Feeding should always be
continued. If the lack of spawning
cannot be attributed to poor water
quality or disease, then producers
should consider moving the fish.
Moving reluctant, healthy spawners
into newly filled ponds or into
existing brood ponds where spawn-
ing has been successful and is near-
ly complete can cause the trans-
ferred fish to resume spawning.

Additional Sources:
Busch, R. L. 1985. Channel catfish
culture in ponds. Pages 13-84
in C.S. Tucker, editor. Channel
Catfish Culture. Elsevier
Science Publishers: New York.
Dunham, R. A. and R. O.
Smitherman. 1984. Ancestry
Figure 3. These plastic spawning cans, shaped like milk cans, are used in channel and breeding of catfish in the
catfish culture. United States. Alabama
Agricultural Experiment Station
Circular 273. Auburn
containers have an internal vol- Not all fish spawn at the same time University, Auburn, AL.
ume of 20 gallons and an opening so it is not necessary to have a Dupree, H. K. 1995. Channel cat-
of 6 to 9 inches across. Spawning spawning container for every pair fish (Ictalurus punctatus). Pages
containers are not placed in the of fish. The number of containers 220-241 in N. R. Bromage and
pond until the water temperature needed depends on whether the R.J. Roberst, editors. Brood-
reaches 75 °F. The channel catfish egg mass will remain in the pond stock Management and Egg
spawning season in the U.S. can and receive paternal care or will be and Larval Quality. Blackwell
begin in early April and last until removed to the hatchery. If egg Science Ltd.: Oxford, UK.
mid-July. The length of the season masses are not immediately Kincaid, H. H., L. J. Mengel and S.
and the start of the season removed to the hatchery, more con- Brimm. 2000. National Fish
depend on water temperature. tainers will be needed because each Strain Registry—Catfish. U.S.
Once water temperature has container will be occupied longer. Geological Survey, Wellsboro,
reached 70 °F and remains at that Various ratios of containers to Pennsylvania.
temperature for at least 3 consec- stocked broodfish pairs have been Robinson, E. H., M. H. Li and B. B.
utive days, spawning begins. In used, but 1:4 and 1:5 are common. Manning. 2001. A practical
the southern U.S. spawning sea- Spawning may cease if water quali- guide to nutrition, feeds and
son usually begins in late April; ty deteriorates or weather turns feeding of catfish. Mississippi
in the northern U.S. it does not unseasonably warm. Spawning Agricultural and Forestry
Experiment Station Bulletin
begin until mid-May. may resume if water temperature
Spawning containers are placed in drops within 10 to 25 days of the
onset of warm weather. Draining Steeby, J. A. 1987. Effects of con-
the ponds several days before the tainer type and placement
beginning of spawning season is and replacing one-fourth to one-
depth on channel catfish
anticipated. This gives the males half of the pond water with cool,
spawning success in ponds.
time to clean and prepare them. high quality well water may also The Progressive Fish Culturist 49:
Containers are placed along the cause spawning to resume. 308-310.
pond bank in 2 to 3 feet of water Once spawning begins, containers Tave, D. 1993. Genetics for Fish
at 10- to 30-foot intervals with the should be inspected during the Hatchery Managers. Van
open end of the container toward late morning of every third or Norstrand Reinhold: New York.
the center of the pond. Containers fourth day to determine if eggs are Tucker, C. S. and E. H. Robinson.
are marked with a stake or float present. If little or no spawning 1990. Channel Catfish Farming
for convenient location when there activity occurs, broodstock should Book. Van Nordstrand
is a need to check for egg masses. be checked for parasites or dis- Reinhold: New York.
SRAC fact sheets are reviewed annually by the Publications, Videos and Computer Software Steering
Committee. Fact sheets are revised as new knowledge becomes available. Fact sheets that have not
been revised are considered to reflect the current state of knowledge.

The work reported in this publication was supported in part by the Southern Regional Aquaculture Center
through Grant No.2001-38500-10307 from the United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State
Research, Education, and Extension Service.

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